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1883: Jan — Jun

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January 1, 1883

  • Roland Smith, aged about 25, son of Mrs. Kate Smith, of Tibbett's addition, died on Saturday from typhoid fever, and was buried yesterday. As the deceased, when he contracted his fatal sickness, was employed in the malarial district on Water street--a district which is proving so disastrous to the human life entrusted there--there can be but little doubt as to its origin. Two new cases of fever were reported from this neighborhood yesterday.

January 5, 1883

  • The wife of Hon. Benj. Simpson, of this city, died at her residence yesterday morning about 4 o'clock. For three weeks she had been suffering with inflammation of the spine, which failed to yield to all that skill could devise or unremitting kindness suggest. For the last few days her life has hung in the balance, and the result was not altogether unexpected. Funeral exercises will take place at the residence, corner of F and Fourth streets, to-day at 1 o'clock, Ref. J. G. Burchett, of the Baptist church, officiating.

January 6, 1883

  • Mr. J. J. Seeley, one of the Water street fever sufferers, whose case reported by your correspondent as being despaired of, realized the fears entertained of him early yesterday morning. He leaves a wife and two children, who are not yet convalescent from the disease from which he died. Deceased was a member of the A.O.U.W., the A.O.F. and P.S. of A. of this city, delegated from which will attend the funeral to-day, which takes place from the residence at 2 o'clock. He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. Deceased was elected constable of East Portland precinct at the last election, and by his death that office becomes vacant. That no action has been taken by the city authorities with the view of affording protection or relief to the inhabitants of the afflicted district would appear to be a matter of gross negligence, especially when the facts of the situation have been so repeatedly brought to their notice. If nothing is done to avert the danger, the death roll may probably increase till the whole neighborhood is depopulated.

January 17, 1883

  • Died--On board steamship State of California, while on her last passage to this city, Isaac Barman, of this city. 
    ​Funeral from the residence of his brother L. Barman, H street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, East Portland, this morning at 10 o'clock. Friends are invited.

February 14, 1883

  • The store of A. J. Newell was closed yesterday in respect to the late James Barrell, his brother-in-law, whose funeral took place in the afternoon.
    The fourth birthday of Laura Creitz, daughter of W. F. Creitz, was celebrated at her home on Third street Monday afternoon, with a large number of her young friends. With fun and frolic the time sped quickly, because happily, and all retired regretting only its close.

February 26, 1883

  • The funeral services of the late Dr. W. F. McCauley took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. R. N. Sellwood, in Stephens' addition. Services were held at the house by Revs. G. W. Izer and Jno. W. Sellwood, and were very impressive. Deceased was followed to his last resting place by a large number of relatives and friends, and also by a delegation of Washington lodge, A.F.&A.M., of this city, of which fraternity he was an honored member. Deceased was a practising physician of Goldendale, W.T., and was returning from California, whither he had been in quest of his health, (being a victim of consumption) when his strength failed him upon his arrival here, and he repaired to the residence of his brother-in-law, as he thought temporarily, to resume his journey to Goldendale when he should have recovered sufficient strength.

February 28, 1883

  • Died--In McMillen's addition to East Portland, Feb. 27, Mrs. Harriet A. Abernathy, daughter of James P. Harlow. 
    ​Funeral from the Congregational church on Thursday, at 11 o'clock A.M. Friends of the family are invited.

March 6, 1883

  • A two-year old child of Mrs. C. Culbertson, residing in McMillen's addition, died Saturday evening from brain fever, and was buried yesterday.
  • Mr.and Mrs. Russel Wilson, Misses Iuka, Ion and Alma, daughters, and Joseph and Henry, sons, arrived here per last steamer from Shelby county, Iowa. Mr. Wilson intends to purchase property and permanently locate in Albina.
  • A young man named French, aged about twenty years, died at the residence of Mr. Mason in Stephens' addition Sunday morning about 11 o'clock. He recently came from Astoria to attend the Commercial College in Portland, and was taken down with lung fever about two weeks since, with the result as stated. His body was taken to Astoria yesterday morning for interment.

March 9, 1883

  • A quiet wedding took place at the Episcopal church Wednesday evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Charles Stephens, of Portland, and Miss Gussie Reinhardt, of this city. They have the congratulations of a large circle of friends in this city, and also their well wishes for their future happiness.

