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1887: Jan — Apr

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January 3, 1887

  • August Kinsley died at Mt. Tabor on Saturday.

January 6, 1887

  • Prof. Platt, formerly a teacher in the East Portland public schools, was married last night to the accomplished Miss Mae Loller. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Robt. Loller, in Portland, by the Rev. N. Doane, of Salem. Mr. Platt has lived long in East Portland, where he has many friends. The bride has endeared herself in all her associations in this city, and many a heartfelt wish for her entire happiness goes with her in her new relations.
  • Miss Sallie Belt, daughter of Postmaster Belt, of Astoria, is making her cousin, Mrs. Emily Jordan, a visit.
  • Judge Bullock this week united in marriage Barrett Popejoy, of Clarke county, W. T., to Miss Cora E. Sprague. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's father, E. J. Sprague, of this city.

January 7, 1887

  • Last night at Shute's hall in Stephens addition, Sumner post, No. 12, G. A. R., installed the following officers:
    • Commander - F. R. Neal 
    • S. V. C. - W. B. Taylor 
    • J. V. C. - J. Neidemark 
    • Q. M. - G. J. Ross 
    • Surgeon - W. W. Royal 
    • Chaplain - E. Martin 
    • O. D. - G. L. Smith
    • O. G. - J. W. Howe 
    • Ass't Adj. - C. C. Barton 
    • S. M. - John W. Riner 
    • Q. M. - J. Oglesbee
      ​After the installation ceremonies were over a supper was served, which in turn was followed by a pleasant dance.

January 15, 1887

  • Russell Deming Austin died at his residence in this city Thursday, at 6:30, of cancer of the throat. Mr. Austin was born in Otsego county, N.Y., Feb.  12, 1827, and at the time of his death was 60 years of age. He was one of the early pioneers of this coast, and there are probably few men better known than was Mr. Austin. He came across the plains at a time when such a journey was fraught with great peril from the Indians and other dangers. In October, 1852, he reached Portland, where he remained until 1866, when he moved to East Portland and has lived there ever since. Mr. Austin was married in Milwaukee, Oregon, in 1856, and leaves a wife and nine children, three children being married. Mr. Austin was the pioneer printer of Oregon, having started the Oregon Times in the year 1853, in connection with W. D. Carter and John Orvis Waterman, the latter being editor-in-chief. In the early times he did all the public printing, having a large job office. His death has been expected for some time. The cancer which caused his death manifested itself about five months ago. In his death it may truly be said, "another pioneer is gone." His funeral takes place at 10 o'clock this morning, from his family residence, and it is expected that there will be a large attendance to pay their last respects to a good citizen.

January 17, 1887

  • Funeral service over the remains of S. B. Manning took place yesterday under the auspices of the G.A.R. and Knights of Pythias.
  • Mr. D. L. Brown, of Salem, was in the city yesterday. He came down to attend the funeral of S. B. Manning, his brother-in-law. He returns to Salem to-day.

January 19, 1887

  • Monday a little girl of 13 years started for school in the morning, and up to last evening had not been seen nor heard of. Her parents live on Ninth street, between K and F. The child's name is Jessie Duley; she has fair hair and light complexion. She has been attending the meetings of the Salvation Army, and has expressed an intention of joining that organization. An interview with the parents elicited the information that the trouble was at her home. Both father and mother are unconcerned about the little child and seem to think she will "turn up all right." The child has been attending the school under charge of Miss Simpson. 
  • Mrs. McCauley, wife of Dr. J. C. McCauley of Stayton, Oregon, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sprague of Stephens addition.

January 20, 1887

  • Last night at 8 o'clock, in Albina, Frank Chambers, of East Portland, and Ella Hill of Albina, were married at the residence of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I. D. Driver, of this city. They begin housekeeping in East Portland at once.

January 22, 1887

  • Thursday evening, January 20, Mr. Edwin T. Peterson and Miss Violetta Hosford were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. C. O. Hosford and wife. Rev. John Parsons, of the M. E. church, performed the ceremony. Mr. Peterson is well and favorably known at Mount Tabor and has a host of friends. Miss Hosford, the bride is a young lady beloved by all who know her, and was a belle in Mount Tabor society. At 8 o'clock the invited guests met in the parlor of Mr. Hosford's pleasant residence to witness the marriage ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly married couple were the recipients of warm congratulations. The bride received many handsome and useful presents. At 9 o'clock a sumptuous supper was enjoyed by all, after which the guests took their leave, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peterson many years of united happiness.

January 26, 1887

  • Monday evening Mr. B. W. Thomas was married to Miss Frank D. Burnett, daughter of our fellow-townsman, Mr. H. Burnett. The wedding was a private one, the ceremony being performed at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. D. T. Richards, D.D. The newly wedded couple took the train for Yaquina bay, where they will remain a short time. After returning they will take their departure for Omaha. The bride's health has been poor for some time, and it is to be hoped that traveling and the incident change of climate will enable her to regain her health. Both are well known in the city, where they have many friends who entertain high hopes for their happiness.

January 29, 1887

  • Yesterday Mr. Thomas Parrott, of East Portland, came back from Yamhill county, where he has been to attend the funeral services of his aged mother, who died last Sunday. His mother, Maria Parrott, was a native of England. The family left England in the month of August in the year 1852. They reached Portland in the early part of the following year. At the time of her death she was 75 years of age. She was sick but a short time and passed away in peace. Mrs. Parrott had been a conscientious Christian all her life; in full confidence in her religious belief she passed away. She leaves seven children, five boys and two girls, all in good circumstances.

January 31, 1887

  • Little Wm. Bates Welch, the 6-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Welch, died yesterday afternoon at 3:55. He had been complaining for some time, and last night he was taken quite ill. At 1 o'clock in the morning, Dr. W. W. Royal was called. He at once pronounced the child sick with membranous croup. Later Dr. W. H. Saylor and Dr. H. E. Jones were called in consultation, but despite their efforts the little fellow passed away. Mrs. and Mr. Welch are almost distracted over the loss of their only child. The sympathy of the entire community go to them in their sad and sudden bereavement. Announcement of the funeral will be made later.

February 2, 1887

  • Monday evening at 11 o'clock Mrs. Cora D. Steele, wife of W. B. Steele, the contractor, living in Stephens addition, died of acute pneumonia. She had been sick but a few days, and her death was wholly unexpected up to within a short time before it took place. She was 21 years of age, and in her death four children are left without a mother's care. The funeral takes place from the residence of W. B. Hall, Hanson's addition, Rev. T. D. Richards, Baptist minister, officiating.

February 4, 1887

  • Mrs. Ellen Daley, the mother of William J. Daley, of this city, died at 2:45 P.M., yesterday. Mrs. Daley was born in Ireland in 1800, and came to Oregon in 1859. At the time of her death she was 87 years of age. For some years past she has been a sufferer from acute neuralgia in her head, which disease unsettled her mind so much that she had to be watched most of the time. Funeral next Saturday at 2 P.M.

February 11, 1887

  • The wife of Wm. Bates, who lives in Stephens addition, died from pneumonia last Wednesday. She had been sick for some time, and was convalescing, but was compelled to sit up to attend to a sick child, and in so doing, took a relapse, from which she did not recover. She leaves a husband and several children.

February 18, 1887

  • A very quiet, but pleasant wedding took place at the residence of the groom, at Mount Tabor, the contracting parties being the Hon. J. S. Newell and Mrs. Mattie King, of this city. The ceremony, which, owing to the prolonged illness of Mr. Newell's daughter was necessarily private, was performed by Rev. John Parsons, pastor of Mount Tabor M. E. church, in the presence of the immediate family. A number of very handsome presents were received from Mr. Newell's daughters, and from friends. The best wishes of hosts of acquaintances follow Mr. Newell and his handsome bride.

February 25, 1887

  • The wife of W. G. Woods is reported quite sick.
  • The wife of A. Munger is very sick with pneumonia.
  • W. B. Hall, of Hansen's addition, is down with the mumps.
  • Quimby, son of G. Mathew, is very sick with inflammation of the lungs.
  • The wife of Uncle Jimmy Stephens, in Stephens addition, is reported as lying very low.
  • Mrs. James Campbell of this city, wife of the deputy prosecuting attorney, is quite sick in Portland.
  • The child of A. Banks, living on the corner of Sixteenth and D streets, is recovering from a dangerous attack of inflammation of the lungs.

