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AbbeyPeter MCW Vet?SLMC
AbbeyPeter MCo G, 1st KY InfSUVCW
AbbeyPeter MortonPvtCo G, 1st KY InfASLF
AbbottChas PCo K, 1st N H HvArtSLMC
AbbottEdCo A, 18th Ind InfSLMC
AbbottJames ACplCo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AbbottRobert ACo B, 15th US InfSLMC
AbbottSilasCW Vet?SLMC
AbbottWilliam PPvtCo I, 6th Pa VRCSLMC
AbdillGeorge BCo D, 65th Ill InfSLMC
AbdillGeorge BissetteCo C, 65th IL InfSUVCW
AbeeneJosephPvtCo F, 25th Ill InfSLMC
AbeeneJosephCo F, 25th IL InfSUVCW
AbendJohn CCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AbernathyJamesCo C, 6th Iowa CavSLMC
AbliHenryCo M, 25th N Y CavSLMC
AbrahamCW Vet?SLMC
AbramsJames DCplCo K, 75th IL InfASLF
AbramsJames DCW Vet?SLMC
AbramsJohnUS InfSLMC
AbramsWilliam HCo B, 9th Mich CavSLMC
AbramsonPeterCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AcheyThomas1st LtCo G, 93rd PA InfASLF
AcheyThomasCW Vet?SLMC
AcheyThomas B93rd PA InfSUVCW
AchillesHenry LCaptain27th N Y VolsSLMC
AckerHiramSailorUS NavySLMC
AckermanCharlesCo L, 31st IL InfSUVCW
AckermanCharles GPvtCo I, 31st IL InfASLF
AckermanCharles GCW Vet?SLMC
AckermanChas EPvtCo I, 31st Ill InfSLMC
AckermanE JCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AckermanJacobCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AckermanPeterCo I, 9th Mich InfSLMC
AckleyDavidWagoner, Co C, 10th Minn InfSLMC
AckleyJohnPvtCo B, 22nd Iowa InfSLMC
AckleyOrin GCo A, 31st IA InfSUVCW
ActonJ H (Rev)1st Lt10th Ohio InfSLMC
AdairDavid TCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AdairIrvin MCo I, 88th Ind InfSLMC
AdairIrvin MCo I, 86th IN InfSUVCW
AdairJ ACo E, 1st Me CavSLMC
AdairJ RCo K, 13th IL CavSUVCW
AdamAsbornCo L, 8th Tenn CavSLMC
AdamOtto3rd Indpt Batt'y, NY LtArtSUVCW
AdamanThomasMarine, CW Vet?SLMC
AdamsAllen OCo C, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
AdamsAllen OCo G, 2nd WI CavSUVCW
AdamsArba NPvtCo H, 9th Vt InfSLMC
AdamsBenjaminCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AdamsBenjamin FCo M, 11th KS CavSUVCW
AdamsBenjamin FranklinPvtCo M, 11th Kans CavSLMC
AdamsCalvin DCo C, 23rd Wis InfSLMC
AdamsDanielCo A, 124th IL InfSUVCW
AdamsDaniel SCo A, 124th Ill InfSLMC
AdamsEnoch GCo D, 2nd N H InfSLMC
AdamsEugene WCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AdamsFosterCo F, 12th Ky CavSLMC
AdamsG WCo G, 4th Ind InfSLMC
AdamsGeorgePvtKy Inf, CW Vet?SLMC
AdamsGeorge HQM Sgt4th Independent Battery, WI Light ArtilleryASLF