March 17, 1883

  • Pursuant to announcement a number of those interested in forming a post of the G.A.R. in this city, met at the office of Prettyman & Creitz last evening. Mr. D. D. Neer was elected to the chair, who stated that the object of the meeting was to take preliminary steps for an early organization. The names of thirty-three persons were then presented for membership, and they were enrolled as follows:
    • G. A. Stanton 
    • E.C.Brigham 
    • Edwin Bates 
    • W. McFarland 
    • C. Ganiere 
    • E. A. Jones 
    • W. E. Hayden 
    • Geo. W. Edmunds 
    • J. H. Miller 
    • W. W. Royal 
    • G. J. Ross 
    • Thos. Hawks 
    • G. R. Matthews 
    • Wash. Jones 
    • A. J. Monroe 
    • Henry Jones     
    • Chas. H. Welch 
    • Geo. W. Stafford 
    • I. Ogilbee 
    • S. H. Fields 
    • Paul Stanley 
    • J. E. Mayo 
    • F. A. Haines 
    • I. N. Saunders 
    • E. Martin 
    • F. R. Neale 
    • D. D. Neer 
    • J. A. Newell 
    • W. F. Crietz 
    • Francis M. Knowles 
    • S. R. Harrington
      The meeting adjourned to meet one week from Monday next for the purpose of organization. This meeting will be held in Ross & Story's building, where a hall has been engaged by the new post. The above list is unmistakable proof of an earnest start, but it is believed it can be increased at least twenty members before decoration day. Those who have not yet reported themselves are requested to do so at the next meeting.

March 20, 1883

  • Died--In East Portland, Victor, infant son of E. and Anna Anderson, aged 13 months. Funeral to-day at 2 P.M., from residence corner Ninth and Stephens streets, in Stephens' addition to East Portland.

April 3, 1883

  • The funeral of the late Mrs. Amanda Hosmer, who died Saturday night after a lingering illness, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence, on I street, between Fifth and Sixth. The following named gentlemen acted as pall-bearers: W. F. Creitz, S. B. Story, S. R. Harrington, A. H. Logan, U. Wadder and J. B. Parker. The remains were conveyed to the Baptist church, where appropriate and impressive services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. S. Burchett, who in the course of his address paid a deserved tribute to the many virtues of the deceased. For many years she had been a devout and consistent member of the Baptist denomination, having joined the church in Portland in 1855. She was born in Tennessee in 1828, and had resided in Oregon since 1853. Mrs. S. Conser, an only child, is left to mourn her loss, together with a large circle of friends, who knew her but to respect and esteem, many of followed her to her last resting place.
  • For fifty long years Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunter, of this city, have stemmed the fitful sea of matrimony successfully, as only a faithful captain and devoted "mate" can, and to celebrate this event, they kept open house to their many friends last evening at the residence of their son, Mr. M. Hunter, on the corner of G and Seventh streets. They were the recipients of many golden tokens of esteem, and the happy event will doubtless beget fond memories that will only terminate with life itself.

April 4, 1883

  • Miss Jennie Walton, aged 14, of Mount Tabor, died on Monday after a brief illness. 

April 9, 1883

  • W. S. Gordon received a dispatch from The Dalles yesterday, to the effect that the body of John Gordon, his half brother, had been found in the Columbia in the vicinity of the Cascades. The dispatch was sent by Thomas Moffatt, but no further particulars are given. Mr. Gordon will leave this morning to ascertain the facts.

April 10, 1883

  • Francis K. Jones of Clarke county, W. T., and Matilda F. Carder of Multnomah were married by Justice Bullock Saturday evening.

April 11, 1883

  • Died--In Prineville, Wasco county, April 4, Mrs. Joseph Howard, aged 23 years, niece of Mrs. Levi Knott of East Portland.
  • W. S. Gordon has returned from The Cascades, whither he went in response to a telegram informing him of the death of John Gordon, a half-brother. He was accompanied by F. S. Dunning, the undertaker of this city. The body was found under a bridge at The Cascades, and not in the river, as first reported. The evident cause of death was a fractured skull, but the fact of the body being found under the bridge leads to the suspicion that he had been foully dealt with, as he could not well have fallen where he lay. An inquest was held, but the jury reserved their verdict pending further developments as to the manner in which he met his death. Having given the remains a respectable burial, Messrs. Gordon and Dunning returned home. The decision of the jury is not yet learned.
  • A brother of S. Hinton of this city died last week at his residence in Washington county .

