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1886: Jan — Apr

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January 1, 1886

  • Mrs. Jarvis, of Independence, who has been spending Christmas with her father, Hon. John Whiteaker, returned home yesterday.

January 14, 1886

  • Mrs. John B. Parker, residing at the northwest corner of Eleventh and W streets, Stephen's addition, was stricken with paralysis of the heart about 8:30 Tuesday morning, fell forward and expired almost instantly. The attack was superinduced by excitement consequent upon an altercation between her and a neighbor named Chanott, concerning a pugnacious dog belonging to the former. It appears the animal got into the back yard of Mr. Chanott, and he proceeded to drive it out by throwing missles at it. During this proceeding Mrs. Parker interposed, and the altercation ensued which resulted as stated. When she fell, Mr. Chanott hastened to assist her, but the only assistance that was left for him to render was in conveying her breathless form into the house. Dr. C. H. Raffety was summoned, and pronounced the cause of death to be as stated. A severe bruise and abrasion of the skin on her right temple was doubtless caused by contact with the ground when she fell. The husband of deceased is a carpenter in the employ of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company.

January 15, 1886

  • The wife of Joseph J. Chambreau presented him with a daughter yesterday morning.

January 16, 1886

  • Alexander Samuels, son-in-law of T. DeClarke of East Portland, died at Pasadena, California, yesterday, of consumption. The body will be embalmed and brought to East Portland for burial.

January 18, 1886

  • The funeral of James Murray, aged 46 years, who died at St. Vincent's hospital yesterday, will take place from the hospital at 10 A.M. to-day.

January 26, 1886

  • These interested in forming a Woman's Relief corp as an auxiliary to Sumner post, No. 12, G.A.R., met last evening and organized by the election of the following officers:
    • President - Mrs. M. Cougill 
    • Senior vice president - Miss Clara Martin 
    • Junior vice president - Mrs. Jennie Smith 
    • Chaplain - Mrs. Susan Guilt 
    • Treasurer - Mrs. Lizzie Gilson 
    • Secretary - Miss Frankie Martin 
    • Conductor - Miss Hattie Ross 
    • Assistant conductor - Miss Mamie Gamen 
    • Guard - Mrs. Ellen Payne 
    • Assistant Guard - Mrs. Grady
      Installation will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The corp is now in working order and will hold a business meeting at Ross's hall, Wednesday, February 3.

January 30, 1886

  • The funeral of the late Samuel McCormick took place yesterday morning from his residence, corner of Tenth and G streets, where appropriate services were conducted by Rev. C. H. Hobart. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends. The pallbearers consisted of the following prominent citizens: Kirk Sheldon, Capt. W. F. Creitz, Ross Merrick, R. H. Holmes, Capt. F. H. West and Walter Jones.

February 4, 1886

  • W. B. Gilson and Miss Fannie Powell, daughter of John Powell, were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of J. M. Stott, Justice Simpson officiating. They left on the evening train for a tour to Southern Oregon.
  • Clark Lewis was called to his final account yesterday forenoon, after a lingering illness of consumption. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. Funeral services will be conducted at the Baptist church 10 A.M. Friday by Rev. C. H. Hobart. Deceased was a member of Washington lodge, No. 46, A.F.&A.M. under whose auspices the burial will take place.

February 16, 1886

  • Dominic Ivancovich, one of the proprietors of the Campy restaurant, and Miss Ida Gibbs, were married Saturday evening, Justice Simpson presiding.

February 20, 1886

  • James Carr, the young man injured Tuesday last resulting his death three hours later, was buried Thursday near Oswego. Deceased was universally respected for his sterling character, and a large concourse of friends who attended the funeral were deeply impressed by the occasion. His father died three months ago, leaving him the place on which he resided; and he had just commenced to improve it with the view of reaping the rewards of honest toil, when he med his untimely end. The uneral was conducted by Rev. C. C. Poling, of the Evangelical church of East Portland.

