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1886: Sept – Dec

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September 1, 1886

  • Mr. J. L. Stuart, who has been on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. H. D. McGuire, for a few days, returned to his home at Cross Keys, Crook county, yesterday, leaving Mrs. Stuart, who is under the care of her physician, to prolong her visit for several weeks.
  • Capt. Raabe of this city, who left here last May to visit his parents in Norway, returned to his home last Sunday by the Northern Pacific railroad. The captain enjoyed his trip greatly, and has returned in improved health. He will return to his position as captain of the steamer City of Salem at once.

September 16, 1886

  • An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Case, died on Tuesday evening. The funeral took place from the residence on the corner of Sixteenth and Wilder streets, Sullivan's addition, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. I. D. Driver, officiating.
  • Mr. John Quinlan, who has been for over a year past afflicted with consumption, died at his residence on Fourth street, in this city, at 12 o'clock yesterday. The funeral will take place at St. Francis Catholic church, on J street, this morning at 9 o'clock, when mass will be said. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

September 18, 1866

  • Mrs. Stephens, wife of Frank Stephens, is lying dangerously ill for several days at the family residence, on corner of Seventh and J streets.
  • Miss Libby Greene, whose parents reside in this city, was married at Spokane Falls on Saturday last to a Mr. Charles Dyer, a contractor and builder of that place.
  • Mr. C. L. Marshall left yesterday for Spokane Falls, where he has gone to join his family, who left here several weeks ago. He expects to go into the stock raising business with his father at that place.
  • Mr. F. Burnight, of Los Angeles, California, a brother-in-law of Mr. Gideon Tibbetts, with his son arrived in this city on the last steamer from San Francisco on a visit. He expects to remain in the state some time and take a good look at most of the cities and towns, as well as the wooded and farming lands, with a view to locating somewhere in Oregon.

September 22, 1886

  • John Prettyman, son of W. D. Prettyman, who has been suffering for some time past from congestion of the lungs, died at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The funeral services were held at the residence at 4 P.M. yesterday, Rev. Parsons, of the M.E. church, officiating. The remains were conveyed to Lone Fir cemetery for interment.
  • Yesterday the East Portland water company held their annual meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following were elected: Joseph Burkhard, president; C. M. Forbes, vice-president; W. W. McGuire, treasurer; J. T. Stewart, secretary and collector; H. P. McGuire, superintendent; directors, Joseph Burkhard, C. M. Forbes, H. P. McGuire and W. W. McGuire.

October 8, 1886

  • Mr. John Dillman, who fell from a wood wagon in the woods on the Sandy road, on Tuesday morning, and received such serious injuries, died at his residence in this city at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Up to 6 o'clock the evening previous it was thought by his family and friends that he might be able to pull through, but a burning fever set in soon afterwards and he grew rapidly worse and suffered intense agony until death came to his relief. Mrs. Dillman has been sick and confined to the house for nearly three weeks and has not yet recovered. The deceased was 54 years of age yesterday. He leaves a family of six--four daughters and two sons, the youngest 15 years of age. The remains will be taken to Fourth Plain, Clarke county, W. T., to-day, where the funeral ceremonies will take place.

October 14, 1886

  • The marriage of Mr. George Peaslee, senior member of the firm of Peaslee Bros., of this city, to Miss Willie Allen, of San Jose, Cal., took place in that city on Tuesday afternoon, October 12. George and his bride may be expected to arrive here shortly, and will occupy rooms in the Baily block, which are already prepared for their reception.
  • The wedding of Miss Jessie Welch to Mr. Thomas Searles took place at the residence of Mr. Charles Welch, father of the bride, at Mount Tabor, on Monday evening last, Rev. Haskell, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated.

October 16, 1886

  • The wedding of Mr. George A. Griffin to Miss Maggie J. Turner took place at the residence of Mr. J. Gwin, corner of Sixth and J. streets, on Thursday evening, Rev. T. L. Sails officiating.

October 20, 1886

  • A 15-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bancroft died yesterday morning at their residence in Holladay's addition. The cause of death is said to have been blood poisoning, from the bite of a spider or some other venomous insect. The funeral services were held at the residence between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. Daniel Staver officiating.
  • Mr. George Murray, who for some time past has been in Alaska, has returned, bringing with him many fine and rich specimens of gold and silver quartz, and rock containing copper and lead.

