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1887: May - Aug

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May 2, 1887

  • The wife of W. B. Gilson, who has been very sick for a week with puerperal fever, died yesterday afternoon.
  • The Sunday school board of the East Portland M. E. church organized a mission school in the Stephens addition yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. There were fifty-eight persons present. The following officers were elected:
    • Superintendent - W. H. Burdick 
    • assistant superintendent - J. W. Wilson 
    • lady superintendent - Mrs. Sutherland 
    • secretary - J. A. Hines 
    • treasurer - Mrs. Jennie Hines 
    • librarian - Wm. Owen 
    • assistant librarian - James Poole 
    • chorister - Joseph Floyd 
    • organist - Flora Hubble

May 5, 1887

  • Yesterday morning when Mr. O.B. Adams got up he found that his house had been entered, and that $10 in silver had been taken from his clothes. The robber, whoever he was, entered the house through the back door, which was fastened by means of a chair being placed against it, the lock having been broken. A lamp was kept burning brightly in the room in which Mr. Adams was sleeping. Whoever entered the house could look into the room, after seeing where the clothes were, he turned the lamp almost out. He then took Mr. Adams's pants out on the porch and rifled the pockets, which contained $10 in silver loose, and a small purse containing about $3 in coin. The purse was found in the morning. Mr. Adams's vest, containing the watch, was not disturbed, nor was there anything else in the house taken except the $10. There were several gentleman sleeping upstairs, but no one heard anything during the night. Mr. Adams's residence is on the corner of Fifth and I streets.
  • Mr. John R. Crawford, who went to Vancouver sometime since to engage in his occupation of carpentering, it is stated, has made an application at that place for a divorce. The grounds upon which the application was made are that his wife, whom he left in East Portland, neglected her home and gave her entire attention to the Salvation Army. Mr. Crawford came over to East Portland a short time since and got his child. Mr. Crawford has the reputation of being an honest an industrious man, and the only cause of the separation is that the Salvation Army has absorbed all his wife's time and attention.

May 7, 1887

  • Mrs. Gilson, of Lebanon, is in the city visiting her son, W. B. Gilson.
  • Mr. John R. Crawford desires the rumor that he has made an application for a divorce denied.
  • Mrs. Will Knott, of San Francisco, nee Snow, and Miss Beppie Knott, of East Portland, are passengers on the steamer due to-morrow.
  • Mrs. Jane Samuels, mother-in-law of Mrs. S. Samuels, of this city, died at her home in Corvallis last Saturday. She was buried on the 2d of May, that day being the seventy-fifth anniversary of her birth.

May 9, 1887

  • Mrs. Zimmerman, wife of Wm. J. Zimmerman, who lives on Fourth and U streets, died last night at 8 o'clock. Her son-in-law at The Dalles has been telegraphed for.
  • The funeral services over the remains of little Johnny Stokes, who was so cruelly dragged to death Saturday, took place yesterday afternoon from the M. E. chapel. Rev. I. D. Driver conducted the services and preached an effective funeral discourse. The remains were taken to Lone Fir.

May 12, 1887

  • Mr. R. G. Davis was elected a life member of Company G last night. He is the first who has ever attained this distinction.
  • Mr. A. H. Breyman and wife, of East Portland, left yesterday for a two months' visit to Washington, New York and other Eastern cities, going over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. They will be in Washington from the 23d to the 30th of this month, to witness the national drill, as their son Otto, who was lately graduated from the Peekskill military academy, will be there with the company from the academy who will take part in the drill. Their son will travel with them after the drill is over and will return home with them.

May 23, 1887

  • Mr. Chas. Logus, after an absence of two years in Germany, has returned to East Portland. he reached here yesterday afternoon.
  • G. E. Cox has disposed of his interest in the East Portland Star , and the name of Keeler H. Gabbert appears as the editor of that paper.
  • Bruckner, husband of the woman who was recently murdered in Southern Oregon, passed through East Portland Saturday. He was not apprised of her death, nor of the manner, until he arrived in this city, when he was overwhelmed with grief.