AdamsGeorge H4th Wis Art, CW Vet?SLMC
AdamsGeorge WPvtCo G, 4th KY InfASLF
AdamsIsaacPvtCo E, 169th OhioSLMC
AdamsJ CCo F, 40th Ohio InfSLMC
AdamsJamesCo B, 53rd Ind InfSLMC
AdamsJamesCo D, 32nd Mo InfSLMC
AdamsJames FCo B, 32nd MO InfSUVCW
AdamsJames MPvtN Y Vols, CW Vet?SLMC
AdamsJesse WPvtCo D, 6th Iowa InfSLMC
AdamsJohnCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AdamsJohnCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AdamsJohn QuincyConfed, Co B, 10th MO CavSUVCW
AdamsJordan CCo G, 44th Iowa InfSLMC
AdamsJoseph OCo G, 1st WV InfSUVCW
AdamsLevi P2nd LtCo I, 153rd Ind InfSLMC
AdamsLevi P2nd LtCo I, 153rd IN InfSUVCW
AdamsMartin JPvtCo C, 56th Ohio InfSLMC
AdamsMartin JCo C, 56th OH InfSUVCW
AdamsMartin LPvtCo C, 26th Ind InfSLMC
AdamsMartin LCo C, 26th IN InfSUVCW
AdamsOrlando BCo B, 12th IllSLMC
AdamsOscarCo A, 1st N J ArtSLMC
AdamsRobertPvtCo B, 24th N Y CavSLMC
AdamsRobertCo B, 1st NY Prov CavSUVCW
AdamsSamuel E1st Div, 1st Brig, 23rd US Army CorpSLMC
AdamsStephen TPvtCo D, US MCSLMC
AdamsThomasPvtCo K, 63rd Ind InfSLMC
AdamsWilliamPvtCo D, 14th Iowa InfSLMC
AdamsWilliam HPvtCo C, 46th Iowa InfSLMC
AdamsWilliam HCo C, 46th IA InfSUVCW
AdamsWilliam JPvtCo I, 2nd Mo ArtSLMC
AdamsonMilton MPvtCo I, 1st Neb CavSLMC
AdamsonMilton MCo I, 1st NE CavSUVCW
AddisonJohnCo F, 64th Ill InfSLMC
AddisonThomasCo G, 11th Mo CavSLMC
AdditonOtis RichmondPvtSignal Corps, Regular ArmyASLF
AdditonOtis RichmondSignal Service, Home Guard, CW Vet?SLMC
AdkinsBenjamin FCplCo H, 7th Ind InfSLMC
AdkinsClarke RPvtCo A, 86th Regiment (Foster's) En MO MilitiaASLF
AdkinsClarke RPvtCo A, Foster's Reg't, CW Vet?SLMC
AdkinsJohn W HPvtCo C, 13th Mo CavSLMC
AdkinsJoseph EPvtCo A, Mo St MilSLMC
AdkinsSCo B, 33rd Ind InfSLMC
AdkinsSampson DCo B, 5th Wis CavSLMC
AdkinsSampson DCo I, 5th WI InfSUVCW
AdkinsThomas WCplCo D, 9th N Y CavSLMC
AdkinsThomas WCplCo D, 9th NY CavSUVCW
AdkinsW HCo C, 13th MO CavSUVCW
AdkinsWm RPvtCo F, 35th Wis InfSLMC
AgeeJamesSgtCo I, 14th MO St Mil CavSUVCW
AgeeJames MCo I, 14th Mo St Mil CavSLMC
AggerGeorge WCW Vet?SLMC
AggersGeo I or LCo C, 170th Ohio InfSLMC
AgnewG WCplCo H, 193rd Ill InfSLMC
AgnewLeonardCo B, 135th Pa InfSLMC
AhaltMartin TPvtConfed, Co A, 13th Tex CavSLMC
AhernWm CCo D, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AhlWilliamCo A, 30th WI InfSUVCW
AhlWmPvtCo A, 30th Wis InfSLMC
AidJacob SConfed, CW Vet?SLMC
AikenAndrew GlenIndian WarsASLF
AikenAndrew GlenCW Vet?SLMC
AikenDavid SCo C, 100th Pa Vet Vol InfSLMC
