The Oregonian, 28 Apr 1918, page 11
With impressive ceremonies in the assembly hall of the Oak Grove School the district’s service flag was dedicated last night. Addresses were delivered by W. B. Dyer and County School Superintendent Gibson. Mrs. Louise Boyden recited “An Ode to the Flag” and Mrs. Philip Horn unfurled the banner, on which are stars for the following:
- Toivo Annala, Camp Fremont, Cal.
- Cecil Brooks, Vancouver Barracks
- Major Philip H. Carroll, Camp Lewis
- Roy Davis, Vancouver Barracks
- John Fenwick, U. S. S. Pueblo
- Gust Forsburg, France
- Ben Horn, Camp Kelly, Tex.
- Joseph Horn, France
- Otto Horn, Garden City, N. Y.
- W. L. Hodges, Jr., Fort Canby, Wash.
- Ray Wickham, Fort Canby, Wash.
- William Hukari, Camp Fremont, Cal.
- Ned Jackson, Camp Fremont, Cal.
- Eino Jakku, Camp Lewis
- Horace R. Skinner, France