Fill in the form below and click on the Submit Donation button to send the donation. This page has been encrypted with SSL to ensure the safety of your financial information and this transaction. If you would like to make a recurring donation, please go to our sustaining donation form.
To use PayPal, skip this form. You'll find instructions at the bottom of this page.
Visa®, MasterCard® & Discover® cardholdersYour security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.
American Express® cardholdersYour security code is the 4-digit code located above the actual credit card number on your card's front.
Any New Home funds not used for a new home or move will be transferred to the GFO Endowment Fund.
If you'd prefer to donate via PayPal, log into your PayPal account and select "Send Money."
Then send it to Please use ".org" rather than ".com" Be sure to enter a note to let us know that you are making a donation. (Fees are similar to credit cards, deducted from the amount of donation.)