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GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202

Yearbook Pictures

Briggs, John

For more information or to order, click here.


SurnameGivenCaptionSchool/BookPub. DatePage
BriggsJohnJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191822
BriggsMildredCommercialBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191914
BrighamHelenGerman CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191610
BrighamHelenClass Officers - Vice-PresidentLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 19168
BrillRethaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192416
BrinkBettyCollege Prepartory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192118
BrittainVirgilJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192712
BrittonJRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
BrittonJTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192536
BrittonJTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192439
BrittonJLibrary BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192449
BrittonJRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
BrittonJamesClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192517
BroadbentHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192917
BroadbentLlewellynJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192444
BrochaFJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
BrochaFred WClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192517
BrokaFJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
BromHThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
BronaughAnnamayJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191616
BrooksLoisClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19222
BrooksPaulineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192713
BroughtonLeonaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191933
BrousDaleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191618
BrownTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
BrownSprintersJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191988
BrownAliceTumalum Staff - Public WelfareJames John High School - TumalumJan 191939
BrownDBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548
BrownDGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
BrownDixieCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
BrownErmaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191617
BrownFrancisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191618
BrownGAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
BrownGThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
BrownGTennisLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192889
BrownGardnerCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
BrownGardnerLettermen GraduatingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192884
BrownGenevieveTumalum Staff - LiteraryJames John High School - TumalumJan 191939
BrownGladysJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191813
BrownHThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
BrownHThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
BrownHaroldYell LeaderJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 1920103
BrownHaroldScientific CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192010
BrownHelen LeeCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192012
BrownKennethLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192012
BrownMabelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191817
BrownMadelineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191618
BrownMary (Miss)Faculty AdvisorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191812
BrownMildredJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191823
BrownMortimerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191620
BrownOAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
BrownOPi-EpsilonLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192861
BrownRoyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192713
BrownVHi Y ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192552
BrownVLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
BrownVOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
BrownVBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
BrownVHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192556
BrownVOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
BrownVenetaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192315
BrownVerylJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191813
BrownVesperBasketball - centerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192470
BrownWilbur ForrestClass OfficersJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192312
BrowneHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191618
BrowneMissOur Friends & Our AdvisorsJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 19239
BrownjohnBurlLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192118
BrownleeLJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
BrownleeLMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
BrownleeLCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192452
BrownleeLOyer-Un-Gon- ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192460
BrownleeLMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
BrownleeLeslie JTechnical-ElectricBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
BrownlessLTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
BrownleyBerniceClass SeniorsJames John High School - Tumalum191616
BruceTrack Team - coachBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
BruhnMillerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192245
BrumageRoyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192714
BrumbaughDRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
BrumbaughDustinTechnicalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
BrumbraughDJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
BrunnerMarieJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191818
BrunnerPPoly Technic StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192315
BrunnerPaulMachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192320
BrysonFootball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192483
BrysonTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
BrysonCOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
BrysonGMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
BrysonGOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192450
BrysonGBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192456
BrysonGLettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
BrysonGExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192438
BrysonGBenson Tech BoosterBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192452
BrysonGuySoccer Team - left halfBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192486
BrysonWOrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192455
BuHelenCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
BuchananRolandJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192414
BuckleyHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191819
BuckleyMissdedicationLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 19163
BuckleyMissHonorary MembersLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192010
BuckleyMissFaculty - MathematicsLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192814
BuckleyRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191617
BucknerLouiseClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
BudlongBaseball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192388
BuehlerElmerJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192915
BuffhamRuthEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192118
BufordCosetteJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192410
BufordEmilyEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192213
BugbeeSibylSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
BugbeeSolonSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
BullierAlbert R (Jr)College Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192213
BullisWRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
BullivantRupertClass Cardinal OfficersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192112
BullivantRupertRegular Cardinal OfficersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192112
BullivantRupertCollege Prepartory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
BundyAJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
