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WanlessThomasBuglerCo G, 3rd Colo CavSLMC
WanlessThomasBuglerCo G, 3rd CO CavSUVCW
WannGeorgeCo K, 148th Ill InfSLMC
WannGeorgeCo K, 148th IL InfSUVCW
WannermanA RCW Vet?SLMC
WansbroughWmCo D, 135th Ohio InfSLMC
WantChasCW Vet?SLMC
WardCaleb MPvtCo G, 84th Ill InfSLMC
WardCaleb MarionCo G, 84th IL InfSUVCW
WardChris DCo D, 15th Kans CavSLMC
WardCyrus JLtCo E, 17th Ind InfSLMC
WardF BCo I, 9th Mich InfSLMC
WardFrazierIndian War 1855ASLF
WardFrazierCW Vet?SLMC
WardHarveyCo K, 93rd Ill InfSLMC
WardHenryCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WardJohn ACo E, 13th OH InfSUVCW
WardJohn A or JamesCW Vet?SLMC
WardJohn WCW Vet?SLMC
WardJonathan GPvtOhio, CW VetSLMC
WardM SCo F, 11th Mich InfSLMC
WardPaul JCo I, 47th Ill InfSLMC
WardPaul JCo I, 47th IL InfSUVCW
WardRobertCW Vet?SLMC
WardSamuel APvtCo B, 83rd Pa InfSLMC
WardSamuel BCW Vet?SLMC
WardSamuel GCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WardThomasCW Vet?SLMC
WardW KCo A, 4th Mo InfSLMC
WardWilliamPvtCo K, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
WardWilliam RCo A, 4th MO InfSUVCW
WardWm RCo A, 4th Mo InfSLMC
WardenDavid MPvtCo B, Mo Home GuardsSLMC
WardlawAndrew FCplCo E, 4th Ill CavSLMC
WareCharles PPvtCo A, 5th MO State Militia CavASLF
WareCharles PCW Vet?SLMC
WareJ WCo C, 17th Ohio InfSLMC
WareJames MConfed, Co I, 7th MoSLMC
WareJames MConfed, Co I, 7th MS InfSUVCW
WarfieldJ C ACo B, 14th Mo CavSLMC
WarfieldJesse BCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WarfieldJohn HCo D, 152nd IL InfSUVCW
WaringJohnCo H, 28th Pa InfSLMC
WaringJohn CPvtCo H, 28th PA InfASLF
WaringJohn CCW Vet?SLMC
WarlandOrin SCo C, 13th MA InfSUVCW
WarleyWilliam TPvtCo G, 1st Mo CavSLMC
WarmerFredCW Vet?SLMC
WarnacottG WCo H, 108th Ill InfSLMC
WarnerGeo JCo K, 7th Ohio InfSLMC
WarnerGeorgePvtCo C, 1st Mich CavSLMC
WarnerJames GPvtCo D, 72nd N Y InfSLMC
WarnerJames RCo G, 52nd Mass InfSLMC
WarnerJames RCplCo G, 52nd MA InfSUVCW
WarnerJohnCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WarnerJohnCo H, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WarnerJohn LCo D, 132nd Ind InfSLMC
WarnerJohn LCo D, 132nd IN InfSUVCW
WarnerLafayettePvtCo F, 10th Minn InfSLMC
WarnerMosesPvtCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WarnerWesleyPvtCo H, 132nd Ohio InfSLMC
WarnerWesleyCo H, 132nd OH InfSUVCW
WarnerWilliam SPvtCo I, 38th Ohio InfSLMC
WarrenAlonzo MPvtCo A, 83rd Pa InfSLMC
WarrenAndrew JCo C, 1st Mo St Mil CavSLMC
WarrenCharles GCW Vet?SLMC
WarrenCharley ECo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WarrenEdw PSeamanUSS "Ohio"SLMC
WarrenEdward PSeamanUS Navy, USS OhioSUVCW
WarrenHenry ECo C, 56th Mo InfSLMC
WarrenHenry ECo C, 1st MO St Mil CavSUVCW
WarrenJ KCW Vet?SLMC
WarrenJohnPvtCo L, 1st US CavSLMC
WarrenJohn WPvtunder Capt Downing, CW VetSLMC
