Oregonian, 30 Mar 1903, page 8
D. D. Neer, architect and superintendent of the Lone Fir soldiers' monument, has received a photograph of the proposed copper-bronze figure which will surmount the monument when completed. The figure is that of a soldier standing with a flag, instead of with a gun. It was specially modeled in the East, and is the only figure of the sort that has been specially modeled for a soldiers' monument. The figure was placed on exhibition in the hall of Sumner Post, No. 12, G. A. R., Union avenue, Saturday evening, and by the veterans present was pronounced a most attractive design to surmount the shaft. There is life and action in the figure, and it will harmonize with the remainder of the monument in every respect.
With this beautiful figure to surmount the monument, the association is conviced that the memorial to the veterans of the four wars—Indian, Civil, Mexican and Spanish—will be the most attractive on the Coast. The changes made in the original plans providing for granite pedestals at the four corners will also add to its beauty and finish. Contractor Schumann has the stone work well advanced and will be able to put it together and have it completed up to the figure by May 30, on which occasion it will be formally dedicated as part of the Memorial day exercises. The surmounting figure will not be ready till later in the year.