The Oregonian, 12 May 1918, page 19
Ninety former students and three faculty members of Reed College are serving in the United States Army and Navy and allied branches of service to date, and the number is believed to give the college a comparatively high standing in this regard, because it is so young an institution. The women of the college have already made a service flag to which stars are constantly being added.
President W. T. Foster has compiled a list of the men and in it are several who have won commissions of various grades. Not a few of them are already in France. The complete list to date, which does not include Professor Norman F. Colman and several students doing Y.M.C.A. work in the Army, is as follows:
- George Axtell, private, Headquarters Company, 346th Field Artillery, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Stanley Bacon, Captain, 83d Field Artillery, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.
- Howard Barlow, Sergeant, Headquarters Company of the First Army Headquarters Regiment.
- Clyde A. Beals, Sergeant, Field Hospital 363, 316th Sanitary Train, Camp Lewis, Tacoma Wash.
- Edgar Bennett, Naval Ammunition Depot, Mare Island, Cal.
- Richard Milton Bozorth, Chemical Service Section, National Army, A.E.F.
- Hugh D. G. Broomfield, cadet, Air Service, A.E.F.
- Ambrose Brownell, Army Engineer School, Section F, U.S.P.O., No. 714, A.E.F.
- Harold Burnett, Company D, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Lloyd R. Carrick, in Ordnance Department.
- Orlo Rexford Chamberlain, Base Hospital, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Elbert Charman, Company E, 18th Railroad Engineers, U.S.P.O., No. 705, A.E.F.
- Archibald B. Clark, Lieutenant, Headquarters Company, 104th Field Artillery, Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S.C.
- W. Biddle, Combs.
- Carlyle Cunningham, corporal, Company A, 116th Engineers, A.E.F.
- Dean Coovert, Second Lieutenant, Company H, 364th Infantry, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Webster Corliss, First Regiment U. S. Engineers, A.E.F.
- Max P. Cushing, faculty, interpreter
- John Dambach, corporal, Company A, 116th Engineers, A.E.F.
- Shelby L. Davies, 20th Engineers.
- Dean H. Dickinson, Company A, First Engineers, A.E.F.
- Ross A. Dierdorff, room 78, Bancroft Hall, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
- Lawrence Dineen, Company L, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Harry K. Fawkes, Production Engineer, Production Section, Ordnance Department, Sixth and B streets, Washington, D.C. Room 318.
- Forrest L. Foster, Company A, First Engineers, A.E.F.
- William W. Foster, corporal, 28th Aero Squadron, A.E.F.
- Russel W. Frost, 328th Aero Squadron, Machine Gun Detachment, Kelly Field, No. 1918, San Antonio, Tex.
- Albert Gentner, Section 60-10, U.S.A., A.S., A.E.F.
- Malcolm Gilbert, Sergeant, Company M, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Frank Stewart Gloyd, Sergeant-Major, Headquarters, 116th Engineers, A.E.F. U.S.P.O., No. 733.
- Harold Golder, 104th Company, Eighth Regiment, U.S.M.C., care Postmaster, N.Y. City
- Wilhelm Grondahl, Truck Company No. 3, 23d Engineers, Camp Laurel, Md.
- William L. Harman, corporal, Company C, First Regiment, U. S. Engineers, A.E.F.
- Arthur A. Hauck
- Howard Hopkirk, Second Lieutenant, Company A, 848th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Arthur House, Base Hospital, Unit 46, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Maurice Howard, 12th Company, Coast Artillery, Fort Canby, Wash.
- James Marvin Howes, Educational Department, Army Y.M.C.A., Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Raymond Jeffcott, Base Hospital, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- William Forrest Jenne, Company C, 116th Engineers, A.E.F.
- Glenn Johnson, Second Lieutenant, Camp Upton, New York.
- Marion Russell Kelley, 237 Barracks, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
- Joyce R. Kelly, First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, Princeton Graduate School, Princeton, N.J.
- Richard Kennedy, 147th Field Artillery, 66th Brigade, A.E.F.