October 25, 1886

  • Miss Lida Cranston and Miss Lena Breyman, of Salem, are spending a few days visiting with the family of Mr. A. H. Breyman, in Holladay's addition.
  • Mr. F. Burnight, who has been spending several weeks his sister Mrs. Gideon Tibbetts, left on the steamer for San Francisco last night, and after spending a few days in the city, will return to his home in Los Angeles, Cal.
  • Mr. J. L. Stewart, who has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs. H. D. McGuire, left yesterday afternoon for his ranch at Cross Keys, Crook county. His wife, who has been visiting her daughter all summer, in hope of benefiting her health, returned with him.

October 29, 1886

  • A little after 11 o'clock yesterday morning news was brought to this city by Mr. T. C. Earle that George Schell, of this city, had been killed. Mr. Earle came in on horseback from Roach's place, on the Vancouver road, about two and one-half miles from this city, and stated that a half an hour previous he had found the dead body of Schell lying in the road running through the timber, and about 200 yards further, at the corner of the road leading to this city, he found the four-hourse team which Schell had been driving, with the wagon turned over. It was his opinion that Schell, who was hauling wood from that place for Monroe & Parker, of this city, had started with his load and had accidentally fell or been thrown off the load and the wheels had passed over him, killing him instantly. Mr. Earle left the body just as he found it and rode rapidly to this city and informed Messrs. Munroe & Parker, for whom the deceased had been working, and his mother, who is a widow and resides in Soden's building on L street. The coroner was notified and, in company with others, drove out to the place, where the body was found in a badly mutilated condition, both arms being broken and neck mashed, and it was evident to all that the deceased had fallen from the spring seat to the ground in front of the wagon and the wheels had passed diagonally over his neck and breast, just missing the base of the skull. No one was present to witness the accident, and no information could be obtained except that of Mr. Earle, who found the body and afterwards the team and overturned wagon. It was therefore deemed useless to hold an inquest. The body was brought to the undertaking rooms of F. S. Dunning, where it was placed in a coffin, and will be taken to Silverton on this morning's train, where the funeral services will take place from the residence of a sister residing there.

November 3, 1886

  • Prof. W. A. Wetzell will dissect the heart and lungs of an ox in the presence of his physiology class to-morrow morning. The object of the dissection will be to show the structure of those organs and the explanation of the subjects of circulation and respiration. Mr. Wetzell's aim is to make his instruction as practical as possible.
  • The launching of the new steamer from the ship yard of Messrs. Paquet & Smith took place yesterday morning, according to previous arrangements, as stated in yesterday's Oregonian . The time set for the launching was at or near 11 o'clock, when the tide would be at full. Long before that hour Ladd's new wharf and other prominent places were covered with spectators, many of whom were ladies. Preparations for the launching commenced on Monday and continued until about 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning, when Mr. Louis Paquet, who has had charge of her construction, gave orders to have the boats which were tied up in front of the yard, and every other obstruction removed. That being done, orders were given to remove the blocks and braces. This was quickly accomplished, and at 11:22, the signal being given, the ropes were cut and the handsome craft slid gracefully down the ways into the water, the spectators cheering and the engine at the box factory saluting with a hearty whistle. It was indeed a beautiful sight. No accident of any kind has happened since the commencement of her construction up to the present time. None of her owners were present to witness the launching, and the name is still a secret to her builders.
  • Mrs. Frankie Dunn of this city leaves for Walla Walla to day to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. William Sterling, who was recently murdered, an account of which has already been given inThe Oregonian .
  • Mrs. Marye, wife of ex-County Surveyor W. B. Marye, is lying dangerously ill at the residence of her mother, Mrs. T. DeClark, corner of Fourth and F streets. She is receiving the best of nursing and care but her recovery is considered doubtful, and it is considered unwise to allow any of her friends to visit her at present. 

November 11, 1886

  • Miss Jennie Brand, daughter of Mr. James Brand, who has been afflicted with consumption for several months past, died at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. Deceased was 17 years of age at the time of her death. The funeral will take place from the residence of her parents, near Fairview, this county, at 10 A.M. to-day. Friends of the family are requested to attend.

