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1886: May - Aug

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May 5, 1886

  • Master Harry Raffety, son of Dr. Dav. Raffety, celebrated the third anniversary of his birth yesterday. Harry evidently believes in enlivening society at the earliest possible opportunity, consequently he invited some twenty of his young associates, and they had a tip-top time. The little fellows literally gorged themselves on fruits, candies, nuts and sweetmeats, and indulged in all the varied pastimes of childhood to their hearts' content.

May 7, 1886

  • The Willamette baseball club, of East Portland, reorganized under the management of Terris De Boest, are diligently practicing preparatory to their meeting with the Portlands at The Oaks next Sunday. The following well known athletes compose the Willamette's team: W. Wadbon, c.; G. Willis, p.; H. Parrott, f. b.; T. Corless, s. b.; Fred Smith, t. b.; C. Drennan, l. f.; A. G. Parrot, c. f.; C. Smith, r. f.; Tom Parrott, s. s. Portlands will find our boys a worthy foe, as they are all enthusiastic and active.

May 11, 1886

  • Miss Nannie Murray, eldest daughter of James Murray, Esq., celebrated the ninth anniversary of her birth, at the residence of her parents, on the corner of J and Thirteenth streets. About forty of her young friends assembled and assisted Miss Nannie in spending an exceedingly pleasant evening. The usual pastimes appropriate to such occasions were indulged in and the guests partook heartily of an abundant repast of good things.

May 15, 1886

  • Mrs. N. P. Tomlinson, of this city, received a dispatch from her husband Thursday, dated at Le Mars, Iowa, informing her that Mrs. Tomlinson, mother of her husband, had died on Tuesday last. It will be remembered that the father of Mr. Tomlinson arrived in this city a short time ago on a visit to his son, and was taken sick and died in a few days after his arrival. Mr. Tomlinson accompanied the remains to his former home at Le Mars, where the funeral took place. It is supposed that grief at the loss of her husband was the cause of the old lady's death.

May 19, 1886

  • An exquisitely pleasant surprise party was last evening tendered to James Whiteaker, at the residence of his father, ex-Gov. John Whiteaker, the occasion being the twenty-first anniversary of his birthday. The evening was delightfully spent in music, merriment and a variety of social pastimes. Quite a number of Mr. Whiteaker's most intimate friends were present, who join in wishing him many happy returns of the day. The following is a list of those present: the Misses Stroud, Miss Ames, Miss Hensill, Miss Simpson, Miss Thayer, the Misses Sperry, Mrs. E. O. Doud, F. A. E. Starr, V. K. Strode, T. C. Powell, W. T. Burney, G. M. Stroud, M. S. Wallace, A. S. Bennett.
  • Councilman A. B. Bloomer received a copy of a La Crosse, Wisconsin, paper last evening, announcing the marriage of his daughter, Miss Annabel, to Dr. B. F. Holmes, a prominent physician of that city, on May 1. The bride was formerly a teacher in the High school of this city, and was a general favorite. The future home of Dr. and Mrs. Holmes will be in La Crosse. The fair bride has the best wishes of many friends in this city for her happiness and prosperity.

May 21, 1886

  • At 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning S. G. Robinson, the well known contractor, departed this life, after a long and painful illness. Some weeks ago the deceased, being in a helpless condition, was conveyed to St. Vincent's hospital, at which institution he died. Mr. Robinson was quite extensively known in East Portland, and his many old friends will regret to learn of his untimely fate. Deceased leaves a wife, who is at present living in Milwaukie, Clackamas county.

