The Oregonian, 27 Mar 1918, page 13
Yesterday was an auspicious day for the nurses of Good Samaritan Hospital. Beginning as early as 6:30 o’clock in the morning and continuing throughout the day there were events of great interest. First there was a communion service in the early morning, when 100 nurses assembled in the chapel of the hospital.
Bishop Sumner, who presided, blessed the service flag of the nurses’ home with its 51 stars, also the flag that represents the 65 former employes of the hospital in service. The third flag blessed was a handsome silk banner given by Miss Emily Loveridge to the chapel of the hospital.
Breakfast was served later in compliment to the 13 girls in the base hospital unit No. 46. Next came a visit to the Nurses’ Home, where the girls picked out their stars on the flag, and each star was named.
At noon the alumnae of Good Samaritan Hospital Training School gave a luncheon in the Meier & Frank tearoom for the girls who are soon to leave for the front. Miss Cary Joseph presided. Miss Loveridge, Miss Elizabeth Freeman and Bishop Sumner gave brief addresses.
There 78 present. The nurses honered were the Misses
- Ora Scovell
- Olive Oleson
- Lillian Oleson
- Harriet McKinley
- Edith Smith
- Elizabeth Freeman
- Eleanor Ewing
- Bertha Luthey
- Margaret McAllister
- Alda MacDonald
- Fern McClintock
- Ethel Mullen
- Miss Schlagel
- Miss Tagg
Additional guests of honor were Miss Emily Loveridge, Bishop Sumner, Miss G. M. Welch, Miss Grace Phelps and Miss Jane Doyle.