February 28, 1887

  • Saturday night a pleasant birthday party was given Hawthorne Nottage, by his parents, at their residence on the corner of I and Eighth. The spacious parlors were thrown open to Master Hawthorne's young friends, and they showed their appreciation and well wishes for his future by numerous presents, which he will undoubtedly prize very highly. A splendid repast was served, of which all partook with evident pleasure. Dr. Nottage and his wife made their son's guests at home, and in many ways added to their entertainment. 

March 3, 1887

  • Otis Smith, who has been sick at St. Johns for some time, died on Wednesday of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and child.

March 5, 1887

  • Mr. P. J. Kinney, of Pleasant Home, died the other day, and his funeral was conducted by the Baptist church.
  • Mr. Smith, the son-in-law of old Mr. Windel, of Columbia slough, died of lung fever and was buried March 3 on Lewis Love's place.
  • Green Gadden, who formerly lived on Columbia slough, died at Gray's harbor, W. T. The remains were brought over and interred March 3. He died from lung fever.
  • Mr. C. J. Howard and family, from the Des Chutes, were in the city at the Central a few days, and yesterday morning took the stage for the Sandy. Mr. Howard is the son-law of I. H. Revenue, of the Sandy.

March 10, 1887

  • Mrs. McMillan, wife of the marshal, has been very sick for the past three days with catarrh of the stomach. She was much better last night, and her friends hope soon to hear of her complete recovery.
  • Frank Henry, who has been ill for some months of consumption, died at his residence in Stephens addition at 10:45 yesterday. He leaves a wife and large family of children. He was the only brother of the late Anson B. Henry, of Yamhill county. His death has been expected for some days.

March 15, 1887

  • Mrs. Strunk and her four children have started for their home in Pawnee City, Nebraska. She is the daughter of Mrs. Kinney of Pleasant Home, who died recently, and had been with her during the past three months.

March 18, 1887

  • Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Curry entertained a number of their friends at their home on the corner of Tenth and G streets the other evening. The occasion was the eighth anniversary of their wedding. There was quite a number of their friends present, and social pleasures, music and refreshments were indulged in by the guests.

March 19, 1887

  • Oscar Steinberg, son of Herman Steinberg, Eighth and E streets, died from heart disease Thursday morning, after an illness of an hour and a half. He was 15 years of age. His remains were conveyed to Lone Fir cemetery yesterday at 11 o'clock.

March 23, 1887

  • The other evening the relatives and friends of Uncle Jacob Geisey, of Aurora, gave him a party in honor of his 60th birthday.

March 25, 1887

  • The Daily Herald of Honolulu, under date of March 10, has been received in this city which contains a full account of the accident to Wm. A. Dildine. He had been sleeping upstairs in the Pantheon stables, where he was employed. At a late hour, March 9, he had occasion to go down stairs, and while groping around in the dark for the opening he fell through a trap door, a distance of twelve feet to the ground. His moans of distress were heard and assistance came to his relief. He was immediately taken to the Queen's hospital. On examination it was found that his back had been broken. Everything possible was done. The Herald states William had made many friends in Honolulu. A private letter from a lady in Honolulu was received by Mrs. Dildine, which confirms that paper's account of the occurrence. What is most singular about the sad accident is that his almost broken-hearted mother in this city, was impressed with a sense that something had happened to William just before it took place. 
  • A dispatch was received last night at 10 o'clock by Mr. S. Dildine from Martha H. Baker, Oakland, Cal. (sister of Mrs. Dildine), which read: "Willie fell and broke his back at Honolulu on March 9; recovery doubtful.
  • Mrs. C. B. Gladding, mother of Dr. C. F. Gladding, of this city, will arrive on the Steamer Oregon from San Francisco.