AikenDavid SCo C, 100th PA InfSUVCW
AikenJohnCo D, 10th Mich InfSLMC
AikenWilliamSgtCo A, 2nd Pa ReserveSLMC
AikenWilliamPvtCo G, 65th N Y InfSLMC
AinsworthGeo JCW Vet?SLMC
AitkinJamesBourbon county, Kans St MilSLMC
AkerJohn HCo A, 2nd MN CavSUVCW
AkersAlbert MModoc Indian WarsASLF
AkersAlbert MCW Vet?SLMC
AkersJohn ACo A, 2nd Minn CavSLMC
AkinRufus LPvtCo A, 5th Minn InfSLMC
AlbeeHarry or Harvey CCaptainCo G, 21st Mich InfSLMC
AlbertEliSgtCo K, 153rd Pa InfSLMC
AlbertHenry KIndian WarsASLF
AlbertHenry KCW Vet?SLMC
AlbrechtFrederickPvtCo I, 6th IowaSLMC
AlbrechtFredrickCo I, 6th IA InfSUVCW
AldenAsaCo G, 129th Ill InfSLMC
AldenAsa NCo G, 129th IL InfSUVCW
AldermanAlbert SCo C, Indp't Cav Bat Minn VolSLMC
AldermanAlbert SMusicianCo C, Hatch's MN CavSUVCW
AldermanJohn VPvtCo M, 2nd Indpt Batt'y, Iowa LtArtSLMC
AldermanJohn VCo M, 2nd IA LtArtSUVCW
AldermanWilliam ACo E, 1st Colo CavSLMC
AldermanWilliam ACo E, 1st CO CavSUVCW
AldersonJamesCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AldersonThomasPvtCo E, 31st Wis InfSLMC
AldrichJ HCo G, 50th Mo InfSLMC
AldrichJoseph LCo K, 4th Minn InfSLMC
AldrichJoseph LCo K, 4th MN InfSUVCW
AldrichM GCo A, 26th IA InfSUVCW
AldrichMathew GrayPvtCo A, 26th Iowa InfSLMC
AlexanderAngusCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AlexanderF ACo A, 18th N Y CavSLMC
AlexanderHoytCplCo B, 53rd Ind InfSLMC
AlexanderJamesCo M, Mo St MilSLMC
AlexanderJamesCo M, MO St MilSUVCW
AlexanderJeremiah CPvtCo H, 1st Md InfSLMC
AlexanderJohn RCo B, 1st Mo CavSLMC
AlexanderJohn RCo B, 1st MO CavSUVCW
AlexanderMarionCo D, 2nd Wis InfSLMC
AlexanderMarion1st SgtCo D, 2nd WI InfSUVCW
AlexanderO PCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AlexanderRichard MPvtUS Army, CW Vet?SLMC
AlexanderWilliam JCo A, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
AlexanderWilliam JCo A, 2nd WI CavSUVCW
AlexanderWm TPvtCo B, 98th Ohio InfSLMC
AlfordSamuel NewellCo C, 2nd Ohio CavSLMC
AlkireWm E FCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AllebachKnox PCo C, 78th Pa InfSLMC
AllenAlbertCo K, 10th Wis InfSLMC
AllenBenjamin FCo F, 132nd Ill InfSLMC
AllenCharles FCo F, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AllenCharles ThomasSgtCo E, 3rd Ohio CavSLMC
AllenCharles WCo D, 141st Ill InfSLMC
AllenCharles WCo D, 141st IL InfSUVCW
AllenClarkCo E, 115th Ohio InfSLMC
AllenCyrus ACo A, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AllenCyrus ACo A, 1st OR InfSUVCW
AllenD PPvtCo E, 2nd Col CavSLMC
