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GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202

Yearbook Pictures

Trachsel, Richard J

For more information or to order, click here.


SurnameGivenCaptionSchool/BookPub. DatePage
TrachselRichard JTechnicalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192426
TrantowAdeleTeachingBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191922
TreigerBertCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192023
Tri L'sLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192060
TrimbleLoisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191822
TrottSidneyClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192521
TruittBessieCommercialBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191922
TruscottRuth LTeaching CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
TuckerBessieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191636
TuckerLawrenceScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192016
TullerEExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192534
TullerEExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192534
TullerEMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
TullerELettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
TullerESoccer Team - outside leftBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192486
TullerEExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
TullerEExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
TullerEOrder of theBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
TullerEPattern Makers' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192574
TullerEarnestWrestlersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192483
TullerErwaldJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
TurkingtonMaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192412
TurlayJoeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192436
TurnbullRuth HJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192326
TurnbullWJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
TurnbullWilliam A (Jr)Technical-MachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192427
TurnerFlorence VJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192326
TurnerGretaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192241
TurnerM EScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192568
TurnerMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
TurnerMrScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192463
TurnerMrScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192461
TurnerRBenson Architectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192448
TurnerRTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192439
TurnerRArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192450
TurneyOpalSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
TurtletaubMollyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192834
TuthillHelenCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192027
TuttleElsieTeachingBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191923
UmbdenstockLucille MJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192421
UmbdenstockVirginia GCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192212
UnderwoodArthurJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192327
UnderwoodGOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
UnderwoodGThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
UnderwoodGHonor Point SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192869
UnderwoodGTrackLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192888
UnderwoodGordonClass Officers - PresidentLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192812
UnderwoodGordonCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192834
UnderwoodGordonLettermen GraduatingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192882
UnderwoodIrmaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192437
UngerHilbertJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192439
UpsonIreneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192241
UpsonIsa LloydSpecial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192035
UrbanFBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
UrbanFLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
UrbanFCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
UrbanFOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
UrbanFrankSoccer Team - right halfBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192486
UrbanFrankJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
UrbanGeorgeSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
UrbanLOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
UtterGusSpectrum Staff - Art EditorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192411
VaananenMarthaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192726
Van BuskirkElinorJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191512
Van ZandtRubyEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192024
Van ZanteHAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
Van ZanteHBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
Van ZanteHOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
Van ZanteHPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
Van ZiepelRGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
VanBeckElizabethJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191822
VanBuskirkFrancisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191637
VanDuzenBessJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191916
VanGroosLelaJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192520
VanHyningWarrenClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192521
VanWaterRaymondJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192242
VanceLenaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191822
VanderdassonGeorgeClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192521
VandermastHelen MarieEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192035
VandermeerMarjorie HelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192937
VanderwahlJohannaFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
VanlandinghamEdwinJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191820
VannettaViolaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192937
VaritzClaraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192241
VarneyMyrnJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192428
VarneyPMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
VarneyPBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192456
VarneyPKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192459
VarneyPBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
VarneyPMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
VarneyPBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548
VarneyPKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
VarneyPExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192438
VarneyPBenson Tech BoosterBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192452
VarneyPKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192458
VarneyPreston BClass Officers - Jan 1925 - Vice-PresidentBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192514
VarneyPreston BClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192521
VaughnDExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192438
VaughnDOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192450
VaughnDExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192438
VaughnDMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
VaughnDHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192453
VaughnDOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
VaughnDurylThe Class of Jun 1924 - Sgt-At-ArmsBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192415
VaughnDurylSoccer Team - managerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192487
VaughnDuryl NTechnical MachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192427
VaugnDJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
VeachHelenLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
VellengaCThe Tech PepBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192439
VellengaCCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192452
VellengaCOyer-Un-Gon- ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192460
VellengaCharlesPrintingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192427
VennewitzMorrisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192728
VerderyGilmoreCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192834
VerhageVivianJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192242
VerryMrFaculty - PrincipalLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
VerryMrCafeteria BoardLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192877
VerryW LPrincipalLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 19289
VersteegMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191815
VeseyNClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
VeyseyNGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
VeyseyNHonor Point SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192869
VeyseyNellieClass Cardinal Staff, Assistant EditorLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192810
VeyseyNellieCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
ViarTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
ViereckAGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
ViligerAThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
VinsonJuanitaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192937
VinsonWillisFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
VogesKatherine AudreyDomestic Art CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
VoigtKenneth ATechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192332
VoigtLouiseJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192519
VonMissClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19239
Von WintzingerodeMissFacultyJames John High School - Tumalum191612
VoseABoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
VoseArnoCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
VossAOrchestraLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192879
VradenburgLawrence CElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192332
VreelandJohannaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192242
VreelandThadJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191914
VroomenFootball TeamJames John High School - TumalumJan 192244
WaddleNadyneEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
WadeFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192411
WadeFrederickJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192519
WadsworthDMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
WadsworthDBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548
WadsworthDLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
WadsworthDOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
WadsworthDBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
WadsworthDOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
WadsworthDonSoccer Team - outside rightBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192487
WaffleHHi-YLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192855
WaffleHAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
WaffleHThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
WaffleHTologian Debating SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192867
WaffleHAthletic BoardLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192870
WaffleHBaseballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192887
WaffleHaroldStudent Body Officers - Chairman Athletic BoardLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192811
WaffleHaroldCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
WaffleHaroldLettermen GraduatingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192882
WagenknechtFTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192536
WagenknechtFPublic Speaking ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192570
WaggonerMarieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192242
WagnerBonnieClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19235
WagnerEKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
WagnerFKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
WagnerFredJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
WahlgrenFred AIn Memory OfBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 19237
WaiteAltaJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192519
WaiteFredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192243
WalchFArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192546
WalcottEvelynJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192423
WalcottJ RudolphSpectrum StaffJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192313
WaldronFrances EthelTeacher's CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192223
WaldronLaura MayDomestic Science & Art CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192223
WaldronMaeEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192027
WaldronRuthTeaching CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192024
WaldronRuthClass Officers - SecretaryLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 19209
WalkerThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
WalkerArthurManual TrainingBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191923
WalkerClarenceHalfbackJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 1920101
WalkerCoachBasketballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192886
WalkerCoachBaseballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192887
WalkerGGolf TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192393
WalkerHExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
WalkerHThe Girls LeagueLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192872
WalkerHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192729
WalkerJ WBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192540
WalkerMTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192536
WalkerMBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548
WalkerMTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192439
WalkerMMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
WalkerMTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192536
WalkerMBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
WalkerMOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
WalkerMPublic Speaking ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192570
WalkerMarionPoly Tech Staff - Editor Jan 1926Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192510
WalkerMrFaculty - HistoryLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
WalkerRubyClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19235
WalkerWThe BandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192443
WalkerWBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
WalkerWBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
WalkerWOrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192446
WalkerWardCoachesLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192890
WallEstherClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19237
WallaceBRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
WallaceBruceJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
WallaceClaire DEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192022
WallaceGlennCommercialBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191923
WallaceWOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
WallinEdithJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191924
WallingFlorenceDomestic Science CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192031
WalshTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
WalshDMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
WalshFBenson Architectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192448
WalshFArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192450
WalshFArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192548
WalshRobert BFranklin High School in the ServiceBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191940
WalshRosalieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192938
WaltersGeorgiaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192938
WaltonEarlenFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
WandelECamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
WandelEOver-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192562
WandellECamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
WandellELettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
WandellEOyer-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192558
WandellETech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192439
WandellETech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
WandellEOyer-Un-GonBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192459
WandellEOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
WankeTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
WankeCScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192461
WankeEJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
WankeE JScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192568
WankerHildaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192427
WannerJohn SJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192937
WardEarlManual Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192011
WardFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192729
WardLillianJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191637
WardLucileCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192023
WardMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191827
WardMinaCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192025
WardVadaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191637
WardnerFrancesJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192519
WardnerGeorgeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192438
WareJJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
WarehamMerleJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191514
WarkentinHenriettaLatin CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
WarlenDorisScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192019
WarnerMaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192431
WarrenCrystalJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191638
WarrenEsther WaveCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192130
WashburnKathrynSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
WashburnMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
WashburnMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
WassHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192938
WatsonFootball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192483
WatsonMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
WatsonTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
WatsonTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
WatsonCarneyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192729
WatsonCatherineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192433
WatsonELettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
WatsonEOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
WatsonHKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
WatsonHTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
WatsonHCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
WatsonH AKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
WatsonHarry Le RoyEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192214
WatsonLOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192450
WatsonMarjorieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192938
WatsonRBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
WatsonsThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
WattsEAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
WealderMelfordSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
WeaverNorinneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191638
WeaverRRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
WeaverRRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
WeaverRRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
WebberLGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
WebberLOrchestraLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192879
WeberChesterJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191511
WeberEdnaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191638
WeberWGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
WedemeyerDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192729
WeedAverylCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192226
WeedMildred EJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192423
WeeksFrancisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192244
WeeksRichardJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191639
WeiderIsadoreEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192025
WeimerOpalJunior ClassJames John High School - Tumalum191623
WeinerSOrchestraLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192879
WeinerSidneyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
WeinsteinArchieCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192025
WeinsteinFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192425
WeinsteinNathanGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
WeinsteinSylviaEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
WeisenbornHenryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191635
WeisenseeGertrudeTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192013
WeiserJosephScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192016
WeisgerberJAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
WeisgerberJTologian Debating SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192867
WeisgerberJTrack - ManagerLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192888
WeisgerberJohnCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192835
WeissRuthClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19234
WeistRaymondJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192520
WelchGladysCommercial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192022
WelchGuyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191636
WelchJoyceTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192030
WelchLutieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192242
WelcomeIreneTeachers' CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192131
WellhousenRoxieTeachers' Training CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192132
WellsCharlotteJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192327
WellsEleanorEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192027
WellsGraceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192417
WendlickMyrtle AJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191913
WentHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192417
WentMarjorieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192418
WentworthE FrancesTechnical-Gas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192427
WentworthFThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
WentworthFrancisClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192430
WentzEdnaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192327
WentzLouise WTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192029
WentzStanleyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191827
WenzelDorothyCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192032
WerthLillianJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191819
WertleyAlmaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192425
WesielderMelfordTumalum Staff - Ass't Business ManagerJames John High School - TumalumJan 191939
WestFrederick CharlesSergeant-at-Arms - Elective CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192210
WestGeorgeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192327
WestJeanetteJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191814

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

  • Eileen

    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202