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BirdCorneliusPvtCo A, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
BirdJames MSgtCo K, 1st New Mexico CavSLMC
BirdRobert PCplCo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BirdRobert PhelpsCplCo B, 1st OR InfSUVCW
BirdsallJohn S1st SgtCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BirdsellWarrenPvtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BirgeOrlando WPvtCo D, 31st Wis InfSLMC
BirgeOrlando WCo D, 31st WI InfSUVCW
BirkheimerThomasCo A, 2nd IA CavSUVCW
BirkhimerThomasCo A, 2nd Iowa CavSLMC
BirkhimerWilliam EdwardPvt4th Iowa CavSLMC
BirrellGeorge GarvisPvtCo G, 194th OH InfASLF
BirrellGeorge GarvisCW Vet?SLMC
BirumCarlos CPvtCo G, 38th InfASLF
BirumCarlos CCo G, 38th Wis InfSLMC
BirumCarlos CCo C, 38th WI InfSUVCW
BishopAustin CCW Vet?SLMC
BishopDavid APvtCo B, 132nd Ill InfSLMC
BishopElbertCo F, 20th Iowa InfSLMC
BishopJames ECo A, 8th KS CavSUVCW
BishopJohnCo F, 8th Mo Inf St MilSLMC
BishopJohnCo F, 8th MO St Mil InfSUVCW
BishopWilliamPvtCo F, 92nd Ill InfSLMC
BissonetteLouis NCo I, 1st Minn Mtd InfSLMC
BitschortFredCo H, 74th Pa InfSLMC
BittersWalter DCo F, 58th Ill InfSLMC
BittnerJohnPvtCo E, 7th Pa CavSLMC
BittnerWm ACo L, 3rd N Y CavSLMC
BitzerFredCW Vet?SLMC
BixbyMathiasCo F, 19th Mass InfSLMC
BjorlingChasUS Navy, Felix 65, Steam Launch "Lilly"SLMC
BlachEdwardLtCo H, 37th US Col TroopsSUVCW
BlackAlexanderCo G, 6th NY ArtSLMC
BlackDaniel WCW Vet?SLMC
BlackH JCo G, 54th OH InfSUVCW
BlackJamesCW Vet?SLMC
BlackJohnCW Vet?SLMC
BlackJosephCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlackPeterCo H, 125th N Y InfSLMC
BlackRobertPvtCo D, 1st Mass HvArtSLMC
BlackbournBenCW Vet?SLMC
BlackburnAlex (Rev)PvtCo C, 84th Ill InfSLMC
BlackburnBenjaminIndian WarsASLF
BlackburnC ECo B, 2nd Calif InfSLMC
BlackburnD R NCo D, 9th Tenn CavSLMC
BlackburnD R N1stLt/Adj, Co D, 9th TN CavSUVCW
BlackburnD SCo G, 1st Wis ArtSLMC
BlackburnDaniel LCo G, 1st MI LtArtSUVCW
BlackburnJamesCo B, 31st Ohio InfSLMC
BlackerJ HPvtOlney's Ind Ore Cav CoSLMC
BlackerbyLewisCo H, 19th Ill InfSLMC
BlacketerJohn HPvtCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlackfordE MCo I, 11th Mo InfSLMC
BlackfordEnoch MCo I, 11th MO InfSUVCW
BlackfordMerritPvtCo K, 50th Ill InfSLMC
BlackfordWilliamPvtCo E, 3rd Iowa CavSLMC
BlackmanCharles APvtCo C, 1st Nev CavSLMC
BlackmanDavid R NPvtCo C, CW VetSLMC
BlackmanErwin DCo E, 1st N Y DragoonsSLMC
BlackmanTruman LeroyCo F, 197th Ohio InfSLMC
