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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1887: Sept – Dec

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September 2, 1887

  • Mrs. R. L. Hawthorne and daughters will leave shortly for Baltimore, Md., where the Misses Hawthorne will attend school.
  • John E. Woods came back from the Dalles yesterday, where he has been making preparations to remove his family. He will remain in the city long enough to pack his furniture and settle up his business.
  • The marriage of Mr. L. P. Hosford and Miss Effie Owen took place Wednesday evening at the residence of the parents of the bride, on Seventh and G. The ceremony was performed by Father Moreland. Both have lived in this community and are justly popular with young people.

September 9, 1887

  • Fred Schlatter, who formerly was a resident of this city and a partner of Frank Parker in the blacksmith business, died at Kansas City on the 24th of August of typhoid pneumonia. When a resident of this city he was a member of Parrott's brass band and was a fine musician. A few days ago a letter was received from him stating he expected to return, but instead of coming himself the announcement of his death was sent instead. He left a wife and seven children.
  • Clinton Clark Kellogg, the 18-year-old son of Plympton and E. A. Kelly, who reside on the section line road, near the butte, died yesterday. He had been hopeless with consumption since the first of June. Clinton was a very bright young man and his parents and friends had high hopes centered in his future. He will be buried to-day.

September 10, 1887

  • Last evening the friends of Miss Jennie E. McFarland gave her a very pleasant surprise at the residence of her parents, in Cole's addition. The occasion was the 16th birthday of Miss Jennie. There was a large attendance of young people. Games, dancing, music and refreshments were among the amusements of the evening, and those attending enjoyed themselves.
  • Mr. Kent, of San Francisco, is here on a visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Poulterer. He expressed himself as being highly pleased with the country and the climate.

September 12, 1887

  • V. R. J. Osborne and wife, of Adrian, Michigan, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Baylor, in this city since the 3d of July, expect to leave for their Eastern home this week. They will go overland by way of San Francisco, Salt Lake, Denver and Kansas City, stopping a short time at each place. They speak well of our town , and notice its growth and prosperity since 1881, when they were here and spent the summer.
  • J. H. Foster, a merchant of Walla Walla, formerly of Portland, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Salem. His wife is one of the heirs to the estate of the late Louis Johnson, of Salem, and he is on his way there to assist in settling up the estate.
  • Mr. A. F. McAtee, and old resident of Klickitat valley, W. T., spent Sunday in this city. He is on his way to Salem to assist in settling up the estate of Louis Johnson, his wife's father, who died some time ago. Mr. McAtee is well known in Portland and on the sound.

September 13, 1887

  • Archie Fuqua, formerly an old resident of East Portland, arrived from east of the mountains yesterday. While passing through the city and noting the improvements that have been made since he left--fourteen years ago--he could hardly realize that this is the same place. When a resident here in the early days he kept the butcher shop on the corner of Fourth and I, where Strube & Co. now are in business. He goes back east of the mountains after a brief stay.
  • Mrs. W. T. Collins and Mrs. R. D. Austin of this city, will go East on the Pioneer excursion. They are pioneers of 1853.
  • Mrs. Dr. Wigg yesterday gave a pleasant dinner party at her residence on Seventh and J. Following were present: Mrs. Story, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Samuelson, Judge Wait and wife, and Rev. D. O. Ghormley.

September 14, 1887

  • Mr. John Kenworthy and family came back last night from their extended eastern trip. They left this city on June 9, being absent a little more than three months. The trip from Randolph, N.Y., to this city was made in six days. Mrs. Kenworthy's mother came out with them. Mr. Kenworthy states he enjoyed his trip very much, only during the heated term he would rather have been in Oregon.
  • Mr. Charles Hoffenden and Miss Clara DeClark were married in this city Tuesday at the residence of the bride's parents on Fourth and F. Both have a host of friends in East Portland and Portland who have the kindest feeling and interest for the future. They have departed on their bridal tour.

September 16, 1887

  • Mrs. John O'Brien of this city started for Omaha Wednesday, as her father, at that place, was not expected to live. A dispatch was received by her husband, John O'Brien, in this city yesterday, in which it was stated that her father was already dead and would be buried Sunday next. Mrs. O'Brien will get there in time to attend the funeral services.

September 21, 1887

  • Little Johnny, son of G. E. and L. E. Cox, who formerly resided in this city, died in Portland Sunday. He is remembered on this side as an extremely bright little fellow of 10 years.
  • The new Presbyterian church at Sellwood is a handsome edifice and speaks well for the energy of the Presbyterians in that district. The building committee, consisting or Messrs. Rhodes, Preston, Smith, Cunningham and Melwrath, deserve great credit.

September 24, 1887

  • Dr. J. G. McElroy has purchased a residence in this city near St. Francis' church.
  • The death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch is announced this morning.

September 26, 1887

  • A baby boy was born to the wife of Rev. I. D. Driver Saturday night.
  • Miss Hattie Baughman, daughter of Capt. E. W. Baughman, of Lewiston, Idaho, arrived yesterday on a visit to relatives.

September 29, 1887

  • Mrs. George Allen, of Snohomish, W.T., daughter of Z. B. Lee, is in the city on a visit.
  • Miss Ida Heath, of Eastern Oregon, is in the city on a visit to her relative, Mrs. W. T. B. Nicholson.
  • Mr. Elmer M. Wheeler, brother of Mayor Wheeler, arrived in this city yesterday from Albany, New York, over the Canadian Pacific. He comes to remain, and takes a position with Walter Bros., of Portland.

September 30, 1887

  • The postal telegraph company has a lady operator in the east side office. She took charge yesterday.
  • E. J. Cooper and George Baht, who have been visiting relatives at Lent's, have started for their home in Avery, Iowa.
  • The death by heart disease of Mrs. Edward Fraudsan, who lived on Fifth and P streets, is announced to-day. She was a lady of excellent character and was highly respected.

October 7, 1887

  • Miss Mollie McCauly, of this city, was married Wednesday evening to Mr. W. J. Idleman, of Portland.
  • J. C. Bunch of Coos county, intends to move his family to East Portland for the purpose of sending his children to the public school.
  • Mr. A. Lincoln Keenan, who has been superintending the work of widening U street, while thus engaged stepped off and dropped into the slough below. The distance down was about twenty feet, but he struck soft ground and was in nowise hurt by his impromptu sail through the air.

October 13, 1886

  • Under date of Boston, October 6, Capt. J. H. McMillen of East Portland writes as follows: "My wife and self are enjoying our visit here very much. As the cold weather comes on we will leave here and proceed on our way to Florida, visiting the principal cities of the South. We found the Canadian Pacific railroad in British Columbia passes through the finest mountain scenery we ever beheld; grand beyond description, inspiring the beholder with wonder and awe. All the streams here are rapid, cold and clear, abounding with fish of the best quality."
  • Last evening Mr. T. C. Austin, the editor of the East Portland Vindicator , and Miss Louisa Grenier were married at the residence of the bride in Portland, on Eleventh and N. In the presence of a few invited guests the ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. L. Eliot. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Austin start for the home of Mr. Austin's parents in Whatcom county, W.T. They will spend a few days at Seattle and then proceed on their journey. Returning to East Portland in about three weeks they will make their home on the southeast corner of Eleventh and L streets. Mr. Austin made his home in East Portland about a year ago, and the pleasantest word that can be said of him is that he enjoys the friendship of the business men of East Portland, whose interests he has constantly advocated. Mr. Austin may be congratulated on securing an estimable young lady as a bride.

October 14, 1887

  • Alon H. Overman and Nellie F. Hausman were married in the justice courtroom, on the 12th, by Justice Bullock.

October 27, 1887

  • Mr. G. W. Laughton and family will move to Medford on the 1st of November, to remain permanently. Mr. Laughton goes on account of his health and will engage in the real estate business.
  • Wednesday evening the marriage of Mr. Chas. K. Cranston and Miss Lulu Hines took place at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. H. K. Hines. Both are popular young people in East Portland and all wish them well.

October 29, 1887

  • Five weeks ago a man named Whittier left his wife at the Central hotel and went to the Cascades to work. Wednesday she gave birth to an infant, and was cared for by the kind hearted landlady. But Thursday night at 3 o'clock the infant died. Being without means the woman could not bury her child, so the ladies of the Relief Society took the matter in hand, and yesterday the remains were properly interred. The woman has been expecting her husband, but he has not arrived.

November 9, 1887

  • The election in East Portland passed off without incident of importance nor disturbance of any kind. All day there was large crowd on the southwest corner of Fourth and I, and there the entire battle of the campaign was fought over and over by the champions on both sides of the question. The ladies had their quarters in Strube's building on the northwest corner of Fourth and I streets where they served coffee and cake at ten cents. The ladies worked hard for prohibition, especially about the polls on the corner of Third and I at Pioneer engine house. Here every possible effort was made on both sides, and the large vote cast in this precinct shows the result. In Holladay's addition and Stephens the interest was not very great, and the vote was correspondingly light. Very little if any interest was shown in the other two amendments, and some people did not know that any other question than that of prohibition was involved. The vote was: 
    • Holladay's addition, No. 1 - 124 
    • East Portland, No. 2 - 735 
    • Stephens addition, No. 3 - 231 
    • Total - 1090
  • The result on the prohibition amendment was:

For Against
No. 1 51 73
No. 2 261 474
No. 3 407 683

Majority against amendment, 276.

November 16, 1887

  • E. M. Wheeler, brother of Mayor Wheeler, has been placed in charge of the branch house at Pendleton recently established at that point by the firm of Forbes & Wheeler.
  • The three young sailors--John Bollinger, Chas. Bates and James Holladay--whom officer Atterberry placed under arrest for singing on the streets Monday night, were brought before the recorder yesterday. It appearing that the young men were not aware they were doing wrong they were dismissed with a lecture.

December 3, 1887

  • Born, December 2, to the wife of F. L. Litherland, a ten-pound son. Mother and child doing well.

December 5, 1887

  • Yesterday at 10 a.M., at Mrs. Jordan's, Fourth and J, Mrs. A. C. Ripley passed away after an illness of about ten days. A week ago last Friday she was taken with a congestive chill and then followed typhoid pneumonia, which resulted fatally. She was a niece of W. D. Kelley, the famous congressman of Pennsylvania, was 47 years of age, born in Boston, Mass., and has lived in Oregon twenty-eight years. She has many friends in the city who will be deeply grieved to hear of her death.

December 9, 1887

  • W. H. Dickson, the well-known dealer in agricultural implements, died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock in the Harrington block. Mr. Dickson came to East Portland about a year ago and established what is known as the Northwestern Agency, in which was represented several agricultural houses located in the principal cities of the Middle states. By superior business management Mr. Dickson soon built up an extensive trade, and only a short time since moved into the warehouse of Page & Co., at the foot of J street. Since Mr. Dickson came back from his Eastern trip his health has not been good. He has been subject to both heart and stomach trouble, and he was carried off by a complication of these diseases. He has made many warm friends since being in business here and all will regret his enterprising spirit is lost to the city. He leaves a wife and two children, who will return to Cedar Falls, Iowa, her old home, and will take the remains of her husband with her. She leaves this afternoon. Another man will doubtless be sent out to take charge of the agency.

December 28, 1887

  • August Moehle, a young man 30 years of age, died at his parents' residence in Mt. Tabor at 7:30 yesterday morning. August was a young man very highly respected and was the only son of his parents. He passed away after two weeks' sickness of typhoid and rheumatic fever. The funeral will take place on Friday at 1 P.M. at the house, and 2 P.M. at the M.E. church at Mount Tabor. Rev. Mr. Parson will officiate in the English language and Rev. Mr. Schlenk in the German language.

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202