BundyA JayGas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
BundyDGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
BundyDeville HJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192513
BunnellIreneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191824
BurchardMargaretTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192032
BurelbachRJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
BurelbachRichardClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192516
BurgerBurniceSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
BurgesonThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
BurgesonHerbertClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192516
BurgettFrancesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192917
BurgoyneElsieTeaching CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191613
BurgoyneElsieClass Officers - SecretaryLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 19168
BurgstromJBoys' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192857
BurgyMMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
BurgyMJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
BurgyMGas Engine ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192554
BurkFaithEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192030
BurkeEdithTeachers' CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
BurkeEdmundJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191619
BurkeMarionJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192217
BurkeMr1919 Baseball Team - CoachJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191991
BurkeRCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192550
BurkeRTech Camera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192456
BurkeR JExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
BurkeWilliam EdwardTechnical ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192320
BurkerRCamera ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192552
BurkhardtMargueriteModern Language CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192012
BurkholderStanleyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192216
BurkholderStanleyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192246
BurleyWilliam MTechnical-ElectricalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192321
BurnaughLyleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192217
BurnieBuddJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192917
BurnsEvelynTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192031
BurnsGordon SJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192513
BurnsMurrayJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192421
BurrLoretaTeachers' Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192031
BurseHazelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191912
BurtAliceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192217
BurtEvaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192441
BurtonField EventsJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191986
Burton1919 Baseball Team - First BaseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191992
BurtonJHi-YLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192855
BurtonJGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
BurtonJThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
BurtonJTologian Debating SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192867
BurtonJHonor Point SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192869
BurtonJClass Play StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192873
BurtonJClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
BurtonJBaseballLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192887
BurtonJoeClass Officers - TreasurerLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192812
BurtonJoeCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
BurtonJoeLettermen GraduatingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192882
BurtonLoisJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192419
BurtonRussellBaseball TeamJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 1920112
BurtuleitArthur FJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192512
BuschmanCOver-Un-Gon ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192562
BuschmanClyde HJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192513
BuschmanClyde RPoly Tech Staff - Assistant EditorBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192510
BuschmannCLinger Longer, Letty - School PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192528
BuschmannCRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192564
BushBThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
BushBJan 1925 ClassBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192435
BushBOrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192446
BushBurton OClass of Jan 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192516
BushHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
BushMelvilleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192231
BushmanCRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
BushmanCRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
BushnellFloraJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191618
BushnellMissFacultyJames John High School - Tumalum191611
BushorHallieSecond TermersJames John High School - Tumalum191724
BussardDanielVocational Printing CourseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
BusseATologian Debating SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192867
ButcherHExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192438
ButcherHThe BandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192443
ButcherHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192540
ButcherHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
ButcherHExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192534
ButcherHBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192540
ButlerRexScientific CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192012
ButlerWendyCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
BuzzeliBaseball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192389
BuzzelliAmidioMachineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192321
ByamRMinutemenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192542
CadellaMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
CainEthelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191824
CaldwellWorthCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192011
CalhounTGirls' Gym LeadersLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192858
CalhounVelmaGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
CalkinRuthGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192818
CalkinsHJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
CalrkJGolf TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192393
CalvertRAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
CalvertROratoriansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192859
CambellAlbertAssociate EditorJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192711
CameronArlineJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191920
CameronEleanor VFrench CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192220
CammeronBAdelphiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192856
CampMClass Play StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192873
CampMClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
CampMarianCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192819
CampbellMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192442
CampbellBClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
CampbellBonnieGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192819
CampbellCThe PhilolexiansLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192864
CampbellDonaldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191820
CampbellFThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
CampbellGHi YBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192556
CampbellKermitJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192917
CampbellLouis HManual Training CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192225
CampbellMalcolm CCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192224
CampbellMaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191617
CampbellMrSpecial FacultyJames John High School - Tumalum191613
CampfSPhi-Kapp-RhoLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192865
CampfSylvanGeneralLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192819