BlackwellC ECo A, 23rd Me InfSLMC
BlackwellC ECo A, 23rd ME InfSUVCW
BlackwellWilliam Bush1st Lt26th N Y InfSLMC
BlainByronCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlainWinfieldCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlaineWilliamComSgt, Co E, 7th MO CavSUVCW
BlairJasper MPvtCo D, 6th Mo CavSLMC
BlairJohn BPvtCo C, 53rd Ohio InfSLMC
BlairJohn FCW Vet?SLMC
BlairLuke PCplCo B, 53rd WI InfSUVCW
BlairThomas JSgtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlairW HCo C, 105th Ill InfSLMC
BlakeC ESgtCo L, 8th Ohio CavSLMC
BlakeCharles HPvtCo D, 24th Me InfSLMC
BlakeGeorge FSgtCW Vet?SLMC
BlakeGreenvilleIndian WarsASLF
BlakeGreenvilleCW Vet?SLMC
BlakeJames6th N Y, CW VetSLMC
BlakeJames ACo I, 3rd W Va CavSLMC
BlakeWillardCo G, 16th ME InfSUVCW
BlakeWilliard LPvtCo G, 16th Me InfSLMC
BlakeWmCo F, 2nd Minn InfSLMC
BlakeWm APvt7th Mass ArtSLMC
BlakelyGeorge HattermanCo K, 20th Ohio InfSLMC
BlakelyLymanPvtCo A, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
BlakelyLymanCo A, 16th IA InfSUVCW
BlakeneyJames M1st LtConfed, Co K, 36th Ark InfSLMC
BlakeneyJames MLtConfed, 36th AR InfSUVCW
BlakneyUzziel SCW Vet?SLMC
BlalockGeorge MPvtCo A, 2nd Mo CavSLMC
BlalockNelson GAsst Surg115th IL InfASLF
BlalockNelson G (Dr)CW Vet?SLMC
BlanchBenPvtCo B, 16th US InfSLMC
BlanchardAlbertPvtCo E, 24th Wis InfSLMC
BlanchardWilliam BSgtCo E, 16th Vt InfSLMC
BlanchardWilliam BOSgt, Co E, 16th VT InfSUVCW
BlandJohn M DPvtConfed, Co B, 21st Ky Mtd InfSLMC
BlaneyWm Henry HarrisonCo C, 10th Md InfSLMC
BlankCharles CCW Vet?SLMC
BlankenshipHPvtCo E, 14th Ky CavSLMC
BlankenshipJohn BCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BlankinshipJohn WPvtCo K, 26th Mo InfSLMC
BlankinshipR KCo I, 18th Iowa InfSLMC
BlantonDavidCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BlantonGeorge WPvtCo G, 12th Kans InfSLMC
BlantonGeorge WSgtCo G, 12th KS InfSUVCW
BleakneyJohn GCo D, 12th Ill InfSLMC
BleakneyLewisCplCo H, 19th Ill InfSLMC
BleakneyLewisCaptainCo H, 17th US Col TroopsSUVCW
BlessingMilesCo H, 42nd Ill InfSLMC
BlickMichaelCo G, 75th Ohio InfSLMC
BliebtryC BCo I, 46th N Y InfSLMC
BlinchfieldRichardCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlissAlfred J LCo A, 21st MI InfSUVCW
BlissJohn HSgtBatt'y M, 2nd Pa ArtSLMC
BlissMathewCo D, 7th Mass InfSLMC
BlissW HCo F, 93rd Ill InfSLMC
BlockJamesSeaman'Shenango' and 'Arthur'SLMC
BlodgettGeorge JCW Vet?SLMC
BloedsoeSmithCW Vet?SLMC
BlongAmbrosePvtCo I, 5th IL InfASLF
BlongAmbroseCW Vet?SLMC