March 30, 1887

  • A little child of C. C. Smith, Stephens addition, died yesterday.
  • Mrs. Peaslee, of Battle Creek, Mich., is in the city, visiting her children.
  • The little girl of George Parrish, Stephens addition, who has been very low with brain fever for several days, passed away at 5 o'clock yesterday evening.

April 1, 1887

  • The funeral of the little child of Geo. Parrish took place yesterday forenoon from the Episcopal church.
  • Mr. Hayes yesterday moved his family to the east side and now occupies the house on Fifth street, between F and G streets.
  • Mrs. Mary Russell, of Albina, who died Thursday, was buried from the Episcopal church in East Portland yesterday afternoon. Rev. John Sellwood officiated.

April 2, 1887

  • Pioneer Engine company elected the following officers last night:
    • E. A. Scofield - foreman
    • W. B. Gilson - first assistant 
    • E. C. Wheeler - second assistant 
    • John H. Hall - president 
    • E. C. Beard - secretary 
    • W. B. Welch - treasurer 
    • E. C. Wheeler - trustees 
    • Fred Kindorf 
    • J. B. Pape 
    • Ed Brandan - auditing committee 
    • W. H. Bartel 
    • J. J. Kadderly 
    • Henry Meyer - representatives to the board of fire delegates 
    • E. C. Ferguson 
    • W. B. Gilson    
      ​Relief Hook and Ladder company, in Holladay addition, held an annual meeting and elected officers. Also Grant Engine company, in Stephens addition.

April 4, 1887

  • Mrs. Winfield Oliver died Saturday in this city of consumption.

April 9, 1887

  • David Powell died this afternoon at his residence, on Columbia slough, about seven miles out, on the Sandy road. He was an old Pioneer, came to this country in 1847, and was over 72 years old at the time of his death. He has been sick about a year, having been stricken with paralysis sometime last year, from the effects of which he never recovered. He has a large number of relatives and friends living in this vicinity. During his lifetime he was a very useful man to society, and his sterling qualities found ample scope in helping subdue the wilderness and found Oregon. He has been in the legislature from this county, and was a useful member. His funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday) in the Sandy cemetery.

April 12, 1887

  • The funeral of David Powell took place Sunday at his home, where he has resided for forty years. There was a large concourse of people in attendance, the funeral discourse being preached by Rev. H. K. Hines. With his death another link has been dropped from the chain that binds us to the primitive scenes and hardships incident to the early settlement of this country. Mr. Powell was born in Kentucky March 15, 1814. In 1837 he removed to Western Missouri, and in 1847 he crossed the plains to Oregon, arriving on the place on which he died in the autumn of that year, and settled down to a home-making in an almost unbroken wilderness. When he settled on the east side there were but three houses here--his own, that of Uncle Jimmy Stephens and John Caruthers. There were a few houses in Portland. So Mr. Powell witnessed the growth of the country from its infancy. It is related of him that he was foremost in matters of education. Settled, it became necessary to establish schools. Mr. Powell's house was in district No. 3. There was a strong opposition to the erection of a school house, but with relentless energy on his part a school house was built. He was not a man of great education, as we understand it, but he did all within his power to advance the cause of education at a time when it was hard to accomplish anything along that line. Mr. Powell had the true genius of a pioneer. He was steady of purpose, strong in attachments, unyielding in his positions, ready to assume responsibility, brave and fearless in his friendships as well as in his antagonisms, quite such a man in intellectual and physical hardihood as is most useful in reducing heterogeneous social and political elements into order and stability and forming them into a stable commonwealth. With these natural elements within him, and with a mind well stored by varied reading, it was only natural that he should become one of the most influential citizens of his community and state. He had the honor of representing one of the strongest and most cultivated constituencies of the state in the highest branch of its legislative body, and did his work conscientiously. Mr. Powell was a generous, open-handed friend to all that were in need or suffering. His heart was stout to do and dare, but tender and sympathetic, and unable to close itself against any appeal that want or woe mad at it door. As the head of a family, Mr. Powell filled an honorable place in the fatherhood of life. His name and memory will be ever green and fragrant in the hearts of his children, while his now widowed wife will think and speak of his strong and tender and manly love with grateful remembrance. He was the father of eleven children, six of whom survive him, five being present at his burial. His son, Rev. L. J. Powell, A. M., president of the territorial university at Seattle, and late superintendent of schools for the state of Oregon, was unable to be present on account of personal illness. And so they pass away, these pioneers, leaving lives worthy of imitation along the line of self-sacrifice and devotion to the right.

