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Portland, OR 97202


1888: Jan — Apr

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January 5, 1888

  • Capt. W. H. West left for California. He received word that his mother is very sick.
  • Mr. J. H. Parker, an old and highly esteemed citizen, died suddenly of heart disease yesterday morning at his residence near J and Eighth streets. He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter.
  • W. H. Hembree and Miss May Ganiere were married in the Methodist church last night in the presence of invited guests. After the ceremony a reception was given at the residence of the bride's parents, Thirteenth and N streets.

January 6, 1888

  • A very pleasant company of ladies and gentlemen gathered at the residence of Martin Lull, Milwaukie, Wednesday evening, January 4, to witness the marriage ceremony of Mr. Frank S. Lull and Miss Emma Pickard, and Mr. E. McIl??? and Miss Hattie Pickard, Rev. E. T. Ingle officiating.
  • The following persons were elected by the Young Men's Christian Association of this place Wednesday evening the official board for the ensuing year: I. H. Wells, H. H. Royal, W. E. Ellis, Ben Danforth, Fred Coffin, Mr. Ellis, George Johnson, Mr. Boynton, J. R. N. Sellwood, F. Berry, George Ormsby. The above board will meet at the hall Saturday evening to elect their officers.

January 11, 1888

  • Herbert Dalton is reported quite sick with asthma.
  • James Powell is recovering from a spell of sickness.
  • The friends of E. L Corner, Sellwood, First and Second streets, the other day celebrated his sixtieth birthday in a pleasant party.
  • F. G. Hanna has taken the management of the Northwestern agency of agricultural implements, a place made vacant recently by the death of W. H. Dickson.
  • William Christian, the young man who was killed Thursday on the railroad near Eugene, was the brother of S. H. Christian, who lives about six miles from East Portland.
  • A. Lempke will be arraigned in Justice Bullock's court to-day at 10 A.M., on two charges, both for using profane and vulgar language on the street in the presence of ladies near L street depot. One charge is made by Charles Bartel and one by Fritz Kranz.

January 20, 1888

  • Mr. C. Barrell, an old citizen of East Portland, who has met financial reverses, it is stated has become insane.
  • A letter from P. Van Hoomissen, who went from this city to Kansas a short time ago, announces the death of his youngest child.
  • Monday night Mr. C. E. Littlepage and Miss Maud Holt were married at the residence of E. B. Kelly in Powell's valley. The young couple have a host of friends who wish them unlimited happiness.

January 21, 1888

  • Mr. McIntire came in from the Sandy yesterday and brought with him a large black bear which he killed out there Thursday. The animal was hung up in front of Strube and Co.'s meat market all day yesterday and attracted the attention of several hundred. He was something over six feet in length and weighs 259 pounds. He has an ugly appearance and would have been a tough customer in a close encounter. The bear was killed by a shot through the heart. His coal-black skin would make a warm robe in such weather as we are now having.
  • Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Monteith, of Albany, have been in the city this week. They came to attend the wedding of Mr. C. C. Story, who is a brother of Mrs. Monteith.

January 24, 1888

  • Miss Racetta Smith is visiting Mrs. J. M. Codmer, of Salem.
  • E. M. Moore, the artist, has completed the fine crayon sketch of the late Levi Knott.
  • Dr. C. B. Smith reports A. J. Knott confined to his bed from pleurisy, at his residence on L street.
  • Louise Faulke, who has been in the employ of Mr. Joseph Floyd for some time, started for Omaha yesterday. James Rice also left for Omaha yesterday.
  • Capt. W. H. West came up from San Francisco Saturday, where he was called by the serious illness of his mother. She passed away before he arrived in San Francisco.
  • Mrs. H. A. Spafford, operator at Salem for the Postal Telegraph Company, came down on the O.&C. yesterday, to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. O. Austin, who died yesterday.
  • Rev. I. D. Driver received a dispatch Saturday announcing the death of a child of Rev. John T. Wolf, with the request that Dr. Driver come up and conduct the funeral services. He was not able to do so on account of his own sickness.
  • Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock Mrs. O. Austin, who was living with her son, Cornelius Austin, on Seventh, between D and E streets, died at the age of 87 years and 9 months. She was taken with a severe cold when the bad weather set in, and continued to decline until the end came. Mrs. Austin has only lived here something over one year. She has a large number of relatives in the city and in the state.
  • Mrs. Frances Mary Orr, wife of Mr. J. W. Orr, who went to California some two months ago for her health, died in Santa Barbara, January 19. Her husband was with her at the time of her death. It is not yet known whether her remains will be brought here for interment or not. Mrs. Orr was a consistent member of the Episcopal church. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her death.

