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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202


1883: July – Dec

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July 2, 1883

  • Mr. Fred. Schoppe and Miss Vina Parker were married last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Fifth street, between K and L.

July 3, 1883

  • The body of the unfortunate boy, Richard Biehle, drowned while bathing at the foot of J street on Friday last was recovered yesterday afternoon by L. B. Trowbridge and R. T. Overlin, who discovered it floating face downward about 100 yards north of the scene of the accident. It had drifted toward the shore till stopped by some brush against which it lodged when recovered. The gentlemen named secured a skiff, recovered the body and landed it at Ausmus's wharf. Coroner Cooke promptly responded to a call, but after consulting with R. H. Holmes, the grandfather of the deceased, and others acquainted with the circumstances of the accident, an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The stepfather of deceased, W. T. Humbert of Portland, was sent for, who had the remains conveyed to his residence, No. 335 Third street, from where the funeral will take place. It is believed the body was brought to the surface by means of giant powder, which was abundantly used Saturday afternoon, but that in rising it had lodged against the roof of the wharf, preventing its discovery till it drifted out. It had been in the water about three days and was a ghastly looking object.

July 4, 1883

  • The remains of the late G. F. Perry were interred at Lone Fir yesterday. The funeral services took place at the M. E. church and were conducted by Rev. A. C. Fairchilds, assisted by Rev. T. L. Sails.

July 8, 1883

  • On Tuesday afternoon last the wife of Mr. Shannon, who is engaged in the fruit canning business on Water street, accidentally fell while alighting from a vehicle in which she had been riding with her husband in Portland and sustained internal injuries, from which she died early yesterday morning. The funeral will take place from St. David's church at 2 P.M. to-day, Rev. J. W. Sellwood officiating. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. W. P. Cameron, and out of respect the store of W. P. Cameron & Co. was closed yesterday.

July 19, 1883

  • Thos. Rider, an old resident of East Portland, and for many years night watchman, died of cancer in the stomach, shortly after 10 o'clock yesterday morning, at his residence on the corner of Sixth and L streets. He had been sick for about two months.

July 28, 1883

  • Mrs. Josephson, wife of J. Josephson, proprietor of the Orleans restaurant, on Fourth street, met with a very serious accident yesterday afternoon, by being thrown from a cart in which she was riding in company with Mrs. Dr. Royal, who was driving. When near the Episcopal church, on Fifth street, the horse stumbled, precipitating her forcibly to the roadway, the cart then passing over her stomach. The force of the fall was received by her head and spine, the former of which was slightly fractured; but the greatest injury sustained was the severe shock to her nervous system. She was rendered unconscious, and as soon as possible conveyed to her rooms on L street, between Third and Fourth; and Dr. Royal summoned. She continued unconscious when this report closed, convulsions occurring at short intervals of a very severe nature and a fatal termination momentarily expected.

August 17, 1883

  • Mrs. Bow, the mother of Mrs. C. Parrish, of this city, is reported dying at her home in Wisconsin. She is 95 years of age.
  • The funeral of Mrs. Charles Kelly, of Oregon City, occurred from the M. E. church yesterday, she having recently died while visiting a sister at Mehama.
  • Adam Lope, who is convalescing from a severe and protracted spell of sickness, was out for the first time yesterday. His avoirdupois has been reduced twenty-seven pounds.

August 18, 1883

  • Mr. and Mrs. John Kenworthy, for many years the efficient stewart and matron at the Insane asylum, will retain their positions under the new management.
  • The smiling countenance of Prof. O. B. Johnson, the bug-ologist, beamed upon his many friends in East Portland last evening. He will remain here a few days.
  • Walter Conley, son of Michael Conley, who died yesterday from injuries received through the accident that befell him recently, has succeeded his father as yardmaster at the O.&C. depot in this city.

August 25, 1883

  • Thos. Hawks, formerly of the East Portland police force, and Mary E. Arbuthnot, were married last Monday evening at the residence of S. A. Baker, in Holladay's addition, Rev. A. W. Bower officiating.

September 7, 1883

  • Mr. James Frush, who has been for six weeks past lying sick with consumption at the residence of his mother, Mrs. A. E. Frush, on the corner of Third and I streets, died yesterday morning at about 8 o'clock. The deceased came with his mother from Knox county, Missouri, when a boy. His father, William Frush, who arrived here some time previous, was then running a ferry at the place where the Stark street ferry is now run by the Knott brothers. This was about the year 1854. James purchased a piece of land and went farming about a mile and a half south of this city, and near Wash. Allen's place. He was married about the year 1855, and his family lived there ever since. He leaves a wife and three daughters, two of whom are married, one to Mr. Clark Lewis and the other to Mr. John Brandt. Miss Clara, the youngest, has been visiting St. Louis for a year past, but is thought to be on her way to this city at the present time. The deceased at one time was quite a prominent citizen. He has held the office of justice of the peace, notary public, and has practiced law occasionally in justice courts. For the past two or three years he has been engaged in the real estate business until he was taken down with the sickness which caused his death. The deceased was 48 years of age. His funeral will take place from his mother's residence on Third street this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

