The Oregonian, 8 Nov 1917, page 10
Occupying the place of honor on the wall beside the dais in the Oddfellows’ Hall at First and Alder, testifying to the patriotism of Oddfellows who are now missed at assemblies, hangs a beautiful panel, inscribed with the names of 15 members of Samaritan Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F.
The tablet is an artistic pen and ink design, framed in dark oak. A stirring battle scene shows our boys in the field with Old Glory flying. Flags and laurel wreaths mingle at the base of the columns.
Under the heading, “Honor Roll,” appears the dedication, “Members of Samaritan Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F., who have enlisted for service in the Great War for Democracy.“ The democratic idea is sustained in the list of names, unadorned, though the 15 honored members boast a Major and two Captains in their number.
The “stay-at-home“ members of the lodge are backing their fighting comrades, having subscribed $1000 in the recent liberty bond campaign.
The Honor roll includes
- John E. Adams
- George Anderson
- Charles O. Chapman
- Alfred E. Clark
- Harry L. Depp
- Henry Hockenyos
- Clarence R. Hotchkiss
- James W. L. Inkster
- Malcolm H. Isbister
- John R. Jones
- R. A. Manning
- Charles M. Pickard
- Peter B. Sabiston
- Ford B. Williams
[15 stars, 14 names listed]