March 1, 1886

  • J. H. Garrigan, whose wife died in East Portland, last fall, died Wednesday last at Oakland, California, whither he went for the benefit of his health. It is not learned whether or not he died intestate. Mr. and Mrs. Garrigan had been separated for a number of years previous to her death, and she willing that portion of the estate lying in East Portland to a sister residing in Boston, Mr. Garrigan contested the will. His death, however, will settle this dispute, as he claimed only a right to the property during his life. This property consists of four lots and three houses on D street and two lots in McMillen's addition. Mrs. Garrigan also owned one lot in her own right in Oakland, Cal., which she willed to her sister, and also a joint interest with her husband in three lots and one house at Oakland. Of the latter property Mr. Garrigan became the sole heir at his wife's death under the laws of California, and it will now become the property of his "heirs, assigns," etc. Mr. Garrigan was well and favorably known in Portland and East Portland, and for some time previous to his death was a partner in the firm of Freeborn & Co., of Portland.

March 5, 1886

  • The wife of Dr. J. M. McCoy died recently in Union county, Ill., aged 78 years.

March 9, 1886

  • Peter Schmeer and Miss Emma Crozier, daughter of H. H. Crozier, were married at the M. E. parsonage Sunday evening, by Rev. S. P. Wilson.

March 10, 1886

  • Monday being the birthday of Walter Bartel, he was "surprised" in the evening by a large number of friends who called to congratulate him.

March 20, 1886

  • The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hill, nee Miss Minnie Nicholson, will be pleased to learn that it is their intention to return to this side of the river. They will occupy their cottage at the corner of Sixteenth and H streets after Monday next.
  • Capt. Richard Look, father of Mrs. S. B. Knight, of this city, left yesterday for Newport, Yaquina bay. It is his intention while there to investigate the possibilities of deep sea fishing at that point. The captain is an old salt, and will doubtless succeed should he engage in the enterprise.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Root will begin the construction of a cottage at the corner of Sixteenth and H streets at an early date, for their occupancy. Mrs. Root, nee Miss Maggie Nicholson, is an old East Portlander, where she has a host of friends who will rejoice at her return to this side of the river.

March 23, 1886

  • C. G. Coggeshall, an employe of the O. & C. R. R., secretary of Relief Hook and Ladder Co., and a highly esteemed young man, died at the residence of F. A. Bancroft, corner Third and Multnomah streets, early yesterday morning. The cause of his demise was malarial fever. Mr. Cogeshall's mother, a widow lady, is now on her way to this coast from the East, having started with the hope of waiting upon her loved one in his sickness. Sad, indeed, will be the heart of the mother she arrives, only to find her son dead.
  • R. Newton McCoy was made happy yesterday by the event of an eight pound girl.

March 27, 1886

  • The funeral services over the remains of C. G. Coggeshall will take place at 2 P.M. to-day, at the Congregational church in Holladay's addition, Rev. Daniel Staver, officiating. Mrs. Coggeshall, mother of the deceased, arrived from Nantucket, Mass., yesterday, and will accompany the remains of her son to his eastern home, where the final interment will be made.

April 3, 1886

  • The different fire companies of the city held their annual election at their respective halls last evening. Pioneer engine company No. 1 elected the following corps of officers: President, J. H. Hall; secretary H. H. Holmes; treasurer, W. B. Welch; foreman, Charles Fernan; first assistant, J. W. Exon; second assistant, F. Buchtel; delegates, Henry Meyer, E. C. Wheeler and W. G. Kerns; auditing committee, J. T. Stewart, Frank Payne and G. B. Fimpel. The newly elected president, taking the chair, announced that he would appoint the standing committees at the next regular meeting. On motion a committee of three, composed of E. C. Wheeler, A. H. McEwan and Frank Buchtel, was appointed to ascertain the advisability of the company joining the State Firemen's association. In Holladay's addition Relief hook and ladder company No. 3 elected the following officers: President, S. R. Harrington; secretary, W. S. Wade; treasurer, H. C. Smith; foreman, W. H. Williams; first assistant, G. H. Nicolai; second assistant, E. H. Hardy; delegates, D. A. Morris, Frank Plymton and J. H. McMillen; trustees, G. R. Fields, August Detmering and J. H. McMillen.

April 6, 1886

  • A boy was born to the wife of Mr. C. N. Rankin yesterday.
  • H. W. Mason, a wealthy citizen of Worcester, Mass., who visited Oregon for a brief period last year, writes to Ira Jones, Esq., of this city, that he intends making our state his future home. Mr. Mason is now on the way to the Pacific coast accompanied by his family.

April 14, 1886

  • Mr. Tomlinson, the venerable father of N. P. Tomlinson, of this city, who arrived the other day from Le Mars, Iowa, is confined to his bed with serious illness.
  • Mrs. William Schmeer returned yesterday from Salem, where for several days past she has been visiting her brother, Ervin Burke, a student of Willamette university.
  • The 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bartel is lying at death's door, having been very ill for over three weeks. The little one is not expected to live many hours. Malarial fever is the ailment.

April 15, 1886

  • At twenty minutes to 6 o'clock last evening the pure soul of sweet little Hattie Campbell passed from earth into the bosom of the Infinite Father. For a week past the dear girl has been lingering upon the verge of the dark precipice, conscious of all that was transpiring but unable to articulate. The name of the fatal ailment which took her away is tubercular meningitis, or abscess of the brain. All that medical skill could do was done for the relief of the little sufferer, and heart-sore friends hovered lovingly at the bedside, but, alas! death had claimed the fair one for his own. Hattie is one of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, and had nearly reached her 14th year. She leaves her twin counterpart, Sallie, one older sister, Miss Annie, three brothers and a father and mother to mourn her demise. The sympathy of many friends is with the family in their sad hour of affliction. The funeral is announced to take place to-morrow at 2 P.M., but the hour may be changed; if so, due notice will be given.
  • On Friday afternoon last, Mrs. Pfyffer, wife of Dr. Pfyffer, of Fairview, entered her husband's laboratory and took a dose of strychnine, thinking she was taking bromide of potassium, a drug she had been in the habit of using to alleviate the pains of neuralgia with which she is afflicted. The doctor was out in a neighboring lot at the time, but returned soon after and found Mrs. Pfyffer in convulsions. Seeing by the symptoms that strychnine had been taken, he administered an emetic, which appeared to have the desired effect. The lady got better and seemed to have recovered entirely from the poisonous effects. Yesterday, however, she grew suddenly worse, and when Dr. C. H. Raffety arrived, was in a moribund condition, having suffered partial paralysis of the organs of speech and entire disarrangement of bile secretion. It is doubtful if the unfortunate lady will be alive when this item reaches the public eye. Mrs. Pfyffer is about 40 years of age.

April 17, 1886

  • To-morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock funeral services will be held over the remains of the late E. N. Tomlinson at the residence of his son, corner of Sixth and N streets. After the services the remains will be conveyed to the east bound train en route to Le Mars, Iowa. Mr. N. P. Tomlinson will accompany the body of his father to his eastern home. The cause of death is thought to have been the bursting of a blood vessel.
  • An infant son of F. Scott, of Albina, died on Tuesday last, and on Thursday was interred in Love's burying ground, on Columbia slough. Rev. S. P. Wilson officiated.

April 21, 1886

  • Mrs. Rumsay of Mount Tabor, died very suddenly at 11:30 o'clock on Monday morning. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her decease. The funeral will take place at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the Mount Tabor Baptist church, Rev. A. J. Haskell officiating.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stuart are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. H. D. McGuire.
  • Mrs. Lizzie Jackson of Albina, died yesterday morning, after several weeks' illness. Her ailment was typhoid fever.
  • Miss Grace Matlock of Victoria, daughter of T. J. Matlock, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Oscar Bellinger of this city.