September 16, 1883

  • Dr. James Keck, the well-known homeopathic physician, died at his residence, on the corner of Sixth and Oregon streets, Holladay's addition, about half-past 7 last evening. The report of his death was received by everyone with great surprise, as he had been sick but a few days, but with no greater surprise than regret. The cause of his death was diptheria, which disease he contracted recently while attending two patients in Portland. He of course anticipated no fatal result, and depending on his own skill to effect a cure, no assistance was called till too late to be of any service. This misfortune following closely upon the death of his younger son, who was killed by the cars at the lower depot about two months ago, renders it doubly lamentable, and the distress of the wife and elder son who are thus bereft cannot be described. Deceased was a man of sterling qualities, and those who knew him best in life will mourn his death the most. He was a member of the fraternity of Odd Fellows, and also of the P.O.S. of A.

September 27, 1883

  • Yesterday Mr. George Long, the well-known farmer of Columbia slough, and late county commissioner, met with a severe and probably fatal accident. He was engaged on the pile-driver being used in the construction of the the bridge across the slough, when he fell therefrom, alighting upon a pile of rocks, and sustaining thereby severe injuries both external and internal. Dr. Raffety attended him and rendered what assistance was possible, but the chances are against his recovery.
  • John B. Carnegie, a pattern-maker for many years employed at Payne's foundry, died yesterday morning at his residence in Stephen's addition. He was attacked with a severe cold about five weeks since, and was making good progress toward recovery when a relapse occurred, culminating in quick consumption, of which he died. Deceased was a member of Orient lodge, I.O.O.F., of East Portland, and the Caledonia society of Portland; also, of the Third ward hook and ladder company. He was an industrious and worthy citizen, universally esteemed among his acquaintances and friends, and worth of all respect the living can pay to the dead. The funeral will take place to-day at 2 o'clock, from the residence of J. Donaldson, in Stephen's addition.

September 29, 1883

  • The remains of M. Parker, who died Thursday evening were yesterday conveyed to Parker's landing, W.T., where the funeral will take place. 

October 1, 1883

  • Morris Merrick of McDonough county, Ill., brother of Ross Merrick, arrived here Saturday morning via the Northern Pacific. The brothers had not met for thirty-one years.
  • Claude Toohey, aged 11 years, nephew of James Brady, fell from the roof of his uncle's residence, at the car shops, a distance of twenty feet, Friday last, and fractured both bones of his right fore-arm and dislocated the elbow. Drs. Avery and Coley attended him. It is thought amputation will not be necessary.

October 4, 1883

  • W. Bowen,well known in this city, was married at Victoria, September 18, to Miss Rubie Weeks of Bodie, Cal.

October 12, 1883

  • Eliza Ladd, daughter of Mrs. R. J. Ladd, aged 10 years, died at her home in Stephens' addition yesterday afternoon, of diptheria, after an illness of two days. She received prompt and skillful attention, but the disease made such rapid progress as to baffle all efforts.

October 18, 1883

  • Chas. A. Young and Miss Annie F. Wilks, of Forest Grove, were married at the residence of W. Dryden, in Holladay's addition, Tuesday evening, Justice Sliker officiating.

October 19, 1883

  • The wife of Mr. Dan Murphy of Holladay's addition, while preparing breakfast yesterday, suddenly fell to the floor in an apoplectic fit. Dr. Dav Raffety was immediately summoned, but upon his arrival life was found to be extinct. The husband of deceased is at work upon a farm in Lewis county, W.T., and probably will be unable to arrive here in time for the funeral.

October 27, 1883

  • The installation of the pastor-elect of the First Presbyterian church of East Portland (Rev. D. O. Ghormley) will occur at that church, corner of Sixth and J streets, to-morrow (Sunday) at 3 P.M. Rev. F. P. Berry of Salem will preside and deliver the charge to the people. Rev. E. T. Lee of Calvary Presbyterian church, Portland, will preach the sermon and Rev. L. L. Lindsley of Portland will deliver the charge to the pastor. An invitation is extended to all to be present.
  • The wife of F. L. Bates, after an illness of four weeks, died Thursday evening at her residence, corner of Eleventh and W. streets, Stephens' addition.
  • W. N. Collister and Miss Lena Taylor were quietly married in the parlor of the Home hotel, Thursday evening, by Rev. S. P. Wilson, of the M. E. church. The groom is a fireman on the O.&C. road, and the bride arrived here but a few days since from Ohio in pursuance of the engagement, which was so happily consummated Thursday evening.

November 1, 1883

  • The somewhat sudden death of Prof. E. E. Burke at Eugene City Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock, occasioned much surprise and regret to his relatives and friends in this city. Always the possessor of excellent health and spirits, he was taken sick but one week ago, and though he continued to grow worse, a fatal termination was entirely unexpected. Deceased was formerly principal at the university at Eugene, which he occupied till the time of his death. He was a young man of sterling qualities and much promise, and his premature death is universally regretted. The remains were brought down on the train last evening, and conveyed to the residence of his mother, Mrs. Boeshcen, on Sixteenth street, between N and O. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock this (Thursday) morning, at the East Portland M. E. church, and friends and acquaintances are invited to be present.

