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Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1885: May - Aug

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May 1, 1885

  • J. W. Stiger, son of Mrs. S. R. Keenan, and Miss Nellie Clark were married yesterday at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. Connor, at Oregon City, Rev. T. L. Sails of the M. E. church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Stiger came to East Portland by the afternoon train and proceeded to their future residence on F street, between Fourth and Fifth.

May 15, 1885

  • Harry H. Wendling and Miss Gladina Evans were married Wednesday evening at the residence of Wm. Zimmerman, Fourth and Asylum streets, Rev. C. C. Poling of the Evangelical church, officiating.

May 21, 1885

  • Dr. J. Chambers McCauley and Miss Lizzie M. Sprague were married at St. David's church last evening, Rev. John W. Sellwood, the rector, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. E. J. Sprague, and the groom a brother of Mrs. J. R. N. Sellwood. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the residence of the bride's parents, in Stephens' addition, where a reception was held.

May 22, 1885

  • Mr. S. T. Lisle, of Umatilla, and Mrs. Nancy E. Greenfield, of Multnomah, were married at the residence of Mrs. A. M. Strausberry, Columbia slough, Wednesday evening, Rev. S. P. Wilson , of the M. E. church, officiating.

May 27, 1885

  • Mr. Lambert Kratz and Miss Susan Neppach, sister of John Neppach, were married at the Catholic cathedral yesterday morning, Rev. Father Fierens officiating.

June 3, 1885

  • Fred Moore, brother of W. H. Moore, arrived here Monday from Scranton, Pennsylvania, the brothers having been separated for seventeen years. As there is always room for Moore in Oregon, he has decided to reside here permanently.

June 12, 1885

  • Milton H. McQuaid, aged 23, son of J. M. McQuaid, died at 5 A.M. Wednesday, from consumption, after a lingering sickness. Funeral services were held at the residence, corner of Third and E streets, at 2 o'clock yesterday, Rev. H. C. Hobart of the Baptist church officiating, and the remains mournfully borne to Lone Fir for interment.

June 24, 1885

  • Yesterday afternoon Robert Bashor, of Clackamas county, and Miss Della Mason were married at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. S. M. Mason, in Elizabeth Irving's addition, Justice Coleman officiating. The happy couple left on the evening train for Soda Springs, where they will reside in future.

July 3, 1885

  • The wife of Pleasant Roork of Powell's valley, who was severely injured by a runaway accident several days ago, was relieved of her sufferings by death about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. By the concussion received her whole system became paralyzed, and she never rallied. The funeral will take place this afternoon, and the remains interred at the cemetery at that place.

July 4, 1885

  • Mr. Evell Phillips, an old and respected resident of Milwaukee, died on Thursday, after a lingering illness, of consumption. He was aged 49 years. The funeral will take place to-day.
  • The little daughter of J. W. Monk, who was so severely burned Thursday evening, was relieved of her sufferings by death about 3 o'clock the following morning. There was no reaction, and she passed away quietly. The funeral will take place from St. Francis church Sunday at half-past one o'clock.

July 8, 1885

  • Rev. John W. Sellwood and wife had been married twenty years on Sunday last, and they were very forcibly reminded of the fact Monday evening, when about forty friends and parishioners unexpectedly called upon them to congratulate them upon the event, bringing with them tangible evidence of their sincerity in the shape of an appropriate present, consisting of an elegant china dinner service; also, a silver tea service, with a suitable inscription. The presentation was very neatly done by Dr. Josephi, and Mr. Sellwood in a brief but feeling reply thanked the donors for their kind remembrance. The occasion was one of rare sociability and pleasure.

July 9, 1885

  • Joseph T. Young, father-in-law of Ben Smith, died at Willsburg on the 5th inst., aged 80 years.
  • Rev. J. N. Dennison of Seattle is here, the guest of Mrs. Claggett, to welcome home his wife and family from a three months' visit at Newark, N. J.
  • Tuesday evening being the 22d birthday of Miss Mary L. Adams, daughter of J. B. Adams, she received a genuine surprise from about twenty-five of her friends, who called upon her unexpectedly at her residence on Ninth street, between J and K, to congratulate her on the event. The occasion was done full justice.

July 11, 1885

  • About 11 o'clock yesterday morning Bertha Payne, aged 10 years, daughter of Frank Payne, rather suddenly expired in convulsions. The cause was ascertained to be an abscess on the brain, which had burst. She had been complaining of her head during the week, as she has before, and no more was done for her relief than usual. Yesterday morning she was obliged to take to her bed, shortly became unconscious and died as stated. This result was so sudden and unexpected that her father went to business as usual, and when informed of it by a messenger could hardly withstand the shock. Deceased was a bright and remarkably intelligent girl. On account of her frequent headaches her parents withheld her from school last term, fearing they were the result of too hard study; the result, however, proved otherwise, and could not have been prevented if the cause had been known.

