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1884: Jan — Jun

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January 2, 1884

  • Mr. Oscar Hubbard, son-in-law of Thos. Cully, died at his residence on Columbia slough about half-past 4 o'clock Monday morning, after an illness of only two days, of typhoid pneumonia.

January 5, 1884

  • Mr. L. Kiernan, the nurseryman, residing on the Base Line road, died Thursday night about 11 o'clock, aged 65 years. He was attacked with a stroke of apoplectic paralysis the night before, and though every possible effort was made to save him, he never rallied and died as stated. He was similarly attacked some years since, and never entirely recovered from the shock, so that his demise was not altogether unexpected. He was an old resident of East Portland, and also one highly respected.

January 19, 1884

  • Captain John Smith, late Indian agent at Warm Springs, passed away yesterday about 1:30 o'clock at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Lee, corner Ninth and L streets, aged 78 years. Deceased was born at Louisville, Kentucky, in July, 1805, subsequently removed to Illinois, crossed the plains in 1852 and settled in Linn county, where he engaged in farming; was shortly afterwards elected sheriff of Linn county, which position he held three successive terms. At the breaking out of the civil war he was appointed enrolling officer for a district embracing Linn and other counties. He was elected to the Oregon legislature from Linn county. In 1866 he was appointed Indian agent at the Warm Springs reservation, which position he held continuously till within a month of the time of his death, when failing health compelled him to resign. 
    The disease of which he died was cancer of the stomach, which laid a firm and deadly hold on him about three months since, giving no hope of permanent relief. The beginning of the end occurred about a month ago, and during this time he endured much suffering, being subject to occasional hemorrhages and paroxysms of pain, especially during the night. But, conscious that his end was approaching, he bore all with a Christian resignation and fortitude, retaining the use of his faculties until the last. He was a devout and consistent member of the United Presbyterian church, and died in the full hope of a happy life beyond. He was conscientious, earnest and faithful in all his relations in life, endearing himself to all with whom he came in contact, and peculiarly was this the case with the Indians over whom he was in authority so long, who, upon his taking final leave of them, were moved to the sincerest expressions of regret, many shedding tears. 
    Appropriate services were conducted at the residence last evening by Rev. Mr. Stephenson of the United Presbyterian church of Portland, and Rev. D. O. Ghormley of the First Presbyterian church of East Portland, who fittingly expatiated on the virtues of deceased, and the great lesson of his well spent life. His death will be learned with regret by a large circle of friends extending through the entire state. He leaves two daughters--Mrs. Dr. C. H. Raffety and Mrs. Lee of this city; and four sons--Dr. John Randolph Smith of Vancouver, Dr. T. F. Smith of Walla Walla, W. N. Smith of Waitsburg, and R. B. Smith of Olympia. I. N. Smith, another son, died at the reservation about a year since. 
    ​The remains will be interred to-morrow (Sunday) at Willamette churchyard, about nine or ten miles above Albany, to repose by the side of his mother and a sister. Services will be held at the church at 12 o'clock by Rev. S. G. Irvine, of the United Presbyterian church of Albany. The funeral party will leave by train this morning, consisting of Dr.and Mrs. C. H. Raffety, Mrs. Nat. Lane, Mrs. Lee, Dr. J. Randolph Smith, and W. N. Smith.

January 21, 1884

  • Died--In East Portland, Jan 20, of scarlet fever, Miss Irene Jones, daughter of Ralph Jones, of Nehalem Valley, aged 14 years.

February 4, 1884

  • Miss Babetta Dormheiser, niece of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lowengardt, of this city, and Benjamin Ettleson, of Sprague, W.T., were married last evening at the residence of the bride's relatives above named on Tenth street, between J and K, Rev. A. Rosenspitz of Portland officiating. A number of friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony, and many elegant and useful presents were made. The party subsequently repaired to the Odd Fellows' hall adjacent, where they danced their congratulations till a reasonably late hour.

February 9, 1884

  • Old farmer Mock, who was over 90 years of age, died suddenly Wednesday morning at his residence near St. John's. The funeral took place yesterday, Rev. D. O. Ghormley of East Portland officiating.
  • Mr. John Collins, who recently last the lower portion of his right leg through an accident, will occupy one of the new Logus stores on L street as soon as completed, in the cigar and notion business, wherein he shows his enterprise. He is bound to succeed.

