The GFO has many different publications to offer:
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GFO Thursday Evening E-News
Every Thursday evening, an email keeps you informed about GFO’s events and other genealogical items of interest. It's the fastest way to learn of new additions to our resources and website.
The Bulletin of the Genealogical Forum of Oregon
This quarterly, historical journal contains articles that encourage the sharing and research of family history, families with Northwest connections, and stories with other geographic locations. Articles include memoirs and personal essays, problem-solving techniques, research stories, family history, travel, how-to pieces, and using technology. It also includes book reviews, transcriptions or extractions from original sources, and posts from blogs in the industry.
The newsletter of the GFO is published eight months out of the year, including news about the GFO and genealogy how-to articles.
It does not publish within the four months the Bulletin is produced.
Genealogical and historical materials compiled, published, and shared by the GFO are available in our GFO store.
GFO members have created over a dozen research guides that cover a variety of topics, including Searching Vital Records and Researching Your Revolutionary War Ancestor. Guides from other sources are available at the library.