Welcome to the VolunteerSpace portal. If you have difficulty using the portal, please contact webmaster@gfo.org for assistance. Member usernames are provided to you by the GFO Volunteer Coordinator and the GFO Webmaster.
Returning Users
Please enter your
Username (v.first.last) (NOT your email. Note the "v." at the beginning and the period between names.)
and your Password.
First-time Users
Begin by creating your password (see below).
Creating or Resetting Your Password:
Begin by entering your Username (v.first.last). It is NOT your email address.
If you have a double first name or double last name which normally includes a space, period, or hyphen, please omit such spaces or punctuation. Many of you gave us your formal name for registration and then a first name (nickname) you use. The system recognizes only the nickname as your first name.
Usernames are not case-sensitive.
Examples of Usernames:
Eta Mae Lee = v.etamae.lee
Eduardo Gonzales Garcia = v.eduardo.gonzalesgarcia
Mary Travis-Campbell = v.mary.traviscampbell
Joseph (Joe) St. John = v.joe.stjohn
Then click on the "Request Password" button to generate an email from info@gfo.org which contains a link you must click to create your Password.
DON'T FORGET the "v." prefix...
white text
The Password you create must meet the following criteria:
- Passwords must be at least 6 characters in length
- Passwords should contain at least 1 letter and 1 number. Your password may also contain these special characters: @ # $ ^ * ! -
- You may not use the word PASSWORD
- Your Password may not be the same as your username