May 25, 1886

  • At an early hour yesterday morning Hugh Fury, an old-time and well-known resident of Cason prairie, a settlement six miles east of East Portland, died very suddenly. A singular fact in connection with the demise is that three days ago while working in the field with his boys, Mr. Fury said: "Well, boys, this is the last time I'll ever come out in this field. I'll be dead in a few days." The fulfillment of this strange prophecy in so short a period has caused much talk in the neighborhood. The cause of death is, at this writing, unknown, but is supposed to have been heart disease. Deceased was aged 76 years, and has lived on Cason prairie for many years. He did not get along amicably with his neighbors, having figured somewhat prominently in the justice courts on several occasions. A wife and four children survive. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the family residence.
  • Mrs. Lizzie Baughman, wife of Capt. E. W. Baughman, arrived from Lewiston yesterday morning to visit with her father, Capt. John Thomas, of East Portland. She is accompanied by her son, Frank. They will visit San Francisco and other portions of the coast before their return.

May 27, 1886

  • On the 24th inst. Mr. Frank Hill, a well-known employe of Hogue's sawmill, was united in matrimony to Miss Annie Furlong of Portland, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Father Fierens at the pastoral residence, corner Third and Oak streets. The happy couple have taken up their residence on the east side, and are the recipients of many congratulations at the hands of numerous friends.
  • On the 19th inst. the residence of Mr. H. Himmons, on Casey prairie, was the scene of a happy event, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Carrie Himmons, the accomplished daughter of the household, to Mr. C. S. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Murray have the best wishes of a host of friends. They will begin housekeeping at once in their own home on the asylum road, just beyond the city limits of East Portland.

May 31, 1886

  • DIED--In East Portland, May 30, Wm. Reynolds, aged 18 yrs. 
  • Funeral from residence of parents, corner First and S sts, East Portland, at 2 o'clock to-day.

June 4, 1886

  • Mrs. Lorenzo Winters, of Powell's valley, died early yesterday morning after a painful illness of many weeks. Her funeral will take place at 10 A.M. to-day from the Baptist church in Powell's valley.

June 11, 1886

  • Spencer Sammons, an old and respected citizen of East Portland, who has resided for several years at the corner of Tenth and C streets, died suddenly yesterday afternoon. The cause of death is said to be old age.
  • Mr. S. A. Older, of this city, was united in marriage on Sunday last to a well-known young lady of Omaha, Neb. The young couple will spend their honeymoon in the East, and come to Oregon in the fall, where they will take up their residence.

June 16, 1886

  • Messrs. Kit C. Payne and C. O. Walker, who have been prospecting on a "pointer" near Jump Off Jo Jackson county, are expected home to-day.
  • Mrs. Ada Ketchum, wife of D. P. Ketchum of Mount Tabor died at her home in that place early yesterday morning, after a long illness. The funeral will take place at 4 P.M. to-day.

June 24, 1886

  • At 11 o'clock yesterday morning the soul of Mrs. John B. Curry winged its flight from earth to the eternal world. This dear Christian lady had been lingering for weeks in the shadow of the valley of death, but in the midst of the gloom of that gloomy vale she expressed continued confidence in the merciful love of the Infinite Father, anddied in the full hope of happiness in the great beyond. She leaves a loving husband and five small children (the eldest 14) to mourn her departure. The deceased was the wedded companion of John B. Curry, who has for years been the faithful and efficient mailing clerk of The Oregonian . The bereaved husband has the sincere sympathies of many friends in his bereavement. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2&o'clock from the family residence, corner of Ellsworth and Nineteenth streets, Tibbett's addition. Rev. S. P. Wilson, of the M. E. Church, will officiate.
  • Mr. Albert Bennett and Miss Eleanor Ladd, of Hillsboro, were united in marriage by Rev. T. L. Sails, on Tuesday evening, at the residence of H. Bennett, in Lone Fir cemetery. A pleasant reception was given the happy couple subsequent to the ceremony.

June 26, 1886

  • A pleasant social party was held last evening at the residence of Mr. S. W. Marks, corner Ninth and I streets, in honor of Miss Ina Marks, the occasion being the fourteenth anniversary of her birth. A number of young friends attended and spent several hours in social games and amusements. Following is a list of those present: Misses Minne Hersha, Lucy Stranahan, Louise Ross, Mabel Kratz, Fannie Gray, Bonita Stroud, Sally Campbell, Dolly Sperry, Ettie Sperry, Ida Fernatt, Pauline Allstock, Mamie Brigham; Messrs. Will Gross, George Listman, George Hansell, Lewis Older, Harley Wilson, Eddie Bruce, Guy Wilcox, Paul Wilcox, Charlie Frazer, Frank Welch, Sidney Campbell, Frank Stranhaul, Clarence Illedge, John Carse.

