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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1885: Sept – Dec

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September 1, 1885

  • Mrs. Kingsbury, aged 78 years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dent, in Raffety's addition, early yesterday morning.

September 6, 1885

  • The man "Jimmie," who was injured by a bank caving on him at Lee Knott's farm Tuesday last, died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock. The injuries received caused paralysis, which resulted in his death. His correct name in Jas. McDonoughe, and he is the owner of some mining stocks in California, certificates of which were found in his possession. It is not known whether he has any relatives in this state. The coroner has been notified but may not consider an inquest necessary.

September 16, 1885

  • Miss Ida Ames, teacher of district 21, returned yesterday from Napa City, Cal., where she has been visiting her mother.
  • George W. Dustin, passenger conductor on the O. R. & N. road, and Miss Nellie C. Moore, were married yesterday morning at the residence of C. F. Moore in McMillen's addition, Rev. A. W. Bower, of the Congregational church, officiating. They subsequently left for a tour to the Sound.

September 24, 1885

  • The fourteenth birthday of Miss Maud Sommerville was the occasion of a very enjoyable party at her residence, in Holladay's addition, last evening.
  • Abraham Meister, of Clarke county, W.T., and Miss Verener Warner, were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of Justice Coleman, who officiated.
  • Harvey C. Whitney, who was alleged to have been poisoned a short time since, has so far recovered as to have been able to get married on Saturday last, Miss Hannah Barber being the bride, and Rev. John W. Sellwood officiating.

September 29, 1885

  • Mr. Ulrich Walder breathed his last about 11 o'clock Sunday night. He was taken down with a congestive chill Wednesday evening last, and jaundice setting in, his case became critical and baffled the efforts of medical skill. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the Presbyterian church, Rev. John Gantenbien, pastor of the German Evangelical Reformed church of Portland, officiating. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a member in good standing of Court Willamette, No. 6796, A.O.F., of East Portland. He came to this city some seven years ago and started the I street bakery, and by his enterprise and industry has built up a flourishing business.

October 1, 1885

  • Mr. Edward Schmeer and Miss Leora Possen were married last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Possen, in Hanson's addition, Rev. S. P. Wilson, of the M. E. church, officiating. The grounds were brightly illuminated and the residence handsomely decorated for the occasion, a profusion of cut flowers being a very noticeable feature at this season. A large number of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony, after which they sat down to an elegant wedding supper. Handsome and useful presents were numerous, one more suggestive than the rest being a coop of chickens presented by Mrs. Hanson. At a reasonably late hour Mr. and Mrs. Schmeer repaired to their future home on Seventh street, between J and K, accompanied by the congratulations and well-wishes of a host of relatives and friends.

October 2, 1885

  • A party of about sixteen persons, who called upon Miss Mary E. Stokes last evening, at her residence, corner of Tenth and G streets, to surprise her on account of its being her birthday, were themselves surprised by the recipient meeting them in bridal array, with her prospective husband, Mr. Edmund A. Schofield, by her side; and the surprise was complete when the self-invited guests, without delay or explanation, were invited into the parlor, where the minister, Rev. T. L. Sails, and everything was in readiness for the marriage ceremony. This being performed, congratulations and other good things followed, the whole proceedings being flavored with the tincture of surprise. It was doubtless the most genuine surprise of the season.

October 7, 1885

  • Mr. Bates, of Snohomish, is here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Boynton.

October 10, 1885

  • The first anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Chambreau, or cotton wedding, was celebrated in a becoming manner at their home on Thursday evening. A happy evening was spent with their friends, who testified their friendship by appropriate presents.

October 16, 1885

  • Mrs. James McGibney, who has been visiting her son, J. N. Sturm, leaves this morning for her home at Oakland, California.

