Oregon Links
Physical Record Repositories -
historical societies, libraries, and other institutions, which may or may not have digital access.
This index includes entries (615,592 in October 2014) compiled by examining actual records held by the Oregon State Archives. The spelling of surnames and other information reflects the original records.
These record descriptions and listings are based on useful topics for researchers. Most of the records are available at the Oregon State Archives. Some are indexed online. The guides also give suggestions for records held by other repositories such as the National Archives and Bureau of Land Management.
Here you may browse State Agency Records Guides including Department of Corrections (1854-1983), Oregon Department of the Military (1847-1986), Department of State Lands (1859-1989), and many more.
Vital Records - Maintained by the Center for Disease Control
The Oregon Historical Society serves as the state’s collective memory, gathering and preserving a vast collection of artifacts, photographs, films, manuscripts, books, and oral histories.
The Oregon Historical Society's Research Library maintains more than 32,000 books, 25,000 maps, 12,000 linear feet of manuscripts, 3,000 serials titles, 5,000 vertical files, 16,000 reels of newspaper microfilm, 8.5 million feet of film and videotape, 10,000 oral history tapes, and more than 2.5 million photographs.
Biographical files and oral history recordings at the Harney County Library
Digital Archives include copies of their local Myrtle Point Herald and others dating back to 1870
Genealogical Society of Washington County Oregon (Indexes)
The Oregon Historical Society’s Research Library has a wide array of biographical and genealogical resources
Public Libraries - Directory by state and city
State Libraries - Maintained by publiclibraries.com
Online collection of yearbooks from 1913-2016. Roseburg is a city in Douglas County, Oregon.
Lots of indexes by the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
A local history collection that honors the people who lived in Sherman County, kept the records, and preserved their stories. It’s truly the work of many, and will appeal to history enthusiasts and genealogists.
Index entries cover some 17,000 obituaries, mainly of Clackamas County residents and former residents from over 100 years of Canby, Oregon, newspapers.
Exclusively Digital Repositories
Record collections, history, and genealogy resources at Ancestry.com
Oregon FamilySearch Historical Record Collections
GenForum - Message boards for surnames, locales, etc.
U.S. GenWeb - Links for all states and counties within the United States
Record Guides
Cyndi’s List - Over 331,000 Genealogical links
A preliminary guide for those persons conducting research on Coos County and south coast history and genealogy.
This guide includes maps, county and office histories, scenic images, and a comprehensive descriptive inventory of selected records for each of Oregon's 36 counties. The inventory listings describe records available to researchers at the State Archives, county offices, local museums, and other repositories.
Death Indexes- Deaths, obits, probate files, and burials
Cemeteries in Oregon
Soldiers’ Memorial, Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery
Pick a cemetery and search the database
Directory of funeral homes in Multnomah County, Oregon
Search 14 pioneer cemeteries
Funeral Home and Cemetery Directory - The site contains a list of licensed funeral homes and cemeteries in the state of Oregon. The list is word searchable. The facility descriptions often contain earlier names as well as those they have purchased or consolidated with. The GFO has copies of the 2016 and 2017 directories.
National Cemeteries in Oregon
Oregon State Hospital, 1914 - 1970s
Pick a cemetery and search the database
Newspapers in Oregon
Oregon Online Historical Newspapers Summary
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1836-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
A library card is needed to access these collections. The Historic Oregonian (1861-1987), The Oregonian (1987-present), and The Oregon Journal (1902-1982)
Oregon Digital Newspaper Project
Historic Oregon Newspapers - scanned by the University of Oregon
Oregon Newspaper Index - by the University of Oregon. 977,000+ entries from the Portland Oregonian (1852-1987), the Oregon Daily Emerald (1900-1979), and The Register Guard (1963-2004)
Maps of Oregon
Oregon Counties and Links by Name
Geology and Earth Science News and Information for Oregon
Collection of historical Oregon maps
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Newberry Atlas of Counties
Oregon in the Wars
The Rebel flag flew in Oregon — Offbeat Oregon History
The Grand Army of the Republic assembles for its 52nd encampment
Korea National Archives
An exhibit and learning resource exploring the experiences of Oregonians in World War I as seen through the records of the State Council of Defense for Oregon
The Official Records of the Oregon Volunteers in the Spanish War and Philippine Insurrection
A list of Spanish American War Veterans buried in Oregon
Vietnam National Archives
WWI draft registration records of Oregon
Oregon Death Roll, WWI, Army
From the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, as of December 27, 1921
American Battle Monuments Commission — WWI : an index to the 226 WWI soldiers from Oregon in the ABMC database. Cemetery links go directly to the page for the soldier and give much more information.
Nobuo Fujita dropped two incendiary bombs to start a forest fire outside Brookings
Oregon Trail
The Applegate Trail was blazed by Lindsay and Jesse Applegate in 1846
The National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center offers living history demonstrations, interpretive programs, exhibits, multi-media presentations, special events, and more than four miles of interpretive trails
Oregon Trail Timelines
At the End of the Trail — Clackamas County, home to Oregon City, the first capital of Oregon Territory. As the site of some of the earliest settlements in Oregon, Clackamas is a fascinating area for historians and genealogists.
On the Oregon Trail by Myra Vanderpool Gormley from Genealogy Magazine
Ethnic Groups in Oregon
Oregon - The Black Laws of Oregon, 1844-1857
Oregon - A Brief History of the Chinese in Oregon, 1850-1950
Oregon - Japanese Americans in the Columbia River Basin
A good resource for Jewish and/or East European ancestors
Oregon - Lang Syne Society
African Americans found in the pages of Oregon's history
Check links for History, Families, People, Stories, and more
The biography of Theodore Augustus Penland, the last surviving member of the G.A.R. in Oregon (findagrave.com)
Oregon’s last Civil War veteran, James W. Smith (Offbeat Oregon History)
General Websites
Heroes and rascals, shipwrecks and lost gold - Finn J.D. John
A place called Oregon — History and Genealogy
Oregon-Related Articles
Oregon - The Legal Genealogist - The Aging of Oregon
Oregon - The Legal Genealogist - Of crime and punishment in Oregon Territory
Oregon - The Legal Genealogist - History of the Oregon Constitution
Taking the Census in the Applegate Valley of Oregon by William Dollarhide