January 28, 1888

  • The birthday party of Miss Ada Adams, daughter of J. H. Adams, who resides on the corner of Fourth and Holladay avenue, took place Thursday night. There was a fair attendance of young people, and evening was spent in music and games.
  • Mr. Frank Gardner, who died Thursday evening at his residence in McMillan's addition, was an old and highly respected citizen. He was about 48 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. For many years he was an engineer on the Oregon & California Railroad. His remains will be buried at Lone Fir under the auspices of Washington Lodge.

January 30, 1888

  • Saturday , January 28, Mrs. Henry Meyer presented her husband with a son.
  • Mr. A. M. Elam, of Milton, Or., and formerly a resident of this place, is in the city.
  • William Everest of this city is talking of moving to Spokane Falls about the first of February.
  • Yesterday at 1 P.M. the remains of Frank Gardner were laid at rest in Lone Fir, the ceremonies being conducted by Washington Lodge, A.F. and A.M., of which he was an honored member.
  • George Lakin, who attempted to commit suicide at Milwaukie, was seen last Saturday. He was much improved, and seemed to be in a cheerful frame of mind. He will not be removed to a Portland hospital, but will be cared for where he now is.

February 3, 1888

  • Mary B. Cook was fined $20 in Bullock's court yesterday for vagrancy, which was paid.
  • Mrs. T. A. Shane, of Albany, is in the city, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. V. Rankin.
  • While engaged in welding a wagon tire yesterday in the blacksmith shop on Seventh and V, Henry Hill has one of his eyes burned in a painful manner. A piece of the red-hot iron flew into his eye. He will be laid up for some time.

February 9, 1888

  • A marriage license was granted yesterday for Fred R. Bullock and Marian L. Martin.
  • Ernest Mosher, an employe of the Grand stables, fell from a chair upon a red-hot stove the other evening. His right arm was badly burned.
  • Judge Stearns granted Alma Giustin a divorce from George Giustin on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment yesterday, and allowed her portion of the household furniture, also one-third of the real estate of the defendant. The parties to the suit were married in this city July 5, 1887.
  • Tuesday afternoon a Chinaman, employed at Eichenhof, the country seat of H. E. Dosch, three miles from the city, died suddenly from heart disease. He was found lying beside a lot of young trees, which fifteen minutes before were given him Mr. Dosch, with instructions how to plant them.

February 10, 1888

  • Fred R. Bullock and Marian L. Martin were married at the residence of the bride's father on Fifth street Tuesday evening, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. John W. Sellwood. The relatives of the bride and groom were ????? the ceremony. Some very costly and ????? presents were received by the newly wedded couple. They begin housekeeping on Fourth and ????? at once.

February 11, 1888

  • The report published yesterday of the accidental killing of a little child on the section line road Thursday has been confirmed and the particulars obtained. The accident happened south of Mount Tabor and near the Gilbert place, and resulted in the shocking death of a little 6-year-old girl of John Lindinberg. Some men were engaged in burning brush and old timber, and the little girl was crossing the patch of ground where they were at work. As she went by, a high stump that was burning around the roots fell on her, striking on the side of her head, crushing the skull and breaking her arm. She was quickly picked up and carried into the house, but it was soon ascertained that her injuries were of too serious a nature for her to recover, and after lingering in a comatose state during the day her little spirit took its flight from its bruised tenement Thursday afternoon. The funeral services took place yesterday at 11 A.M. from the Baptist church at Mt. Tabor, and the remains were consigned to their last resting place in Lone Fir cemetery.
  • Miss Emily Martin, daughter of Mrs. John Glover and niece of Mr. O'Niel, of Lent's, died at her mother's residence at Eagle Creek January 30, of typhoid fever. She was a highly respected young woman, 18 years of age. It is stated that her mother, when she learned that typhoid fever was the disease her daughter was stricken with, was so shocked that she became unconscious and so remained until her daughter was dead and burial services had been performed. At the time the information was received it seemed doubtful whether she would recover from the shock. It seems Mrs. Glover has lost many relatives by typhoid fever.
  • Mr. D. B. Fleck of Lent's, and Miss Martha Armstrong, of Jacksonville, were married last week.