June 15, 1887

  • A short time ago Mrs. Charles Wilson and her daughter Julia, whose husband is conductor on the O.&C., and resides in East Portland, went up to Cresswell on a short visit. Yesterday Mr. Wilson related to the east side reporter the following circumstance of their narrow escape from serious injury, if not death: On last Saturday afternoon Mr. John T. Gilfrey, of Cresswell, Oregon, accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Charles Wilson and her daughter Julia, of East Portland, in proceeding in a buggy from Cresswell to the residence of Mrs. Wilson's father, the horses took fright and ran away. Mr. Gilfrey and wife were thrown violently to the ground, the latter sustaining injuries from which she died this morning, having broken a leg, arm and thigh. Mr. Gilfrey struck on his head, and is considered seriously hurt. When the horses took fright Mrs. Wilson grasped her little daughter and pitched her out of the buggy, herself jumping out immediately after. Julia, the daughter, escaped in a measure unharmed. Mrs. Wilson was considerably bruised and shaken up, but a telegram received yesterday by her husband from the attending physician states that she is not considered dangerously hurt, and that a day or two will tell more about it.

June 25, 1887

  • Miss Lillie Fortmiller, formerly of this place, and Prof. Wallace Lee, of Albany college, were married at that place, Thursday, June 23, in the Presbyterian church. After the ceremony a reception was given at the residence of Mr. John Althouse. Refreshments were served, and congratulations tendered the newly married couple. The bride has many friends in East Portland.

July 1, 1887

  • The other evening the sone of Mr. Andrew Pullen, an old resident on Columbia slough, retired in his usual good health. In the morning, as he did not make his appearance, the family became alarmed and went to see what the matter was. He was found dead in his bed. It is stated that he was subject to heart disease. He was about 35 years of age.

July 8, 1887

  • Mrs. E. Story gave a very pleasant reception at her residence, on the corner of Eighth and D streets, last evening to Prof. W. H. Lee and wife, (the latter better known as Libbie Fortmiller in this city) of Albany. After congratulations were extended to the young couple and an hour spent in social chat, refreshments were served, consisting of ice cream, lemonade and cake. There were present: Mayor E. C. Wheeler and wife, Judge J. K. Wait and wife, Dr. Wigg and wife, Mr. Duniway and wife, J. Warren and wife, L. C. McCormack and wife, D. D. Neer and wife, Will Lee and his sister Bessie, Mrs. Samuels, Mrs. DeClark, Carrie Pope, Annie Diggles, Clara Webber, Mrs. Tumbs, H. McCormack, C. P. Fortmiller, C. C. Story and Rev. D. O. Ghormly. The party dispersed at 11 o'clock, wishing the bride and groom a long life of happiness.
  • Owing to the extravagant waste of water made by consumers in this city on their lawns, and otherwise by allowing their hose to run all night, the Water Company has and will continue to shut off water from 11 P.M. to 5 A.M., in order to protect the city in case of fire. This order will be strictly adhered to until the rules of the company are properly respected. -- EAST PORTLAND WATER CO.

July 11, 1887

  • The Alvin Allard estate was sold last Saturday by the administrator for $1900. It consists of thirty-four acres of land at Gravel hill.
  • Judge J. K. Wait, the administrator of the estate of Fenstermacher, who recently committed suicide, on Saturday sold the personal effects of the deceased at his place out in the country. The sale included the hay and fruit. The sale brought about $180 in cash.
  • BORN--In East Portland, July 9, to the wife of H. P. McGuire, a daughter. Mother and child doing well.
  • DIED--In East Portland, July 10, Mary F. wife of J. K. Laing, aged 42 years. (Bangor, Me., and Worcester, Mass., papers please copy). 
  • Funeral from residence, cor 4th street and Holladay avenue, Wednesday at 10 A. M. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
  • The funeral of Ben Holladay will take place from the Cathedral, corner Third and Stark streets, Monday morning, July 11, at 10 o'clock.

July 18, 1887

  • The many friends of Mr. J. W. Exon, of this city congratulate him upon his marriage with Miss Ida C. Culbertson. Mr. Exon has grown from boyhood to man's estate in this city, where he has many warm friends.
  • Charles Logus is having the rooms on the second floor of his block on Fourth and L decorated with paper fresco. They are certainly very beautiful. Very little work of that kind has been done on the east side before.