November 18, 1886

  • Jim Reed, who has appeared several times before the city recorder of late to answer to the charge of being drunk and disorderly, was again arrested yesterday afternoon and lodged in jail.
  • Mrs. C. W. Tracy is making preparation to remove to Drummond, Montana, to spend the winter with her husband at that place. Her grand-daughter, Miss Carrie Moore, will accompany her.
  • A complaint was filed in Justice Bullock's court yesterday afternoon, by Ah Jim, accusing one Lung Sing of stealing a woolen blanket belonging to him. A warrant was issued and Sing was arrested. On being arraigned he pleaded not guilty and the case was set for hearing at 8:30 this morning. Sing was locked up until that hour.

November 20, 1886

  • Mr. J. F. P. Johnson, aged 83 years, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Long, in the Harrington block, in this city, about 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. Deceased has been ailing for several months, but with no particular disease, and he continued to grow weaker until the time his death. He was a soldier in the late war, and at the age of 60 years fought in the battle of Stone River. He was a member of Sumner post, No. 12, G.A.R., of this city, under whose auspices he will be buried. The announcement of which will be found in the funeral notices in this paper.
  • Mr. Matthias Reynolds, aged 82 years, died at his residence in Powell's valley on Thursday evening. Deceased was a native of Virginia, but when quite a young man removed to Warren, Iowa, and afterwards to Powell's valley, in this state, where he has resided for twenty-five years, and has always been greatly respected by his neighbors. His funeral will take place at 11 o'clock this morning, from the White school house.

November 29, 1886

  • The funeral of Mr. H. H. Lohr took place from the residence of his brother, B. F. Lohr, corner of Fifth and D streets, yesterday afternoon. The religious service was conducted by Rev. I. D. Driver of the Methodist church, after which the remains were taken in charge by the Knights of Labor, of which order the deceased was a member, and taken to Lone Fir cemetery where they were buried according to the ritual of the order. The deceased was an engineer on the Northern Pacific railroad, and on Wednesday last, while engaged tightening a screw under the engine, the wrench slipped and he fell against the wheel and received injuries from which he died during the same day. The accident happened somewhere in Idaho. His remains arrived in this city on Saturday.

November 30, 1886

  • Rev. C. C. Poling, who has just returned from Corvallis, reports that Rev. H. L. Pratt, assistant pastor of the Evangelical church in this city, and Miss Mary Dunn were married at the residence of the bride's parents, near Corvallis, on Wednesday, the 24th inst., the ceremony being performed by the former.

December 1, 1886

  • Mrs. G. W. Cartwright, of Yoncalla, in this state, who has been paying a short visit to relatives and friends in this city, returned to her home yesterday.
  • Dr. D. M. Eddy received a letter yesterday from Sedan, Kan., containing the news of the death of his father, Warren Eddy, of that place, at the age of 76 years.

December 8, 1886

  • Mrs. Marye, wife of W. B. Marye, late county surveyor, is lying very sick at the residence of her father, Mr. T. DeClark, corner of Fourth and F streets. Her disease is consumption, and it is thought she can survive but a day or two at the farthest.
  • Miss Beatrice McQuaid, daughter of J. M. McQuaid, the contractor, is also lying low with the same disease, with but very slight hopes of recovering.
  • The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Roberts is very sick with scarlet fever.
  • Mrs. Amanda Lewis, wife of Thomas Lewis, a farmer residing east of Mt. Tabor, died on Sunday last after a sickness of several months of dropsy. The funeral took place on Monday, the 6th inst., Rev. S. Daniels officiating.