February 12, 1888

  • Around the bedside of James B. Stephens, known as the founder of East Portland, ????? considerable interest. Although very weak, and knowing that the end cannot be very far removed, he is cheerful in mind and takes a philosophical view of things. A reporter saw him a short time ago and obtained some important incidents. 
  • "I was born," he said on the line between Pennsylvania and Virginia, about forty-five miles from Pittsburg, on the 9th day of November, 1806. In 1830 was married to Miss Elizabeth Walker, and started for Oregon in the year 1843. We came the route that many others have traveled since--by Fort Laramie--and crossed the Snake river at the Salmon Falls; came by of Malheur, through Grand R???? valley, over the Blue mountains to Umatilla, across John Day river and the Deschutes, arriving at The Dalles worn out with the tolls of the journey. From The Dalles on to the mouth of the Willamette our party had a rough time, suffering with cold and from want of food. While on the way I remember one square meal we had after a long famine. We filled a large brass kettle with salmon, ducks, parsnips and nice bread. It was a meal that would have made a king smile. I wish now I had a photograph of the happy group that assembled around that meal. I remember we ate so much we could scarcely get around for some time. We next came to a small place called Linton, above ???? island. This was laid out for a town, and at that time it would rival Portland. I went on to Oregon City with my family. Remained in Oregon City until November 1, 1845. I then purchased the East Portland townsite, it being a claim held by a Frenchman, a servant of the Hudson Bay Company. The claim was put up at auction and I bought it for $200. I engaged in the business of making barrels for ????? years. Spent some years in California and then returned to Oregon. In 1855 I supplied ????? horses in the Indian wars; was paid in ????? which was cut down to 33 1/3 cent on the dollar and then after waiting three years was paid in greenbacks when they were worth 60 cents on the dollar." 
  • Uncle Jimmy has seen East Portland, and Portland for that matter, grow from the ground up. He says he has had a good time, and with a cheerful mind contemplates his approaching end. He has been a good citizen and an honest man. Uncle Jimmy Stephens does not ????? from active disease, but from general decline. He receives many visitors, with all of whom he converses cheerfully. Especially does he delight in talking about the growth of East Portland and of his early struggles. All the incidents of his life carefully sketched would make an interesting story.

February 16, 1888

  • Following members of the eighth grade will receive their Grammar school certificates this afternoon, which admits them to the High school: Helen E. Moser, Racine L. McCoy, Wm. J. Partlow, Olla E. Emily, Lizzie J. Miser, Harvey R. Hill, Anna Heslin and Walter E. Parrott.

February 27, 1888

  • The new Sellwood brass band is in a flourishing condition. The club is made up as follows:
    • President - B. W. Russell 
    • secretary - Seth D. Wills 
    • Lee Wills - E-flat cornet 
    • B. W. Russell - B-flat cornet 
    • John Wigginton - snare drum 
    • Fred Clayton - tenor 
    • M. Smith - trombone 
    • E. Rivers - B-flat cornet 
    • F. C. Wilson - bass drum 
    • W. C. Wilson - alto 
    • S. Atchison - B bass 
    • Fred Fogalde - alto
    • Fred Clarke - baritone bass 
    • Seth Wills - tuba 
    • Geo Wills - B-flat cornet
      ​The club is made of excellent material and will reflect credit on the enterprising town of Sellwood. Meetings are held Tuesday and Friday evenings.

