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RandallOrvilleCplCo C, 10th IL InfSUVCW
RandallRoyal FCo C, 11th WI InfSUVCW
RandallWesley CCo D, 5th MI CavSUVCW
RandleC ECW Vet?SLMC
RandleCharles JPvtCo F, 27th Ill InfSLMC
RandleJ LCo E, 2nd Tenn InfSLMC
RandleSamuel ACo H, 122nd Ill InfSLMC
RandleSamuel HCo H, 122nd IL InfSUVCW
RandlesC WPvtCo H, 57th Ind InfSLMC
RandolphJohn APvtCo C, 40th Wis InfSLMC
RandolphRoland HCo K, 1st Ill CavSLMC
RankinElyConfed, Co B, 12th Mis Cav, CW VetSLMC
RankinJ MCW Vet?SLMC
RankinJames MCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RankinJohn WPvtCo K, 26th Ill InfSLMC
RankinNorman KPvtCo A, 150th Ill InfSLMC
RannHenry LCo A, 2nd IA InfSUVCW
RanneyAlbert APvtCo G, 4th Wis InfSLMC
RanneyAlbert ACo G, 4th WI CavSUVCW
RanneyChas LUS Vol Inf, CW VetSLMC
RanneyJohnCW Vet?SLMC
RanneyJohn ACW Vet?SLMC
RanneyTitusPvtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RansdellJohn CCo F, 7th Ind InfSLMC
RansomEdwardPvtCo F, 129th Ind InfSLMC
RansomJames MCo F, 1st MI LtArtSUVCW
RansomMilo MSgtCo D, 9th N Y CavSLMC
RapaleeD WCo G, 84th Ill InfSLMC
RapisChrisCW Vet?SLMC
RarickOrin SCaptainCo B, 6th Iowa InfSLMC
RaserW WCo I, 9th Ill CavSLMC
RasmussenJamesPvtCo B, 49th Wis InfSLMC
RasmussenJensCo B, 49th WI InfSUVCW
RatcliffJacob LCo H, 5th IA InfSUVCW
RatcliffJohnPvtCo A, 8th Mo St Mil CavSLMC
RatcliffJohnCplCo D, 89th Ind InfSLMC
RatcliffRobertCo A, 8th Mo InfSLMC
RatcliffThomas APvtCo A, 101st Ind InfSLMC
RatcliffThomas ACo C, 101st IN InfSUVCW
RatcliffeRobertCo A, 8th MO St Mil CavSUVCW
RatcliffeWCo I, Ohio Inf, CW VetSLMC
RathbunJames SLtCo I, 4th Calif InfSLMC
RathburnJames S1st LtCo I, 4th CA InfSUVCW
RatliffShadrickCW Vet?SLMC
Rauschelbauch?CW Vet?SLMC
RawlingsJames CCo A, 45th IL InfSUVCW
RawlingsRobert TCo B, 15th KS CavSUVCW
RawlingsRobert ThomasPvtCo B, 15th Kans CavSLMC
RawlingsThomas GSgtCo A, 8th Calif InfSLMC
RawlingsWashingtonCaptainCo F, 23rd Iowa InfSLMC
RawlingsWashingtonCaptainCo F, 23rd IA InfSUVCW
RawlingsWilliam HPvt12th Indpt Batt, Ohio ArtSLMC
RawsonThomasCo A, 100th IN InfSUVCW
RayDanielPvtCo B, Cass co Mo Home GuardsSLMC
RayFrankColonelNew York, CW VetSLMC
RayJamesCo A, 3rd NC Mtd InfSUVCW
RayJames ACo A, 3rd N C Mtd InfSLMC
RayLesterCo F, 2nd Kans Vol InfSLMC
RaySamuel P1st SgtCo H, 2nd NC Mtd InfSUVCW
RayThomas DCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RayWilliam FCW Vet?SLMC
RayburnJames WPvtCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RaymondAlexander1st SgtCo D, 16th Mich InfSLMC
RaymondGeorgeCo A, 47th Ill InfSLMC
RazelWmCo I, 15th Conn InfSLMC
RazerGeorgeCo C, 30th Mtd Ky InfSLMC
ReaGeorge ThomasCo G, 6th Iowa CavSLMC
ReaGeorge ThomasSgtCo G, 6th IA CavSUVCW
ReaGeorge WhitefieldCo C, 65th Ill InfSLMC
ReaGeorge WhitefieldCo G, 65th IL InfSUVCW
ReaJ TCo I, 7th IL CavSUVCW
ReaJames SCo B, 7th Calif InfSLMC
ReaberDavid CPvtCo I, 14th Iowa InfSLMC
ReadDanielCo F, 46th IL InfSUVCW
ReadDaniel FCo F, 46th Ill InfSLMC
ReadGeorge BCo G, 37th Ill InfSLMC
ReadJames C RCo C, 12th Ind CavSLMC
ReadLewisPvtCo A, 13th R I InfSLMC
ReadThomas G GCW Vet?SLMC
ReaderJames F2nd Indpt Batt'y, Iowa LtArtSLMC
ReaderJames KPvtCo D, 122nd Ill InfSLMC
ReadyJosephPvtCo C, 126th Ill InfSLMC
ReaglesJamesAsst Surg1stLt & 62nd N Y InfSLMC
ReamHarveyPvtCo C, 129th Ind InfSLMC
ReamPhilipCo C, 111th Ohio InfSLMC
ReapJacobCo E, 9th Ill CavSLMC
ReavisH MCo E, 7th Mo CavSLMC
RebbinsWCo I, 10th Ill CavSLMC
RecordEdwinCo D, 29th ME InfSUVCW
RectorR DCo L, 11th Mich CavSLMC
RectorWilliamPvtCo D, 92nd Ill InfSLMC
RedG WCo C, 65th Ill InfSLMC
ReddPatrick RCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReddickMartin LCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReddinJohn WPvtCo H, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
ReddingMiltonCplCo D, 4th Calif InfSLMC
ReddyJohnPvtCo H, 12th US InfSLMC
RedevineR WCo D, Tenn Cav, CW VetSLMC
RedfieldC SCW Vet?SLMC
RedfieldJohn (James) WallaceMusicianCo C, 9th Iowa InfSLMC
RedfieldJohn WMusicianCo C, 9th IA InfSUVCW
RedmondJohnCo D, 28th WI InfSUVCW
RedmondJohn JPvtCo D, 28th Wis InfSLMC
RednerFrankPvtCo I, 1st MN InfASLF
RednerFrankPvtCo I, 1st Minn InfSLMC
RednerFrankCo I, 1st MN InfSUVCW
ReeceSherrod WLtCo B, 124th Ind InfSLMC
ReedAbelPvtCo A, 3rd Pa ArtSLMC
ReedAveritt CCo F, 7th Ohio InfSLMC
ReedAveritt CCo F, 7th OH InfSUVCW
ReedB FCo K, 10th Kans InfSLMC
ReedB KCo H, 58th Ohio InfSLMC
ReedCharles HCW Vet?SLMC
ReedDallasPvtCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReedDanielCo F, 46th Ill InfSLMC
ReedEli ACplCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReedFrankCo I, 48th N Y InfSLMC
ReedG WPvtCo H, 2nd Kans InfSLMC
ReedGeo WCo K, 104th Ohio InfSLMC
ReedGeorge BCo G, 37th Ill InfSLMC
ReedGeorge SinclairCo B, 23rd Mo InfSLMC
ReedHenry LCo G, 1st N Y ArtSLMC
ReedJames ACo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReedJames BCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReedJames CCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReedJames CPvtCo A, 15th Ohio InfSLMC
ReedJas FCo A, 33rd Mo InfSLMC
ReedJasper NCo B, 2nd MO CavSUVCW
ReedJoseph RPvtCo F, 153rd Ind InfSLMC
ReedLeonard BCo G, 24th Iowa InfSLMC
ReedMariah F
(widow of soldier)
ReedReubenCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReedSabrina JCW Vet?SLMC
ReedStephen RCo F, 16th Kans InfSLMC
ReedThomasCo A, 146th Ind InfSLMC
ReedThomas DCo D, 1st Del CavSLMC
ReedThomas GCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReedThomas HPvtCo H, 25th Mo InfSLMC
ReedWilliam NCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReedWm HCo A, 30th Ill InfSLMC
ReedWm PPvtCo C, 12th Wis InfSLMC
ReeherJacob RCo A, 139th Pa InfSLMC
ReesJamesCo A, 79th IL InfSUVCW
ReesJames SPvtCo A, 79th Ill InfSLMC
ReeseColemanCo I, 1st Indpt Batt'n, Minn ArtSLMC
ReeseElijah JPvtCo C, 128th Ohio InfSLMC
ReeseElijah JCo C, 128th OH InfSUVCW
ReeseJames MPvtCo K, 123rd IN InfASLF
ReeseJames MCW Vet?SLMC
ReeseJames MCo K, 123rd IN InfSUVCW
ReeseM LCo K, 11th MoSLMC
ReeseOrlando BPvtConfed, Co I, 2nd TennSLMC
ReeseOrlando B (Dr)Co I, 2nd TN InfSUVCW
ReevesElijah SPvtCo A, 23rd Mo Vol InfSLMC
ReevesJ CCo K, 8th IllSLMC
ReevesJohn APvtCo F, 46th Mo InfSLMC
ReevesJohn WPvtCo A, 23rd Mo Vol InfSLMC
ReevesL RCo E, 21st MeSLMC
ReevesM BCo L, 13th Mo CavSLMC
ReevesManassa TPvtCo D, 11th Iowa InfSLMC
ReevesR SCo K, 8th IL InfSUVCW
ReevesSewell RPvtCo B, 2nd Me CavSLMC
ReevesThomas JCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReganGCo C, 30th Ky InfSLMC
ReganJohn MCo F, 24th Ind InfSLMC
RegelMCo D, 182nd Ohio InfSLMC
RegnerJoseph DBuglerCo I, 1st Vt HvArtSLMC
RegnerJoseph DBuglerCo I, 1st VT HvArtSUVCW
ReichelderferHenryPvtCo G, 214th Pa InfSLMC
ReichelderferJohn CPvtCo A, 48th Pa InfSLMC
ReichweinGeorgePvtCo F, 5th Batt'n, R I ArtSLMC
ReidC ECo F, 123rd N Y InfSLMC
ReidGeorgePvtCo L, 3rd Mo CavSLMC
ReidJohn MCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReidJohn WCo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReidT NCo A, 146th Ind InfSLMC
ReidelbaughJohnCo A, 44th Ill InfSLMC
ReileyE FCW Vet?SLMC
ReillyMichael WalterCo G, 79th Pa InfSLMC
ReimerJohnCW Vet?SLMC
ReinerMitchelPvtConfed, Co B, CW VetSLMC
ReiserJohnPvtCo A, 2nd US CavASLF
ReiserJohnCW Vet?SLMC
ReisnerFrancis F ECo K, 13th IN InfSUVCW
ReisnerFrank F ECo K, 13th Ind InfSLMC
ReisnerLeonardCo G, 2nd Mo CavSLMC
ReistnerWilliam M1st LtCo F, 82nd Calif ArtSLMC
RemillardNarcissusCo's K & D, 20th & 146th Ill HvArtSLMC
RemingerLouisCo H, 37th Ohio InfSLMC
RemingtonHarleyPvtCo F, 142nd N Y InfSLMC
RemingtonHarley ECo F, 142nd NY InfSUVCW
RemingtonJohn E1stLt & Qm, 75th Ill InfSLMC
RemingtonThomas MPvtCo C, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
RemingtonThompsonCplCo C, 16th IA InfSUVCW
RenaultJohn BCo A, 100th N Y InfSLMC
Rene?CaptainCW Vet?SLMC
RenfroJohn SCo C, 1st Batt'y, Tenn ArtSLMC
(widow of soldier)
RenfroWilliam H HPvtCo F, 16th Iowa InfSLMC
ReningerLouisCplCo H, 37th Ohio InfSLMC
RennBenjamin FSgtCo G, 9th Iowa InfSLMC
RennellJesse TCo G, 20th Iowa InfSLMC
RennerJohnCo E, 165th Ohio InfSLMC
RennickGeorgeWagon-maker, Capt Bruner's co, 68th Ohio InfSLMC
RennieCharles FCo F, 7th US InfSLMC
RenningerLouisCplCo H, 37th OH InfSUVCW
RenoHenryPvtCo B, 149th IL InfASLF
RenoHenryCW Vet?SLMC
RenoHenryCo B, 149th IL InfSUVCW
RenschGottliebCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RenshawBrisonCplCo I, 17th W VaSLMC
RenshawMilner RCplCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RepineSamuel PPvtCo D, 16th Wis InfSLMC
RepineSamuel PCo D, 16th WI InfSUVCW
RessBernardCo G, 29th N YSLMC
RettylPCW Vet?SLMC
RetzerEnosPvtCo E, 172nd Pa InfSLMC
RevenewHenryCo I, 8th MO InfSUVCW
RevenewW HCo I, 8th Mo InfSLMC