WarrenMilesPvtCo E, 1st Mich EngsSLMC
WarrenMilesCo E, 1st MI EngnrsSUVCW
WarrenNathanCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WarrenRichardUS NavySLMC
WarrenRobert PCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WarrenThomas SCo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WarrenThompsonPvtCo B, 50th N Y EngsSLMC
WarrenWilliamSgtCo A, 26th Ohio InfSLMC
WarrenWilliamSgtCo A, 26th OH InfSUVCW
WarrensChas HenryCaptainCo K, 5th Mo InfSLMC
WartJacobCo F, 176th OH InfSUVCW
WashWm ArthurCaptainConfed, CW VetSLMC
(widow of soldier)
US Soldier, CW Vet?SLMC
WashburnA ACW Vet?SLMC
WashburnAndrew JPvtCo I, 24th N Y InfSLMC
WashburnAndrew JCo I, 24th NY InfSUVCW
WashburnColumbus SPvtCo F, 86th Ind InfSLMC
WashburnEdwardCo A, 108th Ill InfSLMC
WashburnEdwardCo A, 108th IL InfSUVCW
WashburnJasper CCW Vet?SLMC
WashburnLester CCplCo G, 88th Pa InfSLMC
WashburnOregonCo C, 6th Mo Inf or CavSLMC
WashburneJasper CPvtCo H, 15th IL InfASLF
WashingtonGeorge HPvtCo E, 178th Ohio InfSLMC
WassomWilliamPvtCo G, 118th Ill InfSLMC
WassonDavidCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WatenpaughWallace WCo B, 36th Ill CavSLMC
WatenpaughWallace WCo B, 36th IL InfSUVCW
WatermanBenjamin FPvtCo K, 4th Wis CavSLMC
WatersAbner WCaptainCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatersAbner WCaptainCo F, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WatersAlmond C2nd LtCo C, 188th N Y InfSLMC
WatersAmos GCplCo E, 44th IowaSLMC
WatersH WCW Vet?SLMC
WatersJamesCW Vet?SLMC
WatersJames WilliamDrummerCo A, 15th MassSLMC
WatersW SCo F, 8th IllSLMC
WatersWilliamCW Vet?SLMC
WatkinsJ RCW Vet?SLMC
WatkinsJamesPvtCo C, 1st Minn HvArtSLMC
WatkinsJames PerryPvtCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatkinsJohnPvtCo B, 18th Mo InfSLMC
WatkinsSamuel BPvtCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatkinsSamuel BCo E, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WatkinsW MCo H, 23rd Iowa InfSLMC
WatkinsWm HMajorSurgeon, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WatrousWilliam MPvtCo D, 207th Pa InfSLMC
WatrusLyman MCo D, 42nd Wis InfSLMC
WatsonFrancis PPvtCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatsonG MCo K, 180th Ohio InfSLMC
WatsonGeorge CUS NavySLMC
WatsonGeorge CUS NavySUVCW
WatsonGranville LCplCo D, 143rd OH Inf (National Guard)ASLF
WatsonGranville LCW or IW Vet?SLMC
WatsonHenry HCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatsonHenry HCo A, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WatsonIsaacCW Vet?SLMC
WatsonJames SCplCo D, 26th Mo Inf, Color BearerSLMC
WatsonJames TCo H, 139th Ill InfSLMC
WatsonJohn MPvtCo K, 180th Ohio InfSLMC
WatsonJohn MCo K, 180th OH InfSUVCW
WatsonJosephMusicianCo B, 139th Ill InfSLMC
WatsonJosephCo C, 81st IL InfSUVCW
WatsonNathanCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatsonPerryCo H, 1st Ark CavSLMC
