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Portland, OR 97202


1888: May - Aug

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May 1, 1888

  • Jack Buckley was arrested Saturday on complaint of vagrancy made by his stepfather, John Newell, who resides in Stephens addition. He was arraigned before Recorder Lewellyn yesterday. Evidence showed that Jack had loafed around home and the saloons most of his time, and made himself generally disagreeable, especially ill-treating his mother, who tolerated his abuse only as a mother would tolerate it. He was not convicted because he was allowed to remain at home. The same fellow was in the recorder's court some time ago for throwing some dishes at his mother.
  • It has been extremely quiet in local courts for some time, but there several cases before Recorder Lewellyn yesterday. Louis Maitine,an Italian, was fined $5 for being drunk and disorderly, which he paid and departed in peace. Next came John McDonald, who was fined $10 for thumping a man named Hogan. Both had been drinking Sunday, and in the evening got into a row in front of Fritz Kranz's saloon, where McDonald struck Hogan. McDonald must have been under the impression he was handling a sledge when he struck Hogan and the latter that a house had fallen on him. Policeman Morgan put in the cooler John J. Harkins yesterday afternoon for disorderly conduct. Mr. Lempke made complaint that Harkins came to his saloon Saturday and used profane and abusive language, and that he repeated the same reprehensible actions Sunday and yesterday when he was arrested by Morgan. His case will be disposed of to-day.
  • Miss Lizzie Hall, of this city, goes to Junction to attend the wedding of her brother, H. W. Hall, which takes place at Junction this evening.

May 4, 1888

  • The Home Literary Society of Hanson's addition held a special meeting Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. C. H. Wheeler, and elected officers as follows: President, Lorena Tortens, vice-president, E. A. Banford; secretary, Miss Lydia McGowan; editor, Miss Ellen Barrell. The next meeting will be held at the residence of F. L. Possen, Saturday evening, May 12. The society will then adjourn for the summer months to come together at the call of the president. The meetings have been a source of great profit and pleasure to the members of the society.

May 16, 1888

  • Mr. and Mrs. Ruble, of the Russell hotel, have had the sad misfortune to lose another child. Their 3-year old son died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock from malarial fever. This is the second child they have lost by death. The other died just five weeks ago. The remains will be taken to Salem to-day, where interment will be made at 11 A.M.
  • Mrs. A. K. Colburn, whose husband was fatally injured in the west side railroad accident, has received from the A.O.U.W. $2000, the amount of her beneficiary certificate. Mr. Colburn was a member of Fidelity lodge, and through it the $2000 was paid her.

May 23, 1888

  • Mrs. R. Love and two children, have recently arrived in the city from Honolulu. Mrs. Love is a sister of Mr. Walter Johnson, principal of Stephens school. It has been twenty-six years since he left home and had not seen his sister during that time. The meeting, it is needless to say, was a joyous one. Neither were able to recognize the other. Mrs. Love will spend the summer in Oregon visiting friends and relatives.

May 24, 1888

  • The wedding of J. C. Roberts and Miss Ida Hansen, and that of Wm. M. Owen and Miss McDonald took place last night. All the parties, except Mr. Roberts, are well known and popular young people in East Portland.

May 26, 1888

  • Mr. Charles Murray, who has lived in this city since a child, died Thursday of consumption. He was 24 years of age and leaves a wife and two children, who will be well provided for, as he leaves a large property. He was a member of the family who were owners of the donation land claim, and had over forty acres of that fine ground at his death. His will will be probated at once. One by one the family have been going until but two members are now remaining. All died of consumption. Charles was a young man of excellent parts. He knew he could live only a short time, and he proceeded in a methodical and businesslike manner to provide for the dear ones whom he was to leave behind him. His funeral will take place to-day from his residence at 2 P.M.

June 10, 1888

  • A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Justice Bullock on Thursday evening, the worthy justice uniting in wedlock Mr. Wm. A. Hodges and Miss Clara Adams. The newly married pair will live somewhere in this vicinity.

