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Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1889: Jan — Apr

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January 12, 1889

  • Royal Arch Masons 
    ​At the last regular convocation of Washington Chapter No. 18 of East Portland, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year:
    • Philip Flood - M. E. H. P. 
    • T.H. Brickell - E. K. 
    • John E. Wood - E. S. 
    • Charles O. Blakely - C. of H. 
    • George H. Hill - P. S. 
    • A. B. Bloomer - R. A. O. 
    • S. N. Alford - G. M. 3d V. 
    • J. G. Schmidt - G. M. 2d V. 
    • W. W. Peaselee - G. M. 1st V. 
    • John E. Boynton - treasurer  
    • John R. Hanson - secretary 
    • M. Stoker - sentinel
      ​The installation ceremonies took place on Thursday evening last, S. Bullock, Past M. E. H. P., assisted by N. B. Crane as grand marshal, officiating.

January 13, 1889

  • Mr. Frank Owens died yesterday afternoon at the residence of his father, Mr. W. M. Owens. He has been sick for the past three months. He was 32 years old, and his home has been at Colton, W. T. His former home was in Clackamas county, where he has many relatives and acquaintances, as he also has in East Portland. Being a young man of excellent character, his death will be sincerely regretted.

January 18, 1889

  • Mr. W. A. Robeson and family, who went East several weeks ago on a pleasure trip, have returned. The trip was a sad one, as they were compelled to bury one of their children, who died while they were in Wisconsin. Mr. Robeson was also very sick, and has hardly recovered yet. Both himself and family are glad to get back to Oregon, where their health will be restored.

February 3, 1889

  • Married: At the residence of the groom's sister, in Holladay's addition, East Portland, February 2, 1889, Mr. A. K. Slocum of Portland to Miss Agnes Hutsby of Mehama, Or.

February 14, 1889

  • A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. A. M. Stansley, who resides on Columbia slough, to celebrate her 61st birthday, on Monday, February 11. Most of those who took part in the surprise were from East Portland, and they went out to her home on the motor line. Sunday last Mrs. Stansley was induced to come into town, and while she was here arrangements were made for the surprise. A very pleasant time was experienced. The lady received many valuable presents. She is an old pioneer, and came to this country in 1852, settling on the Switzerland donation land claim at a time when there was only a clear place large enough on which to build a house. She has seen many wonderful changes in the surrounding country. Although she is 61 years old, she is as vigorous and spry as most young people.

February 17, 1889

  • Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Slocum have returned from their bridal tour, and will make their home in East Portland. They will reside on Third and J streets.

February 23, 1889

  • The remains of the late Edward Long were laid to final rest from the Baptist church yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance from both sides of the river, of the friends and relatives of the veteran pioneer. The remains were buried in the Riverview cemetery.

February 27, 1889

  • While attending the theater the other night Mrs. George Beck had the misfortune to lose one of her beautiful diamond earrings. The loss was first noticed as she and her husband were entering the theater. The jewels were valued at about $200.
  • C. W. Woodworth is in San Francisco on business.
  • G. H. Howell and family have removed to California
  • Mrs. A. H. Wheeler has returned from Arizona, where she went about two months ago for the benefit of her health. She came back much improved.

February 28, 1889

  • The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barber, who live on Columbia slough, gathered at their residence from the surrounding country last Sunday and celebrated the golden wedding of the couple. The affair proved a most enjoyable occasion for all present. Mr. and Mrs. Barber are pioneers. They crossed the plains in the year of 1852 and settled on a farm on Columbia slough where they have resided ever since.

March 9, 1889

  • At the regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. of East Portland, on February 28, the following persons were elected officers of the "Baby Home" for the present year ending January 20, 1890. 
    President and Superintendent ---- Mrs. E. M. Harbin 
    Advisory Committee ---- Mrs. S. M. Kerns, Mrs. M. M. Brooks, Mrs. S. Simpson, Mrs. Jennie Parmer, Mrs. H. A. Doyer, Mrs. J. L. Harner, Mrs. Sarah Chamberlin. 
    Counselling Members ---- Dr. Clark, Mr. Boynton and Mr. S. Keenan. 
    Committee on Incorporation ---- Mrs. G. J. Ross, Mrs. Melinda McBride, Mrs. A. J. Wells. 
    On March 7 the following were appointed soliciting committees for East Portland: 
    Holladay's addition ---- Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Parmer. 
    East part of the city ---- Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Sunderland. 
    South of C street ---- Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. S. Chamberlin 
    Mrs. Harbin has entered upon her duties. Much credit is due the retiring president, Mrs. Mary D. Halsey, and her associates for the hard and thankless work of the past year, which, like all work of this kind, has its only reward in the sweet consciousness of duty faithfully done.

March 15, 1889

  • Wednesday night the 6-year-old son of Mr. Lynch, who resides in Tibbett's addition, shot himself through the left hand with a 44-caliber revolver, about 8 o'clock in the evening, causing a severe flesh wound, and a slight fracture of the bones. Drs. Flinn and Sellwood, who attended the boy, say the hand can be saved without any deformity. The boy obtained the pistol in some way, as a boy will, and he thought he had struck a fine plaything.

March 23, 1889

  • Phalanx lodge No. 14, K. of P., celebrated its sixth anniversary last night with appropriate ceremony. This lodge was organized March 22, 1883, with twenty-one members. It was organized with the following officers:
    • Sitting past chancellor - H. H. Kissling 
    • C. C. - T. J. Matlock 
    • B. C. - Henry Meyer 
    • prelate - M. J. Patton 
    • K. of R. and S. - H. H. Holmes
    • M. of F. - D. M. Eddy
    • M. of E. - C. G. Garrison 
    • M. of A. - H. Warner
    • I. G. - W. C. Hill 
    • O. G. - C. B. Bartel 
    • District deputy - F. R. Neale
      ​The lodge is now on the high way to prosperity. It has had some heavy burdens to carry, but have carried them and prospered.