RexerThomasSgtCo K, 1st NY InfSUVCW
RexfordLettsCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReymondPeterCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReynoldsA MCo I, 6th Kans CavSLMC
ReynoldsAlfred BCo F, 24th Mo InfSLMC
ReynoldsAlfred BCo F, 24th MO InfSUVCW
ReynoldsAsa FSgtCo G, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReynoldsCharles ALtCol & Deputy QM Gen'lSLMC
ReynoldsCharles EPvtCo H, 39th Pa InfSLMC
ReynoldsDavid NCo G, 11th Mich CavSLMC
ReynoldsGamalielCplCo F, 101st N Y InfSLMC
ReynoldsGamalielCplCo F, 101st NY InfSUVCW
ReynoldsHorace WCo A, 1st Calif CavSLMC
ReynoldsIsaac HPvtCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReynoldsIsaac HCo C, 1st OR CavSUVCW
ReynoldsJohn BCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ReynoldsJohn BCo E, 1st OR CavSUVCW
ReynoldsJohn JCo B, 27th Mo InfSLMC
ReynoldsJohn LPvtCo E, 10th Minn InfSLMC
ReynoldsJoseph HSgt, Co D, 123rd IL Inf; Pvt, Co C, ist IL CavASLF
ReynoldsJoseph HCW Vet?SLMC
ReynoldsJoseph HSgtCo D, 123rd IL InfSUVCW
ReynoldsJustus MPvtCo I, 75th Ill InfSLMC
ReynoldsLemuel GHenshaw's Batt'n, 6th Ill ArtSLMC
ReynoldsLemuel GHenshaw's Batt'n, 6th IL LtArtSUVCW
ReynoldsReuben ECo E, 53rd Ill InfSLMC
ReynoldsSilasPvtCo A, 7th Iowa InfSLMC
ReynoldsSilasCo A, 7th IA InfSUVCW
ReynoldsThomas HLtCo C, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ReynoldsThomas H1st LtCo C, 1st OR InfSUVCW
ReynoldsWalter DSpanish-AmericanASLF
ReynoldsWalter DCW Vet?SLMC
ReynoldsWilliam HPvtCo G, 30th Ind InfSLMC
ReynoldsWilliam HCo B, 132nd IL InfSUVCW
ReynoldsWilliam PPvtCo F, 25th Wis InfSLMC
ReynoldsWm FCo F, 23rd Mo InfSLMC
RhinehartOscarCplCo D, 1st Minn InfSLMC
RhoadesChester BCo E, 2nd Ohio HvArtSLMC
RhoadesJames MCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RhoadesWilliam WarlandUS Frigate "Susquehanna"SLMC
RhoadsHarrisonCo E, 4th MN InfSUVCW
RhodesAlbert HPvtCo I, 92nd Ill InfSLMC
RhodesAllenPvtCo D, 10th Kans InfSLMC
RhodesDavid WCo K, 83rd Pa InfSLMC
RhodesHarrisonCo A, 1st Minn Mt RangersSLMC
RhodesJames APvtCo D, 3rd US InfSLMC
RhodesJames HPvtCo A, 15th Kans CavSLMC
RhodesPeleg HPvtCo K, 10th Wis InfSLMC
RhodesSamuelCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RhodesThomasCW Vet?SLMC
RhodesWilliamPvtConfed, Co C, 16th Tex CavSLMC
RhodesWilliamCo G, 14th Kans CavSLMC
RhodesWilliamCo G, 14th KS CavSUVCW
RhudeOliver OCo A, 4th Minn InfSLMC
RhudeOliver OCplCo C, 4th MN InfSUVCW
RiceAlbert BSurgeon102nd Ill InfSLMC
RiceDavid ESgtCo I, 17th Ill CavSLMC
RiceDavid ESgtCo E, 14th IL CavSUVCW
RiceDavid RCo C, 51st Ind InfSLMC
RiceDavid RCo C, 51st IN InfSUVCW
RiceE ECo D, 73rd Ohio InfSLMC
RiceEdwardPvtCo G, 2nd Wis InfSLMC
RiceEdwardCo I, 147th IL InfSUVCW
RiceGeorge ACo A, 52nd Iowa InfSLMC
RiceHiram EBuglerCo H, 17th Ill CavSLMC
RiceHiram EMusicianCo H, 17th IL CavSUVCW
RiceJames WPvtCo E, 16th Mass InfSLMC
RiceJoel LPvtCo K, 29th Wis InfSLMC