November 15, 1883

  • Mrs. S. Stafford, accompanied by Miss Cenita Cadwell, left for Walla Walla a few days since to be present at the marriage of her daughter, Miss Sarah Elam, at the residence of Mrs. McKaye in that city, yesterday afternoon, to Mr. Bert Metcalf, a flourishing young merchant of Milton. The bridal party was to leave for the future home of the happy couple immediately after the ceremony, where a reception was to be held. Miss Elam, or Mrs. Metcalf, leaves many aching hearts in this city.
  • Tuesday evening, a rather romantic wedding occurred at the residence of Conductor A. R. Colburn, on the corner of Fourth and E streets, the contracting parties being Mr. J. R. Bond, assistant roadmaster on the western division of the Northern Pacific railroad, aged 42, and Miss Ora Trapp, twenty years his junior, who came all the way from Missouri to fulfill her engagement, after many years' waiting. Rev. A. W. Bower of the Congregational church officiated. Mr. Bond is very popular among his associates, who do not begrudge him his good fortune, even though his cup of happiness should run over.

November 19, 1883

  • Miss Alma Story has returned from a prolonged visit to California, though unfortunately not with that health which she sought by the change.
  • The return of the genial Dr. D. M. Eddy and bride from San Francisco was the occasion of a storm of hearty congratulations from his many friends here. The bride is a daughter of the late Captain Joseph Stedman of San Francisco, and is also a relative of Senator James G. Blaine of Maine.

November 22, 1883

  • Two weddings occurred in East Portland last evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Walter Jones, the house mover, and Mrs. Dr. Mack, and Mr. Foss, of the firm of Leathers and Foss, and Miss Cora Diggles, respectively.

November 24, 1883

  • Wm. Woodward, who has been afflicted with typhoid pneumonia for about two weeks past, died last evening at ten minutes past eight o'clock. He leaves a wife and two daughters, aged about fourteen and seven respectively. His widow will receive $2000 from the United Workmen, he being a member in good standing of Fidelity Lodge, No. 4, of this city, at the time of his death. Deceased was universally esteemed, and his death is sincerely regretted by all who know him. The above named lodge will take charge of the funeral.

December 4, 1883

  • S. P. Myers, a carpenter who has been laid up for the past few weeks with Bright's disease, died at his residence on Seventh street, between H and I, yesterday morning. He leaves a wife in destitute circumstances. The marshal being notified, interested himself in the case, and last night secured $20 from the city towards defraying the funeral expenses, and will apply to the county court to-day for a further donation. The funeral will take place to-day.

December 5, 1883

  • Miss Carrie Pape, who has been sojourning in San Francisco for nearly a year past, returned home by the last steamer.
  • The wife of Wesley Sexton died yesterday at her residence on the asylum road, near Mount Tabor, of the prevailing scourge, typhoid fever. The funeral occurs to-day. Deceased was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Henry Jones and Mrs. Jerelaman of this city.

December 7, 1883

  • Jas. DeClarke, son of T. DeClarke, bridge inspector of the O&C.R.R, died yesterday morning about 4 o'clock of consumption, after a lingering illness of three years. The disease was the result of an affection of the lungs, occasioned by a horse falling upon him. He has borne his long sickness with great patience and uncomplainingly, and passed away peacefully to his final rest and reward.

December 21, 1883

  • A good regulation of case of elopement and marriage, with irate father pursuing young man with bull-dog revolver, occurred in this vicinity a day or two since. The parties hail from Columbia slough, she being a sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. S. Hunter and he a son of Mr. John Rankin, both old residents and near neighbors. The impetuous couple, through the interposition of the parental barrier indicated, resorted to the usual alternative of secretly repairing to Vancouver, where the desired knot was effectually tied, whence they proceeded to Portland and put up at one of the principal hotels. The father of the girl, upon hearing of her fate, started in hot haste to the city, first arming himself with the deadly weapon stated, intention on pursuing to the death the thief of his daughter and restoring the latter to her bereft and disconsolate family. Arriving in the city he nerved himself for the sanguinary deed with fiery stimulants, and meeting a friend openly avowed his determination. The latter, realizing the man's desperation and fearing serious results, exerted his friendly influence to the utmost, and was at length successful in dissuading him from his purpose and in securing the instrument by which he intended to carry it into effect. The friend was further influential in extracting a promise to visit the runaways with him and take measures toward a reconciliation, but he shortly relented of this and sought relief from his woes in liquid doses, and was successful in this respect, he shortly becoming oblivious. Thus ends the first chapter; the second will in all probability terminate with a reconciliation.

December 27, 1883

  • Miss Della Powell, daughter of Mr. Jas. Powell, and Mr. Achilles Blaker of Turner, were married Christmas eve, at the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Rev. John W. Sellwood officiating. A few immediate friends only besides relatives were present. A number of handsome and useful presents were made.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202