February 28, 1888

  • The remains of the late Rev. T. L. Sails were brought from McMinnville last evening to East Portland. He died in McMinnville on Sunday and he will be buried to-day at 11 A.M. from the Methodist church, the services being conducted by the Rev. I. D. Driver. There was some difference of opinion concerning his ailment among the attending physicians. Dr. Stephen Young held he had cancer of the stomach, and an examination after death showed that his diagnosis of the case was correct. He was 47 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children. Rev. Sails was a man of singular purity, sincere, earnest and impulsive--ready to make any sacrifice when called upon to perform a duty. He began work as a minister of the Methodist church on the wide district east of Bubbard, when that country was but sparsely settled. From there he went to more important stations, and at one time was pastor of the East Portland church. Some years ago he became an evangelist, with no fixed station, going where it seemed to him, duty called. He was not a logician--but he impressed an audience with his earnestness, which is often more effective than the cold forms of logic.
  • It was reported several days ago that the case against B. R. Rollins had been compromised by the marriage of the defendant with the girl whom he was charged with seducing. Yesterday Mrs. Chapman, who lives in this city, was interviewed and confirmed the report of the marriage of her daughter with Rollins. The girl was at her mother's house when the reporter called and said she and Rollins were married at Gresham, and they would make their home in Gresham, where he had gone to secure a house.

March 2, 1888

  • Mr. John Kenworthy yesterday received the intelligence of the death of his brother in Poughkeepsie, New York.
  • Chas W. Cushing and Miss Frank Jacques were married Wednesday by Justice Bullock at W. E. Hayden's Seventh and C.

March 3, 1888

  • Mr. Davison, father of Thomas G. Davison, of this city, is in the city from Minnesota, and will remain all summer. He has run about considerable, and thinks we have the finest country in the world.
  • Last Wednesday Daniel Wittenberg and wife celebrated their thirty-first wedding anniversary. Mr. Wittenberg has resided in Portland and East Portland for the past twenty-five years, and now at the age of 61 is a hale and hearty man, and looks as though he might be 40.

March 9, 1888

  • For some time past Mrs. Barry, who has been living alone on Ninth street, in Stephens addition, has been sick and the neighbors have been sitting up and caring for her. Wednesday night a lady stayed with her part of the night, but Mrs. Barry feeling better, her attendant went home. Yesterday morning when a lady went in with breakfast for Mrs. Barry she was found lying on the floor in a dying condition. Help was quickly summoned, but she died in a very short time. She was 70 years of age.
  • Wednesday the three-year son of Mr. Noah Hall complained of a pain in his side, and upon examination a needle was found to be embedded in the flesh an inch deep. Dr. Wigg, who took the needle out, is of the opinion it had been there a long time.

March 16, 1888

  • Mrs. Wm. Hussey, of Illinois, is in the city on a visit to Mrs. P. C. Yocum.
  • Mr. Harry Forsythe and Miss Clara Rogers were married last week at Gresham.
  • Mrs. R. L. Hawthorne, now in Baltimore, expects to return in June.
  • Mr. James Roberts has returned from California, and is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Charles Daly.
  • Misses Sada and Ora Underhill and William Underhill have gone to Tacoma to visit their father.

March 23, 1888

  • Rev. George Wills died at his home near Willsburg Thursday morning at 2 o'clock. He will be buried at Milwaukie cemetery to-day at 3 P.M. Father Wills was 87 years of age, and at a very early day came to this country, settling near Willsburg, being the founder of that place. When he first came from the East he build a sawmill, and with his boys engaged extensively in the lumbering business. He was a man of sterling integrity and worth, respected by all who knew him. Two years ago his venerable wife, Mrs. Sarah Wills, died, and now her husband, with whom she had passed along the rugged road of a useful and well-spent life of threescore and ten, has gone to join her. At the time of his wife's death he expressed a desire to live two years longer, that he might accomplish certain objects, and it would seem that his wish was granted, as he lived just two years and one week after the death of his wife. He leaves quite a large family of grown-up children.
  • Mrs. O. B. Johnson, of Seattle, is in the city attending the bedside of Auntie Frush, who has been quite ill.