March 24, 1889

  • The funeral of James B. Stephens, the veteran pioneer and founder of East Portland, will take place Tuesday, March 26, at 2 P.M. sharp. Mayor Wheeler will ask that the business houses be closed during the time the funeral procession is passing through the streets, between 2 and 3 P.M. It is right and proper that this respect should be shown to the departed pioneer. The fire bell will be tolled between 2 and 3, while the procession is moving to the cemetery. He will be buried by the side of wife in Lone Fir. All are invited to attend, and the attendance will doubtless be very large.
  • Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall -- This highly respected lady died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Her death has been expected some time, but the news will be received with sadness in many a home in East Portland, where she has spent so many years in Christian work.

April 3, 1889

  • A very pleasant farewell reception was tendered Rev. I. D. Driver and his wife, Monday night, in the M. E. church. Mrs. D. R. Young presented Mrs. Driver with a large and comfortable arm rocking-chair. Then C. W. Beers, secretary of the Portland Y. M. C. A., came forward, and after a few very appropriate remarks, referring to Rev. Driver's work for the past two and a half years, presented him with a finely finished gold-headed cane, bearing the inscription, "Presented to Rev. I. D. Driver by the members of Centenary M. E. church of East Portland, Or., April 1, 1889." Mr. Driver responded in his usual pleasing manner. W. H. Moore then came forward and presented to Mr. Driver as a special token of kind remembrance from Mrs. Moore, a gold eye-glass chain, and stated that Mrs. Moore was unable to be present, but sent this by him as a token of her regard and love for him as her pastor and for the kindness he had shown her during her late sickness.
  • While Justice Mayo was engaged in holding court yesterday some one came in and whispered something into his ear. He adjourned court for ten minutes and went out into the hall. At the end of that time he came back with quite a smile on his face. It transpired that he had performed the marriage ceremony in the hall, by which Mr. Noah, of Coos county, and Mrs. H. Conway, of Multnomah, were made man and wife. There were only two or three witnesses, and when the ceremony was finished the couple went their way rejoicing.

April 6, 1889

  • The proprietor of the notion store next door to McCormick's grocery in Ross's building, does not allow his business to stand in the way of his having a little fun. The doors were closed up yesterday and on one door were the words painted on a sheet of brown paper: "Office hours, from 7 to 8 A.M. and from 5 to 8 P.M., except fish day." On the other side of the door were also the words: "Gorn fishin'. If don't git drunk or drowned will be back to-morrow. No goods sold here on Sundays." It is evident that this storekeeper intends to have a good time whether school keeps or not. He keeps his store open one hour in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, and what he loses in the way of business he makes up in fishing. Thus untrammeled by the wear and tear of business, he should live to a green old age.
  • Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. W. B. Hall, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Henry Bennett left Wednesday on the Northern Pacific for a trip to the Eastern states. The different members of the party will remain all the way from three to six months, and will visit their old homes and many points of interest.

April 7, 1889

  • Pioneer Engine Company had their regular annual election Friday night with the following result: 
    H. H. Holmes, president 
    E. L. Thorp, secretary 
    W. B. Welch, treasurer 
    J. H. Hall, W. D. Pape and Thomas Hislop, delegates 
    E. A. Schofield, foreman 
    W. C. Morgan, first assistant 
    S. D. Thayer, second assistant 
    W. H. Bartel, trustee 
    Relief Hook and Ladder Company elected the following officers: 
    President, G. H. Nicolai 
    secretary, W. T. Wade 
    foreman, D. A. Morris 
    delegates, W. H. Merrick, H. C. Smith and H. Wittenberg 
    Grant Engine Company elected the following officers: 
    President, J. J. Murphy 
    secretary, L. Holder 
    treasurer, E. Anderson 
    delegates, J. J. Murphy, Tom Jones and W. W. Halfpenny 
    foreman, Alex Donaldson 
    first assistant, W. B. Russell 
    ​second assistant, Jack Hard

April 10, 1889

  • Mayor Wheeler left last night for a trip to Pendleton and Spokane Falls, returning by way of the Sound. Being somewhat broken in health, he will travel about until he receives some improvement.

April 14, 1889

  • Pearl, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Leathers, died on Thursday morning of diptheria and was buried yesterday. This is the second affliction which has befallen the family this year, the other being the accidental death of their son Frank, who was killed by the cars near Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Leathers have the sympathy of the entire community.

April 21, 1889

  • Mayor Wheeler returned from Pendleton yesterday where he has been for about ten days. He is much improved in health. It was his intention to go to the Sound over the Northern Pacific, but he changed his plans, and will go there direct in a few days.
  • Mr. J. H. Baylor and wife returned from their trip East Thursday. They went East seven months ago and spent the time in Michigan, enjoying themselves very much, but are glad to get back.
  • W. H. Mead and wife leave for New Jersey to-night. He will remain East five weeks and then return, but his wife will remain all summer.

April 26, 1889

  • Mrs. R. McGuire, who has been at Hood River for the past three weeks, returned yesterday afternoon. She goes back the first of next week. The climate at Hood River is beneficial to her health.
  • W. J. Humphrey, a well known printer, and his family, of this city, went to Yaquina yesterday, where they will make their home.
  • Orient lodge No. 17, I.O.O.F., has elected Past Grands J. M. Stott, T. C. Powell and J. T. Stewart delegates to the Grand Lodge, which meets at McMinnville in May.

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

  • Eileen

    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202