WatsonPerryCo K, 1st AR CavSUVCW
WatsonRichard JCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WatsonSamuelPvtCo H, 7th Calif InfSLMC
WatsonStephen2nd LtCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WatsonW KCo C, 50th N Y InfSLMC
WatsonWilliam MCplCo C, 46th Wis InfSLMC
WatsonWilliam MCplCo C, 46th WI InfSUVCW
WatsonWmCo G, 146th Ill InfSLMC
WatsonWm JCplCo H, 188th Pa InfSLMC
WattHiramCW Vet?SLMC
WattSamuel MBrig Band, Co B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WattersWilsonCaptainCo F, 8th IL InfSUVCW
WattersWilson S1st LtCo F, 8th Ill InfSLMC
WattsDanielPvtCo A, 129th Ill InfSLMC
WattsDanielPvtCo D, 30th Ind InfSLMC
WattsDanielCo A, 129th IL InfSUVCW
WattsJames MCo C, 11th IA InfSUVCW
WattsJames WCo C, 11th Iowa InfSLMC
WattsPeterSgtCo F, 2nd Iowa InfSLMC
WattsRobertCW Vet?SLMC
WaughJ HCo D, 9th MeSLMC
WayDaniel ECo B, 4th Minn InfSLMC
WayJonathan HPvtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WayJonathan HCo A, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WayWilliam GPvtCo C, 3rd Calif InfSLMC
WaymanFrankCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WaymireJas ALtCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeatherbyCharles PCplCo D, 85th Ohio InfSLMC
WeatherlyAnselCo C, 1st OR InfSUVCW
WeatherlyAnsielCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeatherlyHiramMusicianCo B, 96th IL InfSUVCW
WeatherlyJessePvtCo A, 11th Ind InfSLMC
WeaverDavidCo G, 156th Ill InfSLMC
WeaverJames MSgtCo B, 22nd Pa InfSLMC
WeaverJames MiltonSgtCo B, 22nd PA CavSUVCW
WeaverJames WCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeaverJames WilliamCo C, 1st OR CavSUVCW
WeaverJohn P FCplCo H, 21st Pa CavSLMC
WeaverJosephPvtCo A, 35th Mo InfSLMC
WeaverJosiah JCo H, 17th Vt InfSLMC
WeaverJosiah JCo A, 6th VT InfSUVCW
WeaverMartinCo E, 1st Kans InfSLMC
WeaverOliverPvtCo H, 67th Ill InfSLMC
WeaverPhillipp PPvtCo D, 2nd Minn CavSLMC
WeaverStephenPvtCo F, 29th Mich InfSLMC
WebbEliSgtCo D, 10th or 60th Ill InfSLMC
WebbGeorge APvtCo C, 5th Mich InfSLMC
WebbGeorge AllanCo C, 5th MI InfSUVCW
WebbHarrisonPvtCo E, 148th Ind InfSLMC
WebbHenry M WSgtCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WebbHughPvtCo B, 52nd Ill InfSLMC
WebbJames CPvtConfed, Co A, 1st Mo CavSLMC
WebbJames JCo G, 1st Ind CavSLMC
WebbJames JCo G, 1st IN CavSUVCW
WebbMartin LCo D, 4th Minn InfSLMC
WebbMartin LutherCo D, 4th MN InfSUVCW
WebbW HCplCo I, 1st US CavSLMC
WebberEzra FCo M, 7th Mo CavSLMC
WebberEzra FCo I, 1st MO CavSUVCW
WebberFrederick SUS Navy, "Lady Stirling"SLMC
WebberGeorge FCo C, 1st Wis InfSLMC
WebberHenryCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WebberJ WCo H, 39th OhioSLMC
WebberJohnCo A, 36th Iowa InfSLMC
WebberJohn WCo H, 39th OH InfSUVCW
WebberW SCW Vet?SLMC
WebberWilliam TCW Vet?SLMC
WeberCCW or IW Vet?SLMC
