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Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1885: Jan — Apr

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January 5, 1885

  • Married -- In this city, Jan. 4, by the bride's grandfather, Rev. Jesse Moreland, Mr. E. E. Long of Portland and Miss Emma Owen of East Portland. No cards.

January 17, 1885

  • Miss Helen McPheeters, teacher of the fourth grade at Central school and partner of the firm of McPheeters and Pritchard, formed a new partnership yesterday with Mr. W. A. Wash, editor of the Goldendale Gazette , Rev. S. P. Wilson officiating. 

January 20, 1885

  • The startling discovery was made last evening that Dr. Frank J. Dolsen was lying lifeless on the floor of his office, located in the corner rooms in the second story of the First National bank building, corner of Fourth and L streets, East Portland. He had been boarding at the private boarding house of Mrs. Jordan on Fourth street, between L and M, and some alarm was occasioned by the fact of his not having been to the table since dinner on Sunday. Consequently Mr. B. H. Bowman, cashier of the First National bank, and Professor W. A. Wetzell, principal of the public schools, fellow boarders, instituted an investigation last evening, and by the aid of a lamp and a chair, they made the discovery as stated through the transom of his office door. City Marshal Linville was at once notified, and that officer broke open the door, and satisfying himself that life was extinct, sent for the coroner. Coroner Cooke arrived promptly, and proceeded to hold an inquest with the following jurors: J. H. Middleton, B. H. Bowman, J. H. Hall, Kirk Sheldon, F. L. Logan and E. L. Thorpe. The evidence adduced elicited the further facts that deceased called at Logan's drugstore between 5 and 7 o'clock Sunday evening, when he appeared in his usual good health and spirits, and spoke encouragingly of his prospects. Dr. Panton, a friend of the deceased, made an examination of the body, and testified that he came to his death from natural causes. The witness was aware, however, that he was affected with heart disease, as, at deceased's request, he had examined him on Friday last, and that was, doubtless, the immediate cause of death. This testimony was corroborated by a letter found in the pocket of deceased, by which it appears he apprehended this result sooner or later. It read as follows: 
    East Portland, Dec. 15, 1884. 
    To whom it may concern: I am affected with dropsy, caused probably from dilated heart and inadequate kidneys. If found dead I desire that Dr. Panton, of Portland, settle my affairs here and that he be notified of my death; and request that a post mortem examination be held to determine cause of death, and that burial take place as speedily as possible at Lone Fir cemetery. I desire that my office furniture be sold and such of my effects as may be necessary to liquidate all debts due. To Dr. Panton on I leave my microscope, and to Dr. Rachits my laryngoscope; and I desire that my gold watch and chain and whatever else is left to be sent to my brother, R. P. Dolsen, Chatham, Ontario. F. J. Dolsen 
    ​Another paper found upon him contained a list of his furniture and effects. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. It appears that he was engaged at a medicine chest that was on a bookcase, standing between the two windows fronting on L street, when he fell backwards, with his head toward the door. Deceased was a single man, aged 28 years in July last, and was of fine form and handsome appearance, being dark-complexioned and wearing a full black beard. He hails from Chatham, Ontario, Canada, where his parents reside. He was a graduate from the Toronto university, and of the college of physicians, London. He practiced in England and France, and had but recently returned to America from Paris, locating in East Portland on Friday last and had recently spoken of his good prospects. Dr. Panton telegraphed last night to his folks in Canada as to what disposition to make of the body, and deceased's request for a post mortem examination--evidently made to allay any suspicion of suicide--will depend for fulfillment upon their reply. Pending this reply also the body has been properly encased by the coroner and left at the office where found. The deceased had made many friends during his brief residence here, his pleasant address and genial disposition enlisting the good will of all with whom he came in contact, and whose regret is sincere as their friendship.

January 23, 1885

  • The marriage of Mr. Thos. McNamee of Portland and Miss Barbara Schmidt, eldest daughter of Mrs. Regina Schmidt of East Portland was solemnized with mass at St. Francis' Catholic church at half past 8 o'clock yesterday morning, Rev. Father Herman of Cornelius officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Prances Schmidt, and the groom by Mr. Frank Schmidt, brother and sister of the bride. The bride was tastefully attired in a dress of peacock blue silk, with brocaded draperies, and hat to match. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the future home of the newly-married couple, corner of J and Tenth streets, and partook of a wedding breakfast, only members of the family and the officiating clergyman being present. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. McNamee entertained their friends at a supper, where all went merry as a marriage bell. They commence their married life under the most favorable auspices, carrying with them the best wishes of their many friends.

