Please Support GFO

Please help us cover our operating expenses to deliver another year of excellence in advancing genealogy!

Member dues cover only 65% of our expenses.

The GFO is 100% volunteer.
No paid staff.
No paid fundraisers.

Please help GFO have another successful year by donating now.

Two ways to donate:  Online or by mail.


  • Fill in the form below, then click on the Donate Now button.  This page is encrypted to keep your information safe.

By Mail:

  • Download the donation form and mail your gift.  You'll save GFO the bank processing fees and make every penny count!



If you prefer to mail in a donation, 

please use this Donation Form.

Be sure your donation is postmarked

by December 31 for a 2024 deduction!

We have raised $35,853.00 of our $32,000.00  goal.

Please give now. Support the GFO in 2024-2025.

Here is my tax deductible Annual Appeal donation:
Enter whole number in this format, e.g. 1000 or 10. Do not use the $ symbol, commas, or decimals. Credit card donations must be $10 or more to cover fees.
For the GFO Annual Report, list my gift as:
in Honor of / in Memorial to
I'd like my donation...
Enter the name of the person being honored or memorialized below:
NOTE: Please indicate in the field above if the gift is in honor of or in memory of someone. Named gifts are published annually in the Bulletin. Please limit each gift to one individual, family, or other entity such as a group or organization. The GFO does not trade, sell, or, otherwise share donors' information.
Estate Planning

The GFO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
All contributions are tax-deductible Federal Tax ID 93-6026015

Credit Card Information
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover

Visa®, MasterCard® & Discover® cardholders
Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

American Express® cardholders
Your security code is the 4-digit code located above the actual credit card number on your card's front.

Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged