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GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202

Yearbook Pictures

Marvin, L

For more information or to order, click here.


SurnameGivenCaptionSchool/BookPub. DatePage
MarvinLGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
MarvinLHonor Point SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192869
MarvinLClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
MarvinLouiseClass Officers - SecretaryLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192812
MarvinLouiseCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192827
MarvinLouiseClass Play - 'Grace Harrington'Lincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192842
MasonCBasketballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192886
MasonHenryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
MasonMurielCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192126
MasonWThe RangersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192860
MassmanBThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
MatelyMissFaculty AdvisersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192813
MathesonFootball Team - ManagerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192482
MathesonHToolmakersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192462
MathesonHToolmakersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192464
MathesonHarry RToolmakingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192424
MathewsMarjorieSpectrum Staff - Assistant EditorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192411
MathewsMorrisClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192520
MathewsRThe RangersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192860
MathisenMargaretEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192020
MatinDaveScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192014
MatsonMiltonJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192719
MatthewsGordonEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192126
MatthewsKathleenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192321
MatulecStephenGas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
MatzkaLora MerleCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192226
MaubelesMabelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
MaupinTJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
MaupinThomas JTechnical ElectricBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
MaurischatArthurJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192218
MaxwellDLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
MaxwellDOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
MaxwellDelmarSoccer Team - goalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192487
MaxwellRobertClass OfficersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192116
MaxwellRobert WEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192126
MayHazel AnneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192231
MayRuth CatherineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192322
MayerGeorgiaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191815
MayerSOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
MayerSClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
MayerSidClass Play - ' "Trip" Busty'Lincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192842
MayerSidneyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MayfieldFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191516
MayhackAliceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192722
MayhackArnold TheodoreEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192024
MaylieJThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
MaylieJTrackLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192888
MaylieJohnLettermen GraduatingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192883
MaylieJohn CCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MaylinGTrackLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192888
MaysinTRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
McAllisterCMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
McAllisterCharlesCarpentryBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
McAllisterEverettJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191512
McAllisterNancySecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
McAndieHurdlersJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191988
McAndieDonaldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192417
McAndieHaroldTrack TeamJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 1920110
McBrideDeanJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192928
McCafferyB EmmettCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192031
McCallCalderJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
McCallumStuartManual Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192012
McCarlVioletJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 19158
McCarthyJohnJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
McCarthyLaurettaClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19239
McCartyChester ESpectrum Staff - Business ManagerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192313
McClearyUrie ETechnical-Architectural DrawingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192327
McCloskeyGraceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
McCloskyJoeJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192515
McClungLucileJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191920
McClungMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191630
McClureElizabethFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
McClureSGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
McClureShirleyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
McCollockEOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
McCollumFOrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192446
McCollumVerdaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191929
McConnellGlenn WilliamGas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192327
McCorkleLucileJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191814
McCormickGeorge DScientific CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192126
McCormickLloyd MEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192126
McCreaEllisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192415
McCrearyJamesScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192220
McCroryMaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191826
McCullochBaseball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192389
McCullochBaseball - first baseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192490
McCullochEHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192453
McCullochEarl RVocational Printing CourseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
McCullochEvelynJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192928
McCullochRobertJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192928
McCullockAltaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
McCullockEJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
McCullockEOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192450
McCullockEHi Y ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192458
McCutcheonMurielJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
McDanielHOyer-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192558
McDevittCharlesTreasurerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192710
McDonaldMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
McDonaldCMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
McDonaldGladysJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191630
McDonaldJessieCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192013
McDonaldKennethCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
McDonnellAleenJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192514
McDowellLeonardJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
McEachernBruceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191628
McEachernJeanJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191927
McGarryRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191629
McGeeRJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
McGeeRex GClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192519
McGillWayneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191816
McGinnisHorace CTechnical-MachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
McGowanMargaretCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192019
McIntoshKennethEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192029
McIntoshWallaceTreasurerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191912
McKalsonBlanche HJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192322
McKayAliceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192723
McKeeDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191930
McKeeHarrietJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192442
McKeeRThe RangersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192860
McKeelRuth CJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192322
McKennaFrancisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192416
McKennaLairdJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192216
McKennaMrHead CustodianJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192978
McKennaOJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
McKeyEvaJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192515
McKeyGladysEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192226
McKillopCharlesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192231
McKinneyOscarClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19222
McLainElsieDomestic ScienceBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191919
McLaughlinDanJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192244
McLeanTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
McLellandAnnieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191920
McLellandIsabelleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
McLeodDonaldJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 19159
McLeodJeanJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191929
McLeodMarianJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191629
McMannBBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
McMillanMadgeClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19234
McMoniesWalterJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191914
McNeilHArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192548
McNieceMarjorieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192928
McNivenAlverd ATumalum Staff - Editor-in-ChiefJames John High School - TumalumJan 191939
McPhearsonWPattern Makers' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192574
McPikeLurieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192438
McRaeDonaldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191818
McRaeKatherineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191825
McRaeMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191515
MeachamKThe Lincoln High School BandLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192878
MeadRClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
MeadRTennisLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192889
MeadRuthStudent Body Officers - SecretaryLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192811
MeadRuthCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MeagerJosephJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191823
MeagherAnnaCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192014
MeeMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
MeeMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
MeeksReathaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191917
MeinhoffRobt WCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MerrickPatrickJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192445
MerrissAltaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191630
MerrissEleanorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191630