February 2, 1885

  • Mr. William Reidt of Olympia and Miss Annie Schade of East Portland were married at Catholic Cathedral of Portland, Saturday last. In the evening a wedding supper was given at the residence of the bride's parents on North Fourth street, members of the family only being present. Mr. and Mrs. Reidt will start for their future home in Olympia this morning, accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends.

February 4, 1885

  • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull go to Vancouver to-day to attend a family reunion, it being the birthday of Mrs. Turnbull's father.

February 5, 1885

  • The tolling of the bell of St. Francis Catholic church at an early hour yesterday morning announced the death of its rector, Rev. Father P. Macken, which occurred shortly after midnight at his residence, northwest corner of Eleventh and I streets. Deceased had been affected with gastric troubles since spring of last year, and after trying a change of climate without beneficial effect, he returned here, and as early as June last his ailment became such as to preclude attention to his ministerial labors and necessitated confinement to the house. His digestion never improved, and he gradually became weaker, with the result stated. He was well beloved by his parishioners and universally esteemed irrespective of creed or belief. Funeral services will take place at the church on Friday.

February 5, 1885

  • The sixth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson was celebrated last evening at their residence on I street, between Sixth and Seventh. The affair was arranged by a number of friends, who did the occasion ample justice.

March 2, 1885

  • The remains of the late James Crawford will be taken to Vancouver for interment. Deceased was the father of Mrs. Colburn Barrell of this city, at whose residence he died.
  • Miss Hattie Crandall, who left for her home at Spokane Saturday morning was given a farewell reception Friday evening at the residence of her sister, Mrs. James Humphrey, corner of Sixth and I streets, where she has resided during a somewhat extended sojourn here. Music and the usual pastimes of a well-ordered social contributed to evening's pleasure, besides a collation, both rich and ample. About twenty-five friends of the recipient were present to enjoy the occasion and also to experience the pleasant sorrow of parting.

March 11, 1885

  • The wife of Mr. John Becker, a victim of consumption, died yesterday afternoon, after a protracted sickness, at her residence on Ninth street, between D and E.

March 13, 1885

  • Miss Belle Rosenthal, aged 15, of Mount Tabor, while at school day before yesterday, caught her foot in the ironwork of her desk, causing her to fall and sprain and bruise her ankle severely.
  • A 5-year-old daughter of Mr. Adell, residing east of the city, while playing with a hatchet the other day, let it fall on her feet, and she is now minus the toe next the little one as a consequence.

March 14, 1885

  • Mr. Hillery Cason and wife, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Carney, at Seattle, for the past two weeks, have returned home.

March 18, 1885

  • Gordon H. Knott and Miss Agnes Strahual were married Monday evening at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. John W. Sellwood.

March 20, 1885

  • Mrs. Anderson, of New York, who came here last fall on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Underhill, and her mother, Mrs. Wilson, of Stephens' addition, left for home yesterday, accompanied by her mother, to remain away permanently, and also by Miss Sadie, daughter of Mrs. Underhill, to remain for an indefinite period.
  • Mrs. Charles Ohle and four daughters, of Holladay's addition, will leave for New York Saturday, to remain several months. In view of this event she yesterday had her children christened at St. David's church--a religious duty she had neglected. The names and ages are respectively: Sylvia, 6 years; Charlotte, 5 years; Elsa, 3 years; and Elizabeth, 17 months.

March 21, 1885

  • Miss Dora McGrew, daughter of James McGrew, was married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of Seventh and W streets, to Mr. Arthur P. Cahalin of Portland, Rev. J. H. Acton officiating.

March 25, 1885

  • Mr. and Mrs. Applegate, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. W. Underhill, for several months past, will return by the Northern Pacific today to their home in Middleton, New Jersey.

April 7, 1885

  • The funeral of Mrs. J. S. Newell, of Mount Tabor, took place yesterday, the remains being interred at Lone Fir. It was largely attended by residents of Mount Tabor and vicinity.

April 11, 1885

  • The remains of Martin B. Frantz, who was killed by a calf, were taken to Gray's landing yesterday for interment. Subscriptions are being solicited for his widow, who is destitute with a family.

April 17, 1885

  • Mr. J. H. Carney and Mr. Root of the O.R.&N. Co. have removed from Seattle to Portland with their families. Mrs. Carney is a daughter of Mr. H. Cason of East Portland and is visiting her parents with her family for a few days. Mrs. Root (nee Miss Maggie Nicholson) will also remain with her parents here until permanently located.

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    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

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    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202