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Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1889: May - Aug

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May 8, 1889

  • The death of Mrs. George Johnson took place yesterday at her residence, on Tenth and L streets. The cause of her death was paralysis of the brain. She has been sick for some time and her death was not unexpected. She and her husband came from Michigan in 1865 and have resided in East Portland for the past seventeen years. The funeral services will take place to-morrow from the Methodist church, at 2 P.M.

May 9, 1889

  • A. W. Lewellyn and W. D. Pape left for Washington county yesterday on a fishing trip. They will be gone a day or two. Just before starting one of them dropped a list of the articles they took with them. As both are veteran fisherman the list is given for the benefit of those who may go on similar trips: Four bottles of snake-bite remedy, 10 cents worth of crackers and cheese, eight plugs of tobacco, three boxes of cigars, four bottles of beer, half-gallon of eye-opener and two bottles of eye-closer, fly hooks and 5 cents' worth of bologna and three bottles of brandy in case of cramp or acute goneness. The rest of the list was badly blurred, but the word "bottles" was found to appear seventeen times, which are supposed to contain some kind of sauce. However, at the bottom the words "two cans of concentrated lye" could be read. It is conjectured this will have something to do with the fish stories they will have to relate on their return.

May 10, 1889

  • Dr. Wigg stated last night that Mr. E. C. Wheeler will probably be removed to Pendleton, starting there this afternoon. The change is contemplated for the reason the air is much lighter there than here. During the day Mr. Wheeler gets along, but at night when the air becomes heavy he becomes worse. It is thought he can be removed to Pendleton in safety. Mr. Wheeler has always been a public-spirited citizen, and has the sympathies of every one.

May 16, 1889

  • A note was received from Pendleton Monday in which it was stated that Mr. E. C. Wheeler was improving, but yesterday morning a dispatch was sent to Dr. Wigg, his physician in this city, containing the intelligence that he was worse and that other unfavorable symptoms had made their appearance. The weather was cold and rainy at the time the dispatch was sent from Pendleton. The dispatch was from Mrs. Wheeler. It is expected more details will be received to-day by mail. Dr. Wigg telegraphed Mrs. Wheeler that if the unfavorable symptoms continue Mr. Wheeler had better be brought to East Portland. It may be considered that his condition is very precarious and his recovery doubtful.

May 22, 1889

  • The Oaks ---- This baseball club that whitewashed the Standards at the grounds of Clinton and McCoy, last Sunday, is composed of W. Parrott, E. Rankin, W. Jordan, H. Drennan, W. Partlow, H. Bilger, F. Smith, J. Rankin and A. Everest. The boys play a very good game. The Standards they played should not be confounded with the club that played the Willamettes.

May 25, 1889

  • For some years there has resided at Revenue, on the Sandy, a man who has gone by the name of Von Schelley, who was known to be a very wealthy baron, and who was sent out to this country on account of his terribly dissipated habits. He has constantly received from Germany large sums of money which he wasted in gambling and excessive drinking. Last Monday his strange career came to a sudden termination. He was talking, when he fell to the ground and expired without a word. He has a wife at Revenue, but it was not learned whether he has any children or not. This statement was made by Dr. C. B. Smith, who has known of the man for some time.

June 7, 1889

  • Fidelity lodge, A. O. U. W., elected the following officers for the ensuing year Wednesday night:
    • Master workman - J. H. Whiteaker 
    • foreman - A. A. Kadderly 
    • overseer - J. C. Welch 
    • recorder - S. W. Marks 
    • financier - Ed Brandon
    • receiver - Fred Kindorf 
    • guide - John Foster 
    • inside workman - M. Sunderland 
    • outside workman - J. E. Woods 
    • trustee - J. E. Boynton 
    • representatives to grand lodge - William Halfpenny, John Guilt

June 9, 1889

  • Friday evening in Ross's hall the Young Men's Institute, No. 65, of this city, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
    • president - Thomas A. Kindred 
    • first vice president - P. J. Brady 
    • second vice president - J. F. Reising 
    • recorder and corresponding secretary 
    • financial secretary - Herman J. Alstock 
    • treasurer - P. F. Kelly 
    • marshal - Ed J. Alstock 
    • surgeon - J. P. Sharkey 
    • executive committee - E. C. McElroy, M. F. Brady, M. Touhey, D. J. Byrnes, M. J. Gannan, Thos. Kruder  
  • Sharkey and Son are building a horse collar factory on the river bank, in McMillen's addition. When completed they will remove their business into the new building.

