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Oregonian, 14 May 1903, page 12

Contractor Otto Schumann has the soldiers' monument in Lone Fir cemetery, which will be dedicated Memorial day, well advanced. The foundation and granite steps leading up to the base of the main shaft are completed, and the shaft will soon be placed in position. As far as the work has gone, those who have seen it say that the monument will be one of the most imposing and attractive in the Northwest. Hundreds of people have visited the Park block, where it is being built, and the character of the plan and work command the highest praise. The very fact that the memorial will be severely plain, not marred by gingerbread trimmings, seems to attract more attention than anything else. The whole plan is entirely shorn of anything that might be regarded as vulgar display.

The cost of the present contract, which includes all the stonework up to the metal figure on the shaft, will be $1750. The original contract for the stonework was $1550, but four granite pedestals were added to the four corners, which added $200 to the original cost. It will cost about $1500 more to complete the monument according to the original plans. A metal figure of a soldier with a flag has been molded specially for this memorial by an Eastern firm, which will cost about $700. Then there will be the metal inscriptions and insignia of the veterans of the four wars which the shaft represents. These will cost about $200 more, and there will be some other expenses. It is desired to have the monument surrounded by a chain barricade, attached to granite columns, for its proper protection.

The sum of $1500 will not suffice to pay all the cost, and the association hopes to raise a considerable portion of this amount Memorial day, or soon thereafter. At that time the great crowd can see just what has been accomplished in one year by the Monument Association. It is a little over one year since the association was organized, and yet at the coming Memorial day three-fourths of the work will be completed and paid for. Considering the time, the association is well satisfied, and hopes to clean up the whole business as soon as possible, but in any event will not cease its labors until the monument is fully completed. While the G. A. R. of Portland has been instrumental in starting this monument, it is for the memory of the Spanish-American, Civil, Mexican and Indian War veterans, and all are alike interested in its completion.