CanfieldCamillaDomestic Science & ArtBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191914
CannellLewisJan 1925Jefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192520
CantineTrack Team - managerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
CantineCJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
CantineCBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192456
CantineCBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192445
CantineCharles EElectricBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
CantrilHadleyJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192435
CapellLetitia MTeachers' TrainingLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
CaplanInezCollege PrepLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192819
CaplanPhillipLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192012
CaplesHelenJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191934
CaplunNClass Cardinal StaffLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192874
CapriMPhi-Kapp-RhoLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192865
CaputoFKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
CaputoFKumpus KlubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192558
CaputoOExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192534
CaputoOExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192438
CaputoOTech Pep StaffBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192536
Cardinal L ClubLincoln High School - The CardinalJan 192056
CarlsonFootball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192482
CarlsonAJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
CarlsonAlwoodClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19223
CarlsonDonaldEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
CarlsonEthelJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192714
CarlsonJoeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191622
CarlsonOliverClass Officers - PresidentJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 191911
CarlsonRExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192438
CarlsonRMinute MenBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192440
CarlsonROrange "B" ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192450
CarlsonRBasketball TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192381
CarlsonRTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192395
CarlsonRRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192462
CarlsonRay (Oscar)TechnicalBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
CarlsonRobertClass Officers Jun 1925 - TreasurerBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192511
CarlsonRobertJun 1925Benson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192513
CarlsonRubyStenographic CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192028
CarmenHelenEnglish CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192021
CarnahanJoseph TTechnical-PrintingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192420
CarneyHelenDomestic Art CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
CarrGThe Fire SquadBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192442
CarrGRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
CarrGBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192456
CarrGOyer-Un-Gon- ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192460
CarrGBoosters' ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192548
CarrGBandBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192540
CarrGBenson Tech BoostersBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192550
CarrLaVerneJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192714
CarrMary JaneA loyal friend and helper of the Feb., 1916 classLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191618
CarriganChrystal GBookkeeping CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192220
CarrolWalterJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192217
CarrollGuertinPresidentJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192410
CarrollMarcusJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191621
CarrollRuthCollege PreparatoryBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191914
CarsonRRadio ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192454
CarterGraceJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192425
CarterMerleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191926
CaruthersHThe OrchestraBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192444
CarverCharles CTechnical Gas EngineBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192321
CasebeerVernJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192245
CaseyHarrietJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192415
CastoGeorge OrisGas Engine CourseBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192418
CastrowOtto ErnestMechanical DrawingBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192321
CatlinRThe Order of LLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192866
CatlinRTologian Debating SocietyLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192867
CatlinRTrackLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192888
CatonBelleJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192218
CattoGraceClassJames John High School - TumalumJan 19237
CaudyHaroldJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192421
CaudyRuthJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191826
CauthersTrack TeamBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192494
CawleyIna PearlJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192315
CeaserCarlCollege Preparatory CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalFeb 191614
ChalfanELettermen's ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192554
ChalfanEOrder of the BBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192560
ChalfanEarlGolfBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192497
ChamberlainBoatnerClass Officers - Sergeant-at-ArmsJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 19258
ChamberlainEstherJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191825
ChambersFrancesJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192422
ChambreauSprintersJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191988
ChambreauLouis NCommercial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192012
ChamplinGeorgeJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192425
ChamplinZenaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191816
ChapinInaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191935
ChapmanDorothyClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430
ChaseMaryJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 191619
ChaseOscarCollege Preparatory CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192013
ChattenPriscillaJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192430
ChattertonFootball SquadJames John High School - TumalumJan 191934
ChaveClareLanguageBenjamin Franklin High School - The PostJun 191914
CheadleRualJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192445
CheeleyCarolynEnglish CourseLincoln High School - The CardinalJun 192119
CheneyAlvinJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192431
CheneyElizabeth WJefferson High School - The SpectrumJan 192315
ChenowithAltaSpecial CourseJefferson High School - The SpectrumJun 192027
ChessmanWJun 1924 Class PhotoBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192434
ChessmanWExecutive BoardBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192438
ChessmanWBenson Architectural ClubBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJan 192448
ChessmanWThe Class of Jun 1924 - Secretary of PublicationsBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192415
ChessmanWClass PlayBenson Poly Tech - The Poly TechJun 192430

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  • April

    As I think about all the people I've met, and from whom I've learned, it really is a big plus to be an active member at GFO.

  • Eileen

    Thank you for all you do to preserve history, you make a difference.

Genealogical Forum of Oregon
GFO Research Library

Operating Hours:

Sun: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mon: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tue: 9:30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Wed: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Most classes and meetings are online.

Additional information on weather closures

2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Ste B018
Portland, OR 97202