The Oregonian, 16 Apr 1918, page 4
With 62 stars, the service flag of the Barrett orchard district will be dedicated Friday night at a meeting to be held at the community school building.
Those on the honor roll are as follows:
- Joel C. Abbot
- Toivo Annala
- Corbett Alexander
- Leonard Armstrong
- George F. Alsup
- Lloyd Bishop
- Roy Bruno
- Harry Barker
- Fred Broughton
- Frank Banham
- August Bosse
- DeWalt Bonebrake
- Carl Berry
- Sidney Carnine
- Arne Copple
- Clarence Dornhecker
- Paul Dix
- Harold Ingals
- Ray Furrow
- Gus Forsberg
- Charles Gibbons
- Albert Gibbons
- Will Goodenough
- Raymond Glass
- Hubert Hasbrouck
- C. M. Hurlburt
- William Hukari
- Sidney Hook
- Howard Hodges
- Garland Hollowell
- Wilfred Jenkins
- Harold Jenkins
- Carlton Kibbey
- Edward Krief
- Paul Lancaster
- Ellis Morse
- Howard Merriam
- Lee Markley
- Realto Meyers
- Virgil Meyers
- Arthur Moses
- Miles McFarland
- Lowell Nickelsen
- Van Norder
- Harry Post
- Wade Robbins
- Kirby Ross
- Walter Regnell
- Glen Shoemaker
- Ralph Sherriebb
- Kent Shoemaker
- Delbert Slutz
- Fred Schall
- Stanley Shere
- Elvis Stockton
- Lee Schuknecht
- Bert Thornsbury
- Charles Van Blaricom
- Perry Williams
- Edward Wrenn
- John Winn
[ only 61 names in the article ]