June 12, 1889

  • The directors of school district No. 21 have elected the following teachers for the ensuing year. Professor W. A. Wetzell was reelected city superintendent. 
    Central School----R. F. Robinson, Mary E. Buxton, Ella A. Owens, Ella E. McBride, D. Esther Goodman, Mary F. Hamilton, Etta Beno, Anna E. Gray, Irene Powell, and Carrie E. Ross. 
    Stephens Addition School----G. A. Adams, Lillie B. Davey, Marie F. Gantenbein, Anna B. Campbell, Elvenie Grenier, and Eugenie Craig
    North Central----Francis E. Alford, Mila Hill, Katie B. Predent, Anna Kennedy, Mrs. A. E. Sloan 
    ​Miss Ida M. Gove was elected to a post in the North Central School, Miss Mary D. Donohue to a place in the Stephens school, and Miss Maggie Charleson was made supernumerary.

June 13, 1889

  • Mayor E. C. Wheeler, who has been sick with heart disease for the past four months, died yesterday afternoon at the residence of J. T. Stewart, at 1:15. Mr. Wheeler has been a resident of East Portland for about ten years, during which time he was a member of the city council one term, and has been mayor for the past two years. His term for the latter office would have expired July 1. 
    Mr. Wheeler was 35 years of age, and he leaves a wife and child. The city hall and engine houses have been draped in mourning out of respect to him. 
    The funeral will take place to-morrow at 10 A.M., from the residence of J. T. Stewart, Fourth and A. The remains will be conveyed to Lone Fir cemetery for interment. 
    ​It is expected that the business houses will be closed between 9 A.M. and 1 P.M. to-morrow in accordance with the request of the president of the common council.

June 18, 1889

  • There was a regular meeting of the city council last night, with President Merrick in the chair. 
    The president of the council announced that the city was without a mayor, and that it was the duty of the council to elect a mayor to fill out the unexpired term of the late E. C. Wheeler. 
    The council then proceeded to elect N. B. Crane mayor for the unexpired term. 
    Mr. Crane was notified of his election, and he was sworn in and took his seat. 
    When Mr. Crane was found by the committee who was sent out to notify him of his election, he had no intimation whatever what was wanted of him, and when escorted into the council chamber, was astonished beyond measure when the recorder commanded him to raise him to raise hand and be sworn in as mayor of the city of East Portland until July 1. 
    The council then proceeded to canvass the votes of the election, the result of which may be found elsewhere, and then adjourned to meet to-morrow night.
    ​Mr. A. E. Hammond, of the firm of Hurlburt & Hammond, surveyors, has gone to San Francisco on very important business. He will return the latter part of the week with a wife.

June 19, 1889

  • At the regular annual meeting of the Alumni Association of the East Portland High school, held Monday night at the Central school building, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
    • president - Mrs. Etta Beno 
    • vice president - Amy Gray 
    • secretary - Wilda Buckman 
    • treasurer - Ava Owen 
    • poet - Rufus Newell 
    • historian - Medora Whitfield 
    • prophet - Maggie Charlson 
    • orator - Edna Alford
      ​Beginning next September, the association will hold monthly meetings regularly, for the purpose of studying and discussing some previously designated subject, or for the pupose of rendering some literary and musical programme. The object of the association is to encourage its members to keep up their literary studies.