July 20, 1887

  • Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Fred Beno died at her residence on Asylum and Twenty-second. She leaves a husband and three children. Her husband has been prostrated for many years from the effects of wounds he received in the war. Her life has been one of devotion to her husband through the years of his prostration, and her children. The funeral will take place at 4 P.M. to-day, Rev. Ghormley officiating.

July 28, 1887

  • Albert Johnson will be married August 1 to one of East Portland's handsomest young ladies.
  • Misses Grace and Annie Painter left yesterday morning for Junction City, where they go to visit their cousin, Miss Ettie Farley.
  • Young Browning, who died suddenly at Ilwaco last week, was buried at this place Tuesday. On his person was found $32 instead of 75 cents as was first reported. So that disposes of the story of his having been robbed.

August 4, 1887

  • Louis H. Campbell, of this city and nephew of Judge K. Wait, was married yesterday to Miss Lucea Hobert, of La Center, at that place by Rev. D. O. Ghormley. The newly wedded pair have taken up their residence on the corner of J and Twelfth.

August 6, 1887

  • Gideon Tibbetts, an old and respected citizen familiarly known as Father Tibbetts, died yesterday morning, aged 79 years. He was a native of Bangor, Me., and came to this country across the plains in the year 1847. He was married in Manchester, Dearborn county, Ind., and has had in all six children, four of whom have died, and two--a son and daughter--are living. The daughter is the wife of Judge Kennedy, of Walla Walla. The party with whom Father Tibbetts came to this country were nine months on the way. When they reached The Dalles they built a scow and brought their goods in this way to the upper Cascades. Unloading their goods they sent the scow over the rapids and it passed the boiling waters in safety. He first settled in Corvallis, and then moved to East Portland and took up what is known as Tibbett's addition, which comprised, originally about 600 acres of land. The car shops are embraced in this tract. Also Brooklyn and other settled portions on the southeast side of the city. Father Tibbetts served one term in the legislature. Like most all the early pioneers who helped to lay the foundation of this state, he was a man of courage, and withal, of sound integrity. He leaves behind him a name clear an unsmirched, honest and fair to all, he will always be kindly thought of, in connection with other kindred courageous spirits, when the grave mounds beneath which he and they slumber, shall have been obliterated by the tread of countless thousands. The wife who was with him through the perils incident to the weary journey across the plains, and subsequent hardships, survives him at the age of 77. The remains will be buried at Lone Fir Sunday at 2 P.M.

August 10, 1887

  • Mrs. Matilda Tuttle, of this city, received a dispatch yesterday stating that the child of her granddaughter, Martha Odell, of Cottage Grove, was dead, and that the remains would be sent down on the train at 10 to-day for interment in Lone Fir.
  • About noon to-day the large barn of H. Hanson of Hanson's addition, had a narrow escape from destruction by fire. Flames were approaching from the burning brush, and the neighbors turned out and with great exertion the fire was prevented from reaching the barn.
  • Some one started a fire in the timber near Twelfth and D streets, and yesterday it spread to within 100 feet of George Erz's place, causing him considerable alarm. The smoke from the burning brush rolls over that portion of the city, causing great inconvenience to the people living there.

August 12, 1887

  • Alex. Donaldson was elected foreman of the fire department in Stephens addition at the last fire meeting.
  • The rope-walker is in the city. He gave an exhibition on the street last evening, walking a rope stretched from Baylor & Cook's store to Neppach's hall.

August 13, 1887

  • Fred Gates, 12 years old, fell from an apple tree in the orchard in Stephens addition at 5 P.M. yesterday, and his arm was dislocated at the elbow. Dr. Flinn was called and his injury was attended to. The inducement up the tree was some apples. When asked what he was doing up the tree he smiled, but made no answer.
  • Edward L. Kirk, who had his skull crushed by the kick of a horse in Lyon's livery stable, died from the effects of the injury yesterday at the Good Samaritan hospital at 11:30. The remains will be taken to Silverton to-day for interment. He was 30 years of age and leaves a wife and two children.