MerrissJessieFrench CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192012
MerserveyMarionJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192515
MerxROrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
MerxRSoccer Team - left backBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192486
MeserveHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191914
MeserveKenneth ACollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192013
MessingMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
MessingMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
MessingMrGolf - Faculty AdvisorBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192497
MettCarlJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191931
MettMargaretFrench CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192014
MeyerAugustSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
MeyerMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MeyerRKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
MeyerRKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192458
MeyerRalph EClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192519
MeyerWThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
MeyerWaldemar CPrintingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
MeyersGailJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MeyersMarvinJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
MeyersRaleighClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19235
MeyersRaleighCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192017
MichenerFrankJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191825
MickelsonEthelEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
MicklewaitMargaretJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192514
MikschFootball TeamJames John High School - TumalumJan 192244
MillerTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
MillerFootball TeamJames John High School - TumalumJan 192244
MillerBethmyrlCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MillerClaraJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191515
MillerConstance LorenaFrenchBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191919
MillerDorothy MabelDomestic Science CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192018
MillerETrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
MillerEdwardJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191929
MillerElmer ETechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192327
MillerGeorgeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192720
MillerGraceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191912
MillerGrantJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192720
MillerHelen LCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192828
MillerHenryClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192519
MillerJCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
MillerJCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
MillerJames FLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
MillerLeland StanfordTechnical-PatternmakingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
MillerLillyJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192514
MillerMGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
MillerMaxineEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191611
MillerMinnieClass SeniorsJames John High School - Tumalum191620
MillerMinnieTumalum StaffJames John High School - Tumalum19167
MillerOGolf TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192393
MillerOtis OTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192327
MillerPalmerScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192026
MillerPearlBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191920
MillerRoy VJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
MillerSWrestling TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192385
MillerSamuel LyntonSergeant-at-ArmsBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192318
MillsFacultyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
MillsEthel MaryEnglishBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191920
MillsMarcellisEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191613
MillsMargaret ATeachers' TrainingJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192023
MillsThomas LTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
Mimnaugh1919 Baseball Team - CatcherJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191991
MimnaughGeoBaseball TeamJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 1920114
MimnaughGeorgeSpectrum StaffJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192215
MinerRamonaSpectrum StaffJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192215
MinniellyFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191814
MinsingerCorneliaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192422
MitchellHThe BandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192443
MitchellHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
MitchellHKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
MitchellHTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
MitchellHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
MitchellHKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
MitchellKAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
MitchellKOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
MitchellKThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
MitchellWinifred BJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192322
MitrovichOlgaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MivezAlphonsoJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192418
MizeRalphJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192230
MoarManillaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191821
MoarTomimaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192432
MockMyrtleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192245
MockWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
MockWTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192439
MockWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
MockWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
MockWesleyJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
MohrPearlDomestic Science CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192033
MollerMCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192452
MollerMBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
MollerMCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
MollerMJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
MollerMBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
MollerMTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
MollerMelvin KClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192520
MolvarMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192413
MonaghanMargaret PJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192323
MonroeFootball Team - HalfLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192042
MonroeMarionEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192020
MontagHenry OPrintingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
MontagRubyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192231
MonteDelfredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192439
MoodyBernitaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191629
MoonElmoClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19224
MooreThe Lincoln High School BandLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192878
MooreClaraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191823
MooreElizabeth IDomestic Science CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192026
MooreEverettSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
MooreFernJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191814
MooreFlorenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192231
MooreGeorge EdwardEnglish and Latin CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192018
MooreGladys IreneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192323
MooreOlive ECollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192018
MooreWKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
MooreWKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192458
MooreWKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
MooreWilliam AJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
MoorhouseHelenCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192028
MorelockFred BMachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192333
MoreneAlbertJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191827
MorganAlexanderMachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
MorganCharles DMachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
MorganDExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192438
MorganLucileEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
MorganTomJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192422
MorianGladysTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192035
MorrisArlusJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192229
MorrisElsie ETeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192017
MorrisHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MorrisInezJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192723
MorrisLoraineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MorrisonDorothyVice-PresidentJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192912
MorrisonGertrudeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191825
MorrisonJaneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191925
MorrisonMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192723
MortensenMyrtleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191929
MortensenNorman JGas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192327
MortensonMargueriteJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
MortigROrchestraLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192879
MortonTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
MortonWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
MortonWOyer-Un-Gon- ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192460
MortonWTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
MortonWOyer-Un-GonBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192459
MoserHOrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192446
MoserRPoly Technic StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192315
MoserRobert PTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
MoserWExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
MosesHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191628
MosherHThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
MourtonLeonaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191828
MouserHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191629
MowreyRueLatin CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192020
MoxonMargeryFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
MozesDTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192536
MozesDRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
MuellerCharles JCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
MuellerMaude RClass OfficersJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192312
MuellerOttoSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
MuenchGenevieveJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191628
MuirdenMissSpecial FacultyJames John High School - Tumalum191613
MulcareIreneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
MullanDanielJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192929
MullerHMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
MullerIAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
MullerIreneStudent Body Officers - Vice-PresidentLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192811
MulquinWExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192534
MulquinWMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
MulquinWBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

  • Eileen

    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202