February 14, 1884

  • The recent severe weather appears to be playing sad havoc with the children of East Portland, considerable sickness, more or less serious, existing among them. Within the past two days no less than four have died. Of these are Leonora, daughter of W. T. Burney, aged 14 months; a daughter of W. Dickson, aged 3 years, and two children of F. V. Jones, who resides on Fourth street, above the bridge. The family of the latter, being in needy circumstances, Mr. Johnson, the contractor, interested himself in their behalf and succeeded in raising $42 to assist them in their distress. This family have also another child that is not expected to live.
  • A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Magness assembled at their residence, on the corner of Eleventh and M streets, Tuesday evening, to celebrate their wooden wedding, were hospitably received, and did full justice to the occasion.

February 17, 1884

  • The fears entertained concerning Johnny De Boest of East Portland, were realized about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, when he passed away quietly and without a struggle. During the earlier part of the night he had been somewhat restless, but later became perfectly calm, until finally a suspicious rattle in his throat alarmed his watchers, Eugene Ferguson, Frank Buchtel, Johnny Houle and Del. Ross. His father was at once aroused, but before he could reach the bedside of his son, he had breathed his last. The immediate cause of his death was paralysis, produced by compression of the brain. The origin of the cause producing this fatal effect was, as previously intimated, a severe blow on the left side of the head, administered with a boot by his elder brother, Tenis, during a quarrel on Sunday morning last. It appears the boys slept in a room at the rear of the saloon kept by their father, John De Boest, on Fourth street, and Tenis aroused his brother at an early hour in the morning to assist him in cleaning out the saloon, this arrangement being customary with them. Johnny, however, who had been out late the night previous, became irritated at being aroused so soon after retiring, and refused to get up, whereupon Tenis essayed to compel him to do so by physical force. Johnny stoutly resisted, calling his brother hard names, and jumping up on the bed, caught him by the throat. It was at this stage of the altercation that Tenis siezed his boot and struck the blow that has resulted fatally. The heel of the boot came in contact with his head with great force, producing a scalp wound about one and a half inches in length, and also a slight indentation of the skull. Hostilities ceased at this juncture, and Johnny proceeded to Dr. Dav. Raffety, who sewed up and dressed the wound. There was slight inflammation, but the wound was not considered dangerous. He did not at first suffer great inconvenience from the wound, and appeared about town the greater part of Sunday in apparently his usual spirits, referring to his misfortune merely in a jocular manner when occasion offered. The affair, however, produced a disinclination on his part to return home, and he repaired to the residence of a friend in Holladay's addition, and nothing more was heard of the case until Tuesday, when Dr. Dav. Raffety was hastily sent for. He then found his condition to be serious in the extreme, the internal extravasation of blood having commenced its deadly work. His father being notified, at once procured a carriage and conveyed him home. From this time he gradually grew worse, with the result above stated. The best medical advice was enlisted in the case, but it had passed beyond human skill to remedy. The family are completely prostrated and almost distracted by the deplorable event, and in their anguish they have the sincere sympathy of the community. Coroner Cooke promptly responded to the call, but the facts of the case being generally known, and corroborated by the testimony of the attending physicians, he deemed it unnecessary to hold an inquest. The funeral will take place from the residence, corner of Seventh and D streets, to-day at 2 o'clock, Rev. John W. Sellwood, of the Episcopal church, officiating. Deceased was aged 17 years.

February 27, 1884

  • Tuesday being the birthday of Rev. S. P. Wilson, pastor of the M.E. church, he was the recipient of a pleasant surprise in the evening by members of his church and congregation, who called upon him in force. During the enjoyable exercises which followed Mr. Wilson was presented with a fine silk hat and other useful and handsome presents. The affair was eloquent of the good feeling existing between pastor and flock.

