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1888: Sept – Dec

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September 7, 1888

  • Twenty-one teachers are engaged to take their places in the three schools on Monday, September 17, excluding Holladay addition school. Following is a list of the principals and their assistants: City superintendent, Prof. W. A. Wetzell; principal of Central school and teacher of High school, Prof. W. F. Robinson; assistant teachers, Misses Mary E. McBride, D. Esther Goodman, Mary E. Hamilton, Etta Beno, Anna Gray, Irene Powell and Carrie Ross. Stephens school, principal, Prof. G. A. Adams; assistants, Misses Lilie B. Davie, Marie Gantenbein, Anna B. Campbell, Evene Grenier Eugenia Craig. North Central, principal, Mrs. F. A. Alford; assistants, Misses Mila Hill, Kate Prideaux and Mrs. E. A. Sloan. Supernumerary, Miss Anna Kennedy.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Geo L. Peaslee, who went to San Francisco some time ago, have lost their little boy, who died a few weeks since.
  • Mrs. Felix Gilbert, living on the Section Line road, was found dead in her bed last week. She leaves a husband and several children.

September 11, 1888

  • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Platt of Lane county, who have been visiting their son, E. S. Platt, leave for Eastern Oregon to-day.
  • Mrs. Hunter and daughter, mother and sister of Mrs. W. H. Burdick, have arrived from Iowa, and will make an extensive visit in this place.
  • Peter Mayes, who ran the shoemaker shop on L street, died yesterday about 12 M. He had been sick for several weeks with a fever. He was 64 years old, and leaves quite a family.

September 12, 1888

  • There is a lady barber in East Portland.
  • Mrs. W. A. Wetzell is quite ill at her residence on Tenth street.
  • The funeral of Mr. Yonce, who died Monday, took place yesterday afternoon. He was only recently from Kansas and leaves quite a family in embarrassed circumstances.

September 13, 1888

  • The ladies Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. church has elected the following officers:
    • Mrs. C. D. McClure - president 
    • Mrs. E. Clagget - first vice president 
    • Mrs. I. D. Driver - second vice president 
    • Mrs. J. A. Hines - third vice president 
    • Mrs. F. K. Haines - recording secretary 
    • Mrs. F. S. Posson - corresponding secretary 
    • Mrs. James Abraham - treasurer
  • The funeral of Capt. Chas. Satterly of the Salvation Army, took place yesterday at 2 P.M., from the barracks on Fourth street. There was a very large attendance. In the evening memorial services were held in the barracks.

September 14, 1888

  • W. D. Pape received intelligence by mail yesterday that his father died in Illinois on the 5th of this month. The deceased was 87 years old. He was well known in East Portland.
  • Mr. E. L. E. White has moved his family from McMinnville to East Portland, and is now a permanent resident here.

September 15, 1888

  • Miss Blanche Fitch, who has been very sick for some time with brain fever, died yesterday morning. She was a young lady well known and highly respected in this community for her general excellent character and sweet disposition. Her death will be deplored by a wide circle of friends. She was twenty years old. The funeral will take place from the Episcopal church Sunday at 1 P.M.

September 16, 1888

  • As there is considerable discussion about birds, our friend Tom Parrott has his say as follows: 
    "As there has been a great deal said about German and English song birds, I will add my mite to what I know of the English finches and others. There are, in England, four denominations of finches--the greenfinch, goldfinch, chaffinch and bullfinch--but the first three were never considered destructive to fruit trees, as they live on hayseed and wild grasses; in fact, seeds of all kinds. In winter they collect in great numbers around barns and pick up what little grains they can find where cattle is fed. 
    ​The bullfinch is entirely different in his habits with his immense strong bill. You will find him around orchards picking at every bud that comes in his way. I myself have been paid 2 pence apiece for the head of a bullfinch. If there are any English birds imported here the chaffinch in the finch family is a fine singer, although the green and gold finch have the prettiest plumage. There is the linnet, a fine singing bird, about like our canaries. I beg leave to differ from Mr. Wandler's statement that the English skylark was a grain destroyer. You will find him always in meadows or pastures where grasshoppers are and grass is high, but seldom on any other kind of ground. If we have English songsters, give us the skylark as the best singer in the world."
  • The many friends of Mr. A. E. Hacker, secretary of the East Portland Y.M.C.A., will be happy to learn that he, with his bride, nee Miss Emma A. Scott of Detroit, Mich., will leave that city en route for East Portland, their future home, September 25. Scores of congratulations and well-wishes for the success and welfare of this happy pair are awaiting their arrival. It is expected that Mr. H. will resume his former position as bookkeeper of the Northern Pacific Company's office, for a time, at least.