WeberPhilipPvtCo F, 20th N Y InfSLMC
WeberPhilipCo F, 20th NY InfSUVCW
WeberTheodoreCo H, 82nd Ill InfSLMC
WebsterCharlesCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WebsterDanielCaptain1st Indpt Batt'y, Wis LtArtSLMC
WebsterDanielCaptain1st WI LtArtSUVCW
WebsterDaniel GPvtCo K, 58th Mass InfSLMC
WebsterEdwardPvtCo D, 24th Mich InfSLMC
WebsterGeorge HPvtCo E, 12th Ill InfSLMC
WebsterHank PPvtCo D, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
WebsterIsaac LeeCo G, 13th Mass InfSLMC
WebsterJenkinsCo B, 7th Iowa CavSLMC
WebsterJim WCo H, 39th Ohio InfSLMC
WebsterLevi HPvtCo F, 20th Wis InfSLMC
WebsterMaurice CCo D, 8th Calif InfSLMC
WebsterW ICW Vet?SLMC
WedderJ WCo F, 1st Mo EngsSLMC
WeddingJames ThomasCo K, 146th Ill InfSLMC
WeddleWilliam RCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeedColumbusCo H, 2nd W Va Cav & Co I, 18th Ohio InfSLMC
WeedEdward APvtCo F, 4th Conn InfSLMC
WeedJudsonPvtCo I, 172nd Ohio Inf St MilSLMC
WeedJudsonCo I, 172nd OH InfSUVCW
WeedWilliam DCo I, 4th Wis CavSLMC
WeeksGeorge LCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeeksJames VCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WeeseAdamPvtCo B, 26th Mo CavSLMC
WegerJohn WCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WeidenhammerGeo ACo A, 119th Ill InfSLMC
WeiderGeorge WCplCo I, 2nd Kans CavSLMC
WeidlerMiltonLt Col191st Pa InfSLMC
WeigandFrederick LeonardCo D, 15th Kans CavSLMC
WeikalLafayetteGuthrie's Unattached Co, PA Drafted Mil InfASLF
WeikalLafayetteCW Vet?SLMC
WeimanJ FCo C, 33rd IllSLMC
WeimarC TPvt29th Indpt Batt'y, N Y LtArtSLMC
WeimarFrederickCW Vet?SLMC
WeinbergerJohn2nd Indpt Batt'y, Wis LtArtSLMC
WeinlandPeterPvtCo D, 195th Ohio InfSLMC
WeiperM JCo B, 20th Ind InfSLMC
WeirAlexanderAble seamanUSS "Powhatan"SLMC
WeirEvan PCo D, 45th MO InfSUVCW
WeiserS RCo E, 15th Ill InfSLMC
WeishaarJosephLt Olney's Ore Cav CoSLMC
WeissWilliamPvtCo B, 2nd Calif InfSLMC
WeissWilliamCo B, 2nd CA InfSUVCW
WeistSamuel BCo A, 50th Pa InfSLMC
WeistWilliamCo D, 48th Ind InfSLMC
WeitzelIrvine KPvtCo F, 9th Pa CavSLMC
WelchA LCo B, 13th OH InfSUVCW
WelchAlbert HCom Sgt, Co F, 8th IA InfASLF
WelchAlbert HCW Vet?SLMC
WelchAlbert HSgtCo F, 8th IA CavSUVCW
WelchAndrew JPvtCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WelchCharles HPvtCo F, 45th Ill InfSLMC
WelchEdwardCo C, 10th Ohio CavSLMC
WelchEdwardPvtCo A, 6th Ill InfSLMC
WelchEdward FPvtCo I & E, 57th NY InfASLF
WelchEdward FCW Vet?SLMC
WelchJ MCo E, 15th Ala InfSLMC
WelchJohnCW Vet?SLMC
WelchJohn WPvtCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WelchJosephCo K, 77th NY InfSUVCW
WelchMoses ACo A or I, 31st Me InfSLMC
WelchMoses ACpl31st ME InfSUVCW
WelchPatrickCo K, 14th Ohio InfSLMC
WelchPatrickCo B, 1st Mich InfSLMC
WelchPatrickCo E, 1st MI CavSUVCW
WelchR CCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WelchRichardPvtCo E, 6th Conn InfSLMC