March 12, 1884

  • Wm. Colburn, who resides on the corner of Sixth and V streets, Stephens' addition, yesterday had his leg successfully amputated above the knee, by Dr. G. E. Nottage, assisted by Dr. G. M. Wells of Portland. The cause for this operation was an abscess of thirty years' standing, its victim having been a cripple from its effect for that length of time, but lately it had grown worse, causing him to lay up continuously, and finally rendering amputation necessary in order to save his life. After the bone had been cut a second amputation was found necessary, owing to the emaciated condition of the flesh. The operation was skillfully performed, and the victim given a new lease of life thereby.
  • John Watts, a resident of Cole's addition, a carpenter by trade, while working on a scaffold on Front street, Portland, on Monday, lost his balance and saved himself from falling by thrusting his arm through a window and holding to the sash. He thereby saved himself from and perhaps fatal accident, though he lacerated his arm in a fearful manner. He was conveyed to the office of Dr. Chapman, who dressed his wound, whence he was conveyed to his residence. He is now progressing favorably.
  • Mrs. William Woodward is building a one and a half story residence on the corner of Fourteenth and H streets. Haynes Bros. have the contract for $750.

March 19, 1884

  • Councilman Laing was at home celebrating the twentieth anniversary of his wedding Monday evening, which is reasonable excuse for his not attending the meeting of the council.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Curry, with a large number of friends, celebrated their wooden wedding Monday evening at the residence of Mr. Jos. Buchtel. They were the recipients of many appropriate presents both useful and ornamental.

March 27, 1884

  • The wife of Charles Drennan, after a lingering illness of consumption, breathed her last Tuesday evening. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock to-day from the Catholic church.
  • Early yesterday morning, John Sidney, a youthful son of Thomas Jones, died from brain fever. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock to-day from the family residence, corner of Holladay avenue and Sixth streets, Rev. A. W. Bower officiating.

April 2, 1884

  • E. J. Adams, who resides on the Columbia a few miles west of the Vancouver ferry, missed about $1400 in gold coin Monday evening from the place he had secreted it in the barn, and at once suspected one Frank Jones, a hired man, who had suddenly left his service that day. He tracked hem to Bybee's place, a little further down the river, where he had evidently put up for the night, and then proceeded to East Portland, where he swore out a warrant for the arrest of Jones before Justice Sliker, the warrant being issued to Constable Culver for service. Adams thereupon returned, accompanied by this officer, to Bybee's place, where they arrived about 5 A.M., finding Jones in bed. The officer stating his business, he manifested no little surprise, but did not hesitate to respond to the legal mandate. He, however, insisted that a search for the money should be made before proceeding to the city, and this being done, the money was found intact, much to the surprise and delight of the owner. The money had evidently been buried a long time, as it was black with age, and the owner had probably forgotten its exact location. Adams then accompanied the other parties to the justice court, paid the costs of the case and had Jones discharged. This result, of course, was satisfactory to Adams, but not so to Jones, who proposes to make the former render him some compensation for thus casting a cloud over his fair reputation, and to this end has sued him for damages. This after-clap may be adjusted to-day.
  • J. J. Hull, the carpenter, purchased a horse Monday, and lodged him for the night in a stable near the rear of the foundation of Tam Cally's hotel building. Having a job in the country, he hitched up his new nag to a cart bright and early yesterday morning and was about to start when the outfit, resting on the ground considerable out of the horizontal, toppled over and rolled down the embankment. Its progress was stayed, however, by a large stick of timber, when the horse was released from the cart, but instead of rising to his feet as was expected he continued rolling down the incline till he landed inside of the foundation walls. Contrary to expectations he was apparently uninjured. The cart sustained some little damage, however, and one of the togs was broken, but the injuries and inconvenience did not prevent Mr. Jull taking his trip, and he soon was on his way rejoicing.

April 3, 1884

  • Mr. Harlan Royal, superintendent of the Salem gas works, and Miss Mary Robertson, sister of Captain Robertson of the Stark street ferry, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at the residence of the bride's mother on Seventh street, between O and P, East Portland, Rev. S. P. Wilson of the M. E. church assisted by Rev. Ladru Royal, officiating. Members of the family and intimate friends only were permitted the pleasure of witnessing the ceremony. Hearty congratulations, a sumptous dinner, and the presentation of a number of useful and ornamental articles rounded off the affair in as happy a manner as could be desired. The happy pair took the evening train for Salem, where they will in future reside, accompanied by well-wishes that will make them through life, if realized.

April 9, 1884

  • After a very brief illness, Zeralda, wife of Mr. F. A. Haines, residing on Thirteenth street between D and E, died on Monday night of neuralgia of the heart. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock.
  • The wife of Hiram Baunhous, residing in Cole's addition, died yesterday morning after a lingering illness of consumption. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock to day from the Catholic church.