August 17, 1887

  • The infant child of W. B. Gilsan died yesterday evening at 6 o'clock at Mr. John Powell's residence on Tenth street. The mother died several months ago.
  • F. Opitz is having a new residence put up on Twelfth and M streets. It will be a one-story house and basement and will cost $1475. Mr. A. Hughes is the contractor. He began excavating for the foundation yesterday.

August 18, 1887

  • Prof. L. J. Powell, the brother of Mrs. H. C. Hill, of this city, and son of the late David Powell, died at Seattle yesterday at 3:30 P.M. Revs. I. D. Driver and H. K. Hines, of this city, will conduct the services at the urgent request of the deceased. Prof. Powell was about 50 years of age, and has a large family, who reside in different parts of the state. He was a self-made man, having educated himself in his boyhood mainly through his own efforts. He is better known from his connection with the Willamette university, where for many years he was professor of mathematics. While acting in that capacity he was instrumental in inducing young men from all portions of Oregon and Washington territory to make an effort to educate themselves as he had done. There is a warm place in the hearts of hundreds for him who gave them encouragement. After severing his connection with that institution he took charge of the Albany school, where he remained until he was elected state superintendent of public instruction for Oregon. His energy while in that position will be remembered. Having finished his official term with credit, he was elected president of the Territorial university at Seattle. Close application to the duties of his position brought on nervous prostration and undermined the foundation of his hitherto robust constitution. Change of climate was made in the hope that he might be restored to health, but it was too late, and he continued to grow weaker, until the dispatch announcing his death was received in this city from his son Edward Mrs. H. C. Hill. Mrs. Hill will not likely be able to attend the funeral, as she is quite sick. The two ministers who go to conduct the services will start for Seattle this morning. Prof. Powell has many relatives and personal friends in East Portland and vicinity.

August 20, 1887

  • DIED -- At East Portland, August 19, at 3 o'clock P.M., Agnes, wife of Allen B. Slauson, aged 26 years, 10 months and 18 days. 
  • Mrs. Slauson was a daughter of John R. and Catharine A. Coburn and was born at Canemah, Clackamas county, in 1860. Her father died while she was yet in her early childhood. She was known from her infancy as a person of quick and bright intellect and of a most sweet, affectionate and unselfish disposition. For a considerable time she was a teacher in the public schools of Portland. Some five years ago she married A. B. Slauson. She leaves one daughter 3 years of age. Brief as her life was, it was perfect. For many months the shadow of death was upon her, yet she repined not and ever looked upward with unfaltering hope. Earth has held and released no spirit more beautiful than that of her who has thus early been called to her rest.

August 22, 1887

  • Fritz Kranz has secured a tame deer for his collection of animals.
  • Mr. T. A. Shane, of Albany, spent Sunday in this city, a guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. N. Rankin.

August 23, 1887

  • Yesterday morning, at her residence on Columbia slough, Mrs. Jones, an aged pioneer lady, passed away. She came to this country at a very early day and has witnessed the growth of the state from its infancy to its present prosperity. She leaves a husband and six children, all of whom are married. Her neighbors mention her as a lady of gentleness and usefulness. She will be buried to-day at Columbia slough cemetery. There will be a large attendance, as she was widely known.

August 24, 1887

  • James E. Barger went to Newport, Yaquina, some time ago, with his wife and three children. He came back last night with four children, another having been born on the seashore.
  • John DeBoest starts East for his old home in Iowa this afternoon. He has been absent twenty-three years, and will drop in on his friends and relatives without their having notice of his coming. It will be a genuine surprise.

August 25, 1887

  • It is learned that Miss Ora Sanders, daughter of I. N. Sanders, ex-county clerk of Multnomah county will be married this evening at her parents' home at North Powder, Eastern Oregon. She is well-known in this city, having lived here many years before her parents removed east of the mountains.

August 26, 1887

  • Mrs. Sarah Browning, of Lewis river, mother of Mrs. E. L. Thorpe, died very suddenly Wednesday. E. L. Thorpe will be here to-day from California when he and his wife will doubtless attend the funeral services.
  • Yesterday at 5 P.M. Richard Quinlan, 12-year-old son of Mrs. Quinlan, who has a cigar and tobacco stand on Fourth street, broke his arm while playing with his brother near the slough. Dr. Flinn was called and the fracture reduced.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202