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1884: July – Dec

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July 5, 1884

  • The celebration in East Portland, conducted by Pioneer Engine Co., No. 1, on behalf of the citizens, was simply a grand success. Immense throngs were in attendance from all parts of the northwest, and it is safe to assert that a more satisfied and delighted crowd never met on a similar occasion. The advertised programme was carried out to the letter, as far as practicable, strictly and promptly, leaving no room for complaint and preserving the harmony and good feeling that existed throughout the day. Sunrise was ushered in by a national salute, and soon after the small boys and boys of larger growth awoke the echoes and aroused the slumberers by a continuous and well sustained fire of guns, pistols, bombs, etc. By 9 o'clock the Stark street and Jefferson street ferryboats, gaily decorated with flags and evergreens, began to carry over the pleasure seekers in large numbers. Fourth and other principal streets were copiously and tastefully decorated with fir trees, flags, Chinese lanterns, etc., and the city wore a truly metropolitan holiday appearance. By 10 o'clock crowds of people, including a full complement of all ages, might be seen wending their way from all directions to the Willamette park on Fifth street, where the amusements of the day were inaugurated. 
    The first contest was a log race for boys, the entries being Johnny Rankin, under 10 years of age, and Emmet Thurman, 11 years. The course was from the Oaks to the park, about 800 yards, and the race was won by Rankin by about sixty feet in 2 1/2 minutes in good style. 
    A tub race for boys followed over the same course. Emmet Thurman and Johnny Johnson were the contestants, the former using an eight-foot paddle and the latter a six-foot. Thurman won by twenty feet in four minutes. 
    The greased hog chase was next on the programme, but the Chinamen who were to engage in the pursuit on roller skates backed out at the eleventh hour and the porker was turned loose for the benefit of the small boys, who made the most of the opportunity to the amusement of the crowd till the animal was captured. This concluded the amusements in the morning.

July 6, 1884

  • The committee on amusement met last evening and made the following award of prizes to the successful contestants on the Fourth: 
    Firemen's foot race, half mile--Joseph F. Resing, of Relief H. & L. Co. No. 3; silver cup. 
    Foot race, 250 yards--Thomas Ryan; $5 cash. The time in this race was 32 1/2 seconds, Ryan beating William Hamilton six feet. 
    Men's log race--James Rankin, $10 cash. 
    Boy's log race--First prize, Johnny Rankin, plated sugar bowl, second prize, plated cup, Emmet Terman. 
    Boys' tub race--First prize, Emmet Terman, plated napkin ring; second prize, John Johnson, majolica butter dish. 
    ​Bicycle race, one mile--First prize, Louis Warner, accordeon; second prize, William Daly, Jr., fancy box of stationary.

July 14, 1884

  • The novel spectacle of a baby show was among the attractions at Willamette park yesterday. There was a good attendance, including a large proportion of ladies, thirty two of whom each thought she owned the handsomest baby, and entered him or her for the contest. But one prize of $25 was advertised, but as infants were admitted from five months to three years, Mr. Douglas, the manager, in order to prevent possible complaints, increased the prizes to two--one of $20 for the handsomest baby over one year and less than three; and $10 for that under one year. Six disinterested married ladies were selected as judges--three from Portland and three from East Portland--besides a lady over 60 years old, who acted in the absence of her husband, who is about 90 years old and was too sick to be present. The exhibition took place on the dancing platform, and as Mr. Douglas held up each baby as it was entered for inspection it seemed to appreciate the object for which it was done and put on its best smile for the occasion. After due deliberation the judges unanimously decided upon the following award of prizes: 
    Handsomest baby over one year and less than three--Ella Buck, Portland, aged 13 months, light blue eyes and blonde hair, as a doggerel fiend present put it. 
    "She had ginger hair and light blue eyes, 
    And took the twenty-dollar prize."
    Handsomest baby under one year--Hulda Hillinger, Portland (one of a pair of twins), aged ten months, dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. 
    The award gave general satisfaction, and there was no "squealing" by the contestants, as is often the case. 
    After the baby show Dr. Newcastle rode five miles on a bicycle against time, accomplishing the feat in 20:45. 
    ​George Seely and Charles Lindermann, two contestants in the log race on the Fourth, repeated the race in order to settle a dispute of supremacy which occured at that time. The course was from the rear of Beck's stables to the park, and Lindermann, as was expected, proved the victor. 