June 12, 1888

  • J. B. Montgomery's new propeller has been launched.
  • Rev. Daniel Staver and family will move to Forest Grove on the 1st of July, and not on the 15th.
  • Mr. N. B. Crane is on the streets, after being confined to his room with malaria for about three weeks.
  • The case of attempt to kidnap Mrs. Myers comes off in the recorder's court this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
  • John Myers, United States marshal, has let the contract for a $3000 residence on Eleventh and V. The contractor is J. M. McQuade.
  • D. Ross C.Houghton will deliver an educational lecture at the Presbyterian church this evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wetzell will sing a solo. No admission fee charged.
  • Silas Dildine has just returned from an extended business trip through Eastern Oregon and Washington territory. He reports the rain that has just come to that section was very welcome and much needed.
  • The ladies' guild of St. David's parish will give a reception to the Rev. W. H. Dyer, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. N. Sellwood, corner Sixth and Stephens street, this evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all members and friends of the parish.

June 14, 1888

  • The funeral of John R. Curry took place from the Methodist church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There was a large attendance of the friends of the deceased. The remains were buried in Lone Fir cemetery.

June 21, 1888

  • John M. Carleson of St. Paul has rented a room and will open a large mercantile house in East Portland.
  • The remains of Miss Lottie Perry, who died at Shedd's, Linn county, Tuesday, were brought here yesterday and consigned to their last resting place in Lone Fir. She was a niece of Mrs. Wm. Frazier.

June 22, 1888

  • W. P. Preston, who died at his residence in Tibbetts's addition Tuesday, aged 61 years, was buried at 1 P.M. yesterday in the Milwaukie cemetery. He was one of the pioneers of Oregon.

June 23, 1888

  • Mr. H. Beckwith was married at the Cascades this week, and came down with his bride on Thursday, the couple becoming the guests of his parents on Eighth and K street. In the evening a quiet reception was tendered them.

June 26, 1888

  • The teachers in the public schools of East Portland have all been practically selected. Following is the list of those who will preside over the schools for the ensuing year: 
    City superintendent--W. A. Wetzell 
    Central School--R. F. Robinson, high school teacher and principal; assistants, Miss Mary E. Buxton, Miss Ella McBride, Miss D. E. Goodman, Miss Mary Hamilton, Miss Etta Beno, Miss Anna Gray, Miss Irene Powell, Miss Carrie Ross, Miss Ella A. Owen. 
    Stephens School--G. A. Adams, principal; assistants, Miss Lillie B. Davey, Miss Sophia Walker, Miss Anna Campbell, Miss Elveni Grenier, Miss Eugenia Craig. 
    North Central-- Mrs. F. E. Alford, principal; assistants, Miss Mila Hill, Miss Kate Prideaux, Mrs. A. E. Sloan. 
    Supernumerary--Miss Anna Kennedy. 
    G. A. Adams, who has been selected to the place of principal of Stephens school, is a graduate of the Ohio normal school of Ada, Ohio, and the president, H.S. Lehr, A.M., says: "He is a good scholar, possessed of fine abilities and those natural characteristics essential to success in school teaching and management." Mr. Adams has had about eight years of experience in teaching, having taught in Newport, Oregon, last year, from where he comes with the best of testimonials.
    Holladay Addition--At a special meeting of the board of directors of school district No. 49 the following teachers were elected: Principal, Miss Cora Packard; teachers, Miss Nettie Spencer, Miss L. M. Gibbs, Miss S. D. Harker, Miss Jessie Kribbs. Teacher at Fernwood, Miss Hattie Ingram.

July 1, 1888

  • Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cummings, of Chicago, the parents of Mrs. W. A. Wetzell of this city, arrived here Friday. Prof. Wetzell had made all arrangements to go with the party to illuminate Mount Hood on the Fourth, and had just got in the wagon with the party, when a hack containing his wife's parents drove up, so he had only time to welcome them. They were in the city two years ago and spent some time in looking over the state. So well pleased were they then that they have come this time with the intention of making their home here. Mr. Cummings is a man of considerable means, and will no doubt make some investments here. They made many friends during their short stay when they were out here before, and these friends welcome them to their new home.
  • The funeral of Miss Olsen was largely attended at the Congregational church, Holladay avenue, Friday at 2 P.M., Rev. Mr. Henderson officiating in the absence of Mr. Staver. The sermon was impressive and eloquent. The casket was covered with beautiful floral offerings placed there by loving hands, and fitting, too, for her sweet presence had showered roses about her during her life, and made the sweet flower of peace and love bloom in every heart that knew her.