BlongAmbroseCo I, 58th IL InfSUVCW
BloodBenjamin FCo I, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
BloodG ACo C, 13th Mich InfSLMC
BloodGeorge FrancisCo B, 2nd Mass InfSLMC
BloodGeorge FrancisCo D, 2nd MA InfSUVCW
BloodOrrin TCo G, 112th N Y InfSLMC
BloomHenry APvtCo H, 9th Ind InfSLMC
BloomerDavidCaptain11th Ohio CavSLMC
BlossJohn McKnightCaptain27th Ind InfSLMC
BlountJ RCo G, 107th IL InfSUVCW
BlountJohn RCo G, 107th Ill InfSLMC
BlountLuke DPvtCo D, 7th Wis InfSLMC
BlowJoseph RPvtCo D, 15 NY CavASLF
BlowJoseph R15th N Y Cav, CW VetSLMC
BlowersAmby SilasCo A, 2nd Minn CavSLMC
BloydLeanderCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BloydWm ACo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BlumJacobCo B, 9th WI InfSUVCW
BlumJacob BCo B, 9th Wis InfSLMC
BlumJohn FPvtCo A, Pa LtArtSLMC
BlumLewis CSgtCo F, 9th US InfSUVCW
BlumLouis CSgtCo F, 9th US InfSLMC
BlumeFerdinand GCo E, 1st WI InfSUVCW
BlumenrotherCharles TLt ColCo H, 6th & 68th N Y InfSLMC
BlumenrotherCharles TDrummerCo H, 68th NY InfSUVCW
BlumfieldJamesPvtCo H, 27th Mich InfSLMC
BlunckO FCo E, 13th Iowa Vet VolSLMC
BlyJacobCo D, 2nd Kans CavSLMC
BlystoneHenryPvtCo I, 135th Ill InfSLMC
BlytheSamuel FPvtCo E, 22nd Ohio InfSLMC
BoadleyJohn EPvtCo L, 1st Ohio ArtSLMC
BoalesJohn WCo K, 107th Pa InfSLMC
BoardmanCharles APvt11th Independent Battery, NY Light ArtilleryASLF
BoardmanCharles APvt11th N Y Art, CW VetSLMC
BoardmanGeorgeCo E, 12th Wis Vet InfSLMC
BoasJacob RPvtCo E, 81st Pa InfSLMC
BoatmanJames DCplCo H, 14th Kans CavSLMC
BoatmanN CCW Vet?SLMC
BodefeldJohnCo A, 192nd Pa InfSLMC
BodgerEdward RCo C, 1st Wash Terr InfSLMC
BodistIsaac BQm Capt, Co F & S, Vt InfSLMC
BodkinO FCo G, 3rd Iowa CavSLMC
BodleyPrichard PPvtCo I, 9th Ohio CavSLMC
BodleyPrichard PCo I, 9th OH CavSUVCW
BodmanH ASurgeonUS NavyNEWSP
BodmanH ASurgeon118th Ohio InfSLMC
BodmanH ASurgeonUS NavySUVCW
BoehmJohn FDrummerCo B, 1st Neb InfSLMC
BoenDarwin HPvtCo A, 1st Ark InfSLMC
BogardJaredCo C, 12th KS InfSUVCW
BogardJared WPvtCo C, 12th Kans InfSLMC
BogardusM JCo I, 103rd Ohio InfSLMC
BoggsAlbertCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BoggsJohn WConfed, CW VetSLMC
BogueFletcherCplCo E, 19th Wis InfSLMC
BohallKing EPvtCo E, 20th N Y CavSLMC
BohallKing ECo E, 20th NY CavSUVCW
BohannonJ LCo D, 12th Tenn CavSLMC
BohannonWilliamPvtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BohartJohnCW Vet?SLMC
BohnCharlesPvtCo I, 21st N Y Vol InfSLMC
BohnCharlesCo I, 21st NY InfSUVCW
BoilonEdwardCW Vet?SLMC
BoismenneJosephCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BolanFrank FSgtCo K, 14th N YSLMC
BolgamreJ MCo G, 13th Iowa InfSLMC
BolleAugustCo A, 3rd Ill InfSLMC
BoltonJames DConfed, CW VetSLMC
BondCol FPvtCo H, 138th Ind InfSLMC
BondGeorgeCplCo A, 48th PA InfSUVCW
BondGreenMW Vet?SLMC
BondJohn MCo A & B, 6th Mo CavSLMC
BondJohn RCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BondJohn RCo A, 1st OR CavSUVCW
BondLooney C2nd Lt1st Ore CavSLMC
BondSeth HCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BondSolomon RCo A, 16th Ind InfSLMC
BondSolomon RCo A, 16th IN InfSUVCW
BondWilliam HCo C, 2nd Minn CavSLMC
BondWilliam HCo C, 2nd MN CavSUVCW
BoneRichard HPvtCo I, 56th Pa InfSLMC
BoneRichard HarveyCo I, 56th PA InfSUVCW
BonebrakeJ HCo A, 34th Iowa InfSLMC
BonebrakeJames HCo A, 34th IA InfSUVCW
BonebrightJohn BCo I, 89th Ill InfSLMC
BonerJohnPvtCo K, 120th Ind InfSLMC
BonersFrankPvtCo G, 2nd Ill ArtSLMC
BonesZephaniah DCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BonhamAndrew JPvtCo I, 7 CA InfASLF
BonhamAndrew JCW Vet?SLMC
BonhamAndrew JCo I, 7th CA InfSUVCW
BonhamH ACo I, 40th Iowa InfSLMC
BonhamPhilipCo B, 1st Nev CavSLMC
BonhamPhillipCo B, 1st NV CavSUVCW
BonneauEdmondCo E, 15th N Y CavSLMC
BonnellEdward JPvtCo E, 16th Wis InfSLMC
BonnerDavidPvtCo A, 156th Ohio InfSLMC
BonnerJohnCo E, 18th Ohio InfSLMC
BonnerJoseph MPvtCo H, 26th Ill InfSLMC
BonnerSamuel TCW Vet?SLMC
BonnettA TCW Vet?SLMC
BonneyW WCo E, 13th US ArmySLMC
BookerHathaway JPvtCo I, 22nd Me InfSLMC
BoonElihu TCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BooneCyrus CCplCo H, 6th Ill CavSLMC
BooneD WCo H, 27th Ill InfSLMC
BooneGeorgeCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BooneJames ACo I, 8th MO InfSUVCW
BooneJames AlexanderCo I, 8th Mo InfSLMC
BooneJohn L1stLt & Adjt, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BooneThomas GCaptainCW Vet?SLMC
BoothFrancis MCo F, 27th MO InfSUVCW
BoothJoseph RPvtBatt'y D, 1st W Va LtArtSLMC
BoothJoseph RCo D, 1st WV LtArtSUVCW
BoothWilliam FCo I, 10th KS InfSUVCW
BoothWilliam TaswellPvtCo I, 10th Kans InfSLMC
BoothWilliam WCo A, 5th IL LtArtSUVCW
BoothbyJosiah SSurgeonCo F, 7th Mo InfSLMC
BootsWilliam NPvtCo H, 153rd Ind InfSLMC
BordenHenry A (Rev)PvtCo K, 12th Iowa InfSLMC
BoringWilliam HCo D, 33rd IL InfSUVCW
BoringWm HPvtCo D, 33rd Ill InfSLMC
BoringerFrederickPvtCo F, 87th IL Mounted VolunteersASLF
BorkerAmosPvtCo F, 39th Iowa InfSLMC
BorlandAndrew JCaptainCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BorthwickAlexander EPvtCo B, 4th NY Heavy ArtilleryASLF
