The Hillsboro Argus, 14 Feb 1918, page 1
The big service flag of the Hillsboro High School was dedicated Tuesday—Lincoln’s Birthday—with appropriate exercises. This is by far the largest service flag in the city, and Hillsboro High has reason to be proud of its H.S. boys today fighting for what its halls have taught—liberty and democracy.
Fifty-six stars grace the flag, and it is a testimonial of home hearts to the boys in blue and olive drab, serving not only their country, but all humanity.
The stars are so arranged on the flag to form the letters “H. H. S.,” and was much admired by the large audience.
The program was as follows: Singing of “America,” by the audience; invocation, by Dr. Skipworth, of the Methodist Church; solo, “ My Own United States,” by Miss Marjorie Wells; “Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,” by Arthur Reiling; quartet, “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” Edgar Kamna, Francis Linklater, Edw. Scheidt and Harold Briggs; reading of the names of boys represented, A. C. Shute, chairman of School Board; address by Mr. Brown, of the Portland Y.M.C.A.; singing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” by audience.
The boys represented on this flag are:
- Odell Brandaw
- Zenas Olsen
- Onas Olsen
- Chas. Deichman
- Verne McKinney
- Donald Long
- Clifford Long
- Clifton Bagley
- Vernon Olson
- Glen Swift
- Carroll Gates
- Millard Gates
- Frank Rollins
- Arthur Rollins
- Chas. Walker
- Fred Taylor
- Ronald Vaught
- Lawrence Taggart
- Haskell Carter
- Glen Powers
- Carl Therriault
- Emery Bondurant
- Willard Hurley
- Dewey Johnson
- John Shute
- Alfred Morgan
- Will Ketcham
- Roy Schroeder
- Will Asbahr
- Roscoe Black
- Glen Epler
- Clay Fisher
- Will Nelson
- Chas. Fisher
- Robert Greer
- Robert Imbrie
- Archie Pitman
- Elmer Batcheldar
- James Mahon
- Wade Killen
- Atha Russell
- Claud McBreen
- Glen Taylor
- Clair Sample
- Russell Carter
- Will Gray
- Byron Garrett
- Roy Scheidel
- Lee Thompson
- Leon Allen
- Harold Ingles
- Guy Payne
- Maurice VanSickle
- Dan Irwin
- Arthur Wohler
- Oscar Lund