July 17, 1884

  • One of the interesting twins of Mr. James Lynch, named Henry, aged 6 months, died at midnight yesterday of cholera infantum. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence, corner of M and Sixth streets.

July 21, 1884

  • Justice Coleman performed his first marriage ceremony Sunday morning, the interested parties being Mr. G. Williams and Miss Helen Hutchinson, daughter of the late Dr. Hutchinson. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's mother, corner of Fifth and Willamette streets. The justice tied the nuptial knot with becoming dignity, but says he lacked the courage to kiss the bride, much as he desired to. He will probably make the riffle next time. After the ceremony the party sat down to a dainty wedding feast, after which the wedded pair left for Hillsboro. They will take up their residence in East Portland.

July 24, 1884

  • The residence of Captain E. D. Thorn was the scene of a happy and auspicious event last evening. At 6 o'clock, in the presence of a select circle of relatives and friends, Rev. S. P. Wilson, of the M. E. church, pronounced the brief but important words that joined as husband and wife Mr. Arlington M. Banks and Miss Elizabeth Thomas. The ceremony was performed at the recess of the parlor window, the horseshoe of good luck, artistically made of choice flowers, suspending above them. The conventional black suit of the groom was pleasantly contrasted by the dress of the bride, which consisted of cream-colored nun's veiling with brocaded white satin trimmings, while a spray of orange blossoms made the handsome toilette complete. After congratulations, the party partook of an elegant supper prepared for the occasion, which was flavored by good cheer and pleasant animadversions on married life. Later in the evening a reception was held at the future home of Mr. and Mrs. Banks at the northeast corner of Sixteenth and D streets, a large number being present to tender their congratulations and wish them a long life of happiness and prosperity. The bride was formerly a resident of California, but for the past year has resided at Dayton, W. T.

July 29, 1884

  • The widow of the late Barney Trainor, whose palsied form was familiar on the streets of East Portland, died yesterday at the residence of John Fay, aged about 75 years. She will buried to-day.

August 7, 1884

  • The late Alexander Dunlap, whose death by accidental drowning was recorded yesterday, was a native of Scotland, but came to the United States at a very early age. He settled in Delaware, afterward removed to Saginaw, Michigan, where he remained until about ten years ago, when he came to the northwest. A sister of deceased still resides in Delaware and also one at Saginaw. He owned a farm of 160 acres about eighteen miles from Saginaw, the deed to which was burned by the recent fire at the Golden Rule hotel in East Portland, where he was stopping at the time. He was a carpenter by trade, and for several years had been in the employ of Smith & Paquet. He was steady and industrious and a good workman. He was well known in East Portland, having resided here for a long time. He had recently taken out an accident insurance policy which insured him $10 in case of accident, and $1000 in the event of death, made payable to G. W. Blotenburg, foreman for Paquet & Smith. He had paid $1.50 upon this policy, one-half the balance to be paid in thirty days (which had not expired at the time of his death); the remaining half in sixty days. This policy was deposited with John Collins, and was burned in the East Portland fire Monday night, Collins being one of the victims. His title to the insurance money, however, is good.

August 16, 1884

  • Mrs. Dodson, mother of Mrs. M. T. Cunningham, died at the latter's residence early yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dodson were on a visit from St. Louis, and the remains will be taken to that city for burial.

August 21, 1884

  • Mr. C. C. Oiler lingered until half past 7 yesterday morning, when death came to his relief.