July 5, 1888

  • A very pleasant and enjoyable birthday dinner and party was given to Mrs. Mary Royal yesterday at the residence of her son, James Royal, near Mount Tabor. "Grandma" Royal was born in 1800, and this was in honor of her 88th birthday. She is one of the pioneers of this state, having crossed the plains in 1852, and has since resided here with the exception of a short time spent in Goldendale, W. T., at which place her husband died. Since his death she has made her home with her children, but the greater part of the time she has resided with her son James. Nearly Fourth of July the family gather together for the purpose of celebrating this day. 
    She has raised a large family of children, and she has lived to see them all grow up to manhood and womanhood, and holding honorable places in the communities in which they respectfully reside. At the present she has in this state four sons and one daughter, namely; James S. Royal, who has lived in and near this city since 1852; Fletcher Royal of Salem; Wm. Royal of Grant's Pass; Rev. Wesley Royal, whose home is in Kansas, but he is now here on a visit to his son, who lives at Yaquina bay, and his aged mother; and Mrs. Mary Alderson, wife of Rev. C. Alderson, of the M. E. church, now stationed on the St. Helens circuit. There are also a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On this particular occasion the most of this large family were detained at their respective homes and were not able to be present from various causes. This aged pioneer of Oregon and kind Christian mother and friend will not be permitted to spend many more of these happy occasions with her children, and this makes these occasions seem more precious to them all. They feel that they are doing something to make her happy, and show to her the appreciation they have of the work she has done for them. 
    Outside of her own family she has many friends in this state who will always have some kind word to speak of deeds of kindness done for them by her kind and gentle hand. She came here at a time when it took hard work to build up a home and rear a family, but she has lived to see Portland grow from a small village to the large city that it now is. 
    Those of the family and relatives present on this particular occasion were: James S. Royal and wife, Rev. C. Alderson and wife, James A. Hines and wife, Mrs. C. W. Farr, the Misses Jessie, Mable, and Bertha Royal, Master Earl Royal and one great grandchild, Master Harvey Royal Hines. The party spent the reunion day very pleasantly, and all went home in the evening feeling that they had done their duty better than they would have done in going off to some other place of amusement and left "grandma" all alone. They all, both those present and absent, join in wishing her many returns of these happy occasions.

July 8, 1888

  • Miss Morgan, daughter of Jas. P. Morgan, in Stephans addition, Eleventh and Washington, has been very hill and was not expected to live through last night.
  • Rollo, the infant son of Mr. F. L. Litherland, died yesterday morning. The funeral will take place to-day at 3 P.M. from the residence, corner Twelfth and Jefferson.

July 11, 1888

  • The happiest man in town is J. C. Birckell. His wife presented him with a son yesterday afternoon.
  • Mrs. Anna Kleeman and children with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gehlick, the parents of Mrs. K., left for Mount Angel, where they will remain about two months.

July 20, 1888

  • A young man in this city in reproving a friend for using big words said: "In promulgating your esoteric cogitations or in articulating your superficial sentimentalities, your amicable philosophical or psychological observations, you should always beware of platitudinous ponderosity." The young man who delivered the above is at Heart a good man, but his friend will always be Older after the awful infliction.
  • Morgan, who ran the barber shop in Logus block and who went to The Dalles in the hopes the change would benefit his health, died last Wednesday.

July 24, 1888

  • Mrs. Mathieu, a lady living on L street, between Fifth and Sixth, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock. Sunday evening she was eating her supper and was reading a paper just before sinking into a deep stupor. Drs. C. B. Smith and C. H. Raffety were called about 9 o'clock, but were unable to do anything for her, as she was beyond human aid. She was suffering from apoplectic paralysis, caused by the rupture of a blood vessel at the case of the brain. Her physicians seem to think it was caused by a sudden strain. She had vomited just before and complained of a sharp pain. She leaves a husband and several grown up children.