April 14, 1887

  • Tuesday Mr. Stearns, who is connected with the real estate office of Eugene White, in this city, was called home by the sudden illness of his 2-months old child. The child lived but a short time after being taken sick. Funeral took place yesterday afternoon.

April 23, 1887

  • Capt. Robertson has received intelligence of the death of George Foreman, his brother-in-law, who has been living at Dufur, Wasco county. He had been sick about six months, but finally passed away suddenly.
  • A 7-year old girl of a German names Kliegel, who resides near Pleasant Home, was accidentally shot in the left breast the other day. The bullet ranged upward and passed through the child's lungs. Dr. Smith failed to find the bullet. She and her brother were playing with a loaded revolver, which was discharged. Latest reports are to the effect that the child cannot recover.

April 26, 1887

  • The wife of I. J. Matlock, formerly of this city, have gone to Los Angeles, California, where Matlock went some time since from Victoria.
  • The wife of William Eversal died yesterday at Gravel Hill. She leaves a child a day old besides a family of eight children. It is stated that the family are in poor circumstances. She will be buried in the Columbia Slough cemetery.

April 27, 1887

  • Last evening the friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall gave them a pleasant surprise, the occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding. They met at the house of Mr. McGowan, and thence went to the residence of Mr. Hall. A pleasant evening was spent, the two being taken completely by surprise. The friends took their refreshments with them, and all enjoyed the evening most heartily. There were about forty present.

April 28, 1887

  • Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens, wife of James B. Stephens, sank to rest Tuesday night, after a protracted illness. She was born near Flemmingsburg, Boone county, Kentucky, December 6, 1806, and was married at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 28, 1830. The and her husband came to Oregon in 1844, landing at Oregon City December 24 of that year. After remaining at the Falls City about one year they moved to their present home in East Portland. They bought a squatter's claim of 640 acres of land of a Hudson Bay Company man. The only house on the east side at the time was the squatter's hut standing on the Willamette just opposite their present home. Across the Willamette the forest was virgin. Where Smith's sawmill now stands the first tree had just been cut down to mark the first squatter's claim on the west side. Mr. Stephens paid $200 to the squatter for the claim. The hardships and privations incident to the life of the pioneer were cheerfully and unflinchingly met by Mrs. Stephens. She and her husband together have seen this country grow from a wilderness into a rich and powerful state. But her journey on earth has ended; to her its joys and sorrows are closed forever. She will be remembered henceforth as a pioneer woman of singular purity and strength of character. She will be laid to rest in Lone Fir cemetery this afternoon at 2 o'clock P.M. The funeral will proceed from the residence, and it is expected that there will be a large attendance. Mrs. Stephens was the mother of seven children; four died in the East and three were brought to Oregon. James Stephens was drowned in the Willamette river near where the old water works stands. Mrs. Lorven is a daughter of Mrs. Stephens, the only child of deceased now living.

April 30, 1887

  • Yesterday afternoon Mr. Steinberg, who was moved over to the Good Samaritan hospital Thursday, passed away. When he was first taken to the hospital the attendant physicians were of the opinion that he might die at any time. He has a brother at Walla Walla and has a son 14 years of age. He has a house on Eighth, between E and F streets. Mr. Steinberg was a man about 45 years of age. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from his residence.
  • The little daughter of Klieget, near the Sandy, who was accidentally shot, is in a fair way to get well.
  • Mrs. Dr. Ring of Weston, daughter of David Powell, deceased, will return to her home next Monday.
  • Mrs. Susan Bigger, a German woman who for a number of years resided at the corner of Eleventh and E streets, in this city, died at her home on the Sandy a few days ago. She was about 44 years old and was known as an energetic, hardworking woman, who latterly became involved in some legal and financial troubles, through which she lost considerable property.

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202