BorthwickAlexander ECo C, 2nd N Y Vet CavSLMC
BorthwickAllen E (Alexander)Co B, 4th NY HvArtSUVCW
BorthwickCalvin5th N Y HvArt, CW VetSLMC
BorttFrederickPvtCo E, 1st Kans InfSLMC
BoshawRichardSgtCo G, 5th MI InfSUVCW
BoslarEphraimPvtCo H, 101st Ind InfSLMC
BoslarEphraimSgtCo H, 101st IN InfSUVCW
BoslarJohn SCplCo E, 138th Ind InfSLMC
BoslerJohn SCplCo E, 138th IN InfSUVCW
BossCharles B or PCW Vet?SLMC
BostwickHenry CSgtCo F & G, 9th Ill InfSLMC
BostwickHenry ClaySurgeon9th Kans CavSLMC
BoswellBenjamin DCaptainCW Vet?SLMC
BoswellBenjamin DempseyCpt, Co A, 2nd WV Vet Inf; 4th WV InfASLF
BoswellFrancis MCo K, 40th Ill InfSLMC
BoswellFrancis MCo K, 40th IL InfSUVCW
BothwellSamuel Watson10th Ky Cav & 4th Minn Lt ArtSLMC
BothwellSamuel WatsonTeamsterCo B, 14th KY CavSUVCW
BotkinOscar FPvtCo G, 3rd Iowa CavSLMC
BotkinOscar FCo G, 3rd IA CavSUVCW
BotsfordGeo WPvtCo K, 5th Iowa InfSLMC
BottPeterBuglerCo A, 11th Minn InfSLMC
BottomCharles ASgtCo H, 6th MO Cav (Confederate)ASLF
BottomCharles A2nd SgtCo H, 2nd Shelby Div, CW VetSLMC
BottsBarnardPvtCo F, 6th MO CavASLF
BottsBernardCW Vet?SLMC
BougherJohn MCo F, 97th Ohio InfSLMC
BoughtonWilliamCplCo A, 163rd OH InfASLF
BoughtonWilliamCW Vet?SLMC
BoughtonWilliamCplCo A, 163rd OH InfSUVCW
BouingtonW FCo D, 22nd IllSLMC
BoultbeeCharles LCo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BourneGCo E, 51st Ill InfSLMC
BourraughLevi SCW Vet?SLMC
BoussamJohn HCplCo D, 79th Ill InfSLMC
BousumJohn HCplCo D, 12th IL CavSUVCW
BoutinTheophilePvtCo A, 27th Wis InfSLMC
BovardCharlesCo L, 14th PA CavSUVCW
BoveeJohn WCo E, 7th Ill InfSLMC
BoveeJohn WCo E, 7th IL InfSUVCW
BowaterRichardCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BowenAdna HiramCpl4th Mich InfSLMC
BowenCaleb TCplCo A, 4th R I InfSLMC
BowenCharlesPvtCo K, 22nd Iowa InfSLMC
BowenCharlesCo K, 22nd IA InfSUVCW
BowenEdward NCaptain47th N Y Inf, M.C.SLMC
BowenHenryCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BowenJ SCo D, 3rd Iowa CavSLMC
BowenJohnQmS-Lt, 1st Ore Cav VolSLMC
BowenJohnPvtCo D, 1st Me InfSLMC
BowenJohn ECplCo I, 86th Ill InfSLMC
BowenJohn SCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BowenWilliamPvtCo K, 87th Ind InfSLMC
BowerAbednegoPvtCo E, 90th Ohio InfSLMC
BowerLaFayette QPvtCo E, 4th Ill CavSLMC
BowerSeth15th Ohio ArtSLMC
BowermanHenryCo B, 4th WI CavSUVCW
BowersCharlesPvtCo F, 60th Ind InfSLMC
BowersEdward HCo I, 148th Ind InfSLMC
BowersEdward HCo I, 148th IN InfSUVCW