April 14, 1884

  • After a lingering illness of consumption, Miss Alma Storey, daughter of S. B. Storey, quietly passed away at a quarter before 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Realizing that her end was approaching, the family at her bidding surrounded the bed, and being conscious to the last, she bade them all good-bye with a calmness and resignation that betokened assurance of happiness hereafter. She was the delight of a large circle of friends who regret her premature demise as that of a sister. The funeral will take place from the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Thursday) at 2 P.M., and services at Lone Fir will be private. The following have been chosen as pall-bearers: Captain Robinson, Ed Long, J. T. Stewart, J. N. Wheeler, Thomas Welch, Henry Frogatt, F. L. and Julian Logan.
  • No less than twenty-seven eggs disappeared in the capacious maw of Mr. Stoker at breakfast yesterday morning. He says he generally gets a round three dozen at Easter, but was not feeling in good condition yesterday. He poor condition did not, however, prevent him from eating a hearty dinner and supper.

April 30, 1884

  • Miss Alice Revenue, daughter of F. Revenue of the Sandy Postoffice, was married Monday to a gentleman named Grant.

May 4, 1884

  • Died--In East Portland, May 3, 1884 at 11:45 P.M., of scarlet fever, May McGuire, aged 6 years, 11 months and 16 days, only child of H. D. McGuire.

May 14, 1884

  • The body of C. Ross, after whom Ross' island was named, was Monday exhumed from the cemetery near Eagle Creek, where it was interred about eighteen years ago, and transferred to the City View cemetery, Portland, by his son, Del. Ross of East Portland. The casket, which was of iron, was filled with water and weighed altogether about 600 pounds. This would appear to imply a danger to drinking well water in the neighborhood of cemeteries.
  • An amateur orchestral club has been organized in Holladay's addition composed as follows: Cornet, H. C. Smith; first violin, Miss Dora McCord; second violin, Miss Edith Hardy; flutes, Frank Plympton and George Nicolai; clarionette, C. Coggeshall. The club entertained their friends at a social given at the residence of W. H. Meade Monday evening.

May 17, 1884

  • D. MacMahon has arrived here direct from the "ould country" for the purpose of disposing of property in Sullivan's addition, left him by his brother, Patrick MacMahon, who died here four months since. Upon accomplishing his object he will return to his native land.

June 18, 1884

  • Monday evening was a time of much rejoicing to many people living in Stephen's addition, not the least among them being M. J. L. Shute, the heretofore staid old bachelor who, that day, had taken unto himself a wife. His friends were not the kind to allow an affair of this kind pass without proper observance, and accordingly improvised a band of the most original and unique description, with which they serenaded the happy pair in the most earnest and enthusiastic manner. The recipient of this compliment acknowledged it in a fitting manner, and showed his appreciation of their exertions in his honor, by furnishing them a plentiful supply of refreshments. Satisfied with having done their duty to Mr. Shute, the next turned their attention to Mr. Geo. Gruner, the newly-elected councilman. They found him in bed, but this fact did not outweigh their enthusiasm, and they gave several of their very best selections for his benefit. Considering the hour and circumstances, this demonstration was not entirely welcome to the recipient, but he could not offend his new constituents, so rose to meet them with a smiling face and "liquidated" his debt of appreciation in the usual manner. And all ended happily.

June 24, 1884

  • Mr. James B. Harlow, an old resident of McMillen's addition, who has been ailing with a dropsical affection for some time past, is lying very low, and not expected to survive many hours.
  • Mrs. Pollock, residing on the place of Mr. Ed. Long, a files south of the city, fell from a cherry terry Friday last, severely injuring her hip and side and necessitating her laying up for several weeks. Dr. Rafferty attended her.

June 26, 1884

  • Miss Jenny Samuels, daughter of Mr. Thomas Samuels of Pendleton, who has been visiting at the residence of Mr. T. DeClark of this city, died Tuesday evening at 11 o'clock. She had been sick but a very short time, and her death was quite unexpected. The time of the funeral will be given after the arrival of her father in this city.

June 28, 1884

  • Sergeant John Arnspiker of Company F, East Portland City Guard, has received the appointment of quartermaster sergeant of the First battalion, Oregon state militia.
  • A 2 year-old child of Captain Charles Gore, who resides on Eighth street, between G and H, died Thursday from scarlet fever, after a sickness of only four days. Funeral took place yesterday.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202