RiceJoel LaFlavourCplCo K, 29th WI InfSUVCW
RichElijah1st LtCo K, 42nd Wis InfSLMC
RichElijah1st LtCo K, 42nd WI InfSUVCW
RichGeorgeCo C, 13th Mo InfSLMC
RichGeorge PCo E, 154th IL InfSUVCW
RichGeorge P or WCo E, 154th Ill InfSLMC
RichLeonard FCW Vet?SLMC
RichalAllen SCplCo D, 6th Wis InfSLMC
RichardsCharles CCo C, 2nd Mo CavSLMC
RichardsDanPvtConfed, Co G, 29th Ala InfSLMC
RichardsE MCo B, 153rd Ind InfSLMC
RichardsHenry DavidPvtCo D, 3rd N Y LtArtSLMC
RichardsJared GPvtCo G, 1st N YSLMC
RichardsJohn WCo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RichardsSamuel MCo D, 8th Iowa InfSLMC
RichardsSamuel MCplCo D, 8th IA InfSUVCW
RichardsonAlexanderCo A, 1st Me CavSLMC
RichardsonEugeneIndian WarsASLF
RichardsonEugene WCW Vet?SLMC
RichardsonG GCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RichardsonI MIndian War 1856ASLF
RichardsonI MCW Vet?SLMC
RichardsonIra DSgtCo K, 4th IA InfSUVCW
RichardsonIradPvtCo K, 4th Iowa Vol InfSLMC
RichardsonJ WCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RichardsonJ WCo K, 1st Ind InfSLMC
RichardsonJames OCo K, 1st Minn InfSLMC
RichardsonJohn WCpl5th Iowa CavSLMC
RichardsonJoseph BPvtCo A, 35th Wis InfSLMC
RichardsonLarkinIndian War 1855-56ASLF
RichardsonLarkinCW Vet?SLMC
RichardsonMiltonPvtCo C, 29th Iowa InfSLMC
RichardsonO SCo K, 1st Mass InfSLMC
RichardsonOzroCo F, 1st MI CavSUVCW
RichardsonPreston2nd LtCo C, 8th MO Militia CavASLF
RichardsonPrestonCW Vet?SLMC
RichardsonRichard SCo G, 45th Ill InfSLMC
RichardsonRichard SCo G, 45th IL InfSUVCW
RichardsonRussellCo E, 2nd Tenn InfSLMC
RichardsonRussellCo E, 2nd TN Mtd InfSUVCW
RichardsonSeth MPvtCo A, 1st Me CavSLMC
RichardsonSid DCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RichardsonSilas WPvtCo D, 155th Ill InfSLMC
RichardsonT WCo D, 39th Ky InfSLMC
RichardsonThomas MCW Vet?SLMC
RichardsonW PCo D, 155th Ill InfSLMC
RichardsonWilliam MPvtCo A, 8th Iowa CavSLMC
RichardsonWilliam PCo D, 155th IL InfSUVCW
RichartFredCW Vet?SLMC
RichelderferHenryCo G, 138th PA InfSUVCW
RichieAlexanderConfed, CW VetSLMC
RichieJohn LConfed, CW VetSLMC
RichmondAlbert A13th Batt'y, Mich LtArtSLMC
RichmondAlbert A13th MI LtArtSUVCW
RichmondCharles WashingtonSgtCo K, 2nd Ark CavSLMC
RichmondEdgar EPvtCo B, 188th MichSLMC
RichmondM J NCW Vet?SLMC
RichmondMortimer J NPvtCo K, 113rd IL InfASLF
RichmondStanleyCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RichmondWmCW Vet?SLMC
RichterCharlesPvtCo G, 3rd Minn InfSLMC
RichweineGeorgePvtCo F, 5th R I ArtSLMC
RickerW G3rd Mo Batt'y, CW VetSLMC
RickertElihu GCo D, 2nd N Y CavSLMC
RickertElihu GCo D, 2nd NY CavSUVCW
RicketsSylvester HPvtCo H, 10th Mo InfSLMC
RickettR SCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RickmanM MCo D, 9th Iowa CavSLMC
RickmanWilliamCplCo B, 9th Mo CavSLMC
RicksJohn WPvtCo D, 36th IN InfASLF
RicksJohn WCW Vet?SLMC
RicksJohn WCo D, 36th IN InfSUVCW
RiddleAbnerCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RiddleAbnerCplCo C, 1st OR CavSUVCW
RiddleG HCo K, 8th Iowa InfSLMC
RiddleGeo WashingtonCplCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RiddleGeorge WashingtonCplCo H, 1st OR CavSUVCW
RiddleMichaelPvtCo D, Iowa Cav, CW VetSLMC
RiddleT CCo B, 7th Ohio InfSLMC
RideoutAlvah GPvtCo B, 8th Me InfSLMC
RiderBenjamin TPvtCo I, 12th Wis InfSLMC
RiderRomaineCplCo A, 27th Iowa InfSLMC
RiderWilliam HPvtCo K, 35th Mo InfSLMC
RiderWilliam H (Rev)Co K, 35th MO InfSUVCW
RidgeJoseph WCo E, 196th Pa InfSLMC
RidgelyWilliamCW Vet?SLMC
RidgelyWilliamCo F, 29th Iowa InfSLMC
RidgelyWm HCo F, 151st Ind InfSLMC
RidgewayHenryCo F, 14th N J InfSLMC
RidgewayPhin'nCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RidgewayWm OCo A, 209th Pa Vet InfSLMC
RidgleyWilliam HCo F, 151st IN InfSUVCW
RidgwayWm OCo C, 30th Pa InfSLMC
RieleyGeorgeCo C, 39th Ill InfSLMC
RiemanDanielCW Vet?SLMC
RiemanDavid R PPvtCo H, 78th Ill InfSLMC
RigbyGeorge WCo I, 96th Ohio InfSLMC
RigbyHenry CCo G, 8th Minn InfSLMC
RigbyHenry CCo G, 8th MN InfSUVCW
RigbyJ WCo B, 24th Iowa InfSLMC
RigdonCharles HPvtCo C, 106th Ill InfSLMC
RigdonGeo HCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RigdonJohn BCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RigdonStephenLt & Rec'g Officer, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RigdonStephen2nd LtCo H, 1st OR InfSUVCW
RigelMichaelPvtCo D, 182nd OH InfASLF
RigelMichaelCW Vet?SLMC
RiggHenry HCo G, 48th Ill InfSLMC
RigginsByron DaleCW Vet?SLMC
RiggsGeorge SPvtCo F, 9th Iowa InfSLMC
RiggsGeorge WCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RiggsGeorge WCo A, 1st OR InfSUVCW
RiggsHenry MCaptainCo G, 92nd US Col Troops InfSLMC
RiggsJames BCo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RiggsThomas JCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RigleyJosephConfed, CW VetSLMC
RignardPeterCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RigsbyDavid TSgtCo L, 1st Colo CavSLMC
RigsbyDavid TSgtCo L, 1st CO CavSUVCW
RileaGCo C, 39th Ill InfSLMC
RileaJoshua DCo E, 129th Ill InfSLMC
RileyAlleyCo M, 5th Kans CavSLMC
RileyGeo HCo K, 63rd Ohio InfSLMC
RileyGideon SCplCo F, 45th Ill InfSLMC
RileyJamesCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RileyJames HPvtCo A, 153rd Ind InfSLMC
RileyMartinPvtCo G, 14th N H InfSLMC
RileyPhilipCo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RileyTCo E, 62nd Ohio InfSLMC
RileyWilliam JCo G, 36th MoSLMC
RinearsonJ LMajor1st OR CavSUVCW
RinearsonJacob SMajor1st Ore CavSLMC
RinehartWm VCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RinerJohn WCo G, 1st Ohio InfSLMC
RinerOrrenCW Vet?SLMC
RingJames MPvtCo I, 6th Mo St MilSLMC
RingRobert SPvtCo E, 12th Va InfSLMC
RinggoldHarrisCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RinkerOliver ClarkCo B, 6th Kans CavSLMC
RipleyA JCo A, 32nd Iowa InfSLMC