April 19, 1883

  • Married--In East Portland, on the evening of April 17, at the residence of D. C. Bogart, Esq., by Rev. D. O. Ghormley, Mr. Alfred C. Bennett of Portland, Oregon,and Miss Ella M. Brobst, of East Portland.

April 20, 1883

  • The merry jingle of the telephone will soon be heard here. 
  • S. Garrison, a brother of C. G. Garrison, of this city, arrived here per last steamer from Ontario, Canada. He will probably send for his family and reside here permanently.
  • The crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Thomson, who reside at the corner of Eighth and Stephens streets, Stephens' addition, was celebrated Monday night, when they were the recipients of congratulations and appropriate presents from a large number of friends. Music, dancing and bountiful supper contributed to the enjoyability of the occasion.

April 21, 1883

  • Born--In East Portland, April 20th, to the wife of Geo. P. Eatou, a daughter.

April 22, 1883

  • Married--At the residence of the groom's father, J. W. White, on Second street, between D and E, East Portland, April 20, 1883, Walter J. White and Miss Jessie E. Bigelow of Oquawka, Henderson county, Illinois, Rev. G. J. Burchett, officiating.

April 27, 1883

  • A few months since a woman named Elkins died of scarlet fever at her residence, near Hanson's addition, leaving a husband and a large family of children. Shortly thereafter Mrs. Arnold, a daughter of deceased, went to live at the house together with her husband, in order to take care of the children. The house consists of one room, and not a large one at that, and was now occupied by about ten persons in all. The result is not difficult to guess. Mr. Arnold was buried yesterday, having died of the measles, and the remainder of the family are more or less afflicted with the same disease, and an addition to the death list may be looked for at any time.
  • A. L. Kirk returned to the city after an absence of four months. He has been to the Sandwich Islands, and he looks like it.

May 2, 1883

  • Born--East Portland, April 29, to the wife of J. B. Pape, a daughter; mother and child well.

May 3, 1883

  • Married--By Rev. D. O. Ghormley, at his residence in East Portland, at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 1, 1883, Mr. John M. Lewis, of Portland, to Miss Ella M. McPherson, of East Portland.

May 5, 1883

  • The step-daughter of F. Bode, whose marriage to Winfield Oliver, subsequent desertion and consignment to the poorhouse are facts already well known, has at last received that attention to which she was entitled from her father, Montgomery McCauley, who resides near Middle Valley postoffice, I.T. In obedience to a request from him, accompanied by money for necessary expenses, Marshal Linville secured her release from the above-named institution, and yesterday morning started her on her journey to Walla Walla, where she is to meet her father. When waited upon she expressed no pleasure at the information and no preference for the proposed change, rather inclining to stay where she was, saying she was comfortable and contented; but this indifference is attributable to the state of her mind.
  • Dr. Dav Raffety has a new baby and a new horse, but it is easy to tell of which he thinks the most.
  • E. A. Breyman was agreeably surprised Wednesday evening by a number of friends who called to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. They celebrated.

May 12, 1883

  • Died--At East Portland, Or., Friday morning May 12, 1883, Amanda Jones, wife of Walter Jones. 
  • Funeral services will take place from her late residence on F street, between 8th and 9th streets on Saturday, May 12, at 2 P.M. Friends are invited.
  • Mrs. E. A. Stephens of Olympia is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Charlton.
  • John Everest, on attaining his majority on Wednesday last, received a present of a dwelling house from his father, W. C. Everest.

May 15, 1883

  • Owing to a rush of business in Portland, the work of the Telephone Company on the east side has been somewhat retarded, though considerable progress has been made. The system extends from L street to Holladay's addition, and eight connections have been made, as follows: 
    M. T. Cunningham, residence, Multnomah street, between Second and Third, Holladay's addition.
    C. B. Bellinger, residence, corner Seventh and Pacific streets, Holladay's addition. 
    L & D. Barman, store, corner of Fourth and I streets. 
    F. Lent, store, Fourth street, between K and L. 
    J. A. Newell; store, corner Fourth and J. 
    Prettyman & Creitz, office, J street, between Fourth and Fifth. 
    Geo. Beck, stable, corner L and Second streets. 
    Levi Knott, residence, corner L and Water streets. 
    This list will be considerable augmented when the company are more at liberty to attend to matters on this side. They expect, however, to supply instruments and have the system in operation by the first of the month. 

May 18, 1883

  • Tenis DeBoest was presented with $100 by his father yesterday on occasion of attaining his majority

May 23, 1883

  • The father of W. Smith, who formerly kept a grocery store at the corner of Fourth and L streets, died recently at Nehalem, where he resided with his son. It will be remembered that he met with an accident shortly before leaving here, and it is feared he never recovered from the shock.

May 30, 1883

  • Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Matlock were the recipients of valuable presents and congratulations from Home Council No. 2, I.O.C.F., at their regular meeting Monday evening, in honor of the twenty-second anniversary of their wedding.

June 4, 1883

  • The practice of boys navigating the slough on frail rafts has resulted disastrously. Benny Shortle, aged about 6 years, met a watery grave Saturday evening while engaged in this practice in the Asylum slough, south of the L street bridge. It appears that he with another boy of about his won age, were afloat on a single plank, about 2x12 and eight feet long, when Shortle fell overboard. The surviving boy, however, states they were on different planks when the accident occurred, but several persons testify to having seen them on the same plank, and their statements are corroborated by the fact that but one plank could be found in the vicinity of the accident as soon as it became known, this being the one the remaining boy had occupied and which he had managed to steer ashore. The accident occurred about 5 o'clock, but the boy gave no alarm at the time, and not until some hours later, when the continued absence of their son caused the alarm of his parents, did they hear of his fate from the boy whom they knew to have been in his company. The mother could not at first believe the report, but on going to the bank of the slough and observing her boy's cap which had floated ashore, her anguish was heart rending as she realized the sad truth. As soon as the fact became known willing men set to work dragging for the body and continued their labors till near midnight without success. The work of dragging was resumed yesterday morning by an increased number of men and continued throughout the day until about 5:30 o'clock, when the body was brought to the surface on the grappling hooks being used by Thos. Gwinn. It was at once conveyed to the residence of the parents at the corner of Fifth and M streets and the coroner notified. Coroner Cooke promptly responded, but under the circumstances concluded that an inquest was not necessary. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

June 6, 1883

  • Died--At the residence of her parents, corner Fifth and U streets, East Portland, Monday, June 4, 1883, Grace, daughter of Captain Geo. and Mrs. Nan Raabe, aged 2 years and 9 months.

June 8, 1883

  • Born--In East Portland, June 7, 1883, to the wife of William Thomas, a son.

June 18, 1883

  • Died--At the residence of his parents in Holladay's addition to East Portland, at 10:20 o'clock Saturday, June 16, 1883, Adam A. Keck, aged 14 years, 8 months and 24 days. 
  • Funeral to-day at 2 o'clock from the residence of his parents, corner Sixth and Oregon streets, Holladay's addition to East Portland.

June 22, 1883

  • Mrs. E. C. Hollenbeck, wife of J. B. Hollenbeck, died at her residence in Stephen's addition, Wednesday morning, of paralysis of the heart, aged 49 years. Her funeral took place yesterday and was largely attended.
  • June 23, 1883
  • The mother of Dr. H. C. Caley, of this city, recently died in Madison county, N.Y., after a sickness of nearly three years.
  • Mr. F. Bramlett and Miss Eva Allen were married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Fifth street, between E and F, Rev. T. L. Sails officiating.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fox were the recipients of a pleasant surprise Thursday evening, on the occasion of the first anniversary of their wedding, and many presents, both useful and ornamental, were made. The recipients entertained their friends in a handsome manner till a late hour.

June 30, 1883

  • Yesterday afternoon, while a number of boys were bathing at Ausmus' dock, at the foot of J street, one of their number, named Richard Bealy, aged about twelve years, and who could not swim, fell from the floor of the dock into the river, sank instantly and was drowned. The accident occurred on the approach to the lower wharf, which is overflowed several feet, and which has no railing or other guard, and it supposed that, not seeing the edge of the planking, the boy unconsciously stepped overboard. A boy named Goddard, from Portland, was swimming near by at the time, and grasping him endeavored to save him but in order to save himself had to loose his hold. The services of good divers were at once procured, but they were unsuccessful in discovering the location of the body. Grappling hooks were promptly brought into use by several, but up to a late hour last evening their efforts had been unsuccessful. It is believed the body has drifted under the wharf. The boy had been residing with his grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Holmes, on the corner of G and Fourth streets, his father being dead, and his mother, having remarried, residing in Portland. The latter, being informed of the sad news, crossed the river to the scene of the accident, only to realize its horrors as she tearfully witnessed the melancholy search for the body.

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Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

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Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
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2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202