BowersFrankCo G, 2nd Ill LtArtSLMC
BowersFrankCo G, 2nd IL LtArtSUVCW
BowersSamuelCo G, 26th Ind InfSLMC
BowersWilliam D1st LtCo G, 14th N Y InfSLMC
BowersWilliam D1st LtCo G, 14th NY InfSUVCW
BowieJamesUS Marine Corp & USNSLMC
BowinArchibaldCo I, 4th WI CavSUVCW
BowkerMartin MCo D, 14th Ohio InfSLMC
BowkerMartin WCo D, 14th OH InfSUVCW
BowlbyJoseph JCo A, 89th Ill InfSLMC
BowlesCharles OPvtCo H, 5th Wis InfSLMC
BowlesDavid HCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BowlesJohnCo L, 1st N H HvArtSLMC
BowlesJohnPvtCo F, 27th Ohio InfSLMC
BowlesJohnCo F, 27th OH InfSUVCW
BowlesJohn WPvtCo K, 107th Pa InfSLMC
BowlsJohn WCo I, 4th Pa CavSLMC
BowmanAbrahamIndian WarsASLF
BowmanAbrahamCW Vet?SLMC
BowmanBenjamin HamiltonCo I, 33rd Mass InfSLMC
BowmanJ WCo B, 29th IN InfSUVCW
BowmanJacobCW Vet?SLMC
BowmanJeptha GPvtCo H, 15th Mo CavSLMC
BowmanJoel BPvtCo H, 35th Mo InfSLMC
BowmanJohn HCW Vet?SLMC
BowmanJudson PCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BowmanJudson PCo A, 1st OR InfSUVCW
BowmanW JCo B, 29th Ind InfSLMC
BowmanWilliam C HCo D, 2nd Mo CavSLMC
BowmanWilliam C HCplCo D, 2nd MO CavSUVCW
BowmanWilsonCo E, 3rd Mass Inf or HvArtSLMC
BowneGershamMusicianCo E, 51st Ill InfSLMC
BoyakinChampion FCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BoyceJohn MPvtCo C, 118th Ill InfSLMC
BoyceWilliam HPvtConfed, Co B, 6th Mo CavSLMC
BoyceWilliam HConfed, Co B, 6th MO CavSUVCW
BoydAllenCo D, 46th Ohio InfSLMC
BoydGeorge FCo F, Kans Inf, CW VetSLMC
BoydGeorge SCplCo H, 47th Ill InfSLMC
BoydHarry CCW Vet?SLMC
BoydJamesCW Vet?SLMC
BoydJamesPvtCo D, 25th N J InfSLMC
BoydJohn CPvtCo C, 2nd Ind InfSLMC
BoydJohn HPvtCo C, 8th Iowa InfSLMC
BoydJohn HCo C, 8th IA InfSUVCW
BoydThomas MCo G, 40th Ohio InfSLMC
BoydWill T2nd LtCo A, 5th N Y CavSLMC
BoydeEdward DColonelConfed, Va, CW VetSLMC
BoyerAdamCo A, 148th Pa InfSLMC
BoyerEliasPvtCo F, 148th Pa InfSLMC
BoyerGeorge SPvtCo A, 206th PA InfASLF
BoyerGeorge SCo I, 26th WI InfSUVCW
BoyerGeorge S or LCW Vet?SLMC
BoyerGeorge WCo H, 5th Iowa InfSLMC
BoyerJohn APvtCo K, 214th Pa InfSLMC
BoyerPrestonCplCo H, 79th Ill InfSLMC
BoyleDavid RPvtCo F, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BoyleEnochCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BoyleFrancisUS Navy, "Juniata"SLMC
BoyleThomas HPvtCo C, 2nd Calif InfSLMC
BoylesDavid RCo F, 1st OR CavSUVCW
BoylesJ MCo L, 1st MO CavSUVCW
BoylesJohillPvtCo L, 1st Mo CavSLMC
BoyntonDavid MCo C, 17th Ill InfSLMC
BoyntonEdgarPvtCo B, 32nd Ill InfSLMC