- Graham Kiehl, Naval Training Station, Mare Island, Cal.
- Glenn Kleinau, Company E, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Oscar E. Koenig, Sergeant, Evacuation Hospital No. 1, A.E.F.
- Roland Krause, National Naval Volunteers, U. S. Navy Station, Seattle, Wash.
- Ray L. Lapham, U.S.M.C., American Legation Guard, Pekin, China
- Charles F. Larrabee, private, Battery B, Second Field Artillery, Camp Fremont, Cal.
- Elton Loucks, Second Lieutenant
- Carl Mack, Corporal, Company D, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Neil Malarkey, Headquarters Company, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Byron C. Mathews, U. S. Naval Training Camp, Seattle, Wash.
- Newton F. McCoy, Naval Aviation.
- Arthur J. McLean, private, Headquarters Troop, 91st Division, Camp Lewis, Tacoma.
- Horace M. Miller, Second Lieutenant, C.A.R.C., Fort Columbia, Pacific County, Wash.
- Harry H. Moore, 404 Council of National Defense, Washington, D.C.
- Curtis Moses, Machine Gun Company, 161st Regiment, A.E.F.
- Claude Newlin, U.S.P.O. 701, 116th Engineer Detachment, A.E.F.
- George Ohl, Seventh Company, Fifth Regiment of Marines, A.E.F.
- Arthur O’Neill, Aviation Corps. U. S. Naval Training Station, San Diego, Cal.
- Frank Pearcy, Base Hospital, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Delvin Peterson, U. S. Training Camp, Seattle, Wash.
- Carl Phetteplace, U. S. Naval Hospital, Washington, D.C.
- Edgar E. Piper, First Lieutenant, Aviation Section, S.O.R.C, A.E.F. Care of Chief Signal Officer.
- Samuel K. Polland, Balloon Division, Aviation Corps, Training Camp, Omaha, Neb.
- Allen H. Pratt, corporal, Line C, Tent No. 7, Recruiting Division, First Training Brigade, Lower Kelly Field, No. 1, South San Antonio, Tex.
- Kirk H. Prindle, Naval Training Station, San Diego, Cal.
- Arne G. Rae, U.S.P.O. 701, 116th Engineer Detachment, A.E.F.
- Matthew C. Riddle, Base Hospital Unit 46, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Carl Rochet, formerly at Naval Training Station, Seattle, Wash.
- James B. Rogers, First Lieutenant, Aviation Section, S.E.R.C, A.E.F. Care of Chief Signal Officer
- Robert L. Sabin, Second Lieutenant, Company H, 364th Infantry, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- William A. Schell, First Lieutenant, 303d Field Artillery, Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass.
- Frank C. Scott, Regimental Sergeant-Major, 346th Field Artillery, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- John J. Sechrist, Fifth Section, Company D. Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Vallejo, Cal.
- Walter Secord, Quartermasters’ Corps, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.
- Edward W. Shears, U. S. Radio School, Perkins Hall, Cambridge, Mass.
- Otto Schultz, casual, Company No. 3, Signal Corps, Aviation Section, Vancouver, Wash.
- Herbert Sessions, Army Engineer School, Section F, U.S.P.O. No. 714, A.E.F.
- Alvin Sheagren, Base Hospital Unit 46, Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.
- Harold A. Smith, Sergeant, Company B, 116th Engineers, A.E.F.
- J. Jasper Stahl, Faculty U. S. Naval Training Camp, Seattle, Wash. (National Naval Volunteers).
- Paul Stone, corporal, Company E, 162d Infantry, A.E.F.
- Nathan Thomas, U. S. Naval Training Camp, Seattle, Wash.
- Clark Thompson
- Kenneth Tomlinson, Naval Aviation
- Everett A. Trousdale, 102d Company, U.S.M.C., Naval Ammunition Depot, Iona Island, N.Y.
- John C. Van Etten, Second Lieutenant, 116th Signal Field Battalion, A.E.F.
- Robert B. Watson, Clerical Company No. 4, Block L2, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.
- Harold Weeks, First Lieutenant, Aviation.