September 9, 1884

  • Mr. L. Rosenthal, whose fine residence near Mount Tabor was burned a short time since, has commenced to rebuild a dwelling, to cost between $5000 and $6000.
  • Charlie Renfer, son of A. Renfer, the jeweler, aged about 8 years, dislocated his shoulder Sunday while taking gymnastic exercises on a bar. Dr. Celey attended him.
  • Mr. C. L. Sheppard, with whose paralyzed form our citizens have been familiar for several years through his frequent visits to the city in his private carriage and accompanied his wife, his constant and devoted attendant, was relieved from his sufferings by death, Sunday night, at his residence on the Columbia slough road, about six miles from the city. About six years ago he became paralyzed as the result of chronic rheumatism, and has since been perfectly helpless. The immediate cause of his death is supposed to have been paralysis of the brain. He was sixty years of age. Orient lodge, No. 17, I.O.O.F., of East Portland, of which deceased was a charter member, will conduct the funeral, which takes place to-day, with services at the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock.

September 12, 1884

  • Mrs. Fannie Frisette, of Eastern Oregon, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bartel.

September 17, 1884

  • The directors of school district No. 24, East Portland, have made the following assignments of teachers to the various grades, which are to be considered merely provisional, owing to several new teachers being employed: 
    Central school--Eighth grade, Miss Mary E. Buxton; seventy, Mrs. A. L. Haskins; sixth Mrs. T. E. Alford; fifth, Mrs. L. W. Toombs; fourth, Miss Mary E. Wheeler and Miss Bloomer; third, Miss Nettie Powell and Miss Eugenia Craig; second Mrs. M. E. leach and Miss E. Gray. 
    J street schools, first or primary grade--Miss Nora Simpson has been assigned to the new room in Odd Fellows' hall, and Mrs. Ada T. Beard to the old building. 
    ​Miss C. H. Leonard, Mrs. J. A. McQuinn and Mrs. R. White have been assigned to the Stephens' addition schools.

October 2, 1884

  • A runaway with fatal results occurred on the Powell Valley road Friday last. It appears that Andrew Snover, with his wife and daughter, were riding on a farm wagon immediately in the rear of a cart containing Mrs. and Miss Wabill, the mother and sister of Mrs. Snover, and a 5-year-old son of Mr. Snover, named Berty, when the reach of the wagon broke and scared the horses into a lively run. Colliding with the cart, its occupants were upset, the boy rendered insensible and ladies severely injured. The former was conveyed to a house near by, but never rallied, and died within two hours after the accident. Dr. Powell, who was summoned, found that he had died from internal hemorrhage, caused by the concussion, no bones being broken. Mrs. and Mrs. Wabill are still confined to their beds, but serious results are not anticipated. The occupants of the wagon were also more or less bruised by being precipitated to the ground.

October 2, 1884

  • A daughter of Mr. Jas. Shuchler, of Stephens' addition, aged four years, night before last stepped upon a rusty nail, which penetrated the ball of her foot to a considerable depth, and narrowly escaped lockjaw.
    Mrs. M. F. Moore, who went east in June last in company with Mrs. E. O. Doud and Mrs. Bonser, returned home yesterday. She has been visiting relatives and friends in the state of Maine. Mrs. Bonser has not yet returned.
    Arthur Kindorf received a dispatch last evening advising him of the death of his mother at Racine, Wis., at 12 o'clock yesterday. Fred Kindorf, his brother, it will be remembered, was summoned thence several days since in expectation of the sad event which has been realized. Deceased was aged 63 years, cancer of the stomach being the cause of her death.

October 16, 1884

  • Miss Sarah L. Matthieu, daughter of S. C. Matthieu, was married at 2 o'clock yesterday at the residence of the bride's parents, on the north side of L street, between Fifth and Sixth, to Mr. John L. Taylor, a young merchant of Gervais, Oregon, Rev. D. O. Ghormley officiating. Besides the family, a few intimate friends were present. Congratulations and a nice dinner followed the ceremony, and the contracting parties were the recipients of a number of presents, both useful and ornamental.