September 17, 1888 
the last couple of characters of each line obscured. They are filled in where obvious, otherwise question marks are substituted

  • The marriage of Mr. M. M. Hunter of this city, and Amelie Morgan of McMinnville, took place yesterday at 2:30 at the residence of Thomas Hunter, the services being performed by the Rev. I. D. Driver. The following witnessed the ceremony: S.??? Marsh and wife of Cathlamet, W.T.; M???L. Smith of Bangor, Maine; Mrs. M. Mo??? of Spokane, Mrs. Ida Baker of Tacoma; W. H. Hunter of Ilwaco, Mrs. J. M. Ol??? of Astoria, O. C. Yocum and wife, and M???M. H. Carse and a large number of relatives. Mr. Hunter has been in East Portland for the past fifteen years, and during the last eleven years has been the bookkeeper for Strube & Co. He has made many warm friends in East Portland by his uniformly courteous bearing, and they naturally rejoice in his present good fortune. The newly wedded pair will make their home in this city.

September 21, 1888

  • Wilbur Kerns of the The Dalles, and formerly of this city, is here on a visit among his friends and relatives. The change evidently agreed with him. He looks brown and well. He is engaged in the livery business.
  • The wedding of Mr. Chas. D. Mercer and Miss Nellie Busby took place Wednesday. Both are popular young people and all wish them happiness.

September 22, 1888

  • Yesterday the eight-year-old son of Alexander McAyeal, of Stephens addition, had both bones of his left forearm broken. He was sitting on a fence, when he was pushed over backwards, resulting in the fracture. The broken arm was set, and the little fellow is getting along very well.
  • Justice Mayo yesterday performed the marriage ceremony in his court room that united W. C. Burch of Salem and Miss Laura C. Culum of this county. They took the south-bound train in the evening.

September 23, 1888

  • Ewing H. Taylor, son of Col. and Mrs. Cornelius Taylor, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock at the age of 22 years. He was a printer, and a member of Multnomah Typographical Union. His illness has extended over a period of several months, and though his death was sudden his recovery had not been for some time expected by his physicians or friends. The funeral will take place from the residence of his parents, on Fourth and E streets, to-day at 3 o'clock P.M.

October 5, 1888

  • Last night at 7:30 o'clock Mrs. E. Clagget, familiarly known as "Grandma," passed from the trials of this earth to her final rest. Her death happened just as the last bell for prayermeeting was striking its last peal, and she passed away without a struggle. She has been a resident of this city for a number of years, and has a host of friends who will mourn her departure. She was a lady of very deep piety, and a faithful and conscientious member of the Centenary M. E. church of this city. 
    For the past two years, she has been lady assistant superintendent of the Sabbath school of that church, and will be greatly missed by the officers and teachers as well as all the pupils of the school. She was always at her post of duty in whatever sphere she happened to be, and always had a kind and loving word for any one who was in trouble, and it can be truly said of her that "she was a true friend to all who were in need of a friend." She leaves a son and two daughters to mourn her loss, Mr. James Claggett and Mrs. Kelly of this city and Mrs. Kerns of Eugene City. 
    Her death has caused a vacant place that will hardly be filled by another in the community. 
    The time of her funeral has not yet been announced, but will in all probability take place from the Methodist church. At the time of her death she was 74 years of age. 
    She was a pioneer woman, and came to East Portland at a very early day.

October 8, 1888

  • Mrs. H. Look was buried Sunday afternoon from her late residence, Nineteenth and Oregon streets, East Portland. Mrs. Look had been a great sufferer for the past two years from that dreadful disease, cancer. She bore her sufferings with great patience, and waited anxiously for the relief which came to her Saturday night at 10 o'clock. She leaves to mourn her loss a large circle of friends, a husband and five children, mostly grown, among them Mrs. I. N. Scott.

