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GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202

Yearbook Pictures

Mulquin, W

For more information or to order, click here.


SurnameGivenCaptionSchool/BookPub. DatePage
MulquinWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
MulquinWayne DClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192519
MummaThelma MaxieCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192030
MundtTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
MungerMPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
MungerMThe PhilolexiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192864
MungerMClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
MungerMargaretCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
MunkJaneCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
MunkJaneClass Play - 'Sadie Buchanan'Lincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192842
MunsellDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192424
MunsenIreneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191830
MurfinGraceCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192019
MurhardErrollJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191628
MurhardKJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
MurhardKBenson Architectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192448
MurhardKCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192452
MurhardKArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192450
MurhardKTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
MurhardKScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192461
MurhardKenneth RBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
MurhardtKClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
MurphyEarlJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 19157
MurphyFrancesClass Officers - SecretaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 19258
MurphyHTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192536
MurphyI AmbroseManual Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192010
MurphyLolaJunior ClassJames John High School - Tumalum191623
MurphyLolaJames John High School - Tumalum19179
MurrayEdith MTeacher's Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192219
MurrayEllen JosephineStenographic CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192018
MurrayFrancesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192723
MurrayGeorge WTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
MurrayJamesJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
MurrayPaulineStenographic CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192211
MurtonClarence CEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192020
MurtonClarence CCardinal Officers - EditorLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 19208
MurtonClarence CClass Officers - TreasurerLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 19209
MurtonE ThomasEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192028
MurtonMissFaculty - MathematicsLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
MusgraveThayeCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
MusteeMarionJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
MyerRJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
MyersARadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
MyersHBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
MyersMarieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192723
MyersMary LauraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191823
NaimarkMaxLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
NaimarkSJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
NaimarkSClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
NaimarkSamTechnicalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
NakannoBaseball - catcherBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192490
NakanoGJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
NakanoGTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
NameraPGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
NanceAdelineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
NapierBMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
NauVeraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
NaylorAJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
NaylorAPoly-Tech Staff - Ass't Business ManagerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192414
NaylorArthur STechnical-ArchitectBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192423
NaylorFernJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192424
NcolandMissFaculty AdvisorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 19189
NealondLena (Miss)DedicationJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 19156
NeerMarionJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192425
NeffHaroldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
NehrenAlbertJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192721
NeilanEleanorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NeilsonMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
NelsonCarl EJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
NelsonCarlottaJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192514
NelsonCarvelSpectrum StaffJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 19249
NelsonChesterJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192515
NelsonClarenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192415
NelsonCurtisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192420
NelsonDonaldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192433
NelsonEMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
NelsonElvidaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NelsonEskilThe Poly Tech Staff Jan 1925 - Joke EditorBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192515
NelsonEskilClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192520
NelsonHRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
NelsonHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
NelsonHTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
NelsonHOyer-Un-GonBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192459
NelsonHildurJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191923
NelsonJOyer-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192558
NelsonJOver-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192562
NelsonKathryn SEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192029
NelsonLewisJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
NelsonLilaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192446
NelsonLillianTeachers' CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
NelsonLucileJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192426
NelsonMargaret RuthEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192034
NelsonMelvin OTechnical-PatternmakingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
NelsonNThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
NelsonRaymondCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192035
NelsonRobertEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192021
NemiroFPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
NessRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191819
NeubauerEdwinScientific CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
NewLoisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192323
NewZelda BurtonJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192323
NewbergerBaseballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192887
NewbillErselTechnical-MachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
NewellJesse AlbertPrintingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192328
NewellJosephineEnglish Course - [note part of head missing]Lincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191615
NewellLLibrary BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192449
NewgardJamesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NewlandsMPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
NewlandsMThe PhilolexiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192864
NewmanAgnesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192232
NewmanHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191510
NewtonMaryCollege PreparatoryBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191920
NicholWOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
NichollsHoraceGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
NichollsLMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
NicholsConstanceClass Officers - SecretaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191911
NicholsHBenson Architectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192448
NicholsJArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192546
NicholsJArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192450
NicholsJArchitectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192548
NicholsMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191821
NicholsonWillisJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
NickelsChristel LCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192015
NickelsonEMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
NickersonTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
NickersonDMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
NickolsJCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
NicolaiHalfredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191828
NicolaiHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
NicolaiMariahJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191931
NicollWJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
NicollWalter JTechnical-MachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
NiehuserDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NielsenHTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
NielsenMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
NielsonAndrewJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
NielsonHBasketball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192381
NiemiFred GJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192322
NieveenArnoldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192721
NilesHarrietJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NilsonJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
NilsonElsieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
NissenFootball TeamJames John High School - TumalumJan 192244
NixonRuthTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192017
NobesHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192418
NobleCJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
NobleClarence ETechnicalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
NockSAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
NockSBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
NockSOratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
NockSPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
NockSCafeteria BoardLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192877
NolenMinnieClass SeniorsJames John High School - Tumalum191620
NolenMinnieTumalum StaffJames John High School - Tumalum19167
NollschDallasJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
NollschPansyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192931
NomeroFAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
NomuraRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192419
NorbyEdwardJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
NordquistArthurJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192437
NordstromEstherJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
NordstromEvelynJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191931
NorrisSinaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191812
NorthGladysTeachers' TrainingJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192019
NorthGladysJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192029
NorthropCedricJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192422
NorthrupMissFaculty - HistoryLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
NorthrupMissCafeteria BoardLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192877
NorthrupNThe PhilolexiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192864
NorthrupNClass Play StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192873
NorthrupNClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
NorthrupNancyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
NorthrupUnaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192418
NortonMarthaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192931
NorvellWilliam LTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192329
NorvelleAllieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191936
NottinghamMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191513
NoyerGJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
NoyerGThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
NoyerGeorgeClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192520
NoyerWJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
NudelmanManuelStenographic CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192221
NugentLennaCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
O'BrienTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
O'BrienElizabethJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192446
O'BrienEmettSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
O'BryantTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
O'BryantBHi Y ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192552
O'BryantBBenson Tech BoosterBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192452
O'BryantBOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
O'BryantBScience ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192461
O'BryantBBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
O'BryantBHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192556
O'BryantBOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
O'BryantBruceBasketball - guardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192470
O'BryantBruceClass Officers Jun 1925 - Vice PresidentBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192511
O'BryantBruceJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192518
O'ConnorKennethJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192435
O'HareJamesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192414
O'HearnMaryLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
O'KiefMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
O'NealCandy StandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192445
O'NealROyer-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192558
O'NealWCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
O'NealWLinger Longer, Letty - School PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192528
O'NealWExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
O'NealWCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
O'NealWilliamJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
O'NeelROver-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192562
O'NeelRayLinger Longer, Letty - School PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192528
O'NeelRaymondJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192517
O'NeilROyer-Un-GonBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192459
O'NeilRaymondCandy StandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192448
O'NeillMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192422
O'NielAlbertJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191829
OakesHJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
OakesLoisJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191512
OaksHaroldClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192520
OasheimSylviaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192931
OchikuboGOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
OdellLouiseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191829
OehlerHortenseCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192829
OfficerRobert ESpecial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192212
OgdenJosephJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191819
OhlerHThe PhilolexiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192864
OhmFootball SquadJames John High School - TumalumJan 191934
OhmJohnSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
OkleyLBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
OldayKatherineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192724
OlderMartinJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192515
OldrightMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
OldwrightMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
OlesonEthelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191824
OlesonThelmaDomestic Art CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192127
OlinCharles HerbertScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192222
OlinJennieClass SeniorsJames John High School - Tumalum191619
OliverFootball Team - HalfLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192042
OliverHRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
OliverMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192724
OliverWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
OlneyRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191923
OlsenThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
OlsenAdaCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192830
OlsenHelenJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192514
OlsenMissFaculty - LanguagesLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
OlsenNBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
OlsenRLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
OlsenRobert PToolmakingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192425
OlsenSelmaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191631
OlsonCKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
OlsonDorisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
OlsonEstherSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
OlsonFritzJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191915
OlsonHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
OlsonHelenTeachers' TrainingJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192021
OlsonLJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
OlsonLExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192438
OlsonLMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
OlsonLouisBaseball Team - center fieldBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192491
OlsonLouis OCarpentry CourseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
OlsonNBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192540
OlsonRToolmakersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192462
OlsonRobertGolfBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192497
OlsonRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 19158
OlsteadVGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
OmanEvelynJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192443
OnslawMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
OppJeanJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192724
OppermanDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192444
OrchestraLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192062
OrrEGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
OrrElizabethJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191916
OrrGordonJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192930
OrrMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192233
OrthnerWalterJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191819
OsbornMargaretJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191913
OsborneDorothyJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191511
OsterhoudtDarrellTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192426
OsterwoldEvelynJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191516
OsterwoldGladysJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191815
OsterwoldGrace BeatriceDomestic ScienceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192215
OstomelMPhi-Kapp-RhoLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192865
OstomelMauriceCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192830
OswaldClaraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192724
OtterstedtEJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
OtterstedtEClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
OtterstedtEdwin MElectric CourseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
OttmanMurielJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191812
OttoAdheldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192443
OverstreetBobJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192423
OwenLawrenceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192722
OwenPhyllisJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192522
PaddenHarrietFirst TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191726
PaddenParmerSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
PaddockHMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
PadrickWilliam RaymondTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192329
PageNeilsonScientific CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192128
PagetStuartJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191932
PainterRoland SElectricBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
PalfreyLGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
PalfreyLHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192556
PalitzschRudolphCommercial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192015
PalmJohnJefferson High School - The SpectrumFeb 191514
PalmerAThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
PalmerAClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
PalmerABandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
PalmerAOrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192446
PalmerArthur EBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192424
PalmerBeatriceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192234
PalmerHallieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191825
PalmerHoward FCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192012
PalmerNellieEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191610
PalmerRaymondJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191633
PaloLawrenceAssociate EditorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192913
PaloMarieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192427
PancakeVirginiaHome Economics CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192128
PanosJohn HScientific CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192128
ParcherLouisaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191819
ParcherMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192415
ParcherMrJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
ParcherMrCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192452
ParcherMrCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
ParcherMrFacultyBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192411
ParcherMrAdvisersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192412
ParcherPCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
ParcherP P (Mr)Tech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
PareliusJennieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191633
ParkCampbellElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192426
ParkDonaldElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192426
ParkeGraceCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192830
ParkerHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192418

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

  • Eileen

    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202