Family Tree Maker 2024 Vendor Presentation

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
At the GFO library
Family Tree Maker will make a special vendor presentation at the Genealogical Forum of Oregon (GFO) library to introduce FTM 2024.
You are invited to join a special event hosted from the GFO library in Portland to meet Duff Wilson, Executive Director, and Mark Olsen, Family Tree Maker Ambassador, who will be showing the features of the first major update to the FTM program in 5 years.
This event will include two sessions with a 20-minute break in between and time at the end for questions and answers.
Attendance is FREE, but registration is required so we are sure to have enough seats.
Sponsored by Family Tree Maker,
the Genealogical Forum of Oregon (GFO),
and the GFO's Family Tree Maker Special Interest Group (SIG)