October 18, 1888

  • Those who attended the reception given by Rev. John W. Sellwood and wife, and Bishop Morris and wife, at the residence of Dr. S. E. Josephi, of which a brief mention was made yesterday, report having one of the pleasantest evenings of the season. Dr. and Mrs. Josephi threw open their spacious parlors and all were given a most hearty welcome. Ice cream and cake were served, and excellent music was provided. The following is a partial list of those who were present: 
  • Rt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris and wife, Rev. John W. Sellwood and wife, Rev. Wm. H. Dyer, Rev. Wm. L. McEwan and wife, Rev. M. D. Wilson and wife, Rev. B. E. Habersham, Rev. J. R. W. Sellwood, Rev. J. R. N. Sellwood and wife, Rev. E. J. Sprague and wife, Capt. F. H. West and wife, Mr. S. Bullock and wife, Dr. J. W. Hill and wife, Mr. Jas. Brickell and wife, Mr. D. D. Neer and wife, Mr. John W. Guilt, Mr. C. H. Harrison, Mr. A. Noltner and wife, Mr. C. Q. Cheney, Miss M. Jamison, Miss A. Jamison, Miss Maria Jamison, Mr. L. A. Pearson, Hon. John Myers, Mr. E. Shannon, Miss Gertie Gwilt, Mr. Alford and wife, Mrs. Sloan, Miss E. Craigg, Mr. Thompson and wife, Mr. Joseph Paquet and wife, Mr. F. W. Berry and wife, Mrs. M. Stone, Miss Lizzie Sellwood, Mr. Bow and wife, Mr. Charles Bow, Mr. Randolph Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Patterson, Miss A. Stroud, Miss S. Stroud, Miss B. Stroud, Miss E. B. Sellwood, Miss Mary Paquet, Miss M. E. Sellwood, Mr. F. Buchtel, Miss Hall, Miss Mary Bell, Mr. H. H. Parker and wife, Mrs. Wm. Dent, Miss Webber, Mrs. Woodard, G. R. Deadman and wife, Miss Miller, W. Kirkwood, Miss Emma Kirkwood, Mrs. J. Chambers, Mr. Ira Bell, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. R. E. Campbell, Mrs. Wakeman, Mrs. Dr. Flinn and others.

October 20, 1888

  • Mrs. Fannie Owen, wife of Mr. A. J. Owen, died yesterday at the residence of M. M. Owen, on G Street of consumption. She was 27 years and 11 months old. She leaves a son about 5 years old. The family recently moved here from Rock creek, Clackamas county.

October 23, 1888

  • Mr. C. N. Dunbar, who has been employed in Raffety's drug store for a long time, expects to leave for Washington territory in about two weeks, where he will make his future home and engage in the drug business.
  • Mr. Richard Clinton, proprietor of the Theater Royal of Portland, has moved to this side and now occupies one of Settlemeir's new cottages on Seventh Street.
  • Mr. James Stephens of Linn county, father-in-law of Mr. Wm. Morgan, city marshal elect, arrived yesterday and will spend a few days with his daughter.

October 28, 1888

  • John Roberts and John Sterrett have succeeded in killing a bear near Fairview that weighed 364 pounds. It had been living in the orchards near that place, and had disturbed timid people somewhat.
  • Mrs. Dr. Belle Schmeer, who left here about two years ago for the East and afterward secured a divorce from her husband at Chatanouga, is now the wife of Dr. Henry McDonald, and the two live in New York city where they located about a month ago.

November 1, 1888

  • Two children of W. H. Beers have died diptheria and will be buried to-day.
  • H. W. Whitcomb of Seattle, H. Nelson of The Dalles, and S. J. Raffety of Glenco are in the city at the Russell house.

November 2, 1888

  • If you want good fruit land, come to Mount Tabor. The first good crop of prunes from an acre of prune trees well cared for will give you a return of $200. Land planted to prunes is cheap at $300 per acre. Mount Tabor is the place for prunes. Five hundred thousand pounds have been dried this season by the following persons: Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Broetje, Messrs. Hutchinson & Peck, Mr. Muller, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Ball, Mr. Oaks, Mr. Coburn and Mr. Gilham.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennett, father and mother of Sexton Bennett of Lone Fir cemetery, arrived here on Monday last from Canada and will make East Portland their future home.
  • Mr. Joseph L. Keffer of Portland has purchased two lots in Holladay addition and will erect a residence thereon.

November 3, 1888

  • M. D. George, of the L street blacksmith-shop, and A. M. Cox on Fifth street, have made a wager on the result of the election. George is a democrat, and Cox a republican. It is agreed between the two that in case Harrison is elected George shall go to his opponent's shop and "cork up" horseshoes for is benefit until 12 o'clock at night. But should Cleveland be elected the conditions are reversed. Cox musts go to George's shop and work until 12 M. Mr. George's friends are already sympathizing with him, and think he certainly will have to "cork up" after the result of the election is known. Another bet has been made by James Lyons and G. W. Register of 100 cigars. Lyons is to go to Register's store and "knock his eye out" for 100 cigars. If Cleveland is elected he is not to pay for the cigars, but if Harrison is elected he is to pay, provided he can't stand Register off, which is very doubtful.
  • Mrs. Gray, who lived on the corner of Fourteenth and H streets, died very suddenly yesterday morning. She had been sick for several days, but she was not considered dangerous, and her death was unexpected. Mrs. Gray and her husband, who died several years since, came to East Portland about twelve years ago, where she has resided ever since, surrounded by a circle of friends who will greatly miss her. She was an exemplary Christian. Her funeral will take place from the Methodist church tomorrow at 11 A.M.

