Oregonian, 16 Feb 1902, page 10
A meeting of the Soldiers' Monument Association was held yesterday at 64 Grand avenue, at which time articles of incorporation were submitted and adopted. M. L. Pratt presided, and a majority of members were present. The articles of incorporation set forth that the objects of the association are to erect a monument in Lone Fir cemetery in honor of the veterans of the Mexican, Indian, Civil and Spanish-American Wars. The name was fixed as Soldiers' Monument Association of Lone Fir Cemetery. M. L. Pratt, E. D. Martin, J. W. Ogilbee and J. H. McMillen were named as incorporators, and their names so appeared. The duration of the association was fixed without limit. The association has not capital stock, and the income is from donations and subscriptions. Five trustees were provided for, who include the four incorporators and one to be elected.
On motion the articles were unanimously adopted, and the secretary was instructed to have them filed with the Secretary of State, at Salem, and the County Clerk. A committee on by-laws was appointed, and the association adjourned to meet again Friday, February 28, at 145½ First street.