The Oregonian, 2 Jun 1918, page 50
At the Memorial day exercises on Wednesday afternoon Kerns School dedicated a service flag in honor of the following 69 young men, former students of the school and now in the service of the United States:
- William Adams
- Sam Allen
- Fred Bennett
- Walter Boliger
- Alfred Borquist
- Frank Brown
- Paul Campbell
- Walter Clark
- Olin Clark
- John Clemenson
- Fred Conkle
- Robert Cracknell
- Edwin Crouch
- Charles Delby
- William Delby
- Frank Davis
- Will Davis
- Harold Doty
- Nelson English
- Lloyd Frack
- Donald Frazier
- Hull Frazier
- Otto Fruiht
- Hugh Glenn
- Robert Grooms
- Clarence Gray
- Rudolph Gray
- Oren Hall
- Edmund Hand
- Everett Hilton
- Earl Henderson
- Henry Hendrickson
- George Hoben
- Orlan Hollawell
- Sverr Johanneson
- Hal Kelly
- Emil Krueger
- Henry Kuehle
- Glen Laidlaw
- William Leaman
- Walter Lembke
- Lyle La Valley
- Elmer Lloyd
- Thomas Lovell
- Fred Lystrup
- Henry Lystrup
- Gordon Manary
- Roland Manary
- Lloyd Martyn
- Claud McBreen
- George McBreen
- Roy Mundell
- Erville Nitzchske
- Frank Paunstone
- Norman Ralston
- William Ringler
- George Ross
- Will Schoof
- Vane Seely
- Don Sloan
- Forrest Smith
- Marion Smith
- William Tierney
- Rodney Van Name
- Adolph Wagner
- Emil Wagner
- William Weiss
- Paul Wiggins
- Lynton Franks