BoyntonNelson CPvtCo H, 31st Me InfSLMC
BoyntonNelson CCo H, 31st ME InfSUVCW
BoyseAlexander EPvtCo E, 48th Mo InfSLMC
BoysonJohnPvtCo E, 2nd US ArtSLMC
BrabhamThomas JPvtCo H, 77th Ohio InfSLMC
BrabhamThomas JCo H, 77th OH InfSUVCW
BrackenRobert WCo I, 113th Ill InfSLMC
BrackenW WSgtCo C, 22nd OhioSLMC
BrackettGeoCo G, 2nd Me CavSLMC
BrackettHenry CSgtChicago Mercantile Battery, IL Light ArtilleryASLF
BrackettHenry CCplCW Vet?SLMC
BrackettT JSgtCo H, 67th Ill InfSLMC
BrackettT JSgtCo H, 67th IL InfSUVCW
BradburyNoah HPvtCo F, 34th Ill InfSLMC
BradenJosephCo B, 27th NY InfSUVCW
BradenJoseph ACo B, 27th N Y InfSLMC
BradenSamuel CPvtCo H, 102nd NY InfASLF
BradenSusan L
(widow of soldier)
BradfordFrank NPvtCo E, 17th Vt InfSLMC
BradfordJacob ArnoldSgtCo F, 2nd Mich CavSLMC
BradfordJosephNeb Indian Scout/InterpreterSLMC
BradfordJoshuaPvtCo A, 12th Mich Inf VolsSLMC
BradfordMoses WCo F, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BradfordTheodore ICo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BradfordThomasCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BradineAbner RCo D, 4th Iowa InfSLMC
BradleyA GCo B, 19th MI InfSUVCW
BradleyAlpheus GPvtCo B, 19th Mich InfSLMC
BradleyE MCpl17th PA InfNEWSP
BradleyE TPvtCo A, 28th Wis InfSLMC
BradleyElisha TCplCo A, 28th WI InfSUVCW
BradleyEnoch MCplCo L, 1st N H HvArtSLMC
BradleyEnoch MCo F, 17th MA InfSUVCW
BradleyEnoch MCo F, 17th MA InfSUVCW
BradleyJohn ECo G, 1st Ohio LtArtSLMC
BradleyJohn StoneCo B, 37th Mass InfSLMC
BradleyWilliam HPvtCo G, 98th N Y InfSLMC
BradleyWilliam HCo G, 98th NY InfSUVCW
BradshawBenjamin HAsst Surg46th Ill InfSLMC
BradshawBenjamin HAsst Surg46th IL InfSUVCW
BradshawCharlesPvtCo D, 132nd Ill InfSLMC
BradshawM VCo H, 30th Iowa InfSLMC
BradshawWilliam HPvtCo D, 7th Ill InfSLMC
BradshawWilliam HCo D, 7th IL InfSUVCW
BradwayEdwinCo B, 26th IA InfSUVCW
BradyBrianPvt4th NY CavNEWSP
BradyBrianPvt4th N Y CavSLMC
BradyCharlesPvtCW Vet?SLMC
BradyMathewCW Vet?SLMC
BradyPatrick JPvtCo A, 2nd N Y InfSLMC
BradyPhillipPvtCo C, 15th N Y EngsSLMC
BraggWilliam FCo E, 3rd Me InfSLMC
BramhallEleazarSgtCo B, 10th IA InfSUVCW
BramhallEleazar SCplCo B, 10th Iowa InfSLMC
BramletGeorge WPvtCo E, 4th Calif InfSLMC
BrananWarren WPvtCo B, 7th Kans CavSLMC
BranchBenjaminMusicianCo B, 16th US InfSLMC
BranchE PCo F, 105th OhioSLMC
BranchJohnCo C, 10th W VaSLMC
BranchLutherCo C, 3rd MI CavSUVCW
BranchWalterSgt35th Inf, CW VetSLMC
BranchWalter SSgtCo K, 37th VA Inf (Confederate)ASLF
