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All contributions to the Genealogical Forum of Oregon support education, access to resources, promotion of genealogy, and preservation of genealogical and historical records. The GFO is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID # 93-6026015) and the value of any donation is considered 100% tax deductible. Your gift supports the largest genealogical library in the Pacific Northwest.  GFO’s activities include:

  • Numerous educational opportunities
  • Special Interest Groups
  • Book and other targeted Library acquisitions
  • Records indexing and digitizing activities
  • Publications (newsletters, magazine, and genealogical records)
  • Research assistance
  • Look-up services

Generous gifts have enabled GFO to serve its members, visitors, and the genealogical community by providing varied educational opportunities and access to both online resources and to more than 60,000 holdings in our diverse library collection.  Learn more about donating here.

Become a Member
Joining GFO has many advantages, and we offer a variety of membership options. Learn more with a visit to our Membership page.

As an all-volunteer organization, with no paid workers, we would love to have your help! It's fun and extremely rewarding. Visit our Volunteer page to find out more.

Buying surplus books and GFO publications, participating in rewards programs and giving GFO gift memberships are some additional ways you can help.

The GFO is grateful to our many donors and supporters.
Thank you for making us all we are today!