July 6, 1886

  • The 110th anniversary of the nation's birth was appropriately celebrated in East Portland yesterday, under the auspices of Multnomah Assembly K. of L. About 2 P.M. Company F., O.S.M., headed by the Multnomah cornet band, escorted Governer-elect Pennoyer from his residence in Portland to the Willamette park, where the exercises of the day took place. The programme was opened by Mrs. S. R. Keenan, who read the declaration of principles of the Knights of Labor. Following this the Willamette band discoursed several national airs, after which Governor-elect Pennoyer was introduced and spoke for some time. Mr. Sidney Dell then followed with brief and appropriate remarks, after which dancing was inaugurated in the pavilion and indulged in during the afternoon and evening. Owing to the inclement weather the games which had been advertised were omitted. A footrace of 75 yards took place, however, the entries being Fred. T. Merrill, Lee Holden, Chas. Cason and Dick Bunce. Holden won easily. The occasion was enjoyable throughout. Any deficiency which may have been observed, may be charged to the inauspicious weather.

July 8, 1886

  • Capt. E. Martin and family will go to Long Beach this morning.
  • Miss Dora Humphrey, daughter of Councilman Humphrey, is visiting friends in Eugene city.
  • Mrs. John Freizette, daughter of Mrs. C. B. Burtel, returned on the Atlantic express yesterday for her home in Dayton, W.T.
  • Phalanx lodge, K. of P., installed the following officers on Tuesday evening: Chancellor commander, H. J. Schade; vice chancellor, J. H. Schade; prelate, C. W. L. Cecil; master of arms, F. Payne.

July 9, 1886

  • Certain aromatic zephyrs, doubtless near relatives of the odorous and elegant breezes that float from the regions of the Willamette river slaughter houses, have tickled the nasal organs of East Portlanders for several weeks past. On warm days the glorious, scentuous nature of the gentle winds are peculiarly noticable. Investigation reveals the fact that these captivating atmospheric nosegays are the offspring of certain garbage-choked sloughs here or hereabouts; strengthened and invigorated by villainous looking water, the remnants of the recent overflow. Most of the aristocratic denizens of this burg daily hold their noses, lest the natural capacity of their nasal appendages be too severely tested. East Portland noses are pretty well filled. It is a pity the sloughs are not filled also.

July 12, 1886

  • Mrs. G. B. Simpson left for The Dalles on Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beezley.
  • Mrs. Richey, of East Portland, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. E. Tuttle, of Union, and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Jewell, of Cove, Union county
  • A somewhat novel and very interesting birthday party was held recently at the house of Mr. J. S. Royal near this city. It was in honor of Mrs. Barbara Royal, widow of Rev. Wm. Royal, aged 86, June 15, and Mrs. Mary Royal, mother of Mr. J. S. Royal aged 88, July 4. The latter crossed the plains in 1852, and the former in 1853. Many of their descendants and relatives were present, and a very pleasant time was had.

July 15, 1886

  • Mr. C. Inman, of Freeport, W. T., one of the prominent hop-growers of the Northwest, accompanied by his wife, is visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs. H. M. Pierce, of this city.
  • At a regular meeting of the directors of school district No. 2, held at the residence of Wash Allen on Monday evening last, the following teachers were elected: J. C. McGrew, principal; Miss Nellie Green and Miss Ada McFadden, assistants. The directors at this meeting decided to repair and paint both schoolhouses in the district.

July 19, 1886

  • Mrs. Morris Webster and family, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Geo. L. Curry, will leave this morning for Yaquina Bay, to spend the summer months.
  • Miss Nora Simpson and her sister Mrs. A. W. Stowell will leave on Thursday for San Francisco, where they will visit during the next month with the family of Hon. Syl C. Simpson.