AllenDaniel BPvtCo B, 14th Pa CavSLMC
AllenDaniel BCo D, 7th Ind InfSLMC
AllenDaniel BCo D, 7th IN InfSUVCW
AllenDaniel BCo B, 14th PA CavSUVCW
AllenEthan RSgtCo A, 14th Ill CavSLMC
AllenEthan WPvtCo B, 7th Minn InfSLMC
AllenG WCo K, 79th Ill InfSLMC
AllenGeo WCo A, 27th Iowa InfSLMC
AllenGeorge WSgt Maj79th IL InfSUVCW
AllenHalcyCo E, 40th WI InfSUVCW
AllenHenry CPvtCo F, 108th N Y InfSLMC
AllenHenry SCo B, 4th Calif InfSLMC
AllenIsaac NCo I, 29th Wis InfSLMC
AllenIsaac NCo I, 29th WI InfSUVCW
AllenJames MPvtCo B, 44th Mo InfSLMC
AllenJames WCo H, 34th Iowa InfSLMC
AllenJames WCo H, 34th IA InfSUVCW
AllenJohn ECo D, 2nd Calif InfSLMC
AllenJohn ESgtCo D, 2nd CA InfSUVCW
AllenJosephPvtCo L, 2nd Colo InfSLMC
AllenLafayette GCo K, 1st Minn HvArtSLMC
AllenLafayette GSgtCo K, 1st MN HvArtSUVCW
AllenNathanCo C, 26th Iowa InfSLMC
AllenNathan SPvtCo K, 7th Wis InfSLMC
AllenNathan SCo K, 7th WI InfSUVCW
AllenNehemiahPvtCo M, 1st Colo CavSLMC
AllenNelsonCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AllenNoahPvtCo K, 6th Calif InfSLMC
AllenOrrin SPvtCo H, 112th N Y VolSLMC
AllenRichard MCplCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AllenRichard MSgtCo E, 1st OR CavSUVCW
AllenRiley OPvt6th Independent Battery, WI Light ArtilleryASLF
AllenRiley O6th Wis LtArt, CW Vet?SLMC
AllenRobert SCo E, 1st Mo CavSLMC
AllenRobertson SmithPvtCo E, 1st MO CavASLF
AllenSamuelCo B, 48th Mo InfSLMC
AllenSamuelCo B, 48th MO InfSUVCW
AllenTheodore ACo I, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AllenTheophilus TPvtCo E, 3rd Colo CavSLMC
AllenTheophilus TCo E, 3rd CO CavSUVCW
AllenThomasCW Vet?SLMC
AllenThomasCo I, 2nd Ill LtArtSLMC
AllenV SCo E, 112th N Y InfSLMC
AllenWellington CPvtCo G, 80th N Y InfSLMC
AllenWilliamSgtCo I, 9th Iowa CavSLMC
AllenWilliamCaptainCo D, 35th IN InfSUVCW
AllenWilliam EPvtCo E, 1st MinnSLMC
AllenWilliam RichardCo C, 34th Iowa InfSLMC
AllenWilliam WCo B, 10th Mich CavSLMC
AllenWilliam WCo B, 10th MI CavSUVCW
AllenbaughStephen APvt2nd Iowa ArtSLMC
AllenbeckJames ECo M, 15th IL CavSUVCW
AllenderWm FCo B, 15th Ill CavSLMC
AlleyAlexander JPvtCo C, 16th Minn InfSLMC
AlleyBenjamin FLt Col36th Ill InfSLMC
AlleyGeorge HPvtCo B, 12th IN Inf; 99th IN InfASLF
AlleyGeorge HCW Vet?SLMC
AlleyJohn M1st LtCo B, 99th Ind InfSLMC
AlleyRileyPvtCo M, 5th Kans CavSLMC
AlleyRileyCo M, 5th KS CavSUVCW
AllisonJames NicollsBrig GenUS ArmySLMC
AllisonJohn HCo F, 14th Mich InfSLMC
AllisonRobert JPvtCo D, 22nd Iowa InfSLMC
AllisonSamuel ACo I, 3rd Mo CavSLMC