RipleyLynn B1st Lt33rd Mo InfSLMC
RiserMichaelCo H, 88th Ohio InfSLMC
RiskRobertCo C, 24th MassSLMC
RisleyIsaac MCo F, 65th IL InfSUVCW
RisleyNathaniel CPvtCo E, 63rd Ill InfSLMC
RisleyNathaniel C WCo E, 63rd IL InfSUVCW
RisticFrederick GCo K, 5th MO CavSUVCW
RistigFrederick CharlesCo K, 5th Mo CavSLMC
RitchieFrancisCo D, 79th N Y InfSLMC
RitchieHamilton FCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RitschardFritzPvtCo H, 74th Pa InfSLMC
RittenhouseWilsonCo K, 47th Iowa InfSLMC
RittenhouseWilsonCo K, 13th IN InfSUVCW
RixFrederick HCo H, 61st Ill InfSLMC
RixJohnCo K, 19th WisSLMC
RoachTheodore TPvtCo F, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RoachTheodore TCo F, 1st OR InfSUVCW
RoatFrederickCo F, 30th Mich InfSLMC
RobbJames HCo D, 3rd Iowa ArtSLMC
RobbJohn H3rd IA LtArtSUVCW
RobbJohn M3rd Indpt Batt'y, Iowa LtArtSLMC
RobbinetteIsaacCo M, 2nd Mo CavSLMC
RobbinsAdamPvtCo G, 91st Ind InfSLMC
RobbinsI HPvtCo D, 12th Ill CavSLMC
RobbinsJacob CCW Vet?SLMC
RobbinsJacob CCo B, 82nd IN InfSUVCW
RobbinsJacob Green (SLMC: Jacob C)SgtCo B, 82nd IN InfASLF
RobbinsJamesCo G, 43rd Ind InfSLMC
RobbinsJno ECo F, 20th Iowa InfSLMC
RobbinsJosephPvtCo K, 1st N Y HvArtSLMC
RobbinsW GCplCo J, 10th Ill CavSLMC
RobbinsWilliam GCplCo J, 10th IL CavSUVCW
RobedeeWilliam RPvtCo C, 24th Iowa InfSLMC
RoberdsSylvanus LSgtCo H, 1st IN HvArtSUVCW
RobersonJeremiah HPvtCo I, 1st US VE, CW VetSLMC
RobersonRufus MCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
Roberson (S & S: also Robinson)Jeremiah HPvtCo E, 115th IL Inf; Co I, 1st US V V EngrsASLF
RobertJames MCo K, 30th Wis InfSLMC
RobertsA ACo C, 31st Mass InfSLMC
RobertsAlonzoCW Vet?SLMC
RobertsAustin MSgtCo C, 10th IA InfSUVCW
RobertsBenjamin Kearney2nd Lt7th Iowa CavSLMC
RobertsCharlesCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RobertsFrancis MCo K, 154th Ill InfSLMC
RobertsGeo WPvtCo G, 28th ConnSLMC
RobertsHenryPvtCo E, 6th Iowa InfSLMC
RobertsHenry2nd LtCo E, 6th IA InfSUVCW
RobertsHenry MPvt16th US ArmySLMC
RobertsHenry M2nd US InfSUVCW
RobertsHermanUS NavySLMC
RobertsIsaac GoldinPvtCo F, 1st Ark CavSLMC
RobertsJ CCo C, 4th ColoSLMC
RobertsJacobCo L, 14th N Y Inf & VRCSLMC
RobertsJames MCo E, 3rd IllSLMC
RobertsJasperCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RobertsJasperCo A, 1st OR CavSUVCW
RobertsJohnPvtCo E, 4th US InfASLF
RobertsJohnPvtConfed, Co A, 18th Mo CavSLMC
RobertsJohnCW Vet?SLMC
RobertsJohnCo E, 4th US InfSUVCW
RobertsJohn FCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RobertsJohn HCplCo C, 23rd Mo InfSLMC
RobertsJohn TCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
RobertsLewis SPvtCo G, 147th Ind InfSLMC
RobertsM FCo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
RobertsRansomCo H, 83rd Ill InfSLMC
RobertsRansomCo H, 83rd IL InfSUVCW
RobertsS LSgtCo H, 1st Ind HvArtSLMC
RobertsThomas BellCo D, 1st Mo Eng'sSLMC
RobertsW GPvtCo M, 2nd N Y HvArtSLMC