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Oregonian, 4 Nov 1901, page 9

The first steps for the erection of a monument commerative of the dead soldiers of all wars who lie in Lone Fir Cemetery, were taken yesterday afternoon.

At a meeting of representatives from the Sumner, George Wright, Lincoln-Garfield and Ben Butler Posts, G. A. R., of Portland, held in Sumner Post Hall, 21½ Union avenue, M. L. Pratt acted as chairman, and in brief announced the purpose of the movement, which had its start in Sumner Post, and had spread to all posts in the city. From each post committees had been appointed to work for erection of a monument, whose four sides should bear inscriptions to the memory of Indian, Mexican, Civil and Spanish wars on a scale modest and commensurate with the means raised. It was the intention, said Mr. Pratt, to secure the aid of all patriotic citizens in the movement. With this explanation the Monument Association was organized. Those present were:

Peter Newburg, J. L. Courtney, J. S. Foss, J. H. Williams, Henry A. Barden, J. Glesner, M. L. Pratt, W. S. Buchanan, L. Hartmus, J. W. Ogilbee, F. A. Coleman, Captain J. H. McMillen, D. D. Neer.

Captain J. H. McMillen, Thomas A. Wood and Colonel B. D. Bush, representing the Indian War Veterans, were elected members of the association.

It was decided that a number of prominent citizens should be invited to become members of the association. Captain J. H. McMillen, J. S. Foss and L. Hartmus were appointed to extend invitations to citizens who would be willing to aid in the work undertaken.

It was moved and carried that a committee be appointed to interview the owners of Lone Fir cemetery, to ascertain if a plot of ground suitable for the proposed monument can be secured, before the work of raising subscriptions is commenced. Peter Newburg, M. L. Pratt, J. W. Ogilbee and F. R. Neale were appointed on this committee. It was announced that the owners of the cemetery grounds are pleased with the monument movement and will aid in the effort. The matter of subscriptions was taken up, and a committee of three was appointed to prepare a form and to submit it at the next meeting of the association.

Nothing was said as to the probable cost of the monument, but the most enthusiastic members of the association hope to secure $15,000. An outline of the monument, drawn by M. L. Pratt, was displayed. This was as follows:

North side, Indian War Veterans—In memory of the men who redeemed the commenwealth from barbarism.

East side, Civil War Veterans—in memory of the men who saved the Union, 1861-1865.

South side, Mexican War Veterans—in memory of the men who fixed our boundaries at the Rio Grande, 1846-47.

West side, Spanish-American War Veterans—in memory of the men who liberated Cuba and gave us the islands of the sea, 1898-1900.