AllisonWmUS Navy, gunboat "Carondelet"SLMC
AllmonJacob2nd LtCo A, 32nd Mo InfSLMC
AllshanThomasCW Vet?SLMC
AllshawThomasCplCo H, 16th CT Inf; NavyASLF
AllshawThomasCo H, 16th CT InfSUVCW
AlmackAltaPvtConfed, Co B, CW Vet?SLMC
AlmonFrankCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AlsamJohn MCo C, 59th IN InfSUVCW
AlshawTomCplCo H, 16th Conn InfSLMC
AlsmanJohn MarionCo C, 59th Ind InfSLMC
AlsupBenjaminPvtCo H, 4th Mo InfSLMC
AltnowWilliamCo H, 2nd Minn InfSLMC
AltnowWilliamCo H, 2nd MN InfSUVCW
AlversonH BCo A, 147th Ill InfSLMC
AmadonDaniel RPvtCo A, 32nd Wis InfSLMC
AmenFrancis MPvtCo H, 148th Ill InfSLMC
AmermanAlbertCplCo I, 37th WI InfSUVCW
AmeyAmasCo H, 33rd Ill InfSLMC
AmickM JCo B, 36th Ill InfSLMC
AmmermanAlbertCplCo I, 37th Wis InfSLMC
AmmondGeo RCo F, 2nd Iowa CavSLMC
AmmonsHenry JSgtCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AmsteinEmilSgtCo F, 6th Wis InfSLMC
AmySimonPvtCo I, 83rd Pa InfSLMC
AndersGeorgePvtCo I, 14th Ill InfSLMC
AndersonA JCo K, 16th Mo CavSLMC
AndersonAlexander J1st US Mechanics & Fusiliers, 56th Ill InfSLMC
AndersonAmosPvt, Co B, 53rd IN Inf; Cpl, Co C, 50th IN InfASLF
AndersonAmosCW Vet?SLMC
AndersonAndrewSeamanUS NavySLMC
AndersonAndrewPvtCo K, 6th Calif Vol InfSLMC
AndersonCalvinPvtCo D, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
AndersonCalvinCo D, 2nd WI CavSUVCW
AndersonCharlesCo G, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AndersonChasCo K, 1st Iowa CavSLMC
AndersonElijahConfed, No Carolina, CW Vet?SLMC
AndersonFCo H, 89th Ill InfSLMC
AndersonGeorge WCo I, 114th Ill InfSLMC
AndersonGeorge WPvtCo G, 27th Ill InfSLMC
AndersonGeorge WPvtCo K, 92nd Ill InfSLMC
AndersonGeorge WCo K, 92nd IL InfSUVCW
AndersonHenry CCo C, 72nd Ind InfSLMC
AndersonJamesCW Vet?SLMC
AndersonJames APvtCo K, 16th Mo InfSLMC
AndersonJames CCo D, 1st Ill CavSLMC
AndersonJames PCo E, 4th Ky InfSLMC
AndersonJeromeDrummer49th Wis InfSLMC
AndersonJessie FranklinCo C, 39th Mo InfSLMC
AndersonJohnPvtCo C, 1st Ill LtArtSLMC
AndersonJohnUS Navy, "Mahongo"SLMC
AndersonJoseph GPvtCo K, 30th Ohio InfSLMC
AndersonLeviCW Vet?SLMC
AndersonLeviSgtCo G, 12th Mo CavSLMC
AndersonMCo A, 1st Dak CavSLMC
AndersonM MCo M, Mo St Mil CavSLMC
AndersonMichaelCo A, 1st Dakota CavSUVCW
AndersonOlafUS Navy, Stmr "Jamestown"SLMC
AndersonOlafUS Navy, USS JamestownSUVCW
AndersonP RCW Vet?SLMC
AndersonRobertCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AndersonRobertCo C, 19th US Inf, 1st BattSLMC