October 28, 1884

  • Norman, the 4-year-old son of Joseph Burkhart, referred to yesterday as being seriously scalded by falling into a tub of hot water on Saturday last, died from the effects of his injuries about 4 o'clock yesterday morning. He suffered intensely and had frequent convulsions, and the result was inevitable. Sympathy for the grief-stricken parents, who are well known here and in Portland, is general. The funeral will take place from the parents' residence, corner of Twelfth and K streets, at 2 P.M. to-day.

October 29, 1884

  • Louis Hale, a bachelor, residing at Powell's Valley, was found lying among some ferns, near his home, Sunday evening, in an insensible condition, and expired a few moments after being conveyed to his residence. His death is attributed to a fit of epilepsy. Deceased lived alone and was in good circumstances. Two nephews, residing at Milton, are his only known relatives.

November 6, 1884

  • The city of East Portland was fourteen years old October 26.
  • Ethel, the little daughter of Mr. A. E. Sloan, who has been in a critical condition for some months with a complication of diseases, was relieved from her sufferings by death yesterday morning. She was aged 6 years and 2 months.

November 13, 1884

  • The city receives $700 per quarter for whiskey license, and pays out $800 for water.
  • The last rites over the remains of the late Mrs. T. B. Freeman were solemnized at the Episcopal church yesterday afternoon, Rev. John W. Sellwood officiating. At the request of Mr. Freeman, brother members of Phalanx lodge, K. of P., viz: Dr. D. M. Eddy, H. H. Kiessling, T. J. Matlock, H. C. Wood, Henry Meyer and Frank Payne, acted as pall-bearers.

November 26, 1884

  • Word was received here yesterday that William Myers, aged about 15 years, who went to Blalock's with his father, H. C. Myers, a short time since, and subsequently fell a victim to typhoid fever, had died from that malady. Mr. Dunning, the undertaker, received instructions to forward a casket immediately, and it is inferred that his body will not be brought down here, at least, for the present.

November 27, 1884

  • A brother-in-law of Joseph Pacquet was recently killed in Grant county by being thrown from a horse.

December 3, 1884

  • William Stigers, son of Mrs. Keenan of the Home hotel, will accompany George Linville on his trip east to-morrow. The former goes to Illinois to look after property interests there.

December 6, 1884

  • The semi-annual election of officers of Fidelity lodge No. 4, A.O.U.W., occurred last night and resulted as follows: M. W., A. Pocock; foreman, H. H. Whipple; overseer, John Gwilt; guide, J. Masters; receiver, G. E. Nottage; financier, Ed Brandan; recorder J. B. Pape; inside watchman, Wm. Cummins; outside watchman, Wm. Halfpenny; examining physician, Dr. G. E. Nottage; trustee, J. E. Boynton. A. H. McEwan succeeds to the chair of the P. M. W. The regular time of installation occuring on New Year's night, a dispensation will be asked to defer the installation until the second Thursday in January.

December 11, 1884

  • The mother of W. H. Moore died at her home at Scranton, Pa., November 24th, of cancer of the stomach, aged 57 years.
  • Silvey Stuart, son of J. L. Stuart, formerly of this city, was married at Coburg, Lane county, yesterday morning to Miss Nellie, Daughter of E. P. Coleman, of that place.

December 18, 1884

  • Mrs. Angell, nee Miss Jessie Turnbull, eldest child of Thomas R. Turnbull of East Portland, died at her home in Yale, B. C. on Tuesday, and in response to a dispatch, her mother left immediately for that place. It is likely the remains will be brought here for interment in the family lot at Vancouver. Deceased was educated in East Portland, and resided here until about a year ago, when she left for Yale to be married. She has a large number of acquaintances here, who will sincerely regret her untimely and unexpected death.

December 27, 1884

  • Wednesday last, W. P. Hughes, Charles Browning, W. Algo, Charles and Everett Bullock--the two latter aged 19 and 15 respectively--made the journey successfully on foot from La Camas to East Portland, a distance of twenty-five miles, Browning had four fingers frozen, which was the only misfortune of the trip.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202