July 28, 1888

  • From parties in Fairview the particulars of a wholesale robbery which took place there last Friday night are obtained. The residences of Mr. Roper, Mr. Love and Mr. Mickley were entered. They first got into Mr. Roper's house by means of a side door which had been left unlocked, and entering the room in which he was sleeping, took his purse, which contained some eight or ten dollars, from his pocket, went up stairs and got a small amount from his son's pocket, and made off with it. They entered Mr. Love's house by removing a window and took $18 from his pocket. They entered Mr. Mickley's through an open window, it is supposed, went through boxes and vases and only got a little small change down stairs, went up stairs and searched every pocket and turned them inside out and left them so, finding nearly $4 in the boys' pockets. They went to the pantry and helped themselves to eatables and drank a large pitcherful of milk and made off with a pie. Nothing was heard of them at any of the places. It is thought that they were experts at it and were well prepared, as tracks were seen next day that looked as though they had some kind of pads on their feet. They seemed to be after money only as there were watches in the houses, and even in the garments they searched. They did not get Mr. Mickley's pocketbook, and they don't think they got in their room as nothing was disturbed. It has transpired that some parties have robbed several in La Camas and it may be the same gang.

July 31, 1888

  • Miss Winnefred Murphy, granddaughter of Mrs. A. McGuire of this city, was married in Seattle last Saturday to Mr. W. Harris, deputy postmaster at that place. The young lady has many warm friends in this city.

August 2, 1888

  • Mr. E. Duncan, father of Mrs. D. L. Leathers of this city, is here on a visit and has just returned from Santiam mines, where he has been for the past two months. He has the finest and most complete cabinet of specimens of the various ores of Galena mountain, in the Santiam mines, that has ever been collected, and indicates the character of the deposit. The specimens were collected by Mr. Duncan from the outcroppings and not for the ledges direct. A tunnel is being cut into the mountain which will penetrate them transversely and will show just what they contain. Mr. Duncan, who is an old California miner, is confident that the ledges will be found rich. He remarked: "If I were a younger man I would be willing to stake my all in the Santiam mines. I should have remained in the mines longer, but the air was too light for me. Our cabin was at the bottom of a canyon whose sides rose fully 1500 feet above us, and yet we were many thousand feed above the level of the sea." The specimens show that the Santiam auriferous district is very similar to that at the headwaters of the Clackamas, where A. W. Lambert and K. C. Payne have interests.

August 5, 1888

  • Rev. George W. Hill, pastor at East Portland Baptist church, has presented his resignation, to take effect October 1. At the business meeting on Thursday the church refused to accept the resignation. It is stated that Mr. Hill will probably insist on making it final. We regret that Pastor Hill feels it his duty to take this step. Since he has been in East Portland he has made many friends outside as well as in the church. One of the brethren says that during the last year the church has raised more money for our various benevolent enterprises that during any previous year of its history, and that it is now in better condition financially than ever before. Mr. Hill was married on July 24 to Miss May Hoyt, at Oakland, Cal. They have returned to Oregon, and are at present in Eugene City, on their way here.

August 22, 1888

  • The wedding of Mr. J. H. Kissler and Miss Jeannie Older took place last night at the residence of the bride's parents on the Milwaukie road. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. S. Fisher in the presence of a few invited guests. Both are well known in East Portland. Miss Older graduated from the High school this year. Some very fine presents were given the couple. After the ceremony, refreshments were served which were appreciated.

August 31, 1888

  • C. A. Strauhal, son of Mrs. L. A. Strauhal of this city, died at Wichita, Kan., August 21.
  • Mrs. Edith Moak, daughter of Mrs. E. F. Reardon, arrived on Wednesday from Alluwe, Indian territory, and will spend the winter with her mother. She is in very poor health and hopes this climate will prove beneficial.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

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Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202