June 20, 1889

  • (at a meeting of the city council) 
  • Halfpenny moved that Dan Jackson be made a regular policeman for the Fourth ward, at $70 per month; carried

June 28, 1889

  • A pleasant wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Israel Morehead, on Twelfth and Jefferson streets, this city, Wednesday afternoon, June 26, at 4 o'clock. The contracting parties were Mr. Wm. Pildren and Phebe J. Morehead. A goodly company of friends from Portland, Oregon City and East Portland were present to wish the happy couple a fair start in life. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. D. O. Ghormley of the Presbyterian church, all sat down to an elegant wedding supper, after which the guests spent the evening with music and song to the gratification of all present.
  • Miss E. L. Parris, niece of Mr. S. McCully, of Stephens's addition, left for Staunton, Virginia, last evening for a two months' visit to her old home.

July 3, 1889

  • The marriage of Dr. John J. Sellwood, son of Rev. J. W. Sellwood, to Miss Kate L. Coburn, daughter of Mrs. C. A. Coburn, was solemnized last evening in St. David's church. The beautiful ceremony was witnessed by a number of relatives and invited friends. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the residence of the bride's mother on Tenth street, where supper was served, and the evening was spent pleasantly. The bride and groom are well-known and popular young people, and their numerous friends wish them happiness.
  • Mrs. L. Barman and family have gone to Europe.

July 6, 1889

  • Last Wednesday night the wedding of Miss Hattie Ross, daughter of G. J. Ross, and Mr. J. Rush Bronson took place at the residence of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed according to the rites of the Christian church, by Elder George Sickafoose. About thirty of the relatives and immediate friends of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson have gone to Astoria, where they will join the Woodthorpe Comedy Company. After a short absence they will return for a few days and then leave for Victoria. The best wishes of many friends go with them.
  • Mrs. Mary Kelly, of Stephens addition, died yesterday morning. Her funeral will take place this morning under direction of the Catholic church.

July 11, 1889

  • Mrs. Catherine Ruppord, mother of Mrs. Listman, died very suddenly Tuesday night. She was sitting down when she fell forward and expired. She was 76 years old. The funeral will take place from the residence at 10 A.M. to-day.

July 18, 1889

  • Yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock, an accident happened to a gravel train on the Portland and Vancouver railroad, on Fourth street, north of Holladay avenue, in East Portland, by which D. L. Leathers received injuries that resulted in his death in an hour and a half later. 
    Mr. Leathers was in charge of the gravel train which consisted of two flat cars and a motor. The train was making for the switch at Rosedale, in order to permit the train from the Columbia river to pass. 
    Mr. Leathers was on the second flat car, the motor pushing the two cars. The men who were under him were on the car next to the motor. As the train was approaching Clay street bridge, the front wheel on the first car struck a rock on the rail, and the car immediately jumped the track, was capsized and fell over on Mr. Leathers. The second car left the track, but did not turn over. 
    H. J. Shade was driving on Margaretta avenue some distance north, and came to the scene of the accident as soon as possible. He found the capsized car resting on Mr. Leathers's head and shoulders, and the blood pouring from his ears and nostrils. With the assistance of the laborers he succeeded in lifting up the car and getting Mr. Leathers from underneath and on the bank. As this was done, Mr. Shade states, the injured man spoke, and implored them to give him a drink, saying that he could not live long. 
    Medical assistance was summoned as soon as possible but when the physicians arrived, they saw at a glance that there was no hope for him. He was removed to his residence on J street, between Eighth and Ninth, where he died in about half an hour. 
    Mr. Duncan, Mr. Leathers's father-in-law, was on the motor and saw the accident. It was a terrible shock to Mrs. Leathers, and she is utterly prostrated with grief. Only a few months ago her son was killed on the O. & C. railroad, and her daughter, Pearl died a short time since. 
    The arrangements for the funeral will probably be made to-day, but the burial will not take place for several days. 
    Mrs. Leathers's daughter is at Wilhoit springs and her mother is at Nestucca. Both have been sent for. 
    ​The accident is a shocking one, and the sympathy of the entire community is extended the widow in her sad bereavement. 