July 15, 1885

  • Miss Beckie, youngest, daughter of Mr. Levi Knott, and Mr. Harry McCauley of Alabama were married last Friday evening. The marriage took place at Vancouver, and the young couple will make their home in the south. The bride was born and brought up in East Portland and has many friends who will follow her to her southern home with good wishes.

July 16, 1885

  • Mr. Frank L. Logan and Miss Emma Logus, daughter of Charles Logus, were married at the residence of the bride's parents in Portland yesterday morning, Rev. John W. Sellwood officiating. They started on the noon train for a tour to the Sound and Victoria.

July 20, 1885

  • The funeral of Mrs. J. Jerelaman occurred yesterday afternoon from the family residence, corner of Eleventh and Washington streets, Stephens' addition. Impressive services were conducted by Rev. C. H. Hobart, of the Baptist church, and the remains were followed to Lone Fir by a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends.

July 21, 1885

  • The nine members of Pioneer hose team will meet a picked nine of Grant Engine Company at the Oaks diamond field at 2 o'clock Sunday, for a match game. The Pioneer club is organized as follows: E. C. Ferguson (captain) c; H. H. Holmes, p; Frank Buchtel, s s; W. B. Morgan, 1st b; Charles Smith, 2d b; G. C. Edwards, 3d b; Harry Austin, l f; Geo L. Peaslee, c f; W. H. Bartel, r f.

July 22, 1885

  • Mr. E. L. Ireland, of Oakland, Cal., and Miss Emma Hall, daughter of R. T. Johnson, were married Monday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of Fourth and C streets, Justice Coleman officiating.

July 24, 1885

  • W. W. Spaulding, formerly of Albion, Michigan, and Lizzie K. Herne, formerly of Cincinnati, O., were married at the parsonage of the Evangelical church, Tuesday evening, Rev. C. C. Poling officiating.

July 27, 1885

  • Miss Jennie Haines of East Portland and Chas. Smith of Salem were married at the residence of George W. McCoy, corner of Sixth and L streets, at 2 P.M. Saturday, Rev. D. O. Ghormley officiating. They left by the evening train for a tour up the valley.

July 29, 1885

  • Harper Pease, one of East Portland's rising young men, is the happy father of a boy. It is quite the thing now to go to the Central market just to see Harper smile. He does it so spontaneously.

July 31, 1885

  • Mrs. Lou Harmon, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Riley, returned home to Lebanon yesterday.

August 7, 1885

  • Mr. Stoughton Avey and Mrs. Mary Cruickshank were married Monday evening by Rev. C. C. Poling, pastor of the Evangelical church.

August 15, 1885

  • Mrs. Elizabeth Connely, breathed her last about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, after a long and painful illness.

August 20, 1885

  • The little son of Rev. A. Z. Joslin was buried from the M. E. church yesterday morning, Rev. H. K. Hines officiating.

August 26, 1885

  • Mrs. Martha M. Garrigan died at an early hour yesterday morning at her residence, on D street, between Fourth and Fifth, of consumption, with which she had been prostrated for several weeks. Deceased leaves an estate worth several thousand dollars, consisting principally of valuable real estate in East Portland. Realizing that the end was near, she last week sent for her attorney and executed her will, by which she bequeathed her entire property to her sister, Miss Kate Campbell, residing at Charleston, Mass., except $100 to the infant son of Clarke Lewis and $500 to a friend, and appointing Dr G. E. Nottage, her attending physician, and John de Boest administrators of the estate. The funeral will take place from the residence at 10 o'clock this morning.

August 27, 1885

  • An infant child of J. G. Stephens, residing on the corner of Washington and Twelfth streets, died yesterday morning from the effects of a small quantity of concentrated lye taken by mistake.

August 31, 1885

  • Mr. and Mrs. John Frazer, after three years' residence on the sound, have returned to East Portland and located in McMillen's addition.
  • Mrs. John Powell returned Saturday from Junction City, where for four weeks she has been in attendance upon her father, Mr. Milliron, who has been prostrate with sickness, but is now mending rapidly.
  • Miss Bertha Breyman, daughter of A. H. Breyman, was tendered a surprise reception on the occasion of her sixteenth birthday on Saturday last. The evening was spent happily with music, dancing and refreshments at the hall of Relief hook and ladder company.

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    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202