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Register of Veterans at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Roseburg

Register of Veterans at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Roseburg

This is an index of the Register of Veterans at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Roseburg, Oregon from 1894-1917. The most complete entries include personal descriptions, place of birth, disabilities, amount of pension, remarks noting discharge or death. If the information is missing, the index entry is marked with an asterisk (*). Entries have been indexed as given in the register. Some soldiers have multiple entries as they were admitted more than once. The indexing was done by Eileen Chamberlin and proofed by Jim Rogers; anything added to the entry by them is shown in brackets ([ ]).

Digital images may be ordered for $7 each; hard copies are $15 per order. Please place orders by completing this form.

You can also order a copy of a page from the register by sending your return address, index information, and $15 per request to:

GFO - Register of Veterans - Roseburg
2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Suite B018
Portland, OR 97202-1093

National Archives