AndersonS PCo B, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AndersonSyver ACo B, 15th Wis InfSLMC
AndersonThomasCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AndersonThomas BPvtCo I, 49th Wis InfSLMC
AndersonThomas McArthurCaptain12th US InfSLMC
AndersonThomas ShermanSgtCo C, 12th Mo CavSLMC
AndersonW ACo H, 11th Mo InfSLMC
AndersonW CCW Vet?SLMC
AndersonW LPvtCo C, 2nd Wis InfSLMC
AndersonWilliamCo H, 1st Wash InfSLMC
AndersonWilliamPvtCo K, 1st Conn HvArtSLMC
AndersonWm RCo C, 99th Pa InfSLMC
AndrewMosesCo E, 9th MO St Mil CavSUVCW
AndrewW GCo D, 5th ME InfSUVCW
AndrewsAsaCo A, 19th MeSLMC
AndrewsAsa (II)SgtCo A, 19th MA InfSUVCW
AndrewsDavid PCo E, 1st Calif CavSLMC
AndrewsF VCW Vet?SLMC
AndrewsHenry CCo C, 72nd Ind InfSLMC
AndrewsJohn WCo H, 7th Wis InfSLMC
AndrewsLeigh RCo M, 2nd IL LtArtSUVCW
AndrewsLeigh RichmondPvtCo M, 2nd Ill LtArtSLMC
AndrewsLelandPvtCo A, CW Vet?SLMC
AndrewsLouisCo B, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AndrewsLuther MSurgeon47th Ill InfSLMC
AndrewsLuther M (Dr)Asst Surg47th IL InfSUVCW
AndrewsMartin VPvtCo A, 19th Me InfSLMC
AndrewsMartin VCo A, 1st ME HvArtSUVCW
AndrewsS LCo H, 124th Ind InfSLMC
AndrewsSidneyPvtCo B, 9th Mo CavSLMC
AndrewsT OCo B, 1st Mich CavSLMC
AndrewsTruman CPvtCo K, 143rd Pa InfSLMC
AndrewsW GCo F, 20th Iowa InfSLMC
AndrewsWebster GCo B, 5th Minn InfSLMC
AndrewsWilliam LPvtCo C, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
AndrewsWilliam LCplCo C, 2nd WI CavSUVCW
AndrewsWm BPvtCo A, 124th Ohio InfSLMC
AndrusCalvin DSgtCo C, 23rd Wis InfSLMC
AndrusDwight RCo B, 22nd Mich InfSLMC
AndrusHerman ECplCo B, 50th NY EngnrsSUVCW
AndrusT CCo K, 143rd PA InfSUVCW
AndrusWallace R1st Lt16th Conn InfSLMC
AndrussSimonCo G, 46th Mo InfSLMC
AngellW CCo C, 10th R I InfSLMC
AngusGilbert Fisher1st SgtCo C, 9th N Y HvArtSLMC
AnnansWm WPvtCo I, 9th Iowa InfSLMC
AnsonGeorgePvtCo L, 1st Iowa CavSLMC
AnsonJosephPvtCo E, 5th Iowa CavSLMC
AnsorgeAlfred EhrenfredPvtCo E, 16th Mass InfSLMC
AnspaughBenjamin FPvtCo A, 5th OH CavASLF
AnspaughNoahCo K, 1st Mo CavSLMC
AnthonyAbram PSgtCo G, 13th Ill InfSLMC
AnthonyJosephPvtCo B, 5th Mo InfSLMC
AntrimJohn WesleyCo A, 48th Ohio InfSLMC
ApgarGeorge WPvtCo D, 8th OH InfASLF
ApgerGeorge WPvtCo G, 188th Ohio InfSLMC
AppersonAlbert JeffersonIndian Wars 1855-56ASLF
AppersonAlbert JeffersonCW Vet?SLMC
AppersonJacob RCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AppersonJohn SCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AppersonJohn T1st LtCo F, 1st OR CavSUVCW
AppertonJohn T1st LtCo E, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ApplegateA HCo G, 16th Ill InfSLMC
ApplegateAlbert2nd LtCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ApplegateAlbert2nd LtCo K, 1st OR InfSUVCW
ApplegateDaniel W2nd LtCo H, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ApplegateDaniel W2nd LtCo H, 1st OR InfSUVCW
ApplegateDavidCo F, 8th Kans InfSLMC
ApplegateEliasPvtCo E, 107th Ill InfSLMC
ApplegateElisha LCW Vet?SLMC
ApplegateHenry C1stLt/Qtrmstr, 11th MO InfSUVCW
ApplegateJamesCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ApplegateJohnPvtCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ApplegateJohnCo K, 1st OR InfSUVCW
ApplegateSylvanusPvtCo E, 64th OH InfASLF
ApplegateSylvenusCW Vet?SLMC
ApplegateW H HCo K, 1st Ore InfSLMC
ApplegateWm ECW Vet?SLMC
ApplewhiteJames MosesConfed, Co K, 11th MS InfSUVCW
ApplingtonNathan WCpl3rd Iowa LtArtSLMC
ArbegreshJacobCW Vet?SLMC
ArbengtonAntonCo F, 3rd IL CavSUVCW
ArbogastGeorge BPvtCo F, 41st Ill InfSLMC
ArbogastHenry HarmonPvtCo F, 116th Ill InfSLMC
ArbogastJacobPvtCo F, 131st PA InfASLF
ArbuckleBenson BaldwinCo G, 95th Ill InfSLMC
ArbuckleSamuel ACplCo I, 29th US Colored Troops InfSLMC
ArchboldAlston CCo A & B, 25th Ohio CavSLMC
ArchboldAlston O2nd LtCo A, 25th OH CavSUVCW
ArcherJohnCo I, 22nd Iowa InfSLMC
ArchibaldJames APvtCo I, 78th Pa InfSLMC
ArchibaldJames ACo I, 78th PA InfSUVCW
ArdenLymanCo G, 4th Mich InfSLMC
ArledgeDavidPvtCo A, 47th Ill InfSLMC
ArmansW WCo I, 9th Iowa CavSLMC
ArmentroutJonathanPvtCo H, 100th Ind InfSLMC
ArmentroutJonathanCo H, 100th IN InfSUVCW
ArmsF JCo D, 153rd NY InfSUVCW
ArmstrongCW Vet?SLMC
ArmstrongAbner EYakima Indian WarASLF
ArmstrongAbner ECW Vet?SLMC
ArmstrongCyrusCo D, 15th Iowa InfSLMC
ArmstrongCyrus VCo D, 15th IA InfSUVCW
ArmstrongF MCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
ArmstrongJames WCo F, 6th Mich HvArtSLMC
ArmstrongLeviCW Vet?SLMC
ArmstrongLewis ECo M, 2nd Neb CavSLMC
ArmstrongLewis ESgtCo M, 2nd NE CavSUVCW
ArmstrongSamuelPvtCo B, 33rd Wis InfSLMC
ArmstrongSamuelCo B, 33rd WI InfSUVCW
ArmstrongWilliamCW Vet?SLMC
ArmstrongWilliamPvtCo I, 23rd Ill InfSLMC
ArmstrongWilliam BPvtCo E, 86th Ill InfSLMC
ArmstrongWilliam DCW Vet, US SoldierSLMC
ArmstrongWilliam JPvtCo F, 184th N Y VolsSLMC
ArmstrongWilliam WPvtCo D, 90th N J InfSLMC
ArmstrongWm ECo E, 147th N Y InfSLMC
ArndtSamuelCplCo F, 38th Pa MilSLMC
ArneWilliam HamiltonCo A, 9th N Y ArtSLMC
ArnellJohnPvtCo D, 15th IowaSLMC
ArnetJames SCo D, 18th IA InfSUVCW
ArnettGeorgeCo I, WA Terr InfSUVCW
ArnoldA MCo E, 1st Conn CavSLMC
ArnoldA MCo E, 1st CT CavSUVCW
ArnoldAlbert HCo H, 1st Pa CavSLMC
ArnoldBenjamin LeaCaptainConfed, Espes Co, VA HvArtSUVCW
ArnoldCharles EPvtCo A, 8th Ind CavSLMC
ArnoldFrancis MPvtCo D, 48th IA InfASLF
ArnoldFrancis MCW Vet?SLMC
ArnoldFrederick KCo F, 49th Mass InfSLMC
ArnoldG DCo G, 68th Ohio InfSLMC
ArnoldIsaacCo H, 51st Ill InfSLMC
ArnoldJob NPvtCo F, 4th Minn InfSLMC
ArnoldJob NSgtCo F, 4th MN InfSUVCW
ArnoldJohnCW Vet?SLMC
ArnoldJoseph WCplCo H, 9th Kans VolsSLMC
ArnoldNumaPvtCo F, 2nd Wis CavSLMC
ArnoldNumaCo F, 2nd WI CavSUVCW
ArnoldThomasCo A, 58th Ill InfSLMC
ArnoldUriah KCplCo F, 7th PA InfASLF
ArnoldUriah KCW Vet?SLMC
ArnoldWilliamCW Vet?SLMC
ArnotAndrew JCo A, 45th Pa InfSLMC
ArnottJ BCo C, 56th N Y InfSLMC
ArquetteMichaelPvtOlney's Indpt Ore Cav CoSLMC
ArthaudChristianPvtCo I, 25th IA InfASLF
ArthaudChristianCW Vet?SLMC
ArthaudChristianCo I, 25th IA InfSUVCW
ArthurDavid B1st LtCo I, 20th Wis InfSLMC
ArthurDavid B1st LtCo I, 20th WI InfSUVCW
ArthurEli CPvtCo E or F, 40th Mo InfSLMC
ArthursBenjaminCplCo B, 77th Pa InfSLMC
ArtlandChristianCo I, 25th IowaSLMC
ArveyJohn WPvtCo E, 3rd Md CavSLMC
AshDavidPvtCo H, 1st or 5th Calif InfSLMC
AshJoseph SCo F, 19th Ohio InfSLMC
AshLewisPvtCo D, 4th Calif InfSLMC
AshLewisCo D, 4th CA InfSUVCW
AshbaughACo K, 12th Kans InfSLMC
AshbaughAndreDrummerCo G, 114th Ohio InfSLMC
AshbyBladenCo K, 8th Iowa InfSLMC
AshbyElmer KCW Vet?SLMC
AsherWilliam MCo F, 49th Ky InfSLMC
AshleyAtkinsonCo C, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AshleyGeo FCo K, 192nd N YSLMC
AshleyGeorge WCo A, 1st Ore CavSLMC
AshleyMilton MCo D, 6th Kans CavSLMC
AshleyMilton MCo D, 5th KS CavSUVCW
AskewTheophilus APvtCo D, 99th Ill InfSLMC
AspinallJobPvtCo M, 11th IL CavASLF
AspinallJobCo M, 11th IL InfSUVCW
AspinallJosephCW Vet?SLMC
AtchisonG PCo K, 143rd Ill InfSLMC
AtchleyGeorge WCo D, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AtheyMorrison CCo E, 1st Ore InfSLMC
AtkesonGarland BCW Vet?SLMC
AtkinsJohnBuglerCo E, 3rd Mo CavSLMC
AtkinsJohnBuglerCo E, 3rd MO CavSUVCW
AtkinsonJ LCW Vet?SLMC
AtkinsonJamesCo E, 2nd W Va CavSLMC
AtkinsonJamesCo E, 2nd WV CavSUVCW
AtkinsonJewett DCo H, 47th Iowa InfSLMC
AtkinsonJewett DCo H, 47th IA InfSUVCW
AtkinsonMelvinPvtCo K, 4th Mo CavSLMC
AtteberryJames ECo H, 122nd Ill InfSLMC
AtterburyNorman PPvtConfed, Co H, 8th Mo InfSLMC
AttigGeorgeCo F, 77th IL InfSUVCW