WelchRichardCo E, 6th CT InfSUVCW
WelchWilliamPvtCo K, 1st Mass CavSLMC
WelchWilliam LSgtCo G, 18th Iowa InfSLMC
WelchWilliam MCo K, 1st MA CavSUVCW
WelchWilliam TSgtCo G, 18th IA InfSUVCW
WelcomeJacob CharlesCo G, 73rd Ill InfSLMC
WelcomeJacob CharlesCo G, 73rd IL InfSUVCW
WeldonGeo EMusician6th Me InfSLMC
WelkerJudsonPvtCo B, 9th Minn InfSLMC
WelkerJudsonCo B, 9th MN InfSUVCW
WellGeorgeCplCo C, 7th WI InfSUVCW
WellcomLeonPvtCo B, 1st Minn InfSLMC
WellerJ PCo G, 136th N Y InfSLMC
WellerJasCo I, 22nd IndSLMC
WellesJohn WAdjt, 12th Kans InfSLMC
WellesJohn WSgt Maj12th KS InfSUVCW
WellmanNCo D, Ill InfSLMC
WellsAaronCo D, 8th KS InfSUVCW
WellsChas WCo F, 14th Kans CavSLMC
WellsChester OPvtCo E, 149th Pa InfSLMC
WellsD FCo K, 48th Mo InfSLMC
WellsDariusCo C, 10th Pa CavSLMC
WellsDexterCo D, 11th NY CavSUVCW
WellsDorusCo K, 48th MO InfSUVCW
WellsFrancisLt CommanderUS NavySLMC
WellsFrancisLt CommanderUS NavySUVCW
WellsFranklin HCo B, 2nd Minn CavSLMC
WellsGeorgeCW Vet?SLMC
WellsGeorge MCo F, 38th Ill InfSLMC
WellsGeorge MPvtConfed, Co A, 24th Va InfSLMC
WellsJ WComsgt, F&S, Co F, 33rd MoSLMC
WellsJas SPvtCo I, 33rd Mo InfSLMC
WellsJohn LPvtCo C, 6th W Va InfSLMC
WellsJohn TVirginia Inf, CW VetSLMC
WellsJohn WCo C, 12th Kans InfSLMC
WellsJoseph ACo G, 1st Neb CavSLMC
WellsLylbourn OPvtCo G, 52nd Wis InfSLMC
WellsLylburn OCplCo G, 52nd WI InfSUVCW
WellsMadisonSgtCo G, 101st OH InfSUVCW
WellsMary C
(widow of soldier)
PvtCo D, 8th Kans InfSLMC
WellsPeter GPvtCo E, 13th Wis InfSLMC
WellsPeter GCo E, 13th WI InfSUVCW
WellsThomasPvtCo A, 1st Batt'n Calif CavSLMC
WellsThomasCo A, 1st CA InfSUVCW
WellsWilliamCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WellsWindsorSgtCo C, 10th Mich CavSLMC
WellsWinsorSgtCo C, 10th MO CavSUVCW
WellsWmCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WelmanFrederickCo H, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
WelschJohnCW Vet?SLMC
WelshThomasCo B, 2nd Ohio LtArtSLMC
WelshThomasCo B, 2nd IL LtArtSUVCW
WeltJoseph APvtCo C, CW Vet?SLMC
WeltonJohn FCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WemmerGeorge JCW Vet?SLMC
WenbanHenry SCo A, 23rd Ohio InfSLMC
WenderChrisCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WendorfAugust FCo E, 5th MO St Mil CavSUVCW
WendorffAugust FCo B, 13th Mo InfSLMC
WendoverA JCo K, 75th N Y InfSLMC
WendoverGeorgeCo K, 75th N Y InfSLMC
WennerCharlesCW Vet?SLMC
WennerGeorgePvtCo K, 7th Ohio VolsSLMC
(SLMC: Wemmer)
George JacobPvtunassigned company, 7th OH InfASLF
WentworthAlbert JPvtMass, CW VetSLMC
WentzAugustusCo A, 14th N Y HvArtSLMC
WentzLouisCo C, 13th Mo CavSLMC
WernerSamuelPvtCo A, 67th Pa InfSLMC
WerstMCo B, 7th Kans InfSLMC
WertBenjaminCplCo C, 22nd Iowa InfSLMC
WessWilliamCo E, 38th Wis InfSLMC
WessWilliamCo E, 38th WI InfSUVCW
WessorJohn4th US Art, CW VetSLMC
WestChaneyPvtCo A, 17th Ill InfSLMC
WestChaneyCo I, 17th IL InfSUVCW
WestCourt LN Y, CW VetSLMC
WestFrank APvtCo D, 63rd Ill InfSLMC
WestHenry FPvtCo I, 5th Iowa CavSLMC
WestHenry FPvtCo F, 75th Ind InfSLMC
WestHenry FCplCo F, 75th IN InfSUVCW
WestJamesCo A, 31st & 32nd Me InfSLMC
WestJames TPvtConfed, Co I, 2nd Tenn CavSLMC
WestJohn JPvtCo A, 29th Ind InfSLMC
WestJohn JCo A, 29th IN InfSUVCW
WestJosephPvtCo E, 98th Ill InfSLMC
WestJoshuaCo G, 124th IL InfSUVCW
WestJoshua WPvtCo G, 124th IL InfASLF
WestJoshua WCW Vet?SLMC
(widow of soldier)
WestPeterCo F, 7th Iowa CavSLMC
WestSamuelCo I, 17th IL InfSUVCW
WestSamuel DCo I, 17th Ill InfSLMC
WestT FCo B, 1st Minn InfSLMC
WestT ICaptainCo B, 65th Ill InfSLMC
WestT JSgt MajCo B, 66th IL InfSUVCW
WestTheodore H1st LtCo A, 25th Ill InfSLMC
WestThomas F2nd LtCo B, 1st MN CavSUVCW
WestWilliam HPvtCo G, 27th Ill InfSLMC
WestWilliam HCo G, 27th IL Inf & 4th US CavSUVCW
WestbrookCornelius MCo C, 146th IL InfSUVCW
WestbrookCornelius MandonPvtCo C, 146th Ill InfSLMC
WestcottJohn BCW Vet?SLMC
WestellEdwardCplCo L, 2nd Iowa InfSLMC
WestermanWm HCW Vet?SLMC
WestfallAbsolamCo H, 11th OH InfSUVCW
WestfallGeorgeCo E, 19th Ill InfSLMC
WestfallWilliam MPvtCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WestlakeWilliam FCW Vet?SLMC
WestonDanielCW Vet?SLMC
WestonGeorgeCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WestonGeorgeCo G, 100th IL InfSUVCW
WestonHoraceCo A, 12th WI InfSUVCW
WestonHorace EPvtCo A, 12th Wis InfSLMC
WestonHorace HPvtCo G, 122nd Ill InfSLMC
WestonJosiah TPvtCo F, 8th Kans InfSLMC
WestonStephenCW Vet?SLMC
WestonStephen MerittPvtCo B, 22nd IN InfASLF
WetherellJohn O2nd LtCo F, 1st MN HvArtSUVCW
WetherfordJasperMo St Mil, CW VetSLMC
WethingtonElias CCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WetrickJosCo I, 12th Ind InfSLMC
WetrickJosephCo I, 12th IN InfSUVCW
WetzlerWm WPvtCo D, 45th Pa InfSLMC
WeylandAnthonyCo H, 2nd Mo InfSLMC
Weymar / Weimar
(SLMC: Wymer)
Charles TPvt29th Independent Battery, NY Light ArtilleryASLF
WhalenJames E1st SgtCo D, 4th Mich InfSLMC
WheatJacob BPvtCo K, 76th Mo St MilSLMC
WheatJohn RCo A, 3rd Ky InfSLMC
WheatleyWmCo B, 33rd Ill InfSLMC
WheelerAlonzo EugeneCo M, 10th N Y HvArtSLMC
WheelerAugust FPvtCo I, 88th Ind InfSLMC
WheelerC APvtCo A, 1st Ohio CavSLMC
WheelerCharles HCplCo C, 2nd N J InfSLMC
WheelerEdwardCaptainCo D, 56th N Y InfSLMC
WheelerEdwinSgtCo M, 1st Wis CavSLMC
WheelerEdwinSgtCo M, 1st WI CavSUVCW
WheelerFrank HCo E, 19th Ohio InfSLMC
WheelerJames WCo F, 1st Indpt Batt'y, Mich LtArtSLMC
WheelerJarvis BBatt'y F, 1st Mass HvArtSLMC
WheelerJarvis BCo F, 1st MA HvArtSUVCW
WheelerJoseph TCaptainCo A, 1st KY InfASLF
WheelerJoseph TMajor4th Ky Cav, CW VetSLMC
WheelerM L GCo A, 11th Mich InfSLMC
WheelerMarcus DPvtCo A, 1st Mich CavSLMC
WheelerOscar DPvtCo B, 5th Wis reorg InfSLMC
WheelerW HCo A, US Eng's (Inf)SLMC
WheldenAshbel HCo C & B, 1st N Y InfSLMC
WhetstoneNewton SCo D, 25th Ohio InfSLMC
WhidbeeJeramiah HPvtCo B, 51st N Y InfSLMC
WhippHenryPvtCo D, 61st & 83rd Ill InfSLMC
WhippleElishaPvtCo B, 5th NY CavASLF
WhippleElishaPvtCo B, 5th N Y CavSLMC
WhippleElisha WCo B, 5th NV CavSUVCW
WhippleFrankCplCo B, 5th N Y CavSLMC
WhippleHiram HCo K, 122nd N Y InfSLMC
WhippleHiram HCo K, 122nd NY InfSUVCW
WhippleWilliam H2nd SgtCo G, 55th Ohio InfSLMC
WhippleWilliam HPvtCo F, 3rd Mich CavSLMC
WhislerAaronPvtunassigned company, 155th IN InfASLF
WhistlerAaronPvtCo B, 156th Ind InfSLMC
WhitakerAugustus ECo B, 2nd Ill LtArtSLMC
WhitbeckGeorge CUS Soldier, CW Vet?SLMC
WhitcombJamesCo K, 1st Wash Terr InfSLMC
WhitcombJamesCo K, WA Terr InfSUVCW
WhitcombO PCW Vet?SLMC
WhitcombOrletus PPvtCo A, 37th IN InfASLF
WhitcombOrletus PCo A, 37th IN InfSUVCW
WhitcomeWells GSurgeonCo I, 15th Mo InfSLMC
WhiteAlbert ClarkCo D, 50th Wis InfSLMC
WhiteAshleyCo E, 57th Pa InfSLMC
WhiteAshleyCo E, 57th PA InfSUVCW
WhiteB FCo A, 34th Mass InfSLMC
WhiteBenjamin FCo I, 21st Iowa InfSLMC
WhiteCharlesCo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WhiteCharles EPvtCo C, 6th Wis InfSLMC
WhiteCharles TPvtCo F, 4th Minn InfSLMC
WhiteChasUS Navy, "Tacoma"SLMC
WhiteClarkCplCo D, 50th Wis InfSLMC
WhiteClark MCplCo D, 50th WI InfSUVCW
WhiteD WPvt9th Batt'y, Ind LtArtSLMC
WhiteDanielPvtCo K, 4th Me InfSLMC
WhiteDaniel WPvt9th Independent Battery, IN Light ArtilleryASLF
WhiteDaughertyCo E, 7th Ky InfSLMC
WhiteEN Y Vols, CW VetSLMC
WhiteE HCo L, 6th Iowa InfSLMC
WhiteEdmund EPvtCo C, 128th Ohio InfSLMC
WhiteEdward TPvtCo G, 35th Iowa InfSLMC
WhiteEdward TCo G, 35th IA InfSUVCW
WhiteEliasCo G, 18th US InfSLMC
WhiteElijahCW Vet?SLMC
WhiteElijah HPvtCo L, 6th PA Heavy Artillery; also 5thASLF
WhiteFrank B1st Lt1st Ore Cav VolsSLMC
WhiteFreemanSgtCo M, 1st Me CavSLMC
WhiteGilbert WCo D, 149th N Y InfSLMC
WhiteHenry GSgtCo C, 6th Vt InfSLMC
WhiteHenry HCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
WhiteHiramCo K, 18th Ohio InfSLMC
WhiteHiram WCplCo K, 18th OH InfSUVCW
WhiteI CCo C, 146th N Y InfSLMC
WhiteJ CCo E, Mo St MilSLMC
WhiteJamesCookUS Navy, Schooner "Pray"SLMC
WhiteJamesCW Vet?SLMC
WhiteJamesSgtCo H, 4th US HvArtSLMC
WhiteJames WCo C or G, 17th Iowa InfSLMC
WhiteJames WCo G, 17th IA InfSUVCW
WhiteJohnPvtCo I, 19th Iowa InfSLMC
WhiteJohn BMusicianCo A, 4th Mich InfSLMC
WhiteJohn FPvtCo D, Tenn InfSLMC
WhiteJohn FCo I, 5th IN InfSUVCW
WhiteJohn JPvtCo G, 9th Ill InfSLMC
WhiteJohn WCo A or H, 17th Ohio InfSLMC
WhiteJohn WPvtCo C, 7th Ohio InfSLMC
WhiteJohn WCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
WhiteJohn WCo H, 17th OH InfSUVCW
WhiteJohnsonPvtCo B, 4th Mich InfSLMC
WhiteJosephCo A, 22nd IL InfSUVCW
WhiteL E (Dr)CW Vet?SLMC
WhiteLeonardCo K, 6th Ohio CavSLMC
WhiteLeonardRiverboat CaptainSLMC
WhiteLeonardCo K, 6th IL CavSUVCW