April 8, 1888

  • Mr. and Mrs. Gus Strube will depart for Europe about the middle of this month, and in honor of their departure, a number of their friends gave them a surprise farewell party at their residence on Fourteenth and F streets Friday night. The evening passed very pleasantly and Mr. and Mrs. Strube will depart on their journey with pleasant impressions. Among those present may be mentioned the following: Mr. and Mrs. Burkhard, Mr. and Mrs. Listman, Miss Fannie Gray, Annie Bushard, Ella Healy, Mary Neale, Minnie Bode, Lena Bode, Lizzie Byers, Lizzie Syberts, Lizzie Berni, Theresa Orr, Ina Freeman, Helena Freeman, Lula Anderson, Nettie Kellog, Yora Byers; Messrs. George Listman, George Hansell, Charles Rickett, Charles Geil, Herman Logus, Herman Burkhard, Charles Bruer, Henry Kadderly, Bertie H. McMonies, Jess Hoyt, Frank Burkhard, Louis Bilger.

April 10, 1888

  • At the annual meeting of Grant engine company, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
    • President - J. J. Murphy 
    • secretary - A. H. Boscow 
    • treasurer - E. Anderson 
    • foreman - Lee Holden 
    • first assistant foreman - H. Hill 
    • second assistant foreman - Ed. Oliver 
    • trustee - Dave Forbes
      ​Delegates to the board of fire delegates were J. J. Murhpy, A. H. Boscow, W. A. Jacobs. The company is composed of some of the best men in Stephens addition, and is in a flourishing condition. The time will come when an engine will be needed in the southern portion of the city, and Grant engine company can handle such engine in good shape.

April 12, 1888

  • Mrs. E. Dunning, the mother of Mr. F. S. Dunning, of this city, arrived Tuesday from Fremont, Ohio. Mr. Dunning had not met his mother for more than seventeen years and was pleased to see her looking so well after he long trip from the East. She is 74 years of age and stood the trip out here wonderfully well.

April 15, 1888

  • Gus Strube made what might have been a fatal mistake yesterday morning in taking some medicine. He got hold of a bottle containing ammonia and took a mouthful, but had not swallowed it before he detected his error. Had the fluid gone down Gus would have "gone up," or words to that effect. He is able to be around but can scarcely talk.
  • Dr. Clarke, father-in-law of Mr. Henry Moys is in the city. Dr. Clarke enjoys the distinction of having named the republican party. He was in the convention when the question of naming the great party was being discussed, and Dr. Clarke arose and said, "Why not call it the republican party?" The suggestion was immediately taken up and adopted.
  • The dog poisoner has again made himself felt in East Portland. Yesterday several dogs were found dead on the streets. Tom Parrot's find bird dog was among those poisoned. Tom valued the dog very highly and offers a reward of $200 for the arrest and conviction of the party who poisoned his dog. There is a general demand for the council to pass a license ordinance, as it is thought in this way the worthless curs can be exterminated.

April 21, 1888

  • Both Mrs. Fred Stoker and her infant child, who were so fearfully burned in the file at East Portland Thursday afternoon, have passed away and their scorched bodies will suffer no more. The infant died between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The child had inhaled the fire. There were indications of this at 10 o'clock Thursday night, at which time Dr. Smith called. The woman was sleeping at that time. Yesterday morning the woman about 6 o'clock sank into a stupor, and at 11 o'clock she expired. Drs. Flinn and Smith were present and used every possible effort to raise the woman, but without success.

April 24, 1888

  • Death of "Aunty" Frush -- It was the expressed wish of this highly respected lady while on her deathbed that no long mention of her be made in the newspapers, and her wish has been respected up to the time of her death, which took place Sunday morning at 1:45. It was strictly in accordance with her reserved and retired disposition to make such a request. She has, during her long life--and she lived 79 years--been engaged in deeds of kindness and charity, and she did this without any display. Many a poor family has received aid from her hands that did not know where the favors came from. She and her husband came to this country in 1852. Her husband, who died some years ago, ran the first ferryboat between this city and Portland, which landed at the foot of J street. The funeral services are to be held to-day at 11 o'clock.

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202