November 11, 1888

  • Yesterday Marshal Morgan and Dr. C. B. Smith made an inspection and reported as follows on smallpox cases: 
    About two weeks ago a man named Holland, living on Thirteenth and V streets with his wife and family, was taken down with smallpox and died. So far no other cases have developed from this one. 
    May Fish, whose parents live at the car shops, had it in a mild form and is now convalescent. 
    Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and Miss Wolf, who waited on May Fish, are now sick with smallpox. 
    Charles Burt, whose parents reside at Tenth and Alaska, is also down with the disease. 
    ​These are all the cases they reported yesterday. The marshal has quarantined them and is using every precaution to prevent it from spreading. People generally are having their families vaccinated. It is said that some have taken their children out of school because they did not want them vaccinated. To these people it may be stated that when Holland was found to have smallpox his wife and children were vaccinated, and thus escaped the dread disease. The doctors are prepared to vaccinate all, and if there are any who cannot afford to pay, let them notify the marshal and he will see that they are vaccinated.

November 13, 1888

  • Information has been received by letter of the death of Mr. J. W. Webber at Davenport, Iowa. He left this city about two weeks ago with Mrs. Webber for a visit to his son Edward who is master in the college at Davenport. His death occurred three days after his arrival. He had retired to rest for the night down stairs, while the others were upstairs. Mr. Webber did not rise very early and it was thought best not to disturb him until about 11 A.M., when it was found that he had sunk into the eternal sleep. Mr. Webber came to East Portland at an early day and was one of the surveyors who laid out East Portland. He was a man of intelligence, a good citizen and neighbor, and will be missed from our streets very much.

November 21, 1888

  • A note from L. H. Wells, the east side reporter for this paper, who was called to La Grande last Saturday to attend the funeral of his father, who met with a sad death last Friday by being thrown from his wagon and run over, states that he will return to-day and will again be at his post of duty. Mr. Wells has won many friends since he has been a resident of this city, all of whom extend to him their heartfelt sympathy in these hours of trial.
  • Mrs. James Baylor, who left East Portland two months ago to visit her parents in Michigan, has laid dangerously ill for six weeks with low nervous fever induced by spinal irritation, the result of a street car accident through which she passed last Fourth of July. She is at present writing under the care of two skillful physicians and in a critical condition. Her father Mr. P. R. J. Osborn, who visited Mrs. Baylor at her home one year ago, was buried on October 31.
  • Mrs. Fisk and her baby, two of the smallpox cases at the car shops, died last night, and it is thought that Mr. Fisk and a daughter cannot live until morning. So far as heard from there are no new cases.

November 22, 1888

  • There are no more new cases of smallpox to report. The death of Miss Wolfe occurred yesterday. When her friend Miss May Fish was taken down with the disease, Miss Wolfe stayed by and attended her wants, and has fallen a victim herself, after having performed a heroic duty. She was 18 years old, and a most estimable young lady. The following note explains itself: "The item in yesterday morning's Oregonian is correct except as to Mr. Fish and daughter. Mr. Fish is able to be up, and about the house, and his daughter has entirely recovered. The others will soon be up and about the house."--PHYSICIAN.

November 23, 1888

  • The death of J. M. Stott, Sr., father of J. M. Stott, Jr., hardware merchant of East Portland, occurred Wednesday night at his farm residence, near Fairview. He was one of the pioneers of the country. The funeral will take place to-day at 11 A.M. at Fairview.

November 28, 1888

  • The remains of Frank Leathers, who was killed near Harrisburg Monday, were received here yesterday to the home he had so recently left full of life and health. The funeral will take place to-day from the Harrington block at 2 P.M., and the interment will be in Lone Fir. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Leathers have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement.

December 7, 1888

  • Mrs. R. L. Hawthorne is spending the winter in Paris, and under recent date writes to a friend in this city an extended account of her experience in the gay French capital. She expresses a desire to return to East Portland, which she evidently still considers her home.
  • Mr. Frank Schmidt is erecting a neat modern cottage on I street, between Ninth and Tenth. When completed it will be occupied by Dr. Coffin and his parents. The location is a beautiful one.
  • The death of Mrs. Sexton took place yesterday afternoon, and she was buried last night.