October 21, 1885

  • Dr. Mrs. C. Charlton, whom we all know and esteem, will to-day bid goodby to her friends and practice here for about a year, constrained thereto by a laudable aspiration to higher attainments in her profession, which she will seek at the best medical institutions of the country; and she will succeed, as those who have known here from her youth up know that in her vocabulary there is no such word as "fail." Since 1879, when she graduated at the Willamette university, she has practiced in this city and vicinity with constantly increasing patronage and success, and enjoys the confidence and friendship of all with whom she has come in contact. She goes first to Chicago, where she will enter upon a course of study at the Hanneman medical college, and after graduating will proceed to New York city to receive the practical lessons of hospital practice until her return. She has the best wishes of her friends--who are legion--for a pleasant journey, agreeable associations, and a safe return.
  • Mrs. Seldon Murray died at her residence about a mile southeast of the city, yesterday morning from cancer in the breast after long and painful suffering. She was aged 49 years, and leaves four sons, two of whom are minors.

October 22, 1885

  • Mr. J. E. Miller of Monmouth, Polk county, is visiting for a few days with his sister, Mrs. T. L. Sails.
  • Miss Valerie Sommer, of Weisenburg, Alsace, sister of Mrs. Ph. Friedlander, of this city, arrived here yesterday to remain permanently.
  • Mrs. Alsen and two daughters have returned from a three months' sojourn in California, where they visited relatives and friends at Berkeley, San Jose, Stockton and San Francisco.

October 24, 1885

  • Mr. Gideon Tibbetts has returned from a visit to his son-in-law, Dr. D. S. Baker, at Walla Walla, and is much benefited by his trip. He reports Dr. Baker very low from paralysis.
  • Mr. Alsey Fox died at Victoria Thursday night. His remains will be brought here for interment, and the funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from his late residence, corner of Eighth and F streets. Deceased was an old and respected citizen of East Portland. He went to Victoria several months since on a visit to relatives, and soon after his arrival burst an artery through over-exertion. He suffered from in internal hemorrhage continuously thereafter, and despite the most careful nursing and the best medical advice, he gradually became weaker until death came to his relief. His wife was his constant attendant during his sickness, and in her bereavement receives the sympathy of the community.

October 27, 1885

  • Arthur H. Devers, of Portland, and Miss Nellie H. Gollings, of East Portland, were married by Rev. John W. Sellwood, on Saturday last.

November 6, 1885

  • After Capt. M. J. McMahan had retired Tuesday evening his rest was agreeably disturbed by the dulcet strains of music in front of his residence. Rising to ascertain "What for those strains," he was greeted, upon the door, by Major Freeman and wife with a retinue of fifty persons, and a wagon-load of provisions backed up at the gate indicated that they had come to stay. The captain and his wife soon recovered from their surprise, and made an unconditional surrender, having no other alternative, and the party proceeded to take possession and make the welkin ring with merriment and music. The East Portland vocal society (Thomas Jones, conductor) was among the party, and rendered some of their best selections; an addition to the house not yet occupied afforded ample room for dancing; supper enough and to spare, and suited to all appetites, was partaken of with a relish; and altogether, the party was one of the merriest of the merry. The day previous was the tenth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. McMahan, which fact was evidently unknown to the surprisers, or the former would probably have been deluged with a stock of tinware.

November 7, 1885

  • Charles Bunnell, aged 79 and Mrs. Mary Ann Harvey, aged 60, were married at the residence of the bride, near Milwaukie, Clackamas county, November 5th, Rev. C. C. Poling, of the Evangelical church, East Portland, officiating.

November 9, 1885

  • Charles Fisher of Columbia slough and Miss Josie Rodebaugh of East Portland were married by Justice Coleman Saturday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. John Dillman, stepfather of the bride.

November 12, 1885

  • Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McGuire were the recipients of a very enjoyable surprise party last evening, to celebrate the third anniversary of their wedding. The Willamette band serenaded them during the evening.

November 16, 1885

  • Bert Sprague, son of E. J. Sprague, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. C. McCauley at Brownsville.

November 18, 1885

  • Mr. M. J. Touhey, of New York City, nephew of Mrs. James Brady, of East Portland, recently arrived here to reside permanently. Mr. Touhey was the youngest member of the New York paid fire department, and can doubtless give our boys a few pointers on fire warfare.

November 27, 1885

  • Mr. Alex. Barrell, of East Portland, and Miss Croft, of Mount Tabor, were married at the Episcopal church Wednesday evening, Rev. John W. Sellwood, officiating.