July 24, 1886

  • Holly McGuire wears a smile that is happy indeed, the occasion of which is a daughter, born at 11 A.M. yesterday.

July 27, 1886

  • Mr. Jack Dempsey and Miss Maggie Brady, of East Portland, will be married at 10 A.M. to-day at St. Francis church, corner Eleventh and J streets. The ceremony will be public. It is understood the young couple will be the recipients of a reception this evening, and to-morrow morning will start to California via the O.&C. railroad on their wedding tour. The fair bride-elect is a well-known and highly esteemed young lady of this city.
  • The body of Mrs. Gilmore, of Arlington, arrived by the Pacific express yesterday and was interred in Lone Fir cemetery.

July 30, 1886

  • Comrades J. S. Birdsall, E. Martin, John Gwilt, N. L. Smith, Charles Ganiere and Thomas Smith of Sumner-post, East Portland, left on the steamer last night for the G.A.R. encampment in San Francisco. Col. S. R. Harrington, another member of the post, went via Yaquina several days ago. The boys were all in high spirits last night and spoke confidently of having a good time among old comrades and officers.
  • Dr. Harry Lane left on yesterday morning's train for Roseburg, where he will join his brothers, Joe and Ben, on a hunting expedition.

August 4, 1886

  • Miss Mollie Knott went to Roseburg yesterday, where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Binger Hermann.
  • At a regular meeting of Home Council No. 2, Independent Order United Friends, held at the residence of Mr. J. T. Stewart Tuesday evening, the following recently elected officers were duly installed: W. M. Watson, C. C.; J. E. Boynton, V. C.; J. T. Stewart, secretary; Mrs. E. Dunning, financier; F. S. Dunning, treasurer; Mrs. Hersha, prelate; Mrs. Wheeler, marshal; Mrs. D. M. Long, warden; J. N. Strum, sentry; J. S. Hersha, guard. After the ceremony of installation the members spent a very pleasant hour in social converse, games, etc.

August 6, 1886

  • Miss Bertie Thomas, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Arlington Banks, for several months, leaves for her home at Little Falls, Lewis county, W.T. to-day.
  • A letter just received from Ohio, gives the pleasing information that Miss Annie Fahrer arrived home in safety, and that she will be joined in wedlock the last of the month to Dr. Keeran, a very worthy gentleman of the Buckeye state.

August 11, 1886

  • At 8:10 A.M. yesterday Mr. Hillary Cason, a well known and highly-esteemed citizen, died at his residence, corner of Sixth and I streets. Deceased had suffered for many months with dropsy, having been for a quarter of a year past totally helpless. He bore his ills, however, with becoming fortitude and died in the full hope of immortality. Mr. Cason was born in Georgia in 1815, and came to Oregon from Arkansas in 1853. Since that time he has been a resident of Portland and vicinity. He was at one time janitor of the U. S. custom house, and it was during his term in that establishment, that he was prostrated with a severe paralytic stroke, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. Deceased was the father of eleven living children--Mrs. W. T. B. Nicholson, Mrs. W. H. West, Mrs. W. S. Smith, Mrs. J. H. Carney, Mrs. George Parrish, Annie, Edith, W. Worth, Samuel, Charles and Jessie; he was the grand father of twenty-three children and great grand father of three, children of Mrs. Geo. H. Hill and Mrs. Edward R. Root. The funeral will take place at 1 P.M. to-day from the M.E. church, corner Ninth and I streets, of which deceased was a consistent member, Rev. G. W. Chandler, of Portland, will officiate. The bereaved relatives have the warm sympathies of many friends in their sad affliction.