December 20, 1888

  • James A. Morris, who has been in the employ of Duniway & Co. ever since they have been in business, died yesterday at his home in Cole's addition. He leaves a wife and one child. His funeral will take place this afternoon.

December 21, 1888

  • At the last regular meeting of Columbia lodge, A.F. & A.M., at Mount Tabor, the following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing year:
    • J. A. John - W. M. 
    • O. N. Botkin - S. W. 
    • T. C. Trengrove - J. W. 
    • W. S. Douthit - treasurer 
    • Thomas Ryalls - secretary 
    • H. Freeborough - S. D. 
    • W. H. Shane - J. D. 
    • A. Holtgrieve - J.
  • Mrs. Emma Cameron of Oakland, Cal., who has been visiting her brother, Walter Birdsall of this city, leaves to-morrow for her home.
  • Mrs. Orewiler, who has been sick so long with consumption, died last week and was buried at the Powell valley cemetery. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her departure.

December 27, 1888

  • At the annual assembly of Washington Council No. 3, royal and select masters, held at their hall, in this city, on Monday evening, December 24th, the following officers were elected and installed to serve the ensuing year:
  • Thrice ill. master - A. B. Bloomer 
  • deputy master - Philip Flood 
  • P. C. W. - S. Bullock 
  • captain of G. - John E. Wood 
  • conductor - C. O. Blakeley 
  • steward - John L. Sperry 
  • treasurer - John C. Boynton 
  • recorder - W. B. Steele 
  • sentinel - M. Stoker
  • The funeral of the infant girl of the matron of the Baby Home took place yesterday. The child was a bright little girl of about 2 years of age, and her death was a hard blow to the mother.

December 28, 1888

  • Mrs. Mary Ann Royal, who died in this city a few days ago, was the widow of Chas. Royal, one of the pioneers of this state. She was born in Virginia on the 4th day of July, 1800. In 1852, in company with her husband and five children, four sons and one daughter, she crossed the plains for Oregon. On arriving here, they settled in Multnomah county, where they resided for a number of years, after which they removed to Wilbur, then to Albany, and then to Goldendale, W. T., where her husband died in 1878. 
    She was a pioneer woman who had gone through the many trials that were encountered by those who first settled in this state. Her children that accompanied her across the plains have all grown to be gray-headed men and women, all of whom are now living except one, Lewis Royal, who died in Portland about six years ago. They are J. S. Royal, of this city, with whom she has made her home most of the time since her husband's death; C. F. Royal, of Salem; Mrs. C. Alderson, of Salem; Wm. Royal, of Grant's Pass, and Rev. Wesley Royal, of Yaquina Bay. 
    ​Besides these, there are a large number of grandchildren who mourn the loss of a loving grandmother. Thus the old pioneers who were the first to commence the work of making this now beautiful state, are fast passing away, and their children are reaping the rewards of their labor. Only a few more years will pass ere all the old settlers will be gone.
  • The longest game of checkers ever played on the East side was played yesterday by Mr. James Byers and Mr. J. M. Stott in the rear part of the hardware store of the latter. The game was contested, "hip and thigh, tooth and toe-nail," for six mortal hours. There was more "shenanigan" to the square inch in that game than on the state fair race course. It did not seem to matter how many "men" were knocked out, as there were plenty to take their places. The remarks that were made by the two contestants were very amusing, and in some respects very emphatic. Byers called Stott a liar, and a fight seemed imminent for a time, but, during the excitement, each surreptitously slipped a dozen checkers on the board and the game went on. It is not known how long the game would have continued, but both were compelled to withdraw for refreshments. The contest will be renewed in the near future.

December 29, 1888

  • The annual election of officers of Washington lodge No. 46, A.F.&A.M. was held at their hall in this city on Wednesday evening, December 19, 1888, resulting as follows:
    • S. Bullock - W. M. 
    • Thomas M. Hurlburt - S. W. 
    • Wm. B. Steel - J. W. 
    • F. S. Dunning - treasurer 
    • H. H. Holmes - secretary 
    • A. L. Rumsey - S. D. 
    • H. F. McMillan - J. D. 
    • W. H. H. Grant - sen. steward 
    • George Nicolai - jun. steward 
    • John Harrison - tiler
      The installation ceremonies took place Thursday evening, December 27, Worshipful G. M. D. Stroud acting as deputy grand master, assisted by E. C. Wheeler as grand marshal. A large number of the members and visiting brethren being present. The installation of the newly elected officers of Washington Chapter No. 18, which was to have taken place last evening did not come off, owing to the absence from the city of one of the principal officers. Upon his return, due notice will be given when the installation will take place.

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