April 22, 1886

  • the little 4-year old girl of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy, residing near Mt. Tabor, died on Tuesday morning, and was buried yesterday at Lone Fir cemetery.
  • Joseph L. Knott is the proud possessor of a handsome gold watch and chain, which was presented to him yesterday by his mother, in commemoration of his 21st birthday.
  • Miss Carrie Long departed for Hillsboro yesterday for the purpose of attending the wedding of Miss Jackson of that place, who was last evening joined in holy wedlock with Mr. Oliver Holmes of East Portland.

April 24, 1886

  • On Wednesday morning last Wm. Rowell, a bachelor, who has lived by himself for several years past about four miles from Soda Springs, Clackamas county, was found dead in his bed. Our informant, who left the vicinity on the day of the discovery, says the cause of death had not been ascertained up to the time of his departure, but the general supposition was heart disease. Rowell was a man 50 years of age and had been engaged in fruit growing.

April 26, 1886

  • A Mr. Reed, who deals intermittently in spiritualistic exposes, seances and groceries on U street, near the Jefferson street ferry landing, assaulted in a most cowardly manner a drunken, who happened to wander near his premises last evening. Later on Mr. Reed was seeking the city marshal, for the purpose of having his victim pulled for being drunk and disorderly. The officers being otherwise engaged, no arrests.
  • Garrison G. James, the five-year-old son of H. M. James of Albina, died yesterday morning. The funeral will occur at 2 o'clock to-day, Rev. S. P. Wilson, officiating.

April 27, 1886

  • At 8:15 yesterday morning little Alice Gertrude Bartel was called into the golden hereafter. The little one had been suffering for a number of weeks past with malarial fever, and death had been an expected visitor for a good many days. Deceased was aged 16 months and was the beloved child of Walter H. Bartel, the well known tin-smith. The funeral will take place at 3 P.M. to-day from the residence of John Went, south side of L street between Fourth and Fifth.

April 28, 1886

  • The funeral of Winning McMillan, son of City Marshal McMillan, took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence, corner of Eighth and Q streets, and was largely attended by friends of the deceased. A guard of eight from Company F, O.S.M., of which Winning was a member, accompanied the remains to their last resting-place. Rev. S. P. Wilson of the M. E. church conducted the funeral services, and delivered a feeling discourse. The beloved form was laid to rest among the opening leaves and budding flowers of Lone Fir cemetery. May the sleeping soul awake in the everlasting springtime of eternity.

April 30, 1886

  • About four weeks ago Mrs. Christina Guild, of Reedville, Washington county, came to this city for the purpose of receiving medical treatment. She was a guest at the residence of her half-sister, Mrs. H. C. Whitney, E street, between Fourth and Fifth, and was under the care of Dr. Eddy, of this city. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Guild was seized with sudden and violent pains. A messenger was hastily dispatched for the attending physician, and a call was made for Dr. Watkins, of Portland. Before the latter gentleman arrived, however, the unfortunate lady had breathed her last. The cause of death is supposed to have been neuralgia of the heart. Deceased is the daughter of Mrs. Henry Barbor, and leaves six children to mourn her departure. It has not yet been determined what disposition will be made of the remains.
  • The meeting of the Sumner Post, G.A.R., was unusually interesting last evening. Jonathan F. P. Johnson, an aged veteran, was initiated into the Grand Army at the age of 83. Mr. Johnson was mustered into service June 10, 1861, as a private in Co. H, Nineteenth Illinois, and was honorably discharged July 9, 1864. The Ladies Relief Corps of the post, learning that this venerable soldier was to be mustered in, stormed the fort last evening and, under a flag of truce to business, captured the entire works. After spiking every gun of objection, they established a culinary government, spread delight throughout the post and a feast fit for the gods. Mr. Johnson is probably the oldest member of the Grand Army of the Republic on this coast, and Sumner post feels elated over the rich acquisition.
  • Dr. Belle J. Schmeer will leave for Spokane Falls early next week to engage in the practice of her profession.
  • Capt. Wm. P. Miller arrived here last evening from San Jose, and is the guest of his brother-in-law, Dr. Dav. Raffety.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202