August 12, 1886

  • Yesterday the soul of Mrs. Mary Ann Markwood, consort of David Markwood, passed from earth to immortality. Deceased had suffered long and patiently and died in the full hope of religion. The funeral will take place from the family residence, Eleventh street, between L and M, at 6 P.M. to-day, Rev. S. P. Wilson officiating. The hour has been fixed thus late to enable distant residing relatives to reach the city. The stricken husband and children have the sympathies of many friends.
  • Hon. O. M. Barnard, a former resident of this city, now of LaCenter, W.T., came up yesterday on a short visit to his daughter, Mrs. Westervelt.

August 14, 1886

  • An infant son of Jerry Luxish died on Thursday evening of cholera infantum.
  • Mrs. Wm. Weilock, of San Francisco, has arrived in this city on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Dr. D. M. Eddy, and expects to remain about two months.

August 17, 1886

  • E. Martin and J. Gwilt, delegates of the G.A.R. Encampment from Sumner post of this city, returned by the steamer Oregon from San Francisco.
  • Councilman Ross Merrick is getting ready to make a trip to Soda Springs, near Lebanon, Linn county, to take a hunt with his brother, who lives there. He expects to leave this evening.
  • Mrs. R. B. Partridge, of Seattle, W.T., is in the city, the guest of Mrs. D. D. Neer. She will remain here a few weeks and then go to Leavenworth, Kansas, to visit her parents and old friends.
  • The marriage of Mr. Michael Brady and Miss Donley will take place to-day in St. Francis church. This evening the young couple will entertain their friends at their residence, corner of Twelfth and Adams streets.

August 18, 1886

  • Michael F. Brady, brother of Jack Dempsey's bride, and Miss Mary A. Donlon were united in wedlock at St. Francis Catholic church yesterday morning shortly before 10 o'clock by Rev. L. Verhaag, pastor of the church. The church was filled by the friends of the couple. Phillip Kelly and Katie Donlon stood up with the bride and groom during the ceremony. Miss Aggie Handley presided at the organ and after the ceremony high mass was celebrated in honor of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Brady were driven to their own home at Twelfth and Adams street, Stephens addition, where a reception was held last evening, many of their personal friends and others being present.
  • Mrs. Mart. Elliot, formerly of this city but now a resident of Turner, is lying at the point of death and scarcely expects to recover.

August 21, 1886

  • Mrs. Doc. Harley, living on the Sandy road east of this city, died suddenly yesterday. She was stricken with apoplexy and expired in a short time. She was about 50 years of age and leaves a large family. The funeral will take place to-day.
  • Rev. C. H. Hobart, E. E. Long, Wm. Owen, Louis Danforth and Charles Storey have returned from Mt. Hood. They reached the summit. Another party, consisting of John Powell, W. B. Gilson and Messrs. Johns and Cleg ascended as high as Crater Rock, but returned without reaching the summit. The entire party arrived home yesterday.
  • This afternoon the East Portland string band will leave on the Olympian for Tinkerville. Following is the personnel of the band: H. Miser, C. Bullock, C. J. Wheeler, W. Strahard, James Penny, Thos. Lyniff, Fred Bullock and Ed. Grass. They will furnish music on the trip and play for a dance at Tinker's hall to-night.
  • Mrs. J. T. Hughes died at her home in this city on the 18th, of consumption, and was buried east of Mt. Tabor.
  • Mrs. E. Williams died yesterday at her home east of the city, and will be buried to-day. She leaves a large family of grown children and about $20,000 in property.

August 27, 1886

  • Mr. John Furey and Miss Mary Ferguson, both of this county, were joined together in the bonds of matrimony Wednesday afternoon, August 25. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H. Hobart, at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of Seventh and D streets. The newly wedded couple left on the 3:30 train the same day for Baker City, their future home.

August 30, 1886

  • The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jones will sympathize with them in the loss of their little son Ernest, who died yesterday after an illness of one day of cholera infantum. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the residence, corner of Seventh and Oregon streets, Holladay's addition, Rev. C. H. Hobart officiating.
  • Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stevens, who have been visiting with their mother Mrs. A. M. Brown, the past month, will return to their home in Olympia to-day.

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    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202