July 26, 1889

  • It will be remembered that Fred Wanecker, of Mount Tabor, was sent to the insane asylum at Salem. It was thought he would recover under treatment, but such has not been the case, as he died a few days ago at the asylum. A year ago he was a prosperous and contented gardner, but on an evil day he was offered $20,000 for a part of his garden which he took. The possession of the money was too much for him, and his mind was unbalanced. Added to the possession of so much cash, was the impression that he had not obtained enough for the land with which he had parted. He not only thought he had been swindled, but got the idea some one was trying to rob him of his $20,000.
  • A large number noticed and remarked about an old and ragged man, who left on the south-bound train a few evenings ago. He was no less a personage, so it was stated, than the famous John Warner, of Lane county, who is a very wealthy man and who has not worked for more than twenty years. His appearance was proof positive that he had not known the virtues of soap and water for that time.
  • Yesterday about 11 o'clock Mr. George Andrews's barn at Mount Tabor was entirely destroyed by fire. The barn stood only a short distance from the house, and the fire is supposed to have been caused by a spark from the high smoke-pipe. It was not learned whether anything was saved from the barn or not. The loss will probably reach $1000.

August 2, 1889

  • ----Mr. C. D. McClure left for St. Helens last night to take charge of the dredger at that place.
  • Marshal Morgan's family are at Wilhoit Springs.
  • Ex-Councilman Merrick is at Halsey helping his brother harvest.
  • Mrs. D. L. Leathers and Mrs. McKinney have gone to Long Beach.
  • C. N. Rankin has returned from Long Beach. He spent two weeks very pleasantly.
  • Mr. John Kenworthy has just built a nice cottage at Long Beach, and his family are there to remain all season.
  • Thomas Hislop, Gus Strube, John Kenworthy and John Went are back from Long Beach. They came up to get some more grub and money and will return shortly.

August 4, 1889

  • Saturday morning, at 12:30, John Meldrum, an old and respected citizen, quietly breathed his last. He has been a sufferer for a long time from a cancer on the head, and latterly he has been troubled with a lack of action of the stomach, so that death found him a mere shadow of his former self. Mr. Meldrum came to Oregon from Iowa early in the fifties, and has proved himself a good citizen who did much towards developing the resources of the state. Mr. Meldrum leaves a wife, two sons, John and Henry, and three daughters, Mrs. D. P. Thompson, Mrs. F. O. McCown and Mrs. Judge Moore.

August 7, 1889

  • The many friends of Clarence J. Wheeler, formerly with Walter Bros., will be pleased to hear that he has associated himself with C. M. Forbes in the furniture business established by his brother, the late Mayor E. C. Wheeler.

August 11, 1889

  • James A. Penny and Miss Eudora McEwan, East Portland young people, were married in Trinity church, Portland, Friday. They have gone to the Sound for a wedding trip.
  • Frank Harney has taken a position as conductor on the Portland and Vancouver railroad, and being an old railroad man, likes it better than being a policeman in East Portland.
  • W. W. Root took his departure for Sacramento on the train yesterday afternoon. He goes for a two-weeks' rest and vacation.
  • W. H. Moore left for Long Beach yesterday.
  • George Heath has secured the contract for clearing the Woodlawn tract at $80 an acre.
  • Mr. Newton McCoy has gone to Clatsop, where his family are, and will return with them next week.
  • J. S. Toombs has commenced construction on a residence on Thirteenth and O streets. It will cost $2500 when completed.
  • Councilman McMahon is rusticating at Wilhoit Springs, bracing up for an another encounter with the member from the Fourth ward.

August 14, 1889

  • Nate Cauffman, charged with assaulting Jack Nelson with a flatiron, was arraigned in Justice May's court yesterday forenoon. It was shown that, while Cauffman struck the man in the manner described, he acted in self-defense. The man attempted to enter the Cauffman's house after he had once been "expedited" from the door, and Nate slugged him with the flatiron.
  • The most notable event occurring at the seaside, of interest to East Portland people, was the marriage of Mr. George Johnson, who lives on L and Tenth streets, with Mrs. Gardner. The marriage took place at Ocean Park on Friday. Mr. Johnson was one of the early settlers on the East side, and his wife is well known here also.