BrandE ECaptainCo B, 90th N Y InfSLMC
BrandeArthur MCW Vet?SLMC
BrandenburgOtha SPvtCo K, 15th Iowa InfSLMC
BrandenburgOtha SCplCo K, 15th IA InfSUVCW
BrandonJames OPvtCo G, 66th Ohio InfSLMC
BrandonRichardUS Navy, USS NarragansetSLMC
BrandonRichardUS NavySUVCW
BrandtLouisCW Vet?SLMC
BrandtPeterUS Navy, SS ManhattanSLMC
BrandtPeterPvtCo C, 7th Minn InfSLMC
BrandtPeterUS Navy, USS ManhattenSUVCW
BrangaJohnChaplain10th WV InfSUVCW
BranhamJ CCo L, 1st Ind HvArtSLMC
BranhamJames HCo C, 2nd Wis InfSLMC
BrannanB FCo H, 21st Iowa InfSLMC
BrannickE MCplCo C, 20th Iowa InfSLMC
BranninWilliam WPvtCo B, 6th Mo CavSLMC
BransonC OCo H, 17th Wis InfSLMC
BransonG CCo C, 6th Tenn InfSLMC
BrantRandolph C (SLMC: R C Bront)ChaplainF & S, 2nd KS InfASLF
BrantRandolph CrowellChaplain2nd Kans InfSLMC
BrantnerJohn HPvtCo I, 44th Wis InfSLMC
BrasherJohnCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
BrateFrancis FPvtCo A, 1st Calif CavSLMC
BrattonRobert PCo C, 6th Ind InfSLMC
BrattonRobert RCo C, 6th IN InfSUVCW
BrawnJohn HenryPvtCo D, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
BraxtonA JCo H, 2nd KansSLMC
BrayCharles ECo E, 3rd Calif InfSLMC
BrayJohn RPvtCo G, 147th Ill InfSLMC
BrayJohn RCo G, 147th IL InfSUVCW
BrayJustin LCplCo L, 1st Me CavSLMC
BrayJustin LCplCo L, 1st ME CavSUVCW
BrayThomas JPvtCo K, 8th or 148th Ind InfSLMC
BraytonWilliam FCo I, 20th IL InfSUVCW
BraytonWilliam FrederickPvtCo I, 20th Ill InfSLMC
BrazeeFreeman MPvtCo I, 33rd N Y InfSLMC
BrazeeFreeman MCo I, 33rd NY InfSUVCW
BrazierJasCW Vet?SLMC
BreckenridgeW CCo H, 8th Kans InfSLMC
BreckenridgeWilliam CCo H, 8th KS InfSUVCW
BreedJames PurringtonPvtCo C, 14th Ill CavSLMC
BreedJason DPvtCo A & B, 35th Wis InfSLMC
BreedJason DCo B, 35th WI InfSUVCW
BreedenBenjamin FPvtConfed, Co I, 10th Mo VolsSLMC
BreenCharlesCplCo H, 1st WA Terr InfSUVCW
BreenChasCplCo H, 1st Wash Terr InfSLMC
BreenPatrickCW Vet?SLMC
BreenWilliam JPvtCo K, 24th Mich InfSLMC
BremerMary A
(widow of soldier)
BremmerCharlesPvtCo E, 18th Wis InfSLMC
BrennerCarlCplCo A, 11th Iowa InfSLMC
BrennerPeterPvtCo D, 4th Ohio InfSLMC
BreshearsHenry HSgtCo A & I, 4th & 14th Mo InfSLMC
BreshearsJamesPvtCo I, 8th Mo CavSLMC
BrettElamCo I, 16th Kans CavSLMC
BrewbakerSamuelCo B, 3rd MI CavSUVCW
BrewerAlbertCplCo E, 128th Ind InfSLMC
BrewerAugustusCo A, 106th Ill InfSLMC
BrewerChasPvtCo D, 7th Minn InfSLMC
BrewerG ECo A, 29th MichSLMC
BrewerJohn WCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
BrewerLouis AugustusPvtCo A, 106th Ill InfSLMC