December13, 1886

  • On Saturday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brickell, who live in the southern part of the city, were the recipients of a genuine surprise. The occasion was the tenth anniversary of their wedding day. At 8 o'clock a goodly number of their friends, well laden with tinware and the requisites for a substantial lunch, invaded their home. The lady of the house welcomed her visitors with the best possible grace under the circumstances. The "lord of the mansion" was not at home, but when he returned he was greatly surprised, and did his part in admiring the tinware and storing away the goodies. The following persons were present: 
  • Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. John Harkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halfpenny, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. N. Sellwood, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kindorf, Mr. and Mrs. George Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shute, Mr. and Mrs. S. McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, Prof. C. Parrish and wife, Mr. George Brickell. 
  • A very pleasant time was had in social intercourse and games. Mrs. George Parrish rendered some excellent vocal music during the evening. At a late hour the party broke up, wishing their host and hostess many happy returns of their wedding day.
  • A quiet wedding took place yesterday noon, at the residence of Mr. John Campbell, on Fifth street. The contracting parties being Mr. M. D. George, late of Forreston, Illinois, and Miss Angie Forbes, a teacher in the Central school of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. K. Hines, D. D. The newly married couple have taken rooms at Mrs. Jordan's, in the Cully block, where they will hereafter reside.

December 15, 1886

  • The funeral of Edward Dempsey, who died on Sunday afternoon last, from the effects of a cancer, took place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, from St. Francis Catholic Church.
  • Mrs J. F. Miller, of Salem, mother of Mrs. Kirk Sheldon, has been spending a few days visiting her daughter. She took the steamer last night for California, on a visit to friends at Eureka.

December 16, 1886

  • Mrs. A. B. Slauson, who went to Denver some weeks ago, reports the gratifying intelligence to her friends that she is improving substantially in health. She expects to remain in Denver until April if her health continues to improve.
  • Yesterday morning, at the residence of the bride's parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Foster, in Albina, Mr. D. M. McLauchlan and Miss Nellie V. Ladd were united in marriage, Rev. W. O. Forbes performing the ceremony. The happy couple took the morning train for Victoria, B. C., and the Sound country, where they will spend a few days on a wedding tour.

December 20, 1886

  • At 1 o'clock yesterday, the funeral of Mr. George B. Fimpel, who died in this city Saturday at 12 o'clock, took place from the Episcopal church. After the services in the church had been concluded, the remains were conveyed to the cemetery, and laid in their last resting place, with Masonic honors. Pioneer engine company No. 1, also accompanied the remains. Mr. Fimpel was a man about 38 years of age. He has been a resident of East Portland about ten years; was an engineer on the Oregon & California railroad a portion of the time, and for the past four years he has been engaged in business on Fourth street in this city. He leaves a wife and two children.

December 23, 1886

  • Mr. John Thompson, the father of Mrs. Nichols, living on Eighth street, between J and K, is in the city, arriving here from Pennsylvania Monday. Yesterday, in the company of his son-in-law, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Thompson paid a short visit to the suburban town of Albina. While there he examined the work in progress upon the roundhouse and machine shops; though saying little he seemed under the impression that the future of Albina was assured along the line of permanent prosperity. Mr. Thompson has been engaged in the mercantile business in Pennsylvania. He is here looking at East Portland and investigating the chances afforded for investment. Should he find inducements sufficient to warrant him in doing so he may engage in business. Speaking of the climate here as compared with that in Pennsylvania he illustrated the difference very pointedly by saying they were cutting ice back there nine inches in thickness.

December 26, 1886

  • Married--At Wilber, Dec 25, by Rev Edward Gittens, Mr. B. C. Smith, of East Portland, and Miss Nellie Slocum.
  • Died--In Corvallis, Dec 25, Guy Randolph, infant son of Wallace R. and Cora E. Struble, aged 7 weeks. Funeral 2 P.M. to-day (Sunday) from 175 Yamhill, corner West Park. Services at the grave private.

December 27, 1886

  • At the close of the sermon last night, in the Methodist church, the pastor invited the audience to remain and witness the wedding ceremonies that would unite Mr. Wm. Burdick and Miss V. D. Hunter. The bridal party filed into the church, the bride, Miss Hunter, with her brother, coming in at the front door, and walking down the aisle to the altar; while the bridegroom entered from a side door, with the usual attendants. They were soon pronounced man and wife, and then received congratulations. Mr. Burdick has lived many years in East Portland, while Miss Hunter has lived here but six months. They begin housekeeping at once. It may be added, that no event has been witnessed with greater interest in East Portland for a long time, owing to the high standing of Mr. and Mrs. Burdick in East Portland, and when these lines are read all will say "God bless and prosper them."

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202