August 15, 1889

  • C. H. Meussdorffer and his brother, W. H. Mall, W. H. Moore, Harry Knott, H. D. McGuire, P. Kelly, Mrs. Frank Logan, Mrs. Captain Robertson, Charles Ross and other East Portlanders came up on the Potter yesterday evening. All report having had a splendid time at Long Beach.
  • Recorder Llewellyn has purchased a chair with a revolving seat. In it he will have no trouble to face either the member from the First or from the Second ward. In case both are talking at the same time, he has only to keep the chair whirling around like a top.
  • Henry Stuttsman and Frank Forbes have returned from San Francisco.
  • Mrs. Julia Overtop and daughter, of Des Moines, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bruce.
  • Newton Clark, grand recorder of the A.O.U.W., will move to to this side of the river, and will occupy a house on Fifth and Washington, in Stephens's addition.

August 16, 1889

  • Home Lodge, No. 98, I.O.O.F., was instituted in Gruner's hall in Stephens addition by Grand Master O. D. Doane, of the Dalles, assisted by Grans Secretary A. N. Gambell, Acting Past Grand Master J. T. Stewart, Acting Grand Treasurer James Cummings, Acting Grand Marshal Horace Smith and Grand Guardian W. C. McKeene. The following were the officers for the first term:
    • Chas. A. Vollum - N. G. 
    • Wm. Bennett - V. G. 
    • Geo. Monish - secretary 
    • Geo. W. Miner - treasurer 
    • C. B. Laughlin - S. P. G.
  • The noble grand elect appointed the following:
    • J. G. Gruner - R. S. to N. G. 
    • W. H. Powell - Warden 
    • Myron Otis - Conductor 
    • A. McMasters - Inside guardian 
    • C. Shields - Outside guardian
      Refreshments were served, and then the following were elected and initiated: William Stephenson, R. J. Marsh, George Prosser, E. S. Platt, A. H. Boscow, Dr. J. J. Sellwood, William Halfpenny, David McKeown, H. Quackenbush, Luther Warner, Harlow Burt, James S. Foss, William H. Boscow, George E. Forbes, D. N. Burwell, G. R. Whidden, John Austin, James Olsen, J. H. Johnson, Charles Greggory, William C. Morgan, Charles H. Morgan. 
      The new lodge starts out under most favorable circumstances, as most of the new members are young business men.
  • R. Schmeer and family have moved into their new residence, on Fifteenth and F.
  • Wilbur Kerns, now of The Dalles, but formerly of East Portland, is here on a visit.
  • E. Himmons, of Lents, and family will leave for his old home in Ohio in a few days.

August 20, 1889

  • John Sloper, who lived about two miles from here on Gravel hill, dropped dead Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. He was in his usual good health in the morning, and ate his breakfast. When through eating he complained to his wife of having a sharp pain in his breast. He then went into the garden to build a fire in the dry-house when he was taken with another pain in his breast. He put his hand on his heart and exclaimed, "What an awful pain," and immediately dropped dead. He evidently died from heart disease.
  • Mayor Stewart has appointed the following persons as a commission to investigate and report on the matter of sewerage: Dr. S. E. Josephi, F. A. Bancroft, Thomas Hislop, William Dalton and A. W. Lambert.

August 28, 1889

  • Only one drunk was before the recorder yesterday.
  • W. C. Everest and family have returned from Long Beach.
  • Marshall Morgan and family have returned from the seaside.
  • W. D. Pape, the city treasurer, has returned from his travels.
  • Dr. Miller's wife left for a two months' visit in Minnesota on the 27th.
  • Newton McCoy and family have returned from their sojourn at Clatsop.
  • S. M. Keenan has returned from Southern Oregon where he perambulated among the mines.
  • Miss Graffleman accompanied the remains of her nephew to San Francisco on the 27th.
  • Joseph Buchtel and family, and Wilbur Kerns and family have returned from their fishing trip.
  • Mrs. George Ormsby and Miss Katie Hamilton have returned from a two weeks' visit at Ocean Park.
  • W. H. H. Grant and family have returned from Coburg, where they have been spending the summer months.

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202