American Seamen’s Friend Society
The eighth annual meeting of the American Seamen’s Friend Society was held at the Broadway Tabernacle in New York City on Monday evening May 9, 1836. As stated in their constitution, “The object of the society shall be to improve the social and moral condition of Seamen, by uniting the efforts of the wise and good in their behalf; by promoting, in every port, Boarding-Houses of good character, Savings’ Banks, Register Offices, Libraries, Museums, Reading-Rooms, and Schools; and also the ministrations of the Gospel, and other religious blessings.” A booklet was published on the minutes of the meeting, and it contained a listing of the members of the society. The booklet was donated by one of our members. This index is of the member’s name and location in 1836. There is no additional information on the members; therefore nothing to be copied.
We do not have further information for this index to offer at the Forum.
The index below may help you locate additional information knowing where the person was in 1836.