December 3, 1885

  • Yesterday being the second anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ph. Friedlander, the latter invited a few of their lady friends to spend the afternoon with them. The hostess made it as pleasant as possible for their guests, and all enjoyed the occasion splendidly.
  • Mr. Grover Simpson and bride, who leave to-day for their future home at Spokane, were given a parting reception last evening at the residence of W. T. Burney, corner of Eighth and G streets, which was well attended by our best citizens. The evening was spent joyfully, and when the time arrived for the pleasant sorrow of parting the wish of "good luck and happiness" was general and earnest.

December 4, 1885

  • The wife of Mr. J. M. Stott presented him with a daughter yesterday.
  • Peter Riley and Maggie Chase, residents of the southern portion of the city, were married December 1, at the residence of Justice Coleman, who officiated.

December 5, 1885

  • At the regular meeting of Pioneer Engine company No. 1, last evening, it was decided to give the usual annual ball on New Year's Eve, and the following committee was appointed, with powers plenipotentiary: John H. Hall, C. B. Bartell, E. C. Wheeler, Geo. L. Peaslee, and F. S. Buchtel.

December 10, 1885

  • The entertainment given by the Oxford League at the M. E. church last evening was well attended and very enjoyable. The programme was an excellent one and creditably rendered throughout. It was as follows: Recitation, "Say 'Thank You' to God," by Amy Gray; instrumental solo, "Faust," Emma Banks; duet, jubilee song, Mr. Floyd and daughter; piano solo, "The Mill," Retta Cougill; solo, "As you Like it," Miss Miller; address, "The Inebriate's Liberty," Professor W. Johnson of Vancouver; duet, Misses Emma Banks and Retta Cougill; reading, "The Battle," Professor Wetzell; being encored, he gave "The Creeds of the Bells;" male quartette, "The Harvest Moon," Messrs. S. Bullock, W. A. Wetzell, Miller and Josford; being encored they rendered "Dance by the Moonlight;" song, "Land o' the Leal," S. Bullock; duet, "Two Alpine Maids," Misses Mattie Wheeler and Agnes Watt (pupils of Mrs. Wetzell); being encored they repeated a portion of the same.

December 17, 1885

  • E. K. Farnsworth and Miss Lettie E. Gates were married at the Episcopal church yesterday afternoon, Rev. John W. Sellwood officiating.

December 21, 1885

  • During the Coeur d'Alene mining boom T. B. West, of East Portland, and Joseph Oppenheimer, of Portland, established a forwarding and commission house at Meldrum, and a year ago last August Mr. West returned to East Portland, leaving James Madigan of Walla Walla in sole charge of the business, with $200 in coin and about $800 worth of freight, upon which the firm had advanced the charges. Since that time he has from time to time reported the business as progressing favorably, although he has forwarded but $100 to Mr. West as the proceeds. About four months ago Mr. Oppenheimer died, and his administrator went to Meldrum, and upon returning reported the business in a satisfactory condition. The other day Mr. West received news of the death of Mr. Madigan, and at once left for Meldrum. Upon his arrival he found that at the time of Mr. Madigan's death he only had $60 in his possession, and this was used for shipping his body to Walla Walla and incidental expenses; and the only goods on hand were two unredeemed consignments which had been sold and bid in by Mr. Madigan for Mr. West. No entries had been made in the books, and the only records found were receipts of money paid and evidence of money borrowed; also a check for $200 on the Spokane Falls bank, given by Mr. Oppenheimer and payable to the firm. Not having time to remain and investigate matters, Mr. West shipped his goods, locked up the place and returned home.

December 23, 1885

  • J. W. Miller and Miss Emma Harris were married yesterday by Justice Coleman.

December 25, 1885

  • Miss Ada Coburn, Miss Martin, and Ed. Powell, who are attending the university at Eugene, came down yesterday to spend the holidays.

December 31, 1885

  • License to wed was issued to J. T. Stewart and Mary E. Wheeler.
  • Mrs. E. J. Mendenhall, wife of Bert Mendenhall, a young attorney of Portland, died in this city yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock. She was the daughter of R. S. Perkins, and at the time of her decease was but 20 years of age.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202