Oregonian, 30 Jun 1902, page 12
The Lone Fir Monument Association held a brief meeting yesterday afternoon at 64 Grand avenue. M. L. Pratt, president, presided. Reports of amount of money raised so far by the soliciting committees were received, and showed that $1,000 had been subscribed, a considerable portion of which is in cash on deposit. There was some discussion, as to the amount that should be raised to provide a suitable monument, and it was decided to fix the amount at $10,000, and exceed that if possible.
The members of the committees reported much encouragement from the public. It was decided to make a steady campaign from now on, so that work on the monument may be commenced before the close of the year. It is thought that the foundation will cost nearly $1,000, and this will first be put in.
Mr. Pratt, president of the association, who is also grand commander for the department of Oregon, announced at the meeting yesterday that his vacation this year would begin only when he should have raised $1,000 for the monument fund. He is principal of the Williams avenue school, and the Fall term will open September 15. This is quite an undertaking, but he will accomplish the task if it is within the bounds of possibility. Others agreed to take hold and work with energy henceforth. The